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Posts posted by Angela

  1. Joyce put on her blog that when she gave her toast in Spanish Brandi told her shut the f-ck up this isn't Miami.

    I'm pretty sure I heard Brandi say something close to "speak in English, this isn't Miami" on last nights episode. Brandi is pretty much almost always shading Joyce's ethnicity. BRAVO has been practically showing every single time she's done it IMO.

    Sh-t Stain will be here for the long haul. Hopefully she is downgraded to a friend.

    You guys are haters wink.png Leave Kim and her dog and her squirrels alone.

  2. Kyle is calculating. This is same woman that unleashed Fayded Glory on us and used her to attack Camille, Lisa, and Brandi. Kyle knows what she's doing, and she knows that Brandi is do dumb and thirsty, she'll do anything to be top dog; however Brandi fails to realize that once Kyle uses her to bring Lisa down a peg, Kyle will quickly toss her aside.

    I said she is. I don't feel Brandi's thirsty for top dog position at all as much as she talks bs. Kyle is. Brandi is thirsty to keep her job.

    I completely disagree. I dont see how Joyce is like Kyle. Joyce is harmless and innocent. Kyle is very calculating and has ulterior motives. Even if one were to say she's like Kyle, she would be more like Kyle Lite, then 10000 times like her.

    Joyce is what Kyle would be if Kyle wasn't calculating. So, uhm, thank you for being calculating Kyle? LOL. Joyce is also comparable to Porscha (on her first Season) on RHOA except even less interesting.

    Y'know, I'd much rather prefer a silly drunk (Taylor) than a mean drunk. If Brandi had beef with Joyce behind the camera, her best revenge would've been to make no issue of it on camera. This lil feud is the only source of relevancy for Joyce.

    So much truth. If you want her to disappear, stop handing her the little bit of relevancy she has on the show on a silver platter you friggin IDIOT. Joyce ain't even really fishing for it from Brandi, at least initially.

  3. As for the Kim/Lisa I actually found myself agreeing with Kim. Sometimes Lisa does come across dismissive towards Kim and I really don't think its right

    Kim has been spot on a lot this season.

    It was unusual in a great way that she didn't want to really do a preaching sound bite on Brandi's drinking.

    Brandi . . . Girl bye. I'm praying this is her last season because I refuse for s5 to be about her fixing her relationships with Joyce & Lisa.

    The thought of any story surrounding Joyce in Season 5? No. Just no.

    I'm fine with Brandi coming back for Season 5 if Season 4 Brandi is gone. I get why other people wouldn't be. She's coming off really hateful of Joyce's ethnicity and that's majorly f--ked up. That said, her children are Latin. Maybe she's taking out her hate of Eddie on a Latin person she don't know that well? She kind of reminds me of my mother in a way in that particular way. If this isn't all an act there are some interesting dynamics going on there. Brandi does become an a--hole when you put alcohol in front of her. There's this motherly vibe between Lisa and Brandi and Brandi pulling away from Lisa feels like when a young adult rebels against their mom but still loves their mom. From Lisa's side too, at least so far. I honestly feel like Brandi feels like she's been Lisa's bitch and that's the way Lisa wants it. She feels like Lisa has been using her. I don't feel that's an accurate assessment although I do feel Lisa is a bit "ready for TV."

    Secondly, Kyle being calculating. From start to finish, that tramp was putting in work to switch Brandi over to her side. From helping looking for Chica to the limo ride--Kyle was putting in work to flip Blandi, because her antics are becoming bland, on Lisa and we all know it works.

    I don't blame Kyle for flipping Brandi. Maybe I should somewhat? IDK. Brandi obviously got the impression Lisa was pulling her strings and we have Kyle mentioning how different Brandi is when she isn't around Lisa on every episode. Kyle probably did pass that observation along to Brandi.

    I do find it odd Kyle clearly wants Brandi on her side even over the prospect of Lisa taking (Kyle) back. I guess you can't underestimate her jealousy of Lisa "taking her position."

    I feel like Kyle doesn't know how not to be calculating. I don't think she does it on purpose. It's just who she is.

  4. Did you read her Facebook post where she basically claimed Joyce is out to get her?

    Yes. She's a mess. Brandi is a straight out bitch to her and pretty much makes fun of her race and ethnicity when she's striking out at her, what does she want from her for what she gives to her? Joyce, as boring and unnecessary as she is, is basically calling a spade a spade especially in terms of Brandi becoming a really stupid bitch especially when she drinks.

