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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. GG played Nick with such an aura of violence. In the scene in which Althea says she'd never marry Nick, he came as so imposing and aggressive that I was afraid he'd strike her. But Liz Hubbard gave as good as she got in that scene. Such a fascinating and electric dynamic between the two of them.

  2. Yep, that's my fear as well. I hope they didn't simply cave to pressure for the show to be all gay things to all gay people. The show was already dealing with some interesting diversity issues that they could have explored more deeply.

  3. I can't stand Phaedra, but let's be real: she is one of the best at reunions. She's intimidated by Nene, yes, but there's no way Kenya or Cynthia can touch her. I'm not as familiar with Claudia, but she has her work cut out for her. The only way I see Phaedra going down is when all of the skeletons fall out of the closet, and in that event, I'd expect her to pull an Adrienne Maloof.

  4. ABC: "How to Get Away With Murder" (9.7 million, 6.5/11)

    First time it didnt win its time slot either.

    last week the show had a 7.7 rating...remember the show started with an outstanding 9.4 rating.

    Weren't you one of them that loved it at first? I really thought this show was going to be good but they way the story is being told is so off. The mini court murder mysteries are a bust ..IMO....

    I did. I was hopeful, but the more the students' identities are revealed, and the more the weekly stories unfold, the more the writing (and acting) deficiencies are exposed. There's very little on the show that I buy.

  5. A Vanity Fair article calls the show "the most progressive on TV":


    I wonder if the more conservative viewers are turned off. Like I said, even I was surprised by the frankness of the gay sex depictions, especially when the assistant took off his pants, clearly glancing down at his erection. I haven't seen many heterosexual scenes that suggestive on network TV. Happy that they are pushing boundaries, and good for Paul Lee and his team for allowing it. Too bad the show just isn't good.

  6. Ok, I lied.

    I turn on the show and Connor is banging another dude. I will give the producers credit for bringing frank depictions of gay sex to broadcast TV, even if there's no substance to any of it. The ratio of gay-to-straight sex on HTGAWM is high.

    But wow, the acting is baaaad. Like syndicated adventure series in the early '90s bad. Connor's conquest's speech before he fell out the window was just sub-amateurish.

  7. This show is marvelous. Wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much I am. We've been so shortchanged as soap fans in this era.

    And Dr. John Rice is my favorite. Sort of pathetic but also the smartest guy in the room.

  8. I want to support Shonda as a producer, but this show is already a frantic, hideous mess and has lost my attention. The acting is poor, especially from Harry Potter kid. At least Scandal has a handful of fantastic actors (Bellamy Young, Jeff Perry, Darby Stanchfield, Kerry when she applies herself) to make up for the often weak, repetitious, and contrived writing. HTGAWM has Viola, and forgive me, but she seems uncomfortable in this role. This is an Angela Bassett role, in my opinion.

    Need to catch up on Parenthood.

  9. Beth Maitland is really beautiful. Only in a soap world would that be considered the "ugly duckling." Granted, the show often styled her to look dumpy and BM played Traci's insecurities to the hilt, but she's really gorgeous there, even with the unbelievably smokin' Don Diamont in her midst.

  10. One of my all time favorite Y&R scenes. Terry Lester knocked it out of the park showing how hurt he was to be disowned by his father. Jerry Douglas was excellent as well.

    A great scene. TL was fantastic as we all know, but Jerry Douglas is just criminally underrated. The level of restraint and precision here with his performance is masterful. Too bad the latter-day regimes at Y&R saw it necessary to dismiss him.

  11. I actually liked this, and I am not a fan of practically anything on network TV at this point. Viola Davis was Viola Davis, and the Harry Potter kid is pretty good. The others will take time to register, but I appreciated their going there with the rimming in the sex scene between Walsh and the IT dude - I can't remember the last time I saw cable do that, if ever.

    I'll give this a few weeks. If it turns too procedural or too tryhard for me I'll drop it, but for now why not support Viola Davis?

    Looking did a rimming scene, but that's on HBO, which sorta speaks to your point. The British QAF did one years ago, I think. I forget if the American version repeated it.

    The guy playing the gay law student is all kinds of hot.

  12. Yeah, my hope is that they don't do diversity for its own sake. Nothing is worse than forced diversity, especially coming from privileged white male creatives. The introduction of a trans character struck alarm bells for me, as in-PC as it sounds. It just doesn't sound organic to the story the show was telling, and I was generally fine with the show as is. Perhaps I'll be proven wrong, and they'll seamlessly integrate the character into the story.

  13. David Vickers should have never been a comic relief character/joke character in the first place, Tuc Watkins gift with humor be damned. He was such a sexy, sly character when he started on OLTL back in the '90s. It's sort of mind-boggling that he's being compared to Ivan, but that's exactly what the character was lowered to. Sad.

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