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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 17 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    Why on earth was there a national news break? I've looked at several news sites, don't see anything that would warrant CBS breaking in.

    The good news is that whatever scenes were lost, the dialogue was repeated during the rest of the episode and certainly during the next week!

    The news interruption was to announce the breakdown of the Hunter Biden plea deal.

    16 hours ago, Soapsuds said:


    Crossing my fingers and toes that it happens!😂😂😂

    I know you don't really believe that Liam is going to die LOL

  2. 37 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    A few others have pointed out my major issues of concern @ranger1rg.  Contracts, gag orders, etc.  @j swiftpointed out this could veer into victim shaming if Deidre or whoever doesn't come forward publicly.  We have no idea what they did privately nor do we know how Alarr personally victimized them.  If someone would like to come forward with a statement that is their choice.  It's also someone's choice not to as the cast and crew were the victims.   People like Lisa Rinna and Peter Reckell can make statements without any fear of repercussions.  

    @ranger1rg I know you are trying to advocate for the victims and think someone like Deidre would make a difference, but I think this is a much more complicated and nuanced situation then just a cast and crew banding together to solve it.  

    Anyway, I have mostly stayed out of this discussion except for that one post you quoted that was mostly about today's episode actually.  I don't pretend to have the answers about this and I am just sad for everyone at Days that had to put up with that for years. 

    I fully understand what you and others have said about victim shaming, contracts, etc.  I get it, and I won't mention it further.

  3. 5 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    There's nothing Deidre Hall can say or do that would make a difference. This rests on Sony and Corday.

    I vehemently disagree with that. Deidre Hall gets attention in Soapland every time she speaks. What she says matters, and people trust her. I'm not suggesting she call Alarr a POS, but that she at least acknowledge the report, the charges, and the people who have been hurt for YEARS. None of this changes if everyone stays quiet.


    1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    For some reason I remember hearing Deidre did not like Alarr on a different board and was very upset about Meng leaving.  Obviously, I don't know if that is true and I actually don't expect her to make a statement.  It would be nice if she did, but I actually don't expect anyone to on the cast to.  It's not their job and it's a pretty dicey situation when he's still actively employed.

    I realize it's not their job, Caroline. I'm not suggesting an actor just hired go public with a scorching statement against Alarr. I'm talking about big names like Hall and Drake Hogestyn and Maggie Rogers, among others.

    Pretty dicey? Everything is a gamble, and this seems like the time and place to take one. Besides, it's highly doubtful Alarr could get away with retribution after all that's come out about him.

    Trust me, unless cast and crew also ban together to fight this, it's going nowhere.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    As long as we also remember that whenever anyone tried to do it a different way - Mimi Torchin at WEEKLY & Michael Kape at SOAP OPERA NOW that Corday was the first person to cut off their usual access. 

    I haven't forgotten that. You're not making excuses for the rest of the soap press, are you?

    The right thing to do would have been to back up Mimi Torchin and Michael Kape instead of cowering and writing articles headlined "Deidre Hall Is Loving Life!"

  5. 11 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Further, the little remaining 'official' soap press (and most of the online soap sites as well tbqh) have absolutely zero interest in doing anything but transcribing press releases and retaining access to the last of the soaps.

    Fully agree about the "soap press." They may as well be paid p.r. people. They report on nothing TPTB on soaps would find objectionable in any way. It's all fluff -- literally sucking up for access so they'll be liked.

    Honestly, I think the soap press is worse than ANY other press in the industry. I don't think anyone has done a worse job of covering their field.

    So yeah, while we're blaming Corday and Alarr, let's not forget the "soap loving soap press" that has enabled this kind of crap forever.

  6. A fish rots from the head, and Corday is to blame for allowing Albert Alarr to continue this reign of terror for DECADES.

    The article is stomach-churning, and the true story is probably even worse. I can somewhat understand (or at least see) how cast and crew members didn't speak up over the years. But now? No -- actors and crew need to speak out, especially those with agency and star power like Deidre Hall.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Neil Johnson said:

    Days of Our Lives would have been a better choice to transition to the 90-minute format.  DOOL always had stronger (not necessarily better) plots than AW.  And DOOL still had a healthy strong core-family that centered the show.  

    In my opinion, a 90-minute soap would need strong identifiable plots to keep the audience interested.  Lemay's nearly plotless writing style on AW worked well at both 30 and 60-minutes, but became boring during the 90-minute era.  Also, AW's core-family (the Matthews), while still on the show, had been pushed to the side, and was weakening quickly. AW was in transition, and had lost any real identity by the late-1970s. A 90-minute show needs a clear focus, and DOOL's Horton family could have provided that.   

