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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 1 minute ago, Steve said:

    I occasionally still have dreams that AMC is back.  Mine revolve more around Brooke versus Erica over Dimitri.  But I mainly drink wine before bed, specifically Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon.  Happy 48th Anniversary to my fave soap!

    Nice! I love Cabernet. My dream was so plain as day, but oddly Anna Stuart had long hair (like she did on The Doctors) and AMC was shot on film in it. My legit first soap dream. Go figure.


    Happy 48th, AMC.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Stan Wawrinka: the 2014 Open champion also hasn’t been sighted in six months as he battles a knee injury that will restrict his build-up to next week’s one- night Tie Break Tens.


    I had to laugh at this one. It's like Unsolved Mysteries...where is he? He is still probably pouting about Magnus Norman leaving him as his coach.

    I am still looking forward to it. I am sure the courts will be fast again to favor Federer but I am hoping he doesn't win either. I am sick of him and wish he'd retire.



    Just saw from Ben Rothenberg that Thomaz Bellucci was serving a five-month ban (ending this month) after testing positive for a substance, but was seen to be not at fault due to a tainted supplement.

  3. The mid-1990s were, of course, trash, and the show had so many departures of pivotal players in short succession (Bev, Sherry, Ellen Parker, Rick Hearst, Leonard Stabb, Melina, Nia Long, Monti Sharp, Morgan Englund, Vince Williams, Kimberly Simms, Jean Carol, Beth Ehlers and Mark Derwin, the deaths of William Roerick and Larry Gates). So that left the show reeling, and so many recasts of big roles were meh (Marj, Ron Raines, Michael Dietz, Jennifer Roszell, Liz Keifer, Frank Grillo, Barbara Crampton, Rebecca Budig, et al). 


    For me, 1997 was sort of a strange outlier. You had Annie's awesome reign of terror, which almost by necessity couldn't be maintained. (They tried disastrously with Signy Coleman.) You had the accidental chemistry of Beth Ehlers and Grant Aleksander (before Beth Chamberlin came in and ate the show and Harley became the humorless harpy she was from then on). Abby and Rick could have re-ignited the Bauers, but again, they couldn't figure out how to build on it or simply didn't want to. For a moment, they presented us with shiny objects that masked deeper problems in the show in hindsight. And then shortly thereafter was Ben Warren, all Cassie all the time, the San Cristobal crew, the mob, Clone Reva, the list goes on, and everything went to hell.

  4. GL was really destroyed around 1994-95. It just never really recovered for me, even though I enjoyed the Reva/Annie/Josh, Phillip/Harley, and Abby/Rick stuff around '97. I even liked the Drew/Selena story. But what I loved about the show, the feeling of Springfield as a community, was gone.

  5. 47 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Much like Bev, Amelia Marshall was never nominated either, which is horrendous as Marshall stayed delivering strong performances. It always pissed me off how she was overlooked when Gilly was one of the most compelling characters on the canvas. 

    I loved Gilly too. Her relationships with Roger and Alan-Michael were so complex and compelling. I still get pissed about Lucy Cooper and that obnoxious pipsqueak-voiced Sonia Satra. I never really had the same love for the show after that, and I started watching GH more and more at the time.


    Amelia Marshall never got a role worthy of her again really, including Belinda. And the less said about Passions the better.



  6. Had a dream that I was watching an intense scene where Anna Stuart's Mary Smythe was laying into Erica about a large donation Erica made to the Chandler Foundation. An amazing match of wits between Stuart and Lucci. There was no context whatsoever, but I was so energized that I was going to come post here, "Wow, AMC was LIT today! Maybe our show is back?"


    Such a weird random dream, and I legitimately hadn't thought about AMC in forever. I need to stop drinking bourbon before bed.

  7. 1 hour ago, kalbir said:


    Sadly so many of them were overlooked when the Daytime Emmy Awards rolled around.