  5. Brandi's really really testing me...so is Yolanda.

    Never thought I'd agree with Kim and Kyle. Hell even Lisa sorta tiptoed to the edge of being rude

    Pretty much.

    Brandi just says what she wants - no matter what - then cries victim. What's off-putting about it this season besides her doing it every other second IS that she just seems so darn messy. I don't know it it's the drinking or that she's trying too hard to hog air-time.

    Yolanda? This may be a culture issue. I remember I initially thought she had a pretty cold personality before she joined Brandi and Lisa's clique. The coldness is a little more evident this season.

    Lisa is a lot like Yolanda. I do think she is very image conscious (read: Nene; Housewife fame going to head) while Yolanda is just being Yolanda.

    Carlton scares me a little but I like her. She's a hypocrite but it usually makes me LOL. I love how straight forward she is. She's like a "sane"/"mature" mix of Brandi and Kim with a spoonful of Lisa and Yolanda.

    I like Kim and, yes, even Kyle this season. There are definitely moments Kyle still annoys me.

    Joyce. Replace her ASAP.

  6. Brandi sucks and I'm totally over her, but I laughed out loud when she said to Kyle: "It's hard because you seem so sweet and then you become this crazy a**hole"...the look of shock on Kyle's face was worth the whole episode, which was a waste of 45 minutes.

    She really has some bust out laughing one-liners.

    Oh Brandi, girl. I'm not totally giving up on you but you better get a dang grip next season.

    Carlton's dislike of Kyle continues to be hilarious. That said, there is nothing impressive about her body IMO. Everybody in this cast has a better body than her besides for maybe Kim.

    I should like Joyce because she's being harassed w/o justification BUT she just has no personality.

    I am liking Kyle and Kim this season a little more than last season. Their reactions to Carlton are worth the price of admission.

    Yolanda continues to be Yolanda, but Yolanda IS pretentious.

    Lisa. She is the Queen but I'm sort of seeing where the other ladies are coming from.

    I "like" all of the ladies except for Joyce because she is boring. That said, this season is taking the usually fun BH down the dark road of NJ and Atlanta. I don't like it.

    I'm loving Atlanta thanks to the non-boring Joyce in the franchise. Who would have thought Kandi and her crew would have the most interesting dynamics of any season of RHOA?

  7. Carlton having no issue with Brandi's foul mouth while wanting to burn Kyle and Joyce for less was cracking me the f--k up.

    Kyle: [seeing the catholic styled house] Are you Catholic?

    *evil stare*

    Kyle: [seeing witchcraft styled house] Do you practice witchcraft?

    *evil stare*

    How dare she ask me that. Bitch. I know what she's doing. Yes, I do practice witchcraft, but I stopped the dark kind. It's behind me. I think.

    Brandi: I thought you were a c--t.

    *laughs with total amusement*

    Carlton is a double standard machine but she's cracking me the bleep up.

  8. I had hoped Lisa/Brandi/Yolanda would never "break up" as long as the series was on the air, sigh. I have a feeling that BH is going to be as difficult as NJ was for me to watch (two seasons back). My instinct is to go with team Lisa because she's cool and it just seems like everybody is against her this upcoming season.

    I am looking forward to Atlanta. With a less employed Nene as well as Marlo, Kenya, etc this should be fun.

  9. I concur with ratings being a poor indicator, Atlanta's last season was boring as heck even with Kenya's antics (<- which got stale fast). Atlanta and Jersey are getting the ratings they are due to residual feelings from their greater seasons.

    Speaking of ratings, Sunday's RHONJ got 2.456 million viewers (down roughly 400,000 from season premiere) and a 1.1 (-.2) 18-49 rating.

  10. I watched Jersey after hearing that the Jersey women are on less negative terms now. I don't want to know if it's a fake-out.

    Melissa harassing the kids on the right way to do things while they were making jewelry. Huh? Teresa was thisclose to flipping a cup of beads at her.

    Milania and Antonia melted my frozen little heart.

    Gia ... she's a little know it all and a bit of a trouble maker. I like her.

    Teresa's kids are looking gorgeous this season.

    Joe Gorga acts like a little girl.

    I sort of don't dislike Caroline so far. She seems so zen and everybody gets to throw don't-mind-her-business shade at her to her face and in the interview segments.

  11. Beautiful. Seriously, they better never ever break-up on-screen or I'll cry.

    I still haven't been able to watch the finale and reunion uninterrupted.

