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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. Wow, good for them! I haven't watched the finale yet, but I watched Tyler's talk show with the cast. The cast looks fun. Sad that Benny is indeed dead, haha. No more eye candy. But jeez louise, Tyler Perry sure does love himself! There's something about him that just irks me. It's like, if the conversation veers too far off course where someone isn't praising his brilliance, he has to reel them back in.

    Wait, Benny is actually dead? I thought Katheryn just put him in a different hospital. There was a lot of sloppiness in terms of continuity.

    I thought the last scene between Jim and Candace was really well done acting-wise, but that scene with Candace bringing everyone in the room and extorting the Cryers was laughably awful. I've never seen a show that can veer from brilliance to ghastly incompetence within one episode, but that's TP for you.

  2. I liked Tovey on Being Human a lot and wanted to see him play gay, but I don't find him physically appealing, which I know seems like an odd contradiction. And I have an often visceral repulsion to what the Patrick/Kevin relationship represents.

  3. The actual sex was too skeevy and uncomfortable to be hot for me. Patrick looked like he was suffering through it.

    I can't help but feel a bit of schadenfreude for the Kevin/Patrick shippers. A lot of them were saying that Kevin was better for Patrick for the most superficial of reasons (they share the same race/class/social status), even though we knew very little about Kevin as a character. (Meanwhile, we knew a great deal about Richie.) Now we have confirmation that Kevin is a total sleazeball, and it's great.

  4. I had been spoiled on the Patrick/Kevin sex scene, so I was surprised that HBO didn't include a warning for sexual content or nudity for this episode.

    I have problems with the dialogue on this show. The scene in which Patrick and Agustin talk about Richie and Patrick says he "could spend all day licking Richie's armpit" didn't ring true and seemed like a failed attempt at SATC-esque dish. It seemed silly, especially given Patrick's complicated feelings for Richie.

  5. Has there been a husband on a franchise who's been as desperate for airtime as Peter? Maybe Simon from RHONY or Joe Gorga from RHONJ. But Peter inserts himself in places where he has no business AT ALL, like this Kordell/Porsha stuff. Plus, he's the main reason why the Pillow Talk escalated into violence both with Brandon/Apollo and with Kandi/Todd.

    Forgot Slade from OC.

  6. Not only did the scene show how sleazy and manipulative Kevin is and how desperate Patrick is for validation, but I just find Russell Tovey repulsive. Blech. I wonder where they'll go with the Kevin character now that Tovey is a series regular. The show clearly wants us to prefer Richie, so I'm wondering if Kevin will go full villain (well, as much as a show this naturalistic will allow).

  7. I find it interesting that few have brought up that what Kevin did could have the appearance of sexual harassment, even if it occurred outside the workplace. After all, Kevin is Patrick's BOSS, and what he did was extremely unprofessional. Boss/subordinate relationships rarely end well, and I can see Patrick being slightly weirded out by a drunken kiss from his supervisor, even if they had some intense flirtations. I know I could never date a boss.

  8. I loved last night's episode. It struck so many notes of identification for me - I've had similar conversations with would-be lovers in my day. And it's now more understandable how Patrick, a decent-looking thirtysomething in SF, has had so little experience. He's an "ex-fattie," and has deep-seated body and insecurity issues. Plus, his conservative upbringing has an impact. Those things, plus workaholism, can do a number on you for years.

    I thought Augustin was hot in the first episode, but the show has done a good job at killing my attraction to him. He's a prick.

  9. Kenya's not good verbally. She's better at getting attention and selling an image of herself. She also has nothing to lose, so that makes her behavior on the show more balls to the wall than someone like Sheree or Kim.

    Nene will likely flay her alive on reunion night and we will hear that this is Nene's big comeback, etc. For now, Kenya's on her home court, and Nene is damaging herself, with some help from Kenya.

    I think the problem is Nene doesn't want to be there and she feels she shouldn't have to be there. She can't hide it. And it's eating her alive.

    Yep. Kenya kills in her THs because she has time to prep, but on her feet, she's out of her element. Marlo, on the other hand, could go toe-to-toe.

    I've been done with Nene for a while, and it's a shame because she has more natural charisma than any other RH. But she is surpassing Jill Zarin levels of delusion right now.

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