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Posts posted by Angela

  1. Brandi's blog is up: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/blogs/brandi-glanville/brandis-10-second-fully-clothed

    Thank goodness for Yolanda setting these cackling hens straight. I told y'all Yolanda was gangster.

    I wasn't found naked in a bathroom in any way shape or form. I simply had a ten-second, fully clothed makeout session with a hot man. The only person that walked in was Lisa and she pulled me out of the bathroom by my ear like a good mum. (BTW I dated that hot man for six months after "bathroom gate". We are still close friends, in fact he is my real estate agent!)

    Listen if you're [Adrienne] going to go to someone else's party bring wine or at least your own brand of vodka -- don't bring tears. It's not your party and you can't cry if you want to. It was supposed to be a celebration of love, and sadly it turned into a pity party for a jealous unhappy woman.

    <-- But that's the way almost all parties end on RHoFillinTheCity.

  2. Faye may be generating buzz but I don't think its anything out of the ordinary for RHOBH. The show is still getting excellent ratings I believe and would still get them even if she weren't on this season.

    The ratings aren't really great in comparison to Atlanta and NJ especially now that they're ending the season with them up against DWTS. I don't know how these #'s stand in comparison to the other cities.

    Combined ratings for latest airings:

    2.514 (2 airings, 8-11), 1.3 BH

    5.493 (3 airings, 8-11), 2.5 Atlanta

  3. http://www.okmagazine.com/news/exclusive-join-ok-live-google-hangout-brandi-glanville-march-20th-get-details-here

    Brandi video interview with OK! Magazine:

    They brought up the Twitter, social media rage at Faye. Brandi said she kind of feels bad for Faye. She knows [Faye] regrets some of what she said. She's heard there's been death threats. She said Faye's a bitch. She doesn't deserve to die for being a bitch.

    They asked her what she feels makes a person a lady? She said she thinks it's what in the inside. She said she helped some guy jump-start his car earlier in the day and that made her feel good all day long. Some people would consider that un-lady-like. She added, shopping at Target doesn't mean you're not a lady.

    Reunion Tidbit? She said the girls go at Yolanda HARD and it's a little messed up due to Yolanda's current health issues. Yolanda is sometimes not remembering what she said a few minutes before. [brandi] says she steps up on Yolanda's behalf.

    Who does she want to return to Season 4? Yolanda and Lisa. She adds Kim and Kyle, too. She thinks their love/hate dynamic is great. She said the rest can go for all she cares. She added everybody can't get along or the show wouldn't be fun so they got to mix it up in the casting.

    Are Lisa & Yolanda setting her up with guys? Yes. She didn't seem hot for the last guy Lisa set her up with. She seemed to like the guy Yolanda set her up with BUT he's a musician and travels too much and she's not down with that.

    Kyle? She, Camille and Kyle are filming a movie spoof of the Hunger Games and Hangover (Hungover Games) ... they play the Housewives Tribe. She said during the fight scene Kyle really started to choke her so she really pulled her hair, lol <-- I think she's kidding.

  4. And I'm sorry but I don't want trout mouth a** Lisa Rinna to hold a diamond, peach, orange, apple, pina colada--or whatever they hold in Miami, or her hands on her hips like the skanks of RHONJ. Just no. She tries too hard for me.

    Uhm ... That!!!

    JP, still don't get the Kim rationalization because Kyle did hold a long, mean, "pitbull" sized grudge at Brandi. She did bring it up constantly. How many times did Kim and Kyle rehash Party Night like they were the victims? Kim has no reality-based leg to stand on in the department of the grudge Kyle held against Brandi for her and for Adrienne. Kyle was more vicious on Kim's behalf than she has been on Adrienne's behalf. Kim, Kyle and Brandi have sort of moved past the situation, on top of that. Kim's rationalization that Kyle should be bringing up what Brandi did to her period (first or third to last or whatever) remains ridiculous, at least IMO.

    I had to drop it bc of psycho ass Kelly and hateful ass Jill,

    Psycho Kelly was kind of fun though. Disturbing as well because she really appeared certifiable.

    I'll also agree that Faye's delivery of the Chanel line was stilted, as if she forgot the line mid-way through.

