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Posts posted by Jonathan

  1. 54 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    The canvas felt so thoroughly utilized throughout the first 18 or so months of the Carruthers/McTavish run (well, putting the starting point at when McTavish returned). Even before the baby switch, which pulled in almost everyone, there seemed to be so many different characters on each day, and so many relationships were showcased. Brooke, of course, was the biggest absence, and I will never understand why she was cast aside so dismissively.


    What I hated about McTavish's writing is that she re-wrote history so that characters were instantly related to each other e.g. Greenlee and Jackson, being one example.  McTavish bragged about weaving characters and their stories together but it was often forced and not organic.  


    54 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    To me, the show looked better in the Burke/Culliton era, but it was a better show during the first year or so of Carruthers/McTavish.


    I didn't mind the Culliton era.  I've been quite entertained watching past episodes on YouTube.  The show was much better when Culliton was writing than when Pratt or Kreizman / Swajeski wrote the show.


    54 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

     Even before the baby switch, which pulled in almost everyone, 


    Looking back, this bothered me a bit.  Everyone was instantly in Bianca's business.  McTavish was too into her umbrella stories, which I don't think was always necessary.


    I enjoyed the 80s soaps when there was an "A" story and "B" story and once A concluded B took center stage.  Occasionally, stories would cross but they did so organically when it made sense.

  2. On 7/24/2020 at 2:02 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    Better a human stand in then a blow up doll


    On 7/24/2020 at 2:17 PM, Darn said:

    I like the return of extreme closeups but that just looks goofy. It doesn't even seem like he's looking at her. But honestly B&B would do a scene like this even without COVID.


    On 7/24/2020 at 1:44 PM, Vizion said:

    They really need to just not do kissing and romantic scenes cause... (lol at the stand-in having sideburns when Wyatt clearly does not)




    Gasp!  The directing and editing were horrid.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    JFP would have been a disaster at AMC. She had been a destructive element at OLTL from a morale perspective, and she decimated GH creatively, in the long run, sidelining so many vets. 


    Well, JFP did improve the lighting at OLTL:P


    You're probably right.  I shudder to think what JFP would have done to All My Children.  I mean she did kill off Maureen Bauer, right?  Good Lord, she probably would've killed off Erica, Adam, and Brooke!

  4. 17 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:


    In hindsight, AMC had a remarkably stable executive producing infrastructure in place and tended to promote from within for much of its run. I look at it as having four main EP era periods:


    1. The originating period of 1970 - 1982 is the Agnes Nixon era where she was both EP and HW; 


    2. The growth period of the balance of the 80s were dominated by Jackie Babbin who had been an ABC executive and was hand picked by Nixon, who was later succeeded by two short lived EPs, but both of whom were hired by Agnes Nixon as well;


    3. The hitting its stride period which is the Behr era that lasted from 1989 - 1996, but which I'd argue extended to 2003 through Francesca James and Jean Dadario Burke who both came up through the AMC ranks and were promoted from within;


    4. The network interference era where Brian Frons installed EPs of his choosing at all three of the ABC soaps with Julie Hanan Carruthers at AMC. Julie had a long history at GH and PC, and it's somewhat odd that she was placed on AMC when she had a 9 year run between GH and PC in lesser producer roles. You'd have thought she was a natural fit for GH, but at the time JFP was there and it seems Frons wanted to reward Carruthers, with whom he worked with at Santa Barbara. The blessing was that Julie was well liked by the AMC cast and their set was, by in large, a peaceful one. She did a very poor job of policing the creative direction of the show, but under the Frons era, Jesus H. Christ himself would have been powerless. 





    Very true @DaytimeFan.  All the past EPs prior to JHC were homegrown.  JHC was an outsider and when she was installed as EP, I had a feeling things were going to go downhill.  My gut feeling is that JHC was trying to just keep her job, telling everyone (actors, writers, BF) what they wanted to hear.  I loathe managers who do that.


