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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 5 hours ago, MichaelGL said:

    What's even more ridiculous is that Pam Long had worked with Paul Rauch on SB, and I honestly don't believe he bothered to ask her to return to GL. 

    And GL was reverting to The Reva Show, and Pam created the damn woman. Who knows? Granted, B&E's first year with Rauch was very entertaining before they went sci-fi/fantasy/Godfather, and again Pam Long's OLTL was not good in a lot of fundamental ways, so it may be an instance of be careful what you wish for.

  2. I wonder if Pam Long was asked and turned them down. GL started slowly going to hell right after Santa Barbara went dark, so it may have been an opportune time to bring her back, especially when Nancy Curlee was on her way out and they decided to have the show head-written by committee for a year. She could have spared us Megan McTavish. I wasn't crazy about Pam Long's OLTL, but at least she knew GL well. 

  3. What is going on with that match? Halep served for it three times and couldn't close it out? I know she can be flaky, but...are they trying to outdo Isner/Mahut?


    UPDATE: Halep finally closed it out but had to play the equivalent of two extra sets to do it. Not great for someone prone to injury.

  4. I'm hoping the early singles are red herrings, but it's weird that I like the Timbaland single better than the Pharrell one (Timbaland seems tapped out these days while Pharrell still produces bangers when he wants to). 


    Of course, these are my fave JT songs:







  5. I always found it odd that John J. York was the final face, other than the possibility that he was last alphabetically. I always thought the final shot should go to one of the show's stars. (Plus I always hated Mac.)


    I loved Vanessa Marcil's and Rosalind Cash's shots the most.

  6. Not sure how many JT fans exist on this board, but I figured there might be a few even though many find him a bit problematic for throwing Janet and Britney under the bus. I thought Justified, FutureSex/LoveSounds, and the 20/20 Experience albums were all fantastic. His new album is out soon ahead of his Super Bowl halftime performance, and he's released a couple of songs. I actually quite like the first single  "Filthy," but the song he released today is.... not good. I almost feel like he's punking us.



  7. Nishioka just took out Kohlschreiber in a five-setter with a ton of momentum swings apparently. I really like him, and it sucked that he tore his ACL when he was on the verge of really breaking through. Good start to his return, though.


    Wow, how childish of Coco. I see she's back to her old, entitled ways.

  8. Wow, of all of the female semifinalists from last year, only Lučić-Baroni is still in the tournament with Serena not playing and Venus and Coco out in the first round.


    I'm not watching as I don't want to be sucked in, but with Venus out, I have fewer people to root for anyway.

  9. That was a great scene. Remember those days when soaps actually used music effectively? Guess that was one skill JFP had. You never could tell watching her Y&R.


    Sad to know it was all downhill for GL from there, but the entirety of Springfield mourned Maureen. It's different from these days when people on soaps die for easy shock value and are forgotten within weeks. I recall how angry I was when Nadine was killed by Brent Lawrence, and she was treated like a day player.


    They gave Maureen the closing credits the day she died. Soaps only usually do that sort of thing when actors pass away in real life.



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