  5. Those first 4 are solid gold. I feel Kim is staying as an official HW. Taylor should be downgraded to friend. Goodbye to Camille and Adrienne. Faye causes just enough trouble as a friend. I'd bring in a potential friend of Kyle that's not Faye as an official Housewife.

  6. Yolanda's Blog: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/blogs/yolanda-h-foster/holding-marisa-responsible

    That lyme disease is kind of kicking her butt. I hope she'll be back despite it.

    "How cute were Lisa and Brandi in their robes? I would have much rather had massages with them, but I guess someone had to go and represent us and hold down the fort." <-- They're a clique. Yay. Really, they can't ever break up on-screen or I'll cry.

    She's such a mother lion:

    "Thank god I didn’t [get buzzed], because I needed every bit of my Lyme brain to function in order to understand what these adult women with their high school antics were trying to do, which was clearly throwing Brandi under the bus. Guess what, that ain’t gonna happen under my watch."

    "I saw how these Pit Bulls treated Brandi last year, and that ain’t going to happen as long as this sheriff is in town."

    Faye and being a lady:

    "The fact that Faye defines a woman by a Chanel bag is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. To be honest, I think it’s an insult to the intelligence of a woman!"

  7. New Brandi Interview. It's very long...

    Link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/kateaurthur/brandi-glanville-the-truth-teller-of-the-real-housewives-of

    The C word!

    You referred to the cast as "cunts" on The Howard Stern Show. Do you feel that way, or were you playing to the Stern audience?

    BG: I have felt that way in the past, for sure. Not all of them. But they can be a little bit c-wordy. I mean, if you've watched the show, you can see that element in some of them. Not all of them: Lisa doesn't have that, Yolanda doesn't have that. I think the rest of them have a little bit of it.

    Did you hear from any of them after that?

    BG: I got a mouthful from Lisa. Because she's just like, "You just can't use that word." It was right before the reunion. She was like, "What do you think it's going to be like?" I was like, "I don't know." The truth of the matter is, when you're on Howard Stern, you feel like you're in his living room talking to him, you don't feel like you're having an interview. So I was just speaking from the heart!

    That's in your heart.

    BG: Sorry, ladies!


    You also announced on Howard Stern what everyone's salaries are.

    BG: I got in big trouble.

    With Bravo?

    BG: I got yelled at by Chloe, by Andy, by Alex, by Dave, by the other Dave — everyone!

    I don't even know who most of those people are.

    BG: I have nothing to say on this subject!


    Do you like doing the show? It must take a lot out of a person.

    BG: You know what, I look at my life four years ago, and I had just gotten out of a messy relationship, a marriage. And I was super depressed. I didn't have an education, I didn't have a job, I didn't have any income. I was like, what the heck am I going to do? So to say that the show is hard, four years later — no, the show is easy. It's a blessing for me. I just have to deal with the c-words a lot. And I could do that all day long. Give me money, I will deal with these bitches. It's not a hard job to be yourself. Maybe you don't have amazing relationships outside of work — I mean, I see Lisa and Yolanda, and that's it. I don't feel the need to go out of my way, because I have a lot of other friends I love. And don't fight with.

    And are those friendships real? You can meet someone on a reality show and truly become friends?

    BG: Oh yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, time will tell. Because ultimately, everyone ends up fighting with everyone. And I don't fight with my girlfriends. So you never know what's going to happen next season: Lisa's going to strangle me, Yolanda's going to kick me when I fall over.

    She could kick you hard.

    BG: But definitely, we go out to dinners. We don't talk about the show; we talk about our lives. And that's a real friendship to me.

  8. Yup.

    I wonder if Taylor will just bow out gracefully or fight for her spot.

    Kim is def trying to earn her pay, lol.

    LOL, indeed.

    Kim is also going after Brandi at the reunion, too, right? I think I remember seeing that in the first clip posted in here. Oh, Kim. They must have put her on some good medication for lucidity and given her a great script. This is the good actress coming out of lil Ms. Richards.

    Taylor who? LOL, I hope they at least keep her as a friend if she continues to be on Team B/L/Y.

