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Everything posted by P.J.

  1. P.J.

    Episode 10

    It's not you, Dusty....it's the she-bitch Katie's become. Unless it's a rabbit lost in the snow, I don't think Katie's capable of sympathetic human emotion.
  2. P.J.

    Episode 10

    Emma's sick of running the Oakdale Inn? Aren't we all??? LOL.... I love you Dusty, but even you can't sell me on Katie somehow mourning Craig and putting Henry first...and certainly not on the same day. The CarjackParker/Sam scene was intense!
  3. P.J.

    Episode 9

    I agree...the scenes with Bob were incredibly sad. Excellent use of history, connecting Sam to Starziak, the creepazoid who nearly killed Jack.
  4. P.J.

    Episode 8

    I'm dyin' for some Carjack!!!!! I get to the oasis, and I get a thimble-ful of water. LOL...DUDE, me wants Carjack action!!! And wth is wrong with Bob?
  5. P.J.

    Episode 7

    It's about dang time Barb got to see Hallie. She's done things to manipulate her children, but this baby thing was done out of love. It's time Will understood the difference. Aww...I wish Craig was staying. Oy vey....Carly is in trouble now, isn't she? LOL...are we sure it's not Cowboy Jack staring at Carly?
  6. P.J.

    Episode 6

    Oh, poor Lyla. You probably don't remember this Dusty, but Craig went down in a plane (with Betsy, Em's half sister) over Greece ages ago. (I can barely remember it myself...lol.) I know Henry's sincere about loving V...but trust Katie to think money would tip the scales. I can't help but hate her.
  7. P.J.

    Episode 5

    That Paul...always such a downer. H&V....awwwww....I smell a wedding.
  8. P.J.

    Episode 4

    LOL...I'm loving the soapyness of Sam and Paul's eavesdropping. This is getting good, amigo! :D:D:D
  9. P.J.

    Episode 3

    LOL...go Lyla!!!!!!!! I love anyone who bitchsmacks Katie. Hmmn...Meggie is a very, very bad girl. Liked the prospect of Rosanna moving on.
  10. *grumbling* Nuts! Is there a petition I can sign? Welcome home James!
  11. P.J.

    Episode 2

    It's about. damn. time. you got another episode up. I was just about to badger you for one, and here it is!!! Whoretti???? Seriously, dude, that made me grin from ear to ear!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Dusty , f'LUV u !!!!!!!!! Great start to a rockin' story!!!!
  13. "I feel like I'm invisible half the time".... That is SO true. *sigh* And like I don't wish he's sit Jack down and whip some sense into him? IF ONLY!!!!
  14. OMG...this is freakin' hilarious!!! WTG, Dusty...I can't wait for the next installment.
  15. Awww....I'm sad it's over. I'm going to miss it.
  16. P.J.

    Episode 256

    Awwww....a telethon in Hal's memory. WTG!!
  17. Can't Maura just pre/post tape some scenes? I've been waiting patiently for a story for Jack and Carly.
  18. Hmmmn...I think the Mike/Lily stuff is good....*giggle* wonder why? LOL. Good job!
  19. Congratulations on episode 200!
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