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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 37 minutes ago, redontop4 said:


    Yep. SB had b@lls. This was not your mother's soap, which made it exhilarating to watch for awhile.

    OK. As I'm watching, I've begun to remember the controversy surrounding the identity of Eden's rapist. And yeesh. I totally understand why viewers might have been grossed out, and it's adversely affecting my appreciation of the story.

  2. 2 hours ago, redontop4 said:


    There was a bit of controversy, or at least disappointment, when SB submitted the rape episode for the Best Directing Emmy in 1989 and failed to get even a nomination. That was the year the show all but swept the awards (Best Drama, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Juvenile Male, Best Writing, plus a few technical awards), but nothing for the directors. They would, however, win in each of the next two years.


    And yes, it's riveting television, especially in the context of 1980s soap opera. JFP, Chuck Pratt & team had been at GH when Luke's rape of Laura was rebranded a "seduction" and set out to make it clear that there was nothing seductive or romantic about this rape. At one point, Eden even goes on TV to criticize shows "like 'General Clinic'" for their whitewashing of rape. Unfortunately the reveal of the rapist's identity brought its own controversy and undercut the import of the story a bit. But there's no denying the power of the episodes before, during, and immediately after the attack. Keep watching!

    Watching Eden confront the actors from "General Clinic" who play Lincoln and Laurie (!). They mention the executive producer of GC whose name was Betty Bounty (!). Meanwhile backstage, some PA mentions that the actors really hate each other in real life, a nod to Geary and Francis's friction. Wow.





  3. I started watching the Eden's attack storyline, and it's as incredible as everyone here attests, mostly due to Marcy Walker but all the actors are fantastic. The videos I'm watching don't seem to show any reactions from Eden's family beyond C.C. and Ted, which feels... odd.


    I know it's hard to believe for those here who love her, but I'd forgotten how good MW could be. She was so miscast as Tangie and while she was amazing as Liza when Lorraine Broderick was writing in the mid-'90s, I was so tired of her by the time she left AMC


    Too bad the playlist I'm watching has a cruddy VHS transfer with audio that drops out as inopportune moments. Still the writing and acting shine through.


    I do think I may go back and watch earlier episodes. While it's great to watch individual stories, I think they have more impact when you've seen the backstory and are really invested in the characters.

  4. 8 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Unfortunately I thought it came across as naive, especially telling gay men that if they don't have a problem being touched in a bar or a club, they have no self-worth. It's not about self-worth - it's more complicated than that.


    The other argument in it, that gay men are too sexual, is as old as the hills. While there is likely some truth to it, the author doesn't do a good enough job explaining the correlation between this and not caring about sexual abuse. 


    Gay men aren't going to have the same type of reactions to these situations that you will have with a man and a woman. Shaming them for that instead of trying to talk about how the gay community should react (on their own unique terms) is a very bad idea.


    I think you're right that this isn't one-size-fits-all and that the article is a bit too simplistic.


    I have heard some very concerning dismissals of many of these women's claims from other gay men placed in these terms. You're right: the dynamics are different between two adult men than between men and women. I would hope that gay men would understand that and not shame these women. (Granted, a lot of people, including other women, are shaming these women. It just speaks to how uncomfortable this discussion is for our society.)

  5. 10 minutes ago, redontop4 said:


    If the last year of the show is all you know of SB, then you've missed the real SB. Fans will argue about the show's heyday (most agree it was 1985 to '88 or '89), but I remember great stories more than years or eras. Personally I am partial to the Elena Nikolas/Utah story (1987), the Sonny/Mason/Julia/Gina mess (1988), Eden's rape (1988), the Cruz/Eden/Robert triangle (1989-'90), and the two brilliant  Capwell dinner party episodes (1991). Most of these are on YouTube.


    Start with the "Eden's Attack" clips. Truly terrifying and moving.

    Thanks. I'll search for these. Certainly it's more manageable timewise to follow stories than to watch every episode sequentially. I just saw the Santa Barbara channel and was surprised at the high video quality given the amount of bad or dubbed SB content that's been on YouTube over the years.

  6. This is a good article from the gay male perspective.



    I've had many conversations like this in recent weeks:


    After sitting through multiple dinners, reading an avalanche of social media posts, or hearing conversations at the gym, I am alarmed to see how many gay men are quick to say “Oh, please! Someone grabs my junk every night at a bar. Should I come forward and say that they abused me?” 


    Not only is this attitude truly demeaning to victims, it reeks of ignorance.



  7. I only really watched during the Kim Zimmer/Sydney Penny days, but I see there's a trove of the show online starting from the beginning. Any recommendations on where I should begin? Just from 1984 on or should I just start somewhere in '85? I know a lot about the show prior to my short time as a viewer in the early '90s, but I'd love to experience the show at its peak firsthand.

  8. 13 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I assumed it was just my browser or something. Ordinarily I use Firefox but with SON, I use Chrome. Perhaps my settings are doing this but it's just your tweets that I am seeing like this, so I wondered whether you were copying and pasting the entire tweets.

    But you're using the Embed function? Do you use the Source feature?

    You should probably ask if anyone else has this issue. Perhaps it's just my settings in Chrome.

    I also use the mobile site, so that could be the issue. This site can be... temperamental on phones.


    By the way, Morgan Spurlock has posted a statement in which he admits his own problematic behavior.


  9. 32 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    One of President Obama's biggest detractors has just been suspended from his PBS show and frankly, given his arrogance and some of the anecdotes he hinted at in the past, I'm not surprised.


    PBS Suspends ‘Tavis Smiley’ Following Sexual Misconduct Investigation (EXCLUSIVE)

    Oh yeah. I posted that link above. This tweet says it all really.



    Some Russell Simmons fallout:



    When it rains, it pours.



  10. This was the funniest RHOA I've seen in a long time. It sort of reminded me of the RHONY Mexico trip this past season. Flat Marc. "He in prison!" Marlo deep-throating the bunch of grapes. Too hilarious.


    Glad they've realized that we don't want to watch endless toxicity, and even though everyone but Sheree and Cynthia were pissed at Porsha, they managed to have an enjoyable trip.

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