  9. Faye isnt someone people love to hate. Shes just someone people hate.

    And yeah, i think we all knew via blogs Sisters Richards would be going in on Yolanda. They must attack her, as she sided with Lisa and Brandi. namely Lisa, as I dont think Brandi is much of a factor to them in this. But still.

    Yeah, I really don't think Andy and Bravo would bring her in full time. He'll probably just give her a showing anytime he thinks Brandi or even Lisa needs to scrap a little (to add to the root-able underdog element). Faye causes enough trouble for these ladies just by existing and with Bravo ensuring she shows up a little too much.

    I thought some of the Yolanda/Richards thing would have happened on the actual non-reunion episodes. Maybe that will still be the case.

    I had doubts about this reunion being fun and those doubts have been put to rest.

    The preview clips of the reunion also have a feel of the women fighting over HBIC Lisa's "approval." "If I can't have her, you can't have her either." What a turn around if that is accurate. If they go after Yolanda harder than Brandi and Lisa, it's because they know public opinion and think Yolanda had the weakest base of the three. It's the divide and conquer technique and it'll backfire again.

  10. Andy was practically drooling over the Faye hate on Twitter on WWHL. Hopefully this doesn't mean he'll give her a diamond.

    Yeah, i am hoping that the promo is misleading and its more of "You got over what Brandi did to me, but you wont let go of this Adrianne issue?" ... however, i doubt that will be the case.

    I wish. My second response was after watching the longer clip at the Bravo site and that one is hard to misinterpret. It's pretty much like Eric said. Maybe Kim just has a lot of dead brain cells. IDK. I don't mind Kim harassing Kyle but this one is just stupid even if she had gone with the grudge angle. Kyle held a grudge. Kim did too. They both acted like they did nothing wrong at that party for the longest.

    WWHL showed a clip of Kim and Yolanda going at it hard at the reunion on the line Yolanda said about Lisa to Kim in Paris (about Lisa not being her friend). Kyle goes in hard too. They're going at it like they went at Brandi on Game Night except a little less ghetto. The whole back and forth though sort of reminded me of the girls harping on Brandi for saying "sued" and ignoring anything about the threatening letter part so they can win the argument by refusal to hear. Picking one statement and trying to rope and hang somebody with it. Andy mentioned Yolanda and Kim went at it HARDcore at the reunion.

    Kim and Brandi are friends although Kim will probably yell at Kyle to bring up how Brandi annihilated her for no reason the mostest, once again, ANYTIME Kyle and Brandi aren't seeing eye to eye over ... the weather, politics, Adrienne, the color of the moon, turtles versus lizards?

  11. Just watched the preview. So, once again, Kim is being ridiculous. I'm definitely Team Kyle on this.

    1. Kyle held a grudge against Brandi for what she said to Kim when it was the hot topic. She would defend Kim [and her own] righteous and unrighteous anger ferociously from what I remember.

    2. Brandi may have gotten the wrong drug - probably due to rage from all of the Richard-sister bullying that night - but the statement was accurate otherwise. At least Kyle has some sense she and her sister were bullying Brandi that night unlike Kim.

    3. They've moved on. Kim is getting along with Brandi. Brandi is getting along with Kim.

    4. They've moved on. Why on earth does Kim feel that Kyle is supposed to talk about Brandi like Faye does WHICH is to talk about her in the sense of trying to turn everybody against her? That's what Kim appears to want Kyle to do in this preview. "Why aren't you bringing up what Brandi did to Me? It should be about what Brandi did to Me? Remember what Brandi did to Me? You need to hold what Brandi did to ME against her for life and always bring up what Brandi did to Me first. ME, ME, ME!!!!" In this situation, Kyle feels Faye is wrong it appears but feels it's coming from a good place (she considers Adrienne a good friend & she probably does use Faye as her mouthpiece to a point). IT ISN'T ABOUT KIM. And, for the 18th time, the situation is in the past. Kyle and Kim punished Brandi. If anybody should have an issue with what Kyle is doing now, it is Lisa. Kyle is defending Faye and Adrienne but the trap stays shut for Lisa.

