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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 8 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    Y'all crack me up tracking Chandler's smirks! You really do. I love it. I can't figure out, is it sonar like the weather? Or radar? Like the military?

    Not sure what’s cracking you up. Do you see the smirks, too, or do you think I’m ridiculous for even seeing the smirks and grins? The. Guy breaks in every scene. That’s horrible acting.

  2. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    I love Diedre/Marlena, too, but she should take a nap. No one's asking for "vile" and "blatant sexuality." She gave herself away when she said "Our audience isn't changing" when she should realize adding viewers isn't a bad thing as 80 year olds die off.

    And then she ends her comments by saying that Ron C is always "on the cutting edge"? JFC.


    10 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    RSW can keep his clothes on. I'll pass!!😂

    We agree on a lot about DAYS, but I really don't understand why you hate RSW so much. If you don't like his acting, fine, but to pretend he's not good-looking and has an incredible body is kind of ridiculous.


  3. 7 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Today's episode is cringworhy from Marlena/Kristen scenes to Brady/Rachel to Mike and Nancy and of course the terrible acting.

    Oh forgot Leo and Craig....lord...

    The Marlena/Kristen scenes were cringe, especially since there was no logical reason for them to be together. None.

    The entire episode was filled with awful acting, which honestly, was the only enjoyable thing about it. Once you see Drake H make his "I smell a fart" face and every scene after that is filled with actors (some competent, some not) doing their worst work, all you can do is revel in the mess.

    The Nancy/Mike scenes did not work for me because it was all rushed. Going from intense anger to "It really was nice to see you" with a 10-minute conversation is ludicrous. And no, Mike throwing in "I thought I might be gay when I was in high school" doesn't make me applaud Ron C for his tribute to history. It's time we stop thanking these writers for ONE LINE surrounded by an hour of trash.

    I did have to laugh at Nancy's excuse for what she did when she was with Craig: "It was a bad time for me." I mean, isn't it ALWAYS a bad time for Nancy? Isn't that ALWAYS her excuse? The woman NEVER makes good choices but always blames someone or something else.

    Leo and Craig? Jesus...just make it stop. Somewhere between years ago and 2022, Kevin Spirtas forgot how to act. Leo? Still and forever annoying.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    @ranger1rg Scott Mckinsey was today's director. I noticed the director toned down Jennifer's hysteria from yesterday's episode.

    I did notice McKinsey directed, which made me doubly shocked about the blocking of the scene I mentioned. And yes, "Jennifer's Hysteria" was toned down. I know Cady has a lot of fans, but I can't sign off on how she plays Jennifer just because Melissa Reeves is an awful human being.

  5. 7 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I just hate Ron Carlivati writing. I just hate how he makes all the bad characters on the show judge and jury. Gives them a holier than thou attitude. Gwen going on today about how bad bad Jennifer is and then forgiving her because she loves her father to much to cause him more pain. Yeah right! Whatever Ron...we've never seen hints of it before.

    Leo is a worm! Why he wasn't thrown out of house sooner was ridiculous! I can't believe this cartoon of character has gotten top billing over legacy characters. Leo should've been written out long time ago.

    Nancy looked ridiculous today. What the hell was on her head today? Ron totally ruined Nancy and Craig. They just look stupid. The story given to them could've worked had Ron wrote something good with drama in it. Instead the story was a joke and made Craig and Nancy look like complete fools.

    I did enjoy the Mike scenes with Julie and Doug at the cemetery. Same for the Paulina, Stephanie and Chad scenes.

    You're so right about ALL of this. Today's show annoyed the hell out of me.

    Leo is beyond annoying. BEYOND. No one would put up with his bullsh#t. When I see how focused Ron C is on his character, I know he doesn't care what anyone says online. If Sonny gets involved with him....I mean, kill me now. WHY hire a hot guy like Zach Tinker as Sonny just to pair him with LEO? And yes, I'm shallow. Leo is NOT hot enough, and there's nothing sexual about him.

    The Jennifer and Gwen stuff today was absurd -- and so typical of the way Carlivati saves a character. Just ridiculous even BEFORE we get the gosh-gee-open-mouth response from Cady McClain, who gets worse as Jennifer every day.

    Nancy? The character CANNOT be salvaged....which means Ron C will save her and make her look even dumber and even less worthy of respect. Getting back with Craig? In what universe except one in which she's so self-loathing it's pathetic?

    The Mike scenes with Julie and Doug were fine, but I was struck by the scene where Mike first appears. The blocking and direction are horrendous. Mike's face cannot be seen, and there's no reason to film it that way. Clearly, to save $5, they didn't shoot the scene again.

  6. Completely agree about Allie -- what a drag her character has been. And although I'll take Johnny shirtless ANY day of the week, the scenes with an ogling Chanel and an angry Allie are getting tired.

