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Posts posted by Angela

  1. The thing is I only see one donation receipt and it's for a donation they acknowledged (500.00). The real blow would have been the receipt for the ball donation.

    SOD, at the moment, appears to be behaving shady-like - why remove the praise Nene, side-swipe Kenya letter if it wasn't inaccurate?


    Her text says "as well," which, if it's valid, means they were acknowledging to her that she gave more than just her donation.

    Yeah, but I do wish she also showed the receipt for the bigger donation.

    I wonder what's Nene's point in bringing up that the party happened in September 2013 (on Twitter)? None of the texts read to me like they were supposed to be from before the party.

  2. Ring, set-up. The set up I saw was that Kyle knew that Carlton would reject it in all likelihood and was drooling for an opportunity to make Carlton look irrational about her hatred towards her. That doesn't really bother me since Carlton does have an irrational hatred of Kyle. Most of her current issue with Kyle was due to a dream she had that Kyle was talking about her.

    I really didn't get the point of "it doesn't match." So? It was confusing on several levels: 1) why Lisa felt the need to throw herself in the middle of it 2) why some of the ladies took that weird note as malicious behavior rather than a confusing and completely unnecessary observation.

    I'm not surprised that Kyle isn't jumping at the opportunity to be Lisa's first in line. I think deep down she's a lot like Lisa and once you betray her it's hard to really come back from that. You become totally about necessity or the lack of, not anything deeper. Also there's the fact that Kyle has wanted to take Lisa down from the Queen setting from season 2 or 3.

    I agree with Cat on Yolanda. IMO, it was definitely a case of Yolanda making a blunt observation about Lisa and Kyle and Kim spinning it into something bigger to try to divide and conquer. Yolanda does not "appreciate" Lisa but it wasn't on the level that it is this season until this season started taping.

  3. Oh please. Brandi bitching about Scheana is old. Build a bridge and get over that bish. If she wants to keep bringing up Scheana/that being why she hates Lisa then Lisa should bring up Cedric. Lisa didn't care for him and Brandi hasn't stop being friends with him. Get over the affair already because everyone else has.

    Did Cedric f--k Ken and help destroy Lisa's marriage which two young children were a part off? Get over it, my left butt cheek.

    That said, I haven't seen Brandi bringing Cedric around Lisa period.

    Lisa has no reason - beyond catering to her bosses for profit - to keep on bringing Scheana around to non-restaurant dinners and to try to get Brandi and Schea to have scenes together.

    Also did Cedric and Brandi reunite since Cedric said this about their relationship in 2011?

    ***Earlier in Season 2, Cedric’s name came up when new cast member Brandi Glanville was introduced as a friend of his from their “old modeling days,” which made Lisa not like her.

    "I met Brandi for the first time in January,” Cedric says. “Brandi made sure we got ‘caught’ by the press on our way out of the restaurant. She used me. She got what she wanted and then tossed me aside like yesterday’s news.”***

  4. Yolanda, the real ice queen of Beverly Hills, is on point on the whole Lisa yo-yo thing with Kyle/Mauricio: so Kyle and Mauricio are suddenly peachy after all the insistence's that they weren't AND if there has been a realization that you were wrong about them why hasn't there been an effort to retract?

    I do think Yolanda and Brandi are kind of nit-picking with Lisa though. Yes, Lisa likes you better when you're doing her bidding and not too much trouble - but it's not like she's malicious UNLESS you really get on her wrong side (Kyle last season). I think she can be malicious but I don't think she is malicious in general. I guess in both Yolanda and Brandi's cases the ladies considered her a closer friend than they feel she had been - not visiting a sick Yolanda, Sheana/VR decisions. I see how that can be annoying, but I don't get the intense desire to make her feel as bad as possible for being a "Hollywood friend." I get why Kyle or Kim (who Lisa really does talk down to a lot) would have the desire to show her as a "fraud," but not so much Yolanda and Brandi.

  5. They didn't have a beef. EVERYBODY had a reason to be this mad at Kenya EXCEPT Nene. The only reason Nene is mad is because she is jealous of Kenya and feels like her Queen Bee status is in question. I had no idea it would be this obvious.

    Yep. Kenya was Team Nene hardcore until Nene tossed out a huge a-- grenade at Kenya at the "pajama party." Kenya did little to nothing to provoke that OTT and sudden hatred. It comes down to jealousy. Nene deep down realizes [Nene is a] not-in-demand Hollywood actress, that combined with a few people paying more attention to Kenya than to her - and Nene goes boom. Self-destruct.

  6. Out of all the things Nene's severe case of bloated-head caused me to do this season, I don't think I can ever forgive her for this one: making me completely agree with Peter on something.

    Going to the CHARITY event and acting like that?