    I just re-read this article with Marcy Walker where she had it on good authority that JFP was coming over to AMC (I believe this was right after JDB was fired).  I don't know if she would have been good or bad for AMC.  JFP had a knack for raising the demo ratings, but to what or whose expense?


    17 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    3. The hitting its stride period which is the Behr era that lasted from 1989 - 1996, but which I'd argue extended to 2003 through Francesca James and Jean Dadario Burke who both came up through the AMC ranks and were promoted from within;


    Behr came back as VP overseeing all three ABC shows, so this is true.  It's too bad her position was phased out.  She would've been so much better than Frons.

  5. 35 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I loved Broderick as HW.  But I remember feeling that both Francesca James and Jean Dadario Burke were not as dynamic as EP.  Behr really produced an exceptional era of the show, from the revamped opening to tons of new and classic characters in excellent stories.  Her time lured me into the show.


    A lot of people had that feeling.  My guess is that Behr was a better leader overall and had the right balance of creative and managerial skills.  Remember, the EPs had to get story approval from the network.  Behr strikes me as an EP who went to bat for her writing team and was good at "selling" and persuading the network heads.


    14 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    JHC’s show was either brown af or bright af. There was just no color, and I forget how lifeless the sets were until I see these from just a year earlier. Was it JHC who gave us the ugly brown Chandler “mansion” to replace the set with the dual staircase?


    Yes.  She also gave us Fusion and ConFusion..... and the dance marathon that lasted 2 weeks on those sets!


    35 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I loved Broderick as HW.


    I was a little surprised to learn that Broderick was HW for fewer years than MM.  Broderick had four stints as HW but cumulatively only served as HW 4-5 years.

  6. 5 hours ago, Darn said:


    I've been watching so many clips from that channel and you're right, the music and production values are incredible. When did AMC's look and score go into the dumps? 2006?


    4 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    I just went down a small rabbit hole watching some from that channel, and I missed so much of that music. It's funny to look back and see a marked difference between in how 2002 era AMC looked and how (just randomly picking a year) 2009 era AMC looked. I always correspond the drop in the show's look to when they very rapidly phased out sets like The Valley Inn, BJ's, and Myrtle's and Brooke's houses. Not 100% sure of when all of that occurred.

    One of the videos has Dylan Fergus as Tim Dillon, and I was curious as to what he looks like now. Just Google it, y'all.


    The drop in quality happened when JHC took over and mis-managed the show.  At the end of its life, All My Children was like a poorly run factory manufacturing products sans quality control.


    4 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    One of the videos has Dylan Fergus as Tim Dillon, and I was curious as to what he looks like now. Just Google it, y'all.


    4 hours ago, j swift said:

    I believe the appropriate adjective would be "zaddy" !


    OMG, ya'll need a cold shower.  :raspberry:


    3 hours ago, allmc2008 said:

    St. Croix







    LOL.  Definitely not Lord.

  7. The music at the end of this clip gives me chills!  In sync right when "Maureen" turns around.  :o  This was when the show still put a lot of attention to post-production and music scoring.  It got really lazy under JHC.



  8. 42 minutes ago, LeClerc said:

    This was probably our one chance to get specific details on the original ending on ABC, but I realize that wasn't the purpose...


    Oh, I was thinking the same thing!  I wish someone would arrange that interview!

  9. 6 hours ago, ghfan89 said:

    TC Warner interviews Lorraine Broderick



    Oh I can't wait to watch this!




    Lorraine messes up some of the details.  She said that Kevin Sheffield was Palmer's nephew.  She also said that Kevin's mother was played by Marj Dusay.  


    I love when she said that she would never kill Darnell 😂

  10. 5 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Doesn't he end up falling off a tightrope or something? I remember years and years ago some fans used to list this as one of the show's worst ever stories.


