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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. I loved it too. The old chemistry was still there. Even Debbie, while still slightly ditzy, was a welcome sight.


    If I were a current View co-host watching that, I'd be quaking in my boots. 

  2. Nene's makeup on WWHL was pure drag. The contouring of the nose, the two obvious shades on the cheeks. Yikes. That, along with her lips and wig was straight up RuPaul.

    Wow, the RHONJ reunion became such an afterthought. Part 2 on Thursday, Part 3 on Tuesday? I still have to catch up. Is there a "Part 2" of Secrets Revealed coming up, or did we already see that?

    I laughed when Andy cited the viewer tweet that said Nene's makeup was too much. Her face was pure Shangela.

  3. I really don't care if he's the typical bad boy Brian Kinney type or sorta naughty but heart of gold Justin type. His scenes just seemed a little over the top for me. Esp since it's not like it's Showtime or HBO. And there's a huge difference between visual and words. The lady said she simply wouldn't be able to walk....I hardly find that as envelope pushing as "he did things with his mouth to my...." or whatever the dead person said. I don't consider Connor an accessory to murder tho. The guy was a weak loser who couldn't handle the consequences and so he made his decision. I don't see why Connor should be held accountable for his actions. Esp since the guy thought he was playing Connor to begin with...

    Last episode was pretty good. Liked the case but not sure if I liked how quickly they progressed to Laurel already having feelings for Frank.

    Why do people care about this? Honest question - I see that brought up a lot. I don't have a dog in that fight about network vs. cable standards. From an adult viewer's perspective, it's all just TV to me, and the rest is up to the network censors and bean counters to care about. I'd love to see network television push the envelope a lot more when it comes to sex in the same way that foreign TV does; how many times are we subjected to gruesome murders and bloody surgical scenes on shows like CSI or Grey's Anatomy?

  4. Well, Tyler must have stepped up his game because the discussion is actually about the characters and stories and not about how terrible the show is. His pacing here is much improved. The scene in the hospital with Alex discovering that she's 14 weeks pregnant would have gone on forever on HAHN, but I was glad that the doctor nipped the conversation in the bud. And I really like Amanda Clayton as Alex. She's classic guilt-ridden soap heroine.

  5. And it is weird how they focus solely on Conner for the most part with these types of scenes. I think that's why it feels a little strange.

    Well, in this case, he's the only character for whom these types of scenes make any kind of sense. None of the other characters seem to have active sex lives. And for Connor, sex is transactional and it drives story, since he uses sex to gain crucial information that pushes along each episode's case.

    I hate to seem like I'm defending this show, but for me, the sex scenes are the only part of HTGAWM I genuinely enjoy. The actor is hot. Eventually it'll get old, and in that event, I'll stop watching.

  6. Ha, of course not! It's like Captain Planet, "We got one of each, folks!" :) I'm all for representation, and maybe Looking will handle it in a way that is organic and less obvious. That said, I wish soaps that boast casts into the thirties would make the effort towards such thorough minority representation.

    Exactly. No excuse for the GH, Days, Y&R, and B&B to be so lily-white and full of tokens when shows like Shonda's dramas and possibly Looking are diversifying their casts (and most importantly, given minorities lead parts and front burner status) to great success.

  7. My fear is that they'll scapegoat the gay content for any fall in ratings. It's clear that Peter Nowalk has a mission to push boundaries with gay content on broadcast TV, and I think that's a worthy mission. We've seen so much "graphic" straight sex and similar innuendo on TV that it barely registers for us. Remember all of the heaving buttocks on NYPD Blue? That was in the '90s.

    I have admired ABC's willingness to stand behind shows with casts that reflect the subways some of us ride every day and allowing folks other than straight white folk to take the lead. I don't want to see that curtailed.

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