    Finale: Brandi giving Lisa a list of reasons to go ahead with the renewal of vows: "If you don't (re)marry him, I will ... he's living on borrowed time." Bwahah.

    Lisa RT'ed this really great recap: http://www.vulture.com/2013/03/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-season-3-finale.html

    Marisa came over to confer with Yo, Brandi, and Lisa and said, “I say what people think!” when it came to defending her decision to express horror to a pack of frothing wolves at a text Brandi sent her suggesting that she and her husband sleep with other people. “Shut up, you skeleton with anemic braids,” said the facial expressions of the three Goddesses of Mount Olympus, and Marisa backpedaled quicker than an exercise-bulimic following orders at Spin Class. “I guess I shouldn’t have broadcasted my disgust at the suggestion that I sexually explore men I don’t despise in front of every monster hungry for Brandi’s blood,” Marisa half-heartedly agreed. And Yolanda held court, her white dress contrasting Marisa’s black gown starkly, like the forces of Good versus wishy-washy Evil.

    I find Adrienne sad. I find Kyle repugnant.

    Kyle’s desperate quest to be loved by everyone — a residual character flaw from her formative years as a child actress — results in her manifesting no loyalty, no integrity, and no true, heartfelt concern for anyone beyond herself. She thinks not taking sides is a cute way to be friends with everyone. In fact, her social actions, or nonactions, are merely the machinations of a lousy performance by a washed-up actress for an audience that went home years ago. Kyle’s desire to grab the spotlight and be adored by friends who she confuses for fans is as fervent as her sister’s need to keep secrets safe. All the L.A. Shrinks in the world couldn’t put a dent in this family. They’re a nuclear disaster area, and Faye is the three-eyed fish that grew legs and learned to defend its natural habitat.

    By now we were in the home stretch. The fights wound down, and Lisa got — or pretended to get — cold feet about renewing her vows. Brandi gave her pal a cute pep talk, and, in that scene between Brandi and Lisa, we truly cemented the real love story of the season — one between two friends who have never wavered in their loyalty to each other. Are Brandi and Lisa the new, pre-breakup Jill and Bethenny? Is it safe to have a friendship crush on these two? I think it is! And I think that is fucking beautiful. Hooray!

  12. Yolanda's Reunion Blog, http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/blogs/yolanda-h-foster/kim-and-kyles-changing-scenario

    I am not going to waste more of my time on the Richards sisters. At this point their behavior speaks for itself. The fact that they have never shown any interest in cultivating a friendship or in my well-being is just another confirmation of their lack of interest in others. Kim and Kyle are about Kim and Kyle and that is where it ends! You actually know them much better than me because you have seen their actions for the past three seasons.
  13. I totally get what you're saying but I think what she meant to say is that the way Kyle and Brandi "confronted" her about her issues wasn't a positive way to do it. It came from a place of anger and was meant to hurt her....and so rather than making her want to face her demons it just made her feel worse about her life.

    At least thats what I'm reading from her comments. I do think Kim understands at the end of the day that she had a problem and needs to own it. But at the same time Kyle and Brandi yelling at her wasn't the most productive way to go about "helping" her.

    And if Kim was sitting their minding her business and not being a Class A bitch when either-or situation happened maybe Kim continuing to be a whiny "(you did this to) me, (they did this to) me, (everything that happens to) me (is you, your and her fault)" idiot would be excusable. Pfft. Anybody with eyeballs could see Kim was addicted to something. It wasn't Kyle or Brandi who gave that away. It was KIM who sold herself out. It was Kim who chose to be an embarrassment to herself and her family on national television.

    I only watched about ten minutes of RHOBH (I caught Kim's rant at Kyle) & RHOBH Reunion Part 1 (Andy trying it with Yolanda like he did with Lisa last year & Kyle/Yolanda trying to throw each other under the bus) each. Will have more pointed comments on each later or tomorrow.

  14. I'm watching re-runs of RHOA.

    Phaedra just said she liked Kenya about 42 times. Heh.

    Kenya sharing with Phaedra the story of her crazy mother. [i was about to question if Kenya was making that up but she is kind of cray-cray too.] I didn't realize they had a conversation like this. It makes Phadra throwing out the cray-cray on Kenya so much extra mean.

    Kenya is about to get mad for "Miss America" for the first time on RHOA. Is this why her and Porsha's relationship is a mess?

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