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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 7 hours ago, Vee said:

    How many episodes of Willow am I going to have to suffer through if I catch up on the last week? I tapped out at last Tuesday lol.

    So true. I never gave an ish less about a character. I do not care if she lives or dies, and as good as CW is, her shrieks and cries don't make me feel anything for Willow....or Michael, for that matter. It's all deadly boring.

    Also boring? Victor and the ENDLESS story of Victor that goes nowhere as the writers slap layer upon layer on a story they're making up as they go along.

  2. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    I guess we won't be seeing Fen anymore either on YR.


    Tinker will make his series debut this weekend with a special episode that airs immediately following the AFC Championship game on Sunday, Jan. 29. He plays Collin, a humble, charming, and talented probie firefighter. As the son of a famous firefighting hero, Collin carries a name that he’s constantly trying to live up to.

    I think YR screwed up with Tinker more than DAYS did. At least DAYS gave him something to do and let him shine on Beyond Salem (even though his stint on DAYS was underwhelming and pathetic.)

    YR never let Tinker be front and center, and that was a huge mistake.

  3. 20 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    I don't know what to make of the roof top set. But at least it's something different. Then the same tired old sets. I felt more when Marlena ''died'' in 1987. And even as a kid i knew she would come back. Chanel and Johnny still have chemistry. i liked their scenes.

    Really? Because I can't believe anyone would not appreciate and even love that rooftop set. I thought it was perfect.

  4. 4 hours ago, Jdee43 said:

    I like Cynthia Watros, and she is a good actress, but unfortunately it's hard to look at her sometimes with the work she has done to her face. Most people have lines under their eyes, and the skin tone of the area under the eyes matches that of the rest of the face. Is there anything that a make-up artist or a lighting set-up can do to make her look more natural?.

    I like CW a lot, too. Great actress. But you're so right about the work she's had done. She's really overdone it with the fillers, and she's also bug-eyed at times. I can understand getting a refresh, but this is ridiculous.

  5. Let me be a grinch about Heather Tom.

    Yes, she's a really good actress. Yes, she can emote. But that performance with DD was just more over-the-top sobbing and crying, and I think the scene would've worked better without it. How about some anger, some confusion, some bitterness?

    She went for the Emmy reel. Again. I didn't like it.

  6. 18 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Li needs to go!  The actor is horrific and Li has become so annoying.


    He is. He's absolutely awful. Yes, he's good-looking, but THAT. IS. IT. Besides, there are tons of good-looking and hot Asian actors out there who can ACT.


    Shouldn't Salem residents stop crying over relatives and friends who die? Shouldn't they know that almost NO ONE stays dead in Salem?

    These scenes are all filler for me -- cliche dialogue mouthed by sobbing characters -- when we KNOW they're not dead. Even worse, Ron C doesn't wait a few years between these deaths. He does it all the time.

    I can't feel any emotion from this crap, TBH.


  7. 23 hours ago, ironlion said:

    Exactly, unfinished story gets a random new layer. For example: was Harmony always Neil's killer or was that a last minute addition?

    I have a feeling we won't get a proper resolution to who The Hook is. Heather as the culprit is anti climactic.

    I don't even think they intended for Esmé to be Heather's daughter the entire time. Why does the show always feel the need to make new additions related to current players.  Eventually, the writers won't be able to remember all the random family trees, and have people who are cousins dating.

    Dex & Joss = Molly & Brando = Dev & Trina/Joss. Sketchy guy of the moment. Esme=Nelle=Carly. If GH's writers are going to keep re-introducing the same archetype in such a short span, make it diverse by changing their race at least.

    I agree with everything you said.

    And with today's show, looks like ANOTHER layer has been intro'd in Cody's life. Pathetic.

    3 hours ago, Darn said:

    They're grasping at straws to give him something to do. He's certainly not leading story (thank god). MB is unwatchable. Those between Sonny and Victor were interminable. Two men past their prime posturing at each other. Enough!

    MB is unwatchable, and it doesn't help that Sonny has become such a caricature. I've been LOL at the Sonny Is A Mob Boss scenes.

    You're also right about Victor being past his prime. I know people generally love CS, but this character is ridiculous. As with everything else on GH, we're supposed to wait FOREVER for any real power move to play out. It's beyond tired.


  8. 5 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Nope Pet is right cause he's doing everything he can to keep KB/Sheila on the canvas even though a good majority said their burnt out on Sheila 

    I'm beyond burned out on Sheila. I want her gone. Ending every other episode with her evil grin in close-up is not interesting soap. At this point, Sheila is just a crazy person who gets away with everything.

  9. I'm pretty bored with the wicked Sheila smiles. The character needs another timeout.

    Instead we get dumb Katie telling Bill "You're a hero" just because he turned Sheila in. Huh??? In what universe does that equate hero status?

    And so what if Sheila gets out of jail. Does she get anything she wants regarding her son? In the meantime, as on every soap, she gets visitor after visitor in jail -- private meetings, of course.

    Deacon? As usual, Brad Bell got bored writing for him, so he's just...gone.

  10. The biggest problem is that GH never finishes a story -- they just add layers and layers of more plot, even retconning what we've seen before.

    At some point (like with Cody), it all becomes convoluted and confusing. Some of you try to make sense of it all, but I just say "Screw it," telling myself that the history doesn't matter much and that they're making it up as they go along.

  11. 1 hour ago, BrendaB said:


    That Demetrius character is an adorable hottie.  I wish they'd let him drop the dumb accent (and take off his shirt already!  LOL).  Was he one of Helena's hot bodyguards or is he a completely new character?

    Demetrius is so hot I had to look him up lol. He first appeared in November,right before Thanksgiving. Body for days, and they keep filming him from the side, which shows off one killer butt.


    44 minutes ago, Darn said:

    Is Cynthia Watros ill? The difference in her face from just 3 years ago is stark. She can barely open her eyes. I hope she's okay.

    I don’t think CW is Ill. I think she’s had work done.


  12. On 12/27/2022 at 12:46 AM, Soapsuds said:

    Finn shirtless today....

    The board meeting to oust Thomas was ok. It could've been better.


    There’s no more perfect shirtless guy on daytime than Finn. Just damn. I can look at him all day, and that side shot is good, too….the way his sweats dip to the small of his back so you get the hint of the butt crack. The guy is walking sex.

    The board meeting was laughable, especially Eric getting so angry. What a load of hypocrites at that table. Thomas should have told them all to eff off.

  13. 6 hours ago, Soapfan8 said:

    Yeah maybe online?, show anyone irl and majority will agree AN is the better actress to Jacqui, so I think y’all might be the minority🤷🏾‍♂️

    In real life? What are you talking about? The soap world is real life, and your point is ridiculous.

    if you think AN is the best and a great actress, fine, but that’s just your opinion. Pretending you know what people IRL would say is actually hilarious.

  14. 11 hours ago, j swift said:

    I'm going re-ask my question that may have gotten lost in the November discussion

    What's the deal with Selina Wu?  Is she evil because she's trying to lure Cody and Gladys into loosing their money through poker?  Or is she cool because she helped Holly against Victor?  I don't know how we're supposed to feel about her?

    I’ve said it before. The actress playing Selina Wu tries WAY too hard with that low, monotone voice. It makes her boring and ridiculous, not scary and imposing.

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