  12. The previews for next week are so intense! Look at the Kim vs Kyle one. My heart was breaking for Kim and she is SO RIGHT. Kyle just keeps going on and on about how Brandi hurt poor precious Adrienne "in addition" to Kim and its such bullsh*t. THIS IS YOUR FREAKING SISTER.

    It just disgusts me how she minimizes Kim and Kim's feelings. As Kim states she was really hurt by Brandi's attack that night at Game Night. Granted she had it comming but I can see how Kim probably took Brandi's words like a dagger straight to the heart.

    Yet all Kyle didn't seem to give two sh*ts about it when it was Brandi attacking her sister. But when Brandi attacks Kyle? OH NO! OH HELL to the naw! You leave precious Maloof Hoof alone! Its so wrong of Brandi to even say anything mean to Adrienne in addition to Kim....

    Didn't Kim and Kyle treat Brandi like ---- almost all of last season from the Glanville-piss in Kyle's garden through to lying to people about how that Game Night party went? Yeah, they did. Kyle doesn't take much that Brandi - or anybody for that matter - does lightly. She just uses other people to do the real dirty work for her most of the time. I don't see how one situation (Brandi calling Kim out last season) is relevant to the other (Adrienne versus Brandi this season). If Kim is calling Kyle out on that it's kind of ridiculous especially considering Brandi & Kim have made a lot of progress since then. Currently, Kyle's issue with Brandi is that a. Lisa likes Brandi better than her now and b. Brandi irritated one of her and her husband's biggest open wallets.

  13. I like Teresa ... but Kyle would have to lose 100 I.Q. points to be Teresa. I will concede Kyle will be a bit less popular with the other women next season. That said, this is Beverly Hills and not New Jersey so I just don't think the grudges will run that deep.


    Lisa and Brandi's (+ Ken's) massage session was hilarious. Lisa's comments when Giggy was getting comfortable between Brandi's legs? Bwahah.

    I love the way Yolanda continues to call the b-tches out left and right about the gossip and game-playing.

    I was hoping somebody would throw Faye into the pool in that last scene. Where's Teresa when you need her?

    Marissa? I can't even really be mad at her. It was a try hard (to-get-a-diamond) move - she threw a piece of meat in to the wolves and kind of ran a little back to see the damage she had done. I can sort of understand her being irritated by the women calling her out on the way she treats her husband in public even though she brings it on herself.

    Camille? Uhm, you can go away now.

    I love Brandi but her going on about Paul and Adrienne's marriage here and there was a bit obnoxious. I'm okay when it's facts; speculation on the other hand? Nah.

  14. Yeah, it was supposed to be a real-life take on Desperate Housewives, which has turned into a bunch of "wives"/groups of women reality shows across so many cable networks. It's crazy

    Wow, OC was the original. I had thought for a while it was NY for some reason. Desperate Housewives birthed Real Housewives of Orange County on Bravo which feels like it birthed about 20-25% of the reality television programs on television today.

    This episode did signify the reason I love Kandi. Yes, she may talk some ish behind bitches backs, but she's not about the drama. Kenya goes off and starts foaming at the mouth, running around talking about back entrances, and instead of getting hyped Kandi just rolls her eyes and is like "whatever". It only made Kenya look more crazy and I loved it.

    Although I didn't like her at the time, Kenya started this season so cool and bitchy but now she does seem cray-cray. She's way too high maintenance and emotional ... and even soft. She's usually the first to apologize. She just seems a mess.

    BH girls filming a part in some movie today:


  15. Didn't Brittney Allen look as if she had potential when she first debuted? I recall she and Krystal were in a jail cell.. and Marissa was being very snarky and standing up for herself by quoting certain laws/statues? I thought that she was interesting.. but then devolved into a mindless dolt later on. Only when she was nearing the end of her stint that she finally got some fire especially when she went off on David for faking his death.

    I remember the potential. I think we were all looking forward to her finding out that Krystal sold her for a box of condoms but then her reaction was so blah. It was never the same again from that moment.

  16. Bless you. LOL I love when y'all post these GIFS.

    The editing was glorious on that scene. Cheap, you rock. I thought Dana was lighting her cigarette with the liquor, but Ragan from BB - while dissing Dana - said that was a candle. Can you even light a cigarette with liquor?

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