    Marlo going for Nene's wig next week and Nene making a run for it. Love.

    Nene is so f*ckin' stupid. Kenya played her like a fiddle, and Nene fell for it like a fool. Kenya is dismantling Nene episode by episode. It's truly genius. That's how you take down a foe.

    Kenya isn't that smart, at least that's the vibe I get from the reunions. I think a lot of Kenya's success in dismantling Nene is accidental and the rest is on Nene's bitch-assedness (to borrow a phrase from Nene).

  7. What they don't realize is that they only build Lisa up more when they make these attacks, and it's a bizarre attack in the first place. Oh, Lisa was once bankrupt - if anything that would humanize Lisa and Ken to people, if it were true.

    I don't think Brandi said it to put her down for being in bad financial situation or for living in a less fortunate zip code, though. I think she said it to put her down for what she sees as her need to always project the perfect image incapable of failure or flaw. She was basically bashing her for not being an annoying whiner (like Brandi herself) about pitfalls in her life.

    I think the truth about the origins of this information is somewhere in the middle: Kyle probably said some stuff. Brandi probably spun what she heard in her typical careless way.

  8. Blaming Production.

    It's an iffy line.

    Production clearly makes strong suggestions.

    That said, meh.

    If any of these chicks didn't really want something done, IMO, it wouldn't be done. Or it wouldn't be done as much. Look at Yolanda,ice queen is just doing whatever the f--k she wants in terms of attendance at group events, etc.

  9. Did anyone get offended when Blandi Whoreville had the nerve to call Kenya ashy face and a whore, along with Jenny McCarthy's easy bake oven ass ask if Kenya was a man on the low on WWHL? And go back and listen to Jenny murmur. She throws mad shade too. I just found those comments to be real suspect. And Brandi needs to stick to BH b/c she's not ready for the women of the A. They'll eat that ass up and have her distraught for real.

    When did the whore comment happen? (If she said it, glass-house & throwing stones)

    I'm Team Kenya but I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought more than once that her make-up regiment could use help. Kenya also has a rather masculine look, a lot of beautiful women do.

    Wait, Stassi won't be back next season? That's a shame. She's the only one on the show who can string an interesting VT together.

    VR without evil, homicidal-ish Stassi? WTF?

  10. Hmm...

    Even without it being put out how it was tonight, I did feel like Lisa was using Brandi as her pit-bull - against Adrienne and to a much lesser extent Kyle - in past seasons. I didn't feel she was USING her in the complete way Brandi now feels Lisa was using her. Brandi is under the impression their entire relationship was a manipulative Lisa using her as a servant of her majesty's agenda. I don't think that's true. Friends like their friends to dislike their enemies. They like their friends even more when they ride hard for them on that point. It's natural. We've seen Brandi pushing away Lisa's "mothering" almost the entire season and, now, Brandi is putting their strain all on Lisa? I know Yolanda, who is not loving Brandi, feels the same way (re: Lisa is in the wrong) - I don't know. I guess they were closer to the action.

    I'm getting Brandi's current issue with Joyce more now after seeing the lull in their relationship and noting some of the scenes with Joyce bashing Brandi hardcore were taped after the season had wrapped for the most part.

  11. The girls have a blame Kenya and obey Nene mentality. Nene could beat up somebody in front of all of them and the majority of them would somehow put all the blame on Kenya even though she wasn't even on the scene. Them all blaming Kenya means nothing. Props to slow Porsha for sticking to the facts and not letting her poor relationship with Kenya stand in the way of those facts.

    Kenya likes stirring the pot, don't get me wrong but high and mighty Nene is just as bad and oft-times worst.

  12. There's nothing wrong if Lisa filed for bankruptcy and lived on the poorer side of town. Brandi is an idiot for sharing this information like it warranted any attention. The only reason it would warrant attention is if it's inaccurate information. What's the point in whining about Lisa not whining about financial stresses she faced? Whoever said it's equivalent to bringing up that Lisa doesn't own the entirety of her restaurants is completely right. It's also inaccurate information according to Lisa. I don't hate Brandi at all but her continuing to pointlessly put her smelly feet in her mouth just because she can is getting old. Idiocy is not a good look.

    Kyle looks fabulous in those photos.

    Kim looks hot! Carlton looks human. The dream team look meh. What is happening to the world?

    Superlative Boyce is right, "more like a nightmare."

  13. I can't read Kyle re:reunions. She always has the same type of reaction which is "it was crazy (but I love my job)."

    Brandi seemed to have a bad reunion. Called it the longest day of her life and cried unc...mommy, daddy and gaygent. Like Kyle, though, that's sort of her typical after-reunion reaction.

    Joyce called it a long day, too, but added that she wished that "we" could see all of the reunion.

