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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 6 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    We finally got a Sweet Bits set 😂

    Though the rest of the episode was a little

    Abe being the spoiler for Jada and Rafe is stupid. If Jada was still in Eric’s orbit, and still pregnant with his child, that would be a much better conflict for her and Rafe. 

    And Chanel/Sloan was stupid too. I think I would enjoy this storyline more if it wasn’t written like some big joke 

    The whole episode fell flat for me. That Black girl fight didn't look like any Black girl fight I've ever seen, and honestly, I'm tired of DAYS' constant move to a slap during so many arguments.

    The Leo Lady Whistleblower stuff is painful.

  2. On 4/8/2023 at 7:05 PM, divinemotion said:

    So Brooke is doing this all over again. But this time she is not 35... it's so sad seeing the same old thing repeated till you are sick. How many times will that woman be made to act a scene like this...

    And here I was dreaming of a story with that hot young waiter. Brooke could have been on fire with him.

    No... it's destiny for the 102000 time.

    Fully agree. Brooke had fire chem with that waiter, an d watching her salivate in front of Ridge was so pathetic.


    On 4/8/2023 at 10:03 PM, edgeofnik said:

    The Braylor friendship doesn't hit the same because it's not KKL/HT - that's where the 30 years of bad blood lies.

    I like KA she's done a great job in breathing new life to the character, but it's just not the seismic shift it's made out to be.

    If HT/KKL were hugging it out, having a girls night, etc. that *would* be mindblowing along the lines of the Brooke/Stephanie evolution, but somehow bigger. Brooke/Stephanie always felt like a mother/daughter relationship - they were never peers. 

    Skip the girlfriend's aspect, keep them friendly, but both should move to different stories - preferably Brooke flinging with Hollis and Taylor with Deacon.

    For me, the Braylor friendship not only doesn't hit the same, it's completely absurd. Both women have apparently had lobotomies to have a friendship like this.

    Seeing them longingly look at each other like there's some deep, cosmic connection is just LAUGHABLE.

  3. 7 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    Did they really bring Ciara back just to let the audience know she is once again an incubator for a serial killer's baby? That girl is as useless as ever. And RSW has no business playing two characters. My god. 

    The Li actor is hilariously bad (but pretty), so naturally he's on almost every day. He and Gabi have the same scenes 5 days a week. I'm glad they randomly inserted Trask into this story because otherwise it's a chore to watch. 

    The Sloan actress is right up there with Remington. Absolutely dreadful yet they keep giving her tons of airtime and dramatic material. She and Eric are painful together. 

    Wendy is bland AF and I don't care what guy she chooses. 

    Gwen and my boy Leo need to go. It's past time. 

    Not even gonna say anything about the Bo Kiriakis/Hope/Jason Morgan stuff. 

    The show is not good, but here I am still watching and paying for it. 😅

    SO many good comments here that I lost count.


    ad to know I’m not the only one who thinks Wendy is bland and boring. There’s nothing special about her acting at all, and I don’t see chemistry with Johnny or Tripp.

  4. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. 

    Dex’s dancing was just fine, and so was Josh Kelly’s. Both guys are hot. I think they pay a price here because their characters aren’t well liked.

    Yuri was fine, but I hardly think he gets to be called a real man — as opposed to the others — just because he’s hairy and not shaved. If that’s your preference, cool, but that does make him a “real man.”

    Yuri didn’t move any better than Dex or Cody, either, but no one’s commenting on his dancing. Is that because a “real man” isn’t judged for his moves? 

  5. I tried to be kind while watching this first day of the Nurses' Ball...but damn...that was so much cringe. The choreography is just so awkward and stilted. It's like a middle school show that had too little rehearsal.
    These performances with a dozen+ on stage are just so bad, and yes, I realize they're not supposed to be professional entertainers. Part of the problem is production, because nothing about the lighting or direction tells us we're watching something special -- which I thought we'd get for the 60th. Yes, they paid for bodies on the screen, but otherwise it all looks cheap.
    If they can't do it right, whether it's budget or time or whatever, don't do it at all.
  6. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

     The pacing is weird right now though.  You will see some stories disappear for long periods.

    That's exactly my complaint about the pacing. I wasn't talking about a soap taking its time to play the beats, but about  contract guarantees/appearances getting in the way of telling a story that doesn't get hot and then disappear for 2 weeks.

  7. I really thought the "Peacock episodes" would be better than this. I'm not seeing the "changes" or "improvements" that other people are.

    The lighting and sets are better? Uh....ok....if you say so. The writing is more streamer than network? Uh.... ok...if you say so.

    Meanwhile, the pacing is NO different. Characters get strong story for a week and then disappear in the middle of that strong story. And Bo and Hope? Sorry, but in my opinion Ron botched their return, which should have been epic and magical.

  8. 1 hour ago, dragonflies said:

    I'm irritated Deacon is going to get off scot-free especially for harboring Sheila and for knowing Sheila broke into Sinn's house and could have kidnapped Hayes 

    Why shouldn't Deacon get off scot-free when no one else on this show ever pays for their crimes?

    49 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    So the ending we are seeing now is a rewrite?

    I'd put money on it. I can't think of ANY good reason to to call it anything BUT a rewrite. It's not just a left turn, but a HARD left turn.