    I know that Kinkead, Parker, and Hayden all won, and Garrett, Edson, Carol, Ehlers, Miner, Hutchison, and Kanakaredes got nominated either during that era or shortly after due to JFP's infamous block voting tactics. Of course, it's an embarrassment that Bev was not once nominated as Alex (and Marj Dusay somehow was). And all of the other women were just as deserving.

  8. I was just thinking about what an embarrassment of riches GL had with its female cast in the very early '90s. So many types of the female experience represented: Maureen Garrett, Maeve Kinkead, Beverlee McKinsey, Amelia Marshall, Nia Long, Jean Carol, Ellen Parker, Sherry Stringfield, Beth Ehlers, Tina Sloan, Melissa Hayden, Kimberley Simms, Fiona Hutchison, Melina Kanakaredes, Rachel Miner, Hilary Edson. That's not to discount the equally wonderful men on the show at that time, but this is a female genre, and there was such richness, fortitude, grit, and complexity to all of these portrayals. Each woman had many, many opportunities to shine. How blessed were we to witness that in our lifetimes when soaps were already beginning to lose their luster? Maybe only the Labines' GH rivaled that in the past 25 years or so.


    Sorry if this has already been posted, but I stumbled upon this bizarre but charming story from earlier this month about Nancy Curlee Demorest befriending a former UNC basketball star she idolized in her youth. 


  9. 4 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I don't mind Justin Deas when he provides a subtle performance and isn't chewing scenery. From what little I've seen on RH and ATWT, he was a solid actor. He had great comedic timing during his time on SB. It wasn't until GL where I couldn't take him as Buzz. I think that the fact he was brought in and Ellen Parker (Maureen) was tossed out tarnishes him for me too. However, the Buzz character had his moments on GL where I enjoyed him. When he was opposite Jenna and Nadine, he was fine. After the 2 of them were killed, Buzz could've been killed off GL too. Going into the new millennium, we did not need Buzz. I feel like he could've been written off with Jenna when she was killed off. They could've implanted him in the car with Jeffery and Jenna. I would've been fine with it at that point. Plus, Harley and Frank didn't really need parental figures. They were well established by then, and the 2 character were established before their parents started popping up on the show back in the late 80s. 


    I do agree that he has stellar chemistry with Robin Mattson. It seems after Keith left the show that Gina somewhat was lost in the shuffle, and the writers had no idea what to do with her the final years of the show. 



    Oh I don't disagree re: Buzz. He could be hammy, no doubt. But when he's on, there are few actors who are better. (I gotta say I wasn't a Buzz/Jenna fan, but GL was becoming so terrible around that time, and they really dulled Jenna's early edge to force that pairing.) I had very little use for the Coopers except Harley after they killed off Nadine.


    Weirdly, I have only enjoyed Robin in the clips I've seen of her as Gina. Haaaated her as Janet, and I couldn't be bothered with Heather (her early GH years pre-dated me). But she is so much fun as Gina, and she and JD had such snap as a couple.

  10. 23 minutes ago, redontop4 said:


    I disliked the revelation that Eden's doctor was her rapist as much as anyone. It sent a bad message to women who have trouble trusting gynecologists already and may forego important health care because of those fears. However, I don't see how this undercuts MW's message that rape victims should report their crimes. That is true no matter who the attacker is.

    Sure, but the very authority she reported the crime to was shown not to be trusted. It's just a very mixed message.

  11. Someone pointed out the hypocrisy of having Marcy Walker give that PSA at the end of each episode asking victims of rape to report the crime to authorities and then having Eden's rapist



    be the man who examined her after the crime, doubly victimizing her.


    It's vile and undercuts the entire story.


    But, again, the more I watch and the more it seems like Eden and Cruz are in their own little corner of Santa Barbara. Julia makes her appearances as do Sophia and Keith. But where's Mason and Kelly in this story? Perhaps the person who edited this story together cut out their involvement?

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