    Wait, Gil falls off a tightrope?  🙄


    2 minutes ago, OzFrog said:

    This was one I stumbled on as a result of watching the above interview. Another one she did with Dick Cavett when she was much younger.




    Yes, I recently watched this.  It's a great interview.

  11. 9 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    Ah okay, thanks. I remember seeing that clip posted here back then. I guess I forgot how tired she was by that point. It's crazy how just three years earlier, she was still somewhat active in working on the show.


    Yeah, poor Agnes.

  12. 58 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    When is that from? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that worn out. Rest on, our sweet legend.


    That's from 2014.


    This clip is also from 2014.  It's hard to watch.



    57 minutes ago, danfling said:

    Reguarding Doctor Frank Grant, his wedding to Caroline (Pat Dixon) would be a very good clip to view.  Sadie from One Life to Live (Lillian Hayman) made a cross-over appearance.


    Do you have a link to this?

  13. 1 hour ago, SFK said:

    Classic Ruth Warrick at 3:23. 😆


    18 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    Idk what you’re talking about, a cockroach scurried across the wall and obviously caught Phoebe’s eye. Duh, SFK!


    LOL!  Leave Ruth alone!  You try needlepointing and reading a teleprompter at the same time!  :D

  14. 15 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    Honestly, that's all I remember from when I watched it. It really seemed like they had no idea what to do with Tom for a very long time after the initial triangle he had with Brooke and Erica in the 70s. I think they ultimately did good by putting him with Skye later, but even that didn't last long.


    Ah ok.  Such a shame.  Tom was a good guy.


    I thought my ears were deceiving me but the record that DJ Jesse is spinning in this clip is "Major Tom" by singer Peter Schilling.  4, 3, 2, 1.....


    I love the 80s!  I can't believe All My Children was able to get clearance for this song.  They probably could never rebroadcast this episode though.



  15. Can anyone elaborate on the storyline involving Brooke, Tom, and his best friend Gil?  Gil had attempted to rape Brooke.  How did this storyline come about?  Seems very plot driven.  Was this story meant to create some conflict in the Cudahy marriage?



  16. 8 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    We need to nominate, vote, and officially bestow a maiden name upon Mrs. Mona S_______ Kane Tyler, then. Something classic but not boring, unassuming but not without a little bite. I have some ideas that I shall keep to myself for now.


    :lol:  I have some ideas too.  I wish Agnes Nixon was still alive.  It would be great to get her own point of view on Mona's family.

  17. 24 minutes ago, SFK said:

    @All My Shadows @Jonathan


    I'm not sure that we ever learned Mona's maiden name, but remember the (major downgrade) 25th anniversary white linen opening? An engraved locket would appear by Erica's picture frame that appeared to have the initials MSK (the K being in the middle as it's a woman's monogram). I liked to think that the S may have stood for Mona's maiden name if not just her middle name. I dunno, it's a mystery. Also, in that article where we see that Erica's middle name is Louise, Susan makes mention of her stepmother and baby sister with different names than Goldie and Silver. I had no idea that the show mentioned these relations in the early days.


    We've talked about this over the years, and I'm another one who thinks Erica should have had a lot more family, from either side. It almost baffles me that she didn't. I think a cousin or even a young aunt who was about the same age would have been fun, I am a total sucker for the Alexis/Sable relationship and that could have been fun with an actress like Sharon Gabet.


    Interesting.  I never paid attention to the locket.  Watching it on YouTube, it's hard to decipher the initials since the video quality is downgraded.


    Susan references Diana Blaine?  Was that supposed to be Goldie?  I thought Susan was actually referring to an actress who played Goldie, which I guess doesn't make sense.

  18. 2 hours ago, rlj said:

    Frank dated and I do believe married scheming nurse Caroline!


    28 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    Yep, they were married by September 1978 and were guests at Erica and Tom’s wedding, where Frank tried to throw some weak ass shade at Erica over being late to her own wedding. They’re at around 1:20.




    What made nurse Caroline a schemer? 

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