    Andy at midnight eastern time: Oh LORD we JUST wrapped #RHOBHReunion - it is a DOOZY. very emotional.

  14. I love Yolanda's blog but nobody made her reveal her daughter was sick. Damn anyone else's opinion it was nobody's business why she canceled dinner with Brandi.

    Seriously. There was and continued to be no reason to bring it up. It doesn't make Brandi look bad as much as it makes Yolanda look extremely pressed about her image. Pressed enough that SHE put her daughters ailment in the middle of the road multiple times rather unnecessarily.

    Looks like Porsha - or whatever her name is - may be pregnant. If so ... even more reunion gold.



    Just don't make that reference in front of Kyle. wink.png


  15. Carlton is even more irrational about Kyle than Brandi is (or was) irrational about Joyce ... and that's pretty friggin' irrational. I wish Kyle hadn't thrown out that anti-semitic comment though. I've laughed at Carlton's irrational reaction to Kyle more often than not but her hating on Kyle for a dream of Kyle being mean? Gurl, sit your behind down.

    Reading the blogs, now:

    Lisa is poking at Kyle in her Lisa-like way. She's basically saying under her breath that Carlton is right about Kyle. She clearly doesn't like Kyle bringing up whatever the crap that nipple stuff is. She also defends her Scheana actions. My opinion is, when she gets along with Brandi, Lisa probably doesn't have more than 5 parties a year she invites Brandi to that need catering; the Scheana help is unnecessary at those parties. I'm not sure who I should blame for Lisa continuously doing that - production, Lisa, or both. The bigger WTF in all that was Lisa telling Brandi to have small talk with Scheana about her engagement? Huh? Production, Lisa, Both?

    Brandi bitches about Lisa and the Scheana stuff. On the topic of Carlton and Kyle? Brandi says Kyle has never trash talked Carlton to her. She really likes Carlton and she finally is getting along with Kyle; doesn't want to get in the middle of that.

    Yolanda bitches about Brandi and Lisa. She says she and Brandi haven't done more than shared texts in 5 months so she couldn't answer Andy's question with an affirmative answer. She also reveals her daughter has a disease and claims Brandi "forced" her hand to reveal that by bringing up the cancelled dinner. Pfft. Moving on, she bitches about none of the women having the balls to stand up to Lisa. She discusses Lisa throwing Kyle and Mauricio under the bus so much last season for what was, more or less, Mauricio doing his job and then Lisa decides to toss Brandi aside because she's having a rough patch and go back to Kyle. She's disappointed Kyle didn't ask for an apology before walking back into that relationship. Yolanda believes that she - unlike Lisa - can admit she's wrong. She says she thinks Lisa is a really fun person to hang with though, lol.

    I didn't read Joyce's blog but she appears to be calling Carlton some superlatives this week. Joyce uses superlatives a lot

    Kyle bitches about Carlton but regrets using the term anti-semitic. She doesn't get why Carlton hates her so much. In the heat of the moment, the thought crossed her mind.

  16. Finally, watched RHOA's Sunday episode.

    Nene. Nene. Nene. -itch itching and scratching to start that commotion then going off on Kenya for causing it? Pfft. I was indifferent towards her with a lean towards like but now I think I've moved my bags to dislike.

    Kenya didn't charge anybody. She was walking towards the chick, she wasn't racing to pull weave.

    Apollo ... the other big -itch at the event. Kenya read that a-- right. Definitely looked like he was reliving a prison rape attempt. Meh, he's going to need the practice, I guess.

  17. I still can't believe how far the trio have fallen. And each week has brought hint after hint after hint of what's coming. And I am trying my best to reserve judgment until it plays out onscreen, but I am wondering how major it is going to be that goes down.

    Who could have imagined this downfall? This trio all basically "dislike" each other. Is Kyle a witch? lol (<-- this probably was her dream last season)

    Yolanda thinks Lisa is a fake friend and doesn't want to be associated closely with Brandi (because she is a liability?)

    Brandi thinks Lisa is a nagging momma bear trying to ruin her life and is pissed Yolanda doesn't want to be associated with her

    Lisa thinks she's a do-gooder being misjudged by the naughty RHOBH masses including Brandi and Yolanda (and she is rubbing it in)

  18. Would YOU want to scream closeness with someone who just made jokes about child molestation? Brandi is a liability.

    If I was a judgmental ice queen constantly bitching about how this and that one aren't real friends, Bleep-YEAH, lol.

    The only reason I think Yolanda is safe is because they like her connections (through David Foster).

    This would be my thinking on who is safe in order from most safe to least:

    1. Kyle

    1. Lisa

    3. Brandi

    4. Yolanda

    4. Joyce

    6. Kim

    6. Carlton

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