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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Just kill Susan and Ava off. That would be a good shakeup that the show really needs right now. I'm so tired of this crap.

    At the same time, it's nice to see that the show finally has some money for stock footage.

    I agree -- both Susan and Ava have long outlived any usefulness on this show. I cannot believe the crap we're being subjected to with this clown crap and guns being pulled all over the place. It's so bad that I have no words.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Joseph said:

    Thank You for the Info! I really Understand Hunter Tylo's Situation/Opinion! But it would be nice she came back this last time!!!!! My The writing for Taylor now is a 10 to 0 on her 2018-19 Tenure, AND that's saying a lot considering how bad storylines have been lately, but her 2019 exit was too rushed she just disappeared in the middle of a conversation! 

    Tylo is undervalued because she is only known for Taylor (Professionally I Mean)

    I think Once Melrose Place Fell Through she should've had her kid, AND Look For Options, Then if nothing new popped up she might've come back to B&B, the same after her 2002 Exit, or Her 2013 Exit, She could've made a bigger name for Herself if she tried enlarging her curriculum, She Could've gone Back To AMC or DOOL, or Tried GL, OLTL, GH, Passions, Y&R, ATWT, she was far from out of Options, Actually I never Understood her 2002 Exit, Taylor Dies, She only works on an Episode of She Spies as a Transgender Doctor/Secret Agent, and Comes back To B&B in 2004 as A Ghost and Taylor Ressurrects on 2005, was she blacklisted or something?

    I don't think Hunter Tylo was "blacklisted," although I do think she and Brad Bell became very antagonistic towards each other, and I believe they both said things that can't be taken back. Hunter apparently wanted more/different from Taylor, Brad said no, and it got ugly -- more than once.

    It doesn't matter how right Tylo was about her character. Brad had the power. That's why she's gone.

  3. 24 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Damn... they're really gonna make Britt die of Huntington's?

    I'm sick of the FBI agent already. And I could go on about Austin and Cody, but it's already been said before... by many 😂😂

    Well, some of them did seem riled up about Nik and Esme, for the same reason some of us were riled up about it: the Ick factor 😂

    Agreed. They do cater, but the lack of knowing how to write a soap is obvious. They're treating Sprina the same way that they treated Chalynn. And it seems like they're now doing the same with Carly and Drew

    Name me a relationship on GH that ISN'T slow-walked to death.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Soapfan8 said:

    9 or 10 no body. If Rome the way he looked now was on the show like 9. But like 8, prolly greg/Eric from days, and Lamon/Eli if he was still on and chance from Yr maybe like 7.5 or 8.  Dassit. 

    Again, you didn't answer the question. I asked for names of guys from ANYWHERE  -- from movies, from TV, from sports, from ANYWHERE.

    Avoiding the answer like you are just makes your ratings more suspect LOL


    26 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    yes and TN is a clearly a solid 10 as is MA lol :P

    Yeah, I give both of them a 10, too.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Soapfan8 said:

    I feel like soap fans will thirst for any masculine soap man. Lol.

    anwys 7 is not bad it means ur attractive, 8 is js really attractive, and 9/10 like drop dead gorgeous and none of the bold men are those to me…

    tanner-7, Don-6.5, sean-6, scott-6 LSV-6Matt-5.5? Darin-5, Delon-5. Is my order . 

    You're obviously entitled to your own rankings and opinions, but you still didn't answer my question.

    Just who are the guys -- on any soap or anywhere else -- who are drop dead gorgeous and get your 9/10 rating?

    And seriously, Delon deMetz is a 5??? The guy isn't much of an actor, but placing him TWO steps below "attractive" is just absurd.

  6. 2 hours ago, j swift said:

    Remember how AW used to try to differentiate twins Marley and Victoria by having one sister wear bangs?  Or how Capitol visualized that it was Jenny and not Julie because one wore her hair in a tight bun and the other wore relaxed curls?

    Is DAYS trying to indicate that RSW is Alex and not Ben due to the fact that his hair is brushed forward rather than flipped up?  Because I'm going to need a better written character rather than hair and accessories before I accept Alex as a different person.  They both still inexplicably speak with a thick mid-Atlantic accent, they both unnecessarily squint, and neither seems particularly bright or ambitious.  The glasses are not enough.

    I agree that the glasses aren't enough. Still, I blame Ron and the writers for this. I know RSW has a lot of detractors around here, but he checks a lot of boxes for a soap actor. If the writing was good for him -- differentiating Alex from Ben -- I think he has enough acting skill to make the character work.

