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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 36 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    You go get it Hope!!  I would've slowly unzipped his jacked before making out but that's just me!

    Dump that wimp Liam!!


    I'm more than fine with Hope riding Thomas.

    I just wish Thomas and Hope fans would admit that Hope is a piece of work. JUST YESTERDAY she cried and begged Liam to take her back and not divorce her. Today? She's licking her lips while talking to Thomas and moving THISCLOSE to him because she wants him so bad.

  2. 7 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    So, Megan’s gone? Just like that? 

    I’m sure she’ll be back soon but I still don’t get it. I really hope we find out what’s going on behind the scenes and who’s making all these stupid decisions.

    One of the biggest problems with DAYS is the constant in-and-out of major characters

    It reeks of money problems, it reeks of writer ADHD, it reeks of treating actors horribly, it reeks of "Let's do something soaps have never done."

    I cannot get used to it, and I never will.

  3. Anyone expecting Brad Bell to kill off Liam is delusional. That is never going to happen.

    Regardless of how awful Liam is, can we talk about how psychotic Hope is??? She pants for Thomas for months, kisses him and wants to ride him in Paris, and now tells him it was a mistake? And sends Liam a dozen texts begging forgiveness?

    Hope is NUTS.

  4. 5 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Nothing about Leo?😂

    I started watching and Leo is talking about sex rooms and bondage. Seriously Leo is a big joke. He has no business in these stories or show. This character is the worst in soap history.

    I despise Leo with red-hot passion. There are so many ways to write his character as a real, authentic, and funny gay guy. Instead, we get a caricature and a cringeworthy joke. It's stunning and sickening that a gay head writer thinks this shyt is clever and hilarious and so 2023.

  5. 9 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Snaps to you, Eroll, for having the balls to say that.  I feel like [most] soap press would've stepped back and kept their mouth shut.  It's refreshing to see someone in soap press still have the actual gumption to not kiss the backsides of others. 👌🏻

    I agree with you about Errol.

    It is so great to see someone in the soap press who's so honest and upfront about what's wring with a show or the industry in general. Almost every soap journalist gives softball interviews and fluff coverage to every show. I don't think there's a more dishonest arm in journalism than the soap press, who seem to be afraid their arms will be cut off if they're critical.

  6. 10 hours ago, te. said:

    Oh, I don't blame them - I think both initially agreed to do Beyond Salem though and the logistics of filming that probably looked different than doing the regular show. I fully blame Ron for not changing it into something more satisfying for long time fans and not some cliffhanger for BS4 (that'll never happen) and that might or might not be followed up on. 

    I hear you. I just don't think that Bo & Hope storyline would have worked on Beyond Salem 3, either. There's no DAYS universe where that story works.

    16 minutes ago, Michael said:

    She said numerous times she would never be back "in Salem," for one thing. That's why she agreed to do a BS special but not the main show originally. And her interest in primarily sharing screen time with guys/love interests 10 years younger than her has been a thing since PR left the show in 2012. She's sort of a known pain in the ass with this stuff, and they were clearly catering to her to get what they could out of her.

    I've read numerous interviews with KA, but I've never seen one that mentioned she'd never be back in Salem. If she had said that, soap Twitter would have blown up. Do you have a link?

    I'm not Alfonso fanboy, but what you're implying just sounds like unfounded gossip to me, all under the "Kristian Alfonso is Difficult" umbrella.

    She had a problem with younger love interests and expressed that for years? She was a pain in the ass with that stuff? DAYS catered to get out of her what they did?

    I cannot remember reading any of this except as rumor. If it came out of KA's mouth, I'd love to read the interviews.

  7. I refuse to blame KA and PR for that storyline fiasco. 

    They were signed for so many weeks and so many shows. Carlivati knew how long he had them, and it’s HIS fault he kept them apart until their final appearances and that completely botched ending.

    No one can tell me that Kristian or Peter had anything to do with that mess.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Liam doofus reaction to seeing Hope kissing Thomas today was😂😂😂😂😂

    LMAO  It was a great ending to an absolutely RIDICULOUS half hour.

    -- Steffy congratulating Hope on her magnificent "vision." I mean, we saw 3 dresses, including Hope's Elsa ripoff.

    -- Thomas and Hope decide to GO FOR A WALK??? LOL So glad the Colosseum was nearby.

    -- Speaking of walking, Liam decides to WALK AROUND ROME looking for Hope, all so he can keep his appearance a surprise. I mean, really?

    -- And are we going to be told that Hope was caught up in the romantic moment? Girl looked like she wanted to swallow Thomas whole and ride him right there.


  9. If DAYS were rolling aas a good show right now, things like losing p.r. people wouldn't hit as hard. However, since the show is a mess storywise, it just comes off as another nail in the coffin. We start seeing cost-cutting everywhere -- including where there hasn't been any.

    IMO, the Bo & Hope story debacle really hurt.  It was a chance to use history and legacy and iconic soap actors to reel in lapsed viewers and hold on to the audience it has. The result was a complete and utter failure, on every level, with no impact on future storytelling.

    Actors are shuffled in and out SO often that it's laughable. If we like a return, that actor is gone a few months later. Production-wise, we were fooled by a couple new sets that looked good. Lately, the show looks dark and dingy to me, as if someone dimmed all the lights to hide the sets. Maybe DAYS can save even more money by throwing up a black curtain and having the actors perform  everything in front of it. Who needs sets?

    And now ANOTHER day with Bonnie and her bad cold??? Jesus.

  10. 55 minutes ago, Noel said:


    I don't see any outcome or result of the clothing line that Thomas and Hope had been working so tirelessly for these past weeks/months. To me, it looked like something you would find off the rack at Forever 21. To make it more foofoo, just add some prom lace and cover your chest with birdseed. 


    Hope looked like Elsa -- if Elsa went to Walmart for her Halloween costume.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    The fashion show only had 3 dresses?

    I was corrected on that when I called it a fashion show. I was told "I'ts just a shoot." LOL

    So BOLD had Hope and Brooke out in public, surrounded by a bunch of tourists supposedly in awe.  Hope was waving her arms around  so much I started LOL. Her dress? BAD.

    Brooke actually looked nice, but I thought it was odd that a supposed line representing the future would feature a grandma.

  12. 7 hours ago, Aragorn said:

    Is the Drew actor leaving the show? They could send Drew to jail for a whiile, and then he can come back as a different actor.

    Cameron Matheson got another one of those Hallmark movies. That's why he's gone for awhile. If Frank is hot for him (as he seems to be), he'll be back.


    In other news, you can tell how good GH is these days by seeing all the GL posts in this thread. Speaks volumes.

  13. 49 minutes ago, dragonflies said:


    Something tells me that "Peacock money" was never a real thing. This is literally Death by a Thousand Cuts.



    6 hours ago, Noel said:

    Something in my gut was telling me to not get too attached to Megan. My gut was right.

    It's really a shame. I enjoy the actor and the character. Carlivati does WAY too much shuffling in-and-out with characters.


    1 hour ago, Gray Bunny said:

    DAYS' music catalog is awful and it has been for years. It sounds rinky-dink, cheesy, cliché at times....

    Especially awful is that track used at the end of every episode. Jesus, that's bad.



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