    I've seen rewrites on soaps over the years, but never one THIS bad, THIS jaw-droppingly awful. It's great for hate-watching, but it also makes me despise Brad Bell for treating the audience with such disrespect.

    21 hours ago, Cruising Soaps said:

    Is it me or are the long stares at end of scenes getting longer?


    It's not just you. They've taken the decades-old "pregnant pause" on soaps and brought it back. It's an anachronism, and it doesn't work, instead making production look incompetent.

  9. 23 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    The red-carpet scenes were unbearable. 

    Yep, the red carpet was awful.

    Chandra Wilson is good on Grey's, but she is the wrong choice for this red carpet interview stuff -- way too laid back and reverential. They needed someone who was ALIVE and fun and irreverent, asking questions that are at least semi-embarrassing.

    Instead, they played it straight, and you can't overcome boring writing by playing it straight.

  10. 5 hours ago, Darn said:

    Because they're not actual drawings, it's a photoshop action that turns an image into a sketched drawing. Good idea, poor execution.

    Whatever it is, it's a mess. If they put something like that on our screens, we would SCREAM.

    The new open looks better every day.

    On 3/29/2023 at 12:20 AM, Antoyne said:

    I don’t have a problem with it at all. I actually think a lot of the cast looks are better to me here than the last one.

    Yep. After a week+ living with the new open, I call it a success.

  11. 1 hour ago, DaytimeFan said:

    The font change is a huge, huge improvement. That cannot be difficult to fix and Y&R should do so immediately. 

    I think that font change is much too small. I prefer the current, new font
perhaps a little smaller.

    And again, I think the skyline is fine. Overall, the new open is a success in my eyes.

  12. Ryan Carnes was special as Lucas. Anyone paying attention could see the detail he put into his character, especially in the relationship with Brad -- the way he looked at Brad, the way he touched Brad.

    I'm not talking about a romantic or a sex scene, but just that everyday touch of affection that made the relationship seem so real. Carnes brought out the best in Parry Shen, too.

    I don't think any of the things I've mentioned were in the script. I think it was all Carnes.

  13. I co-sign everything being said about this wretched "storyline."  It gives "rewrite" a whole new meaning. But it IS all worth watching -- to hate, to laugh at, to ridicule, to see why people disparage soaps.

    And can we all applaud Kimberlin Brown for her "I'm going to squint through every scene" acting style? I mean, Jesus, just get rid of her already.

  14. 9 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    I love Mamie. I love Jill.

    But god that scene was painful. Mamie’s line delivery missed the mark. The back and forth had a bad cadence. The music did nothing to help. 

    Old school Y&R would have played some sentimental music to lull the audience into thinking there would have been a detente. The cameras would have been a close-up, so you could see deeply into each characters reaction. And when Mamie delivered her closing line, the music would have shifted, and the camera would have focused on her face into a fade to black. 

    This was a moment we have waited for for decades. It was treated like a throw away scene. 

    Disagree completely. That scene was gold.

    1 hour ago, Dylan said:



    What a piece of work. Why doesn’t he “explain what went down” right there on his damn Twitter page?

  15. The new open is fine, and I'd even call it good. It's not great, although like most of those commenting here, I don't know if it's possible to come up with an open that pleases viewers to the point of "greatness."

    I've now seen it multiple times on two U.S. episodes, and it looks better every time. Every actor looks great, hair and wardrobe. The font is getting heavy criticism, but I like it; a size smaller might be better. I think they went for a red font to match the lipstick color on the Y&R.

    The deep, dark background is a big contrast from the last open, so I think that was intentional. The skyline is being called "cheap," but I don't get that criticism at all. They're obviously going for some noir look with that and the font. If you don't like it, fine, but throwing out "It's cheap" doesn't work for me.

    Regardless of how poorly the business stories are today, Newman and Jabot are still at the center of Y&R. I don't know what else viewers would want as a background, other than generics.

    Importantly, they kept the actors' names on the screen. I love that. I also love it that they did not mess with the theme. I did like the jazz/porn theme, but not as a replacement for the classic. I'd use it today, but as the end credits music.

    One more thing I like that's continuing: that the music cue leads into the open theme and becomes a part of it. I'd say that works almost all of the time, and it's an example of extra work being done.


  16. 1 hour ago, dragonflies said:

    Finally Sheila is catching on, no one of Bill's stature is going to marry without a pre nup lol

    This plan is so idiotic and she'd be rotting in jail if it weren't for Dumb and Dumber, so I hope Sheila does marry and take Bill for all he's worth

    But the "Sheila is catching on" element doesn't make any sense either.

    Why not marry him and take his money? There's nothing about marrying Bill that puts her in any kind of danger or bad position.

    Then they throw ominous music behind it all -- as if that saves it.

  17. I think Amanda Setton is just fine as Brook Lynn. The writing for her and Chase is at fault. When she’s given the material, she’s good.

    I have bigger problems with other characters, like Maxie, who has become annoying beyond belief. I also can’t stand Esme, who’s being redeemed in a flash for no reason, and who I’d rather see written off with that ginormous baby.

  18. I liked it better on the 3rd watch than on the first, so maybe it'll grow on me. I want to see it on my television tomorrow rather than on my laptop.

    It isn't special, which is what I hoped for, so in that sense it's disappointing. Still, I can't agree with the comments that are trashing it and calling it awful. That's just overboard, I think.

    I'm most grateful they didn't mess with the soundtrack.

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