    I remember Marley and Victoria on AW very well, and yes, the acting was superb. So was the WRITING for each twin. There was no mistaking who was who. If you read the dialogue in a script, you'd know immediately which character said what line.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Don't get me started on Cyrus. I LOVE the actor, but the character. He had his showdown which was great and roped in so many characters people cared about. I didn't want him back. 


    It seems like from where I am viewing they are slowly revealing what Victor's doing. I just don't understand what he would want with that necklace in Britt and probably about to be Cody's possession even with its connection to the Ice Princess. I mean...he's not planning to freeze the world, is he? 

    Agree about Jeff Korber, but I like the actor OFF General Hospital. I never liked his character or his portrayal of Cyrus on GH.

    But Victor? He's been on the canvas FAR too long for the writers to be slow-walking any of this.  The character is a fail as far as I'm concerned.

  8. 9 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Matt is average looking? Now I've read it all LOL! Matt is F*cking hot, especially with facial hair. MA, LSV and TN are the hottest guys IMO

    You are SO RIGHT about Matt Atkinson's looks. I mean, it's just crazy to say he isn't good looking or that he's nothing special. I can understand saying "He's not my type," but he's not hot? GTFOH hehe

    If ALL of these guys are 7s, then I need a list on 9s and 10s, not just that "Zende is beautiful."

    Re: Brad Bell's "People have opinions on one side or the other. I love it!" explanation, it's utter bullsh#t.  Viewers AREN'T both-sidsing this. It's HATED and MOCKED -- and Bell doesn't care.

    His explanation for Thomas and Steffy behaving as they are could have been written by someone who never watched the soap at all.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Like look at Victor who doesn't seem to be long for this world given that all of the storylines that started when he appeared...that consequently got dropped along the way...have all been picked back up right before November Sweeps started.

    I expect him to be gone by the end of the year at this rate. Probably before X-mas for a miracle. Moreso because Cyrus has been appearing again and Heaven forbid Laura gets TWO adversaries to deal with. 

    I personally wouldn't miss Victor one iota (and ditto for Cyrus). It is absolutely absurd that we STILL have no idea what Victor's doing or what he's after. I hate it when we're supposed to pretend that a character makes sense.

  10. 7 hours ago, Vee said:

    It's obvious what is happening, and fans should be on their ass about it every single day on that GH hashtag tbh. Remember #WhyRatingsAreLow in 2015 when Ron got canned for Denise, Fluke, etc? That hashtag got heat and IMO the relentless pillorying did contribute to the drumbeat. People need to start cataloguing every day they fail to let their central young interracial couple kiss or be intimate after close to 18 months. They should find a hashtag and hit it every day, and see how long GH handles it. Because I am not convinced they'll kiss this month, next month or New Year's, and even if they finally do I'm skeptical it'll happen again any time soon. They seem scared and hesitant as hell, and I think it's cowardly and pathetic in 2022 when this show was doing onscreen interracial couples over 30 years ago.

    The cowardice of soap writers (and their networks) is killing daytime drama more than anything.

    While they claim to chase a younger demo, in reality their biggest worry is the over 80-blue-haired crowd. It's absolutely pathetic and infuriating.

  11. 2 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Except the other set is not the one we knew for decades... changing the room's view essentially changes the room, IMHO. I get why they changed the room view, but it still feels semi-unfamiliar.

    I get your point here. I do. It's just that even the "semi-familiar" is better than this COMPLETELY new room.

    On 11/15/2022 at 5:51 PM, BoldRestless said:


    Yes, just like Society and Grand Phoenix, all of that sparkly stuff looks like they purchased the decor at the 99 cents store. The wardrobe and prop people seem to think rich people just wear cheap sparkly sequined clothes and have lots of sparkly crap around.

    Yep. Y&R got on this minimalist, tacky, sparkly, chrome trend with a plush sofa thrown in -- and every new set goes further with the godawful design.

  12. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Also if Sonny is going to be on everyday I need him to do something.  I swear he's been sitting at table waiting for Nina for 3 episodes and last week he was wandering around the hospital for like 2 episodes acting like Gossip Girl over Willow/TJ.  I can't believe I am advocating for a "Sonny" storyline, but since he is going to be on regardless give him something to do besides taking up space.

    -- I have to agree about Sonny. MB should be EMBARRASSED to be this supposedly powerful figure who says things like "Want to see our new club kitchen?" so Frank can show off his new hallway set.

    -- The actress playing Esme showed her limits today, I'm afraid. That crying thing at the end of the show was hard to watch.

    -- Selina Wu? Let me repeat: that low, monotone voice is annoying as hell and doesn't make her seem more powerful. Just a bad actor choice.

