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Everything posted by P.J.

  1. Wait....looney bird Meg is back???? I smell trouble brewing in Snyderville....
  2. P.J.

    Episode 217

    I FLOVE Katie sweating. I FLOVE thinking about it, I FLOVE reading about it...I FLOVE thinking about reading about it. LOL.... Awww...little Babs comforts her little tantrum-throwing son. Well, tough beans, Paul...you believed that lying skank. Go Ro!
  3. P.J.

    Episode 211

    EMMA....living in sin???? :faints: What kind of mad, mad, mad World is this??? JK...love it.
  4. P.J.

    Episode 210

    Poor Carly...can't even take a short trip out of town without running headlong into some buzz kill...LOL.
  5. P.J.

    Episode 200

    Congratulations on making it to 200, Dusty!!
  6. P.J.

    Episode 198

    Dusty, you're a sentimental ol' pile of goo...it's too bad Carjack doesn't get half this sentiment on the show. And I flove that Margo can at least admit her hypocrisy to herself. Another thing that drives me nuts on ATWT. You, babe, are the whipped cream on the hot chocolate of life....don't ask what it means, just take it as muy bueno.
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