    I know people like the Abby/Chad goodbye scenes, but that's another soap cliche I can do without -- the cemetery scene where the dead character appears and gives life lessons to the living. It's also tired.

    Can someone give the guy who plays Li some acting lessons? Because, my God, he's terrible.


    P.S.   The Nancy and Clyde scenes were sickening. Nancy having a constant pity party is not fun to watch. And the one question she has for Clyde is to ask if he was going to kill her next? UGH. I'm finding her to be insufferable.

  7. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

     I thought Cady McClain's acting was all over the place.

    So did I...all over the place terrible.

    When Cady first took over the role, I was over the moon about her, not only because I found her real but because I've grown to dislike the real Missy Reeves so much. Since then, it's been all downhill with Cady, with scenery chewing and over-emoting and sobbing without tears. Just UGH

    I never thought I'd miss Melissa Reeves as Jennifer, but here we are.

  8. 5 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    I'm not sure I could even explain what I just saw. As Bonnie is helping Nancy get ready to be a City Hall bride, Justin is trying to broker a peace between Alex & Sonny who have had some kind of falling out over Titan. Meanwhile he fills us in on a time in the past when Clyde was angry at Victor & attached Sonny because of it.

    Chad has Stefano's handgun out of the safe & is looking for Clyde. He finds him & jams the gun in his ribs & forces him to go to Abby's grave in the cemetery & screams at him to explain why he killed Abby. Unbelieavable, Clyde says he wasn't supposed to kill her that he was after Belle!

    LOL And wasn't it amazing to hear Clyde give ALL the details to Chad? He coughed up everything in 2 minutes and answered all our questions.

    I would have preferred to see Clyde marry Dumb Nancy and take her for a ride (figuratively, that is). I agree that Ron has ruined Nancy, but there's no turning back on that now. Arresting Clyde and not getting married doesn't exactly save Nancy, because now she'll cry about THAT and how dumb she was and is.

    If only someone would reply, "Yes, Nancy, you are dumb."

  9. 6 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Hey, the Great GH Sex Drought finally ended 😂😂

    As for the Hooker, it’s not Dex. He’s a classic red herring. I have no guess who it would be though. Esme is too obvious 

    They should make Epiphany the killer, saying that the stress of studying to be a doctor got to her. I mean, she's on that fast track where you become an M.D. in a year or less.

    And with all the crime on that Port Charles dock and pier,why is there NEVER a cop or security around? I guess that happens when you have a police chief like Jordan who spends her time interviewing people at the hospital.

  10. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    See ya, Brando. We'll miss you 😊

    I see there was more A.D.D in the writers room with Carly and the scorned angry wife/cemetery stuff. I'll never understand why the writing team always does this.

    I realize Brando wasn't a popular character who won't be missed (even though the actor is decent), but Brando is FAR down my list on things wrong with GH, including making an episode that should be about his death and Sasha into another showcase for Carly and Sonny.

    Sonny always has to be around to dispense words of wisdom, giving us the meaning of it all, telling us how to feel and what to remember. It's effing sickening.


    Also, the past few days with the Curtis/Jordan/Portia scenes have been horrendous. I mean, who has these discussions of "If not for the lies and deception and and wreckage in our marriage, would we still be together?"??? And "If not for all the lies she told you that killed your marriage, would you still love her?"? It's just ridiculous.

    Why is Curtis asking these questions? Why is Portia? Why is Jordan? And why in hell would Jordan insist on protecting Aunt Stella, when these people should already know the kind of stuff she's always done and continues to do?

    They're working overtime to give these people a storyline, but this isn't one.

  11. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:


    I just hope Mo doesn't turn this around to make himself look like the victim

    I think MB is too busy blocking people who called him out on being a huge ass. I included him on a couple tweets where I told him what I thought of his disrespect for others while demanding devotion and deference. Took him about an hour to block me. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  12. On 9/13/2022 at 10:26 PM, j swift said:

    It is the age old casualty dilemma - Do they tell fewer teen stories because less than 10% of their 3.5 million viewers are teens? (or) Is less than 10% of the audience between 18-25 because they tell fewer teen stories?

    Personally, I don't care for teen angst, but I would enjoy more early career stories rather than all of these nepo-babies and gold diggers where there is no conflict whether or not their businesses succeed because they'll just build a new one when inspiration strikes.  

    I want economic diversity and striving in soaps, rather than just more young rich kids (not that those are the only options, although it seems to be in Genoa City).  Currently most characters are either millionaires, married to millionaires, or have kids by millionaires.

    Actually, we’re told they’re millionaires, but we don’t see it and they don’t live like it. 

  13. Peacock might not be tremendous, but it’s much better than some people here give it credit for.

    There’s more original programming all the time, and a big library of NBC and Bravo shows. There are sporting events. There are complete series runs of shows like Downton Abbey.

    I get it gratis because my cable is Xfinity/Comcast, but I’d pay the $4.99 if I didn’t.

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