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Posts posted by Jonathan

  1. I wish in its later years, All My Children rebuilt some of its legacy families like the Tylers and Kennicotts.  I know these families ran its course by the late 80s, but it would have been nice to re-introduce these families. 


    My last memory of a Kennicott was of that very bland Katie who had a brief fling with Joey (Jake) Martin.  She was all sorts of awful.


    The show made an attempt to revitalize the Cortlandts with the addition of Caleb, but Michael Nouri lacked charisma and his character failed to become a romantic partner for Erica.


    I said this previously, but it would have been nice if Mona had siblings, so that Erica would have some family outside of her bratty children and children's children.


  2. 12 hours ago, soapfave06 said:

    Does anyone know of the character Betsy that Frank Grant dated? Is this Betsy Kennicot? 


    There was a Betsy Kennicott but in looking at some online recaps, Betsy was mostly involved in the Wally-Devon storyline.  I don't see any mention of Betsy and Frank, although they probably crossed paths. The only time I remember watching Betsy was when she was trying to convince Sybil to leave town and leave Nina and Cliff alone.

  3. 1 hour ago, Franko said:

    Sounds like Christine's doing her best "Bill Murray in Caddyshack" impression.

    It's even funnier when you consider she had won the Tony a few months earlier.



    1 hour ago, All My Shadows said:

    Oh mannnn, Billy Clyde and Jewell :lol: I loved them keeping Adam holed up in their trailer.

    That episode has both the terrible Nina recast and the terrible Liza recast. Wowzers.


    I forgot that Liza was horny for Cliff.  It would have been great to see Marcy Walker play this storyline.

  4. 8 hours ago, ghfan89 said:

    Yeah, I think this was when Adam had some get rich scheme (I think? I don't remember the motivation really) where he faked his death. He somehow got kidnapped and held hostage by Billy Clyde and Christina Baranski, while Adam's wife, Erica was sexing up Mike Roy in the Chandler Mansion.


    OMG Christine Baranski is TERRIBLE in this episode.  😆

  5. 59 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    MEK really isn’t that far off, though, I think he was born in 1958 or 1959, so only 4-5 years off of Tad’s established age. I think Tad managed to escape any kind of SORASing or de-SORASing bc he was introduced as a 10-year-old in 1972-73.


    But god he does look a thousand times better these days, and it sucks that we don’t have him as Tad on our screens regularly anymore. He was so checked out by 2005, probably earlier. I bet he’d be a lot more dynamic now.


    You're right.  He's about 5 years off.  I guess by the time Tad was "47" in 2011, he had been through SOOOOOOO much drama, it was hard to believe he was only in his 40s.

  6. This clips makes me laugh because Tad says he is 19.  This is in 1983, which means when All My Children went off the air, Tad was only 47!  MEK looked good in 2011, but not youthful.




    On 7/13/2020 at 11:12 PM, All My Shadows said:

    I'm watching the 35th anniversary episode, and I've seen it a million times, but something just occurred to me - when Tad and Erica surprised Joe with his anniversary party at the hospital, it really looks like Ray MacDonnell was actually surprised and wasn't expecting the episode to somewhat be built around him. Was that ever established or discussed in the press at the time?


    I don't remember that discussed in the press but Ray acted very well played in the episode.

  7. 20 hours ago, namkcuR said:

    Janet Green Dillon, AMC

    Kate Collins(91-92, 05-11[on and off])

    Robin Mattson(94-00)





    I am all for people getting a second chance and for repentance but I could not accept the fact that Trevor would marry Janet.  Forgive, ok.  Marry her?  No way.

  8. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Someone has been uploading every SNL episode onto the Internet Archives. 


    This one has, at about 23 minutes, Susan Lucci's bit in a Night of 1,000 Stars event that was "attended" by Billy Crystal's Fernando Lamas.




    This is Susan's episode. She was fortunate in that she not only hosted at a time when the show was well-written, but also at a low for female cast members, with Jan Hooks having to do most of the heavy lifting. As a result she has starring roles in three sketches along with smaller bits in others (she's only missing from one sketch the whole night) - I'm sure you've all seen the main two more than once, but there's another where she plays a mother-from-hell sending her teenage daughter into crying jags that is also worth a watch. 




    OMG, the cold open with the Lezbo jokes by Phil Hartman.  😵

    This was a star-studded SNL cast!

  9. 7 hours ago, SFK said:

    While I have lots of early childhood Pine Valley memories, I don't recall how Erica and Palmer first bonded and got so close. Anyone?


    17 minutes ago, Jonathan said:

    Good question.  I think I actually watched a video the other day with one of the earlier Erica/Palmer interactions, but I can't remember the specifics.  I'll have to find it again and share.  Going down another rabbit hole....


    Here is one of the earlier interactions.  From what I can infer, Erica and Palmer started out as business partners as they launched Erica Kane Cosmetics.



    3 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Years later the animus between Erica and Phoebe was mostly forgotten and the relationship with Palmer was always cordial but never close; maybe because she never got involved with any of his relatives.


    I would consider Palmer and Erica close.  Remember when she was looking for a "white knight" to save Enchantment?  Erica turned to Palmer for help.

  10. 7 hours ago, SFK said:

    While I have lots of early childhood Pine Valley memories, I don't recall how Erica and Palmer first bonded and got so close. Anyone?




    Good question.  I think I actually watched a video the other day with one of the earlier Erica/Palmer interactions, but I can't remember the specifics.  I'll have to find it again and share.  Going down another rabbit hole....

  11. 7 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    Ooooh, and it's on YouTube. Let me go get cozy and spend the evening reminiscing with my girl!

    There's a clip from her interview with Dick! "I mean, there's nothing wrong with our little community, you understand. The people there, they are really the salt of the Earth, you know? They're really hard-working and well-meaning. It's just that...well, they're middle class."

    God I love Erica 😂

  12. 1 hour ago, Forever8 said:

    Cady McClain (Dixie Cooney Martin) is doing a interview via podcast with Ingrid Rogers (OG Taylor Roxbury-Cannon) about her career THIS Friday. 






    I was just thinking about Ingrid Rogers the other day and went down a rabbit hole of videos and articles about her.

  13. 2 hours ago, Darn said:

    Can someone tell me what was Mark Consuelos doing in 2002 that they could get Kelly Ripa back for Maria's return but not him? Or were they both still on contract during this time and he was sick or something?


    I believe he was temporarily recast because he was out shooting a movie.  Mateo was in the thick of a few storylines so it was impossible to write him out.  During this time, Kelly was still on contract at AMC and simultaneously doing the talk show.

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