    On 11/16/2022 at 8:32 AM, MichaelGL said:

    The show is trying to make Esme into Nelle 2.0. Nelle wasn't even a character deserving of a clone. It just reads as plot driven and desperate, with no idea as to what direction they want to take Trina/Spencer or Esme.

    I agree with all of that. The fact is that the Nell actress is FAR better than this Esme actress.

  13. -- I'm fine with Joss ending up with Dex. Cam deserves better anyway.

    -- Unpopular opinion, but I'm not crazy about the Selina Wu actress at all. That low voice is Monotone on Steroids. Everything is said in the same flat manner, and it's not evii or threatening to me. It's just an actress who thinks low and monotone makes her seem dangerous.

    -- Now Esme wants to start thinking like her dad. Sorry, but that doesn't mean this actress is capable of playing unginged and dangerous. Mean girl, OK, but this is no super villain.


  14. 9 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I'm sure it's the show and not Jess. They just haven't valued her in over 20 years. The reason she moved is because she realized that, not because she wanted to work less.

    I even find I don't mind Trevor St. John as Tucker, despite him being too young for the show. This would be the perfect time for someone new to take over the show. I don't think any of the stories are that damaging, they just need someone who can write with a sense of urgency and add drama to the show. I can definitely see the Succession influence over the show, but they need to remember that this is a soap and amp it up.

    I don't agree that's why Jess Walton moved. I think she WANTED to move to her cabin home in Oregon because she and her family WANTED to be there. I'm sure her reduced role made the decision an easy one, but I think she would've pulled back regardless.

    Trevor St. John is 51, and though he looks good, he can pass for even older. I don't get it when you say he's not old enough for the show, or for the role.

  15. 15 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I'm just pretending that's a new room we've never seen. For a new room, it's not bad. If that's supposed to be the living room...


    It's OK to have a mansion room we haven't seen -- as long as it doesn't replace the set we've known for decades. I DO think it's a replacement, though, because I've watched this show enough to know what they do. The new set is decent, but it does not speak "mansion" and doesn't reek or tradition or money. It's too small, just as the downsized old set was too small.

    Meanwhile, we got a Noah's club set -- even though Noah has been pushed to recurring. That set is big for present-day Y&R, but it's STILL too small to replicate a real club. It's also garish and tacky. It's all so disgusting.


  16. Watching Jack run for Mayor was awful, because none of it looked, sounded, or felt real.

    So what does Ron Carlivati do? Has Paulina run for GOVERNOR -- and win. And this is even WORSE, making the Jack run look reasonable.

    The staff is 1 or 2 people acting exhausted and perplexed after taking one phone call. There's such a lack of people working for Paulina or people surrounding her with questions that it's laughable. She's never shown she has the command of ANY issue.

    There's no sense going on with more, because everything about it is ridiculous and pathetic.


    Oh, and Sonny feeling Sorry for LEO??? Jesus Christ.

  17. 53 minutes ago, dragonflies said:




    Unbelievable. Could the Brad Bell and writers be any LAZIER?



    22 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Ok not for nothing, but why did this dumbass use Douglas’ phone?

    Couldn’t he just download the app on his own phone? 😂😂


    This bothers me so much, because it's the writers treating us like IDIOTS. If he used his own damn phone, there'd be no need to delete anything from Douglas'. Just more terrible writing done for convenience.

  18. 2 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    and I stand by what I said you literally complain about everything. Why watch LMAO. It makes it hard to take anyone seriously 


    You do know you don't have to read my posts, right? Try to learn how these boards work.

    5 hours ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Wow, can it be??  Why yes, I do believe we have here a perfect example of a pot calling a kettle black

    You can scroll on by my posts any time. You know that, right?

    I'll be reading yours -- I enjoy laughing at ridiculous comments.

    6 hours ago, Soapfan8 said:

    Cause paris eats these girls on bold up

    Then you should have said, "Except for Paris...."

    10 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    NO offense Ranger but you literally complain about everything, hard to take you seriously lol!!


    LMAO   The best part of your post is "No offense...," as if that means you're not insulting me.

    That's OK. I don't take you seriously either.

  19. 4 hours ago, Antoyne said:

      It’s pretty messed up that no one is telling Adam and Connor what’s going on with Chelsea. 

    Completely agree, and Lily should be told, too. What’s with this “It’s not my story to tell” that Billy said to Lily? Ridiculous.

    Sharon or some professional at the hospital should have told Billy it’s a bad idea for him to be with Chelsea 24/7. Who does that? In no way is that good for either of them. 

    Keeping the truth from Adam and Connor is pathetic.

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