    I'm not suggesting DOOL would have been successful at 90-minutes, but it certainly stood a better chance of survival than AW.   

    I have to push back on this. I don't think DAYS would have done better than AW in a 90-minute format. It demands too much time from the audience and demands too much from the writers.

    DAYS had "stronger (not necessarily better) plots than AW"? I'm not sure what that even means. And I'm sorry, but Harding Lemay's writing style was not plotless.

  8. 33 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Doug Davidson cleans out his dressing room it's officially official lol



    Only took him 4 years???

    This is the longest damn goodbye in show business. Davidson is insufferable, living for the pitiful "We love you, Doug!" and "They were so wrong to fire you!" messages from blue-haired fans.

    My favorite? "They really could use you at GH!"


  9. 6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    If they had to keep RSW I have no idea why they just didn't keep him as Ben.  Ciara and Ben could still have their happy ending, but we just see Ben a lot more.  VK can film her usual few weeks and Days can just spread out her appearances and say she's off visiting Bo a lot.  Sonny and Will did it for months.  Maggie is still married to Victor and in stories without Victor being in her scenes.   Now, I have no idea where you go with Ben as a character, but it seems a heck of a lot easier than creating an entirely new annoying character for him and just hope the audience likes the character and doesn't think it's extremely jarring. 

    It's been months and pretty much everyone on this board agrees Alex sucks.  If I were Days I would just quietly cut my losses and fire RSW or bring Ben back.  Obviously we wouldn't see these changes until 2025, but it would be nice to know it was coming.

    I'd be fine with that.

    The truth is, Ben and Ciara don't need to be together.  If VK makes herself unavailable and the show doesn't want to recast, break them up. Their shippers will complain for 5 minutes or less.

  10. Daytime is so woefully behind the times that it's beyond belief.

    This is a world where Love, Victor and Heartstopper are huge TV/streaming hits, yet daytime is afraid -- yes, AFRAID -- of gay and bi storylines. And no, I'm not talking about Carlivati's approach on DAYS, which is to make a joke and farce out of most everything or a two-day titillation fest.

    BOLD is the most obvious fail, with its fashion industry background written as devoid of gays. Y&R has been afraid to do anything since viewers with blue hair complained about Katherine Chancellor having feelings for a woman DECADES ago.

    GH is good for subtext and hints that go nowhere -- as if writers tried to move to a gay story and were shut down. When they did have a good gay relationship with Lucas' marriage, they got rid of them. As others have pointed out, it's just ridiculous and not believable that young people would not have contact with young gay/bi people.

    FEAR motivates the soaps -- fear of losing viewers -- when they should worry about how to GAIN viewers. The crazy thing is that the viewers they worry about losing are DYING OFF.

    I love the soaps but it's hard to accept or understand a genre that refuses to change. In some ways, it's amazing that there are ANY soaps left.

  11. 21 hours ago, Soapfan8 said:

    I personally think all the guys on the show except Finn and Liam are mid. I don’t think he’s hideous I js don’t find him appealing, maybe ugly was a harsh word.

    Tbh looks are subjective. I’m sure there are people that find him attractive, I personally don’t. I don’t need a magazine to validate me..looks is a matter of opinion. Again ugly was prolly a harsh word.

    Probably??? You deleted the "ugly" comment from your post, so why not just admit you were wrong?

    We all know that looks are a matter of opinion and that looks are subjective, so I'm not sure what your point is there. I'd just like to know in what universe is Joshua Hoffman (RJ) "ugly."

    As far as the magazine cover goes, you missed my point completely.

  12. 5 hours ago, Soapfan8 said:

    Nu Rj is ugly he js has a nice body 

    RJ is not ugly.

    In other news, please let us know when you're on the cover of Vogue.

    1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    I'm sorry but he was pretty awful today as a judge. He was very rusty.

    I actually thought Michael Corbett played that well. Look, he was never a great actor -- even as David Kimball. For me, though, some not-great actors are also very watchable, and Corbett is one of those.

    I thought he was a Law & Order judge on steroids, very fitting for that ridiculous writing to get Sheila out of prison.

  13. 15 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Eric is really making up for lost time and living that baby making machine lifestyle.  In one year he's gotten Nicole, Jada, and Sloan pregnant!  At this rate, he's going to quickly catch up with Stefano as Salem's most prolific father.

    Yeah, I agree with you. It's hard to look at Eric and not start laughing about a guy who should wear a

    Baby Daddy t-shirt every day.

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