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Blog Entries posted by daysfan

  1. daysfan
    Somewhere, anywhere The Phoenix himself , indeed alive, and well, lays on a hospital bed, hooked to ventilators and heart monitors. Two masked figures, one male and female, look over Stefano, then they look into a tv monitor and look at the residents of Salem, at Stefano’s funeral, looking upon a woman in red,

    Back at St.Luke's, Vivian comes storming into the church
    "Somebody better get out there and get poor Hope. My God, she’s passed out drunk just outside." Vivian stops as she sees the woman in red. The woman turns around, places her hands on her hips and looks at Vivian. The woman takes her glasses and scarf off. Vivian is stunned
    "Valentine Heart!"
    "You know this woman?"
    "She’s my sister!" Everyone is stunned

    Episode 226, Valentine WHO?
    Written by ML Cooks

    Midtown Salem,
    Marlena’s Penthouse,
    Belle is sipping hot tea, looking out the patio window. The snow flakes falling from the sky puts Belle in a trance of peace and tranquility. That is until her cell phone rings. She puts her tea down and answers her phone. "Hello?"
    "Belle, I’m glad you answered."
    "Yes, it’s me. Listen, I am in a bit of a bind and I really need your help."
    "Well what’s’s going on? Are you ok?"
    "I really can’t talk right now. Just please get down to Salem Place as fast as you can. I really need you right now."
    Then Belle hears the other end click. "What is going on?" She says to her self as she puts her boots and coat on, leaving the penthouse.

    Back At St. Luke’s
    "I’m surprised you even know who I am. After all, I never hear from you."
    "Just what the hell are you doing here?"
    "The same reason why you are here. To mourn the loss of Stefano."
    "Stefano? What in God’s name are you talking about? You don’t know Stefano."
    "Oh yes I do. Very well." She winks her eye at her older sister. Vivian rolls her eyes.
    Vivian, looking at Bo
    "Don’t just stand there you fool, Your fancy face is passed out drunk." Bo, side tracked by Valentine’s sudden appearance jumps up and heads out side followed by Marlena, and Maggie.
    Vivian walking over to her sister and grabbing her by the arm and pulling her aside.
    "Cut the bull. What are you really doing here?" Valentine smiles and walks away from Vivian. Valentine walks up to Stefano’s picture and pulls out some tissue and sheds a few tears.
    Vivian, looking on at her sister with evil eyes
    "I am not having this. This is the last thing I need. A slutty Valentine. Everything seems to be against me. I have to do something. I have to turn things around."

    Salem Inn
    Lucas brings some fresh popped popcorn out from the kitchen and over to the couch where Jan sits, admiring the fire place.
    "You ready for the movie? You said you been wanting to see this one."
    Jan, looking into Lucas’s eyes
    "Nah, no movie, I just want to sit here and talk."
    "OK... Is something wrong?"
    Jan, nibbling at her popcorn
    "Nothing is the matter. I just wanted us to talk."
    "Ok, shoot, what’s on your mind."
    "You and I both know that your aunt Maggie and Julie have made it very clear they don’t want me in the Horton family and they despise that I got myself pregnant with Shawn’s baby. How do you really feel about me carrying your’s cousin’s child?"
    Lucas, not expecting that question from her, stares into her eyes, thinking of his answer.
    "To be honest, I don’t even think of it. I just see you as pregnant. It’s doesn’t matter who’s the father. I am falling in love with you, and I want us to raise this baby together. Me and you, a family."
    "Wow, no one has ever said anything like that to me before."
    "Well hopefully this is just the start of the rest of our days together." He leans in and kisses her. He then pulls back and she smiles at him.
    "I really don’t remember the last time I was this overjoyed. I have new hope for this baby." As she says that, she remembers Bo coming to see her and threatening to take full custody of her unborn child.
    "No one will take this baby from me. Not Bo, not Hope, not anyone."
    "You got that right. You shouldn’t have to worry about that." He says holding her.
    "I don’t care what I have to do, No one will take this child from me, ..no one." Jan says to herself.

    Downtown Salem,
    Salem Place,
    Belle walks around the shopping mall looking for Nicholas. He taps her on the shoulder from behind. Belle is startled
    "Oh I’m sorry didn’t mean to sneak up on you."
    "Yeah well this is the town of the devil, the river front knifer and the Salem serial killer. "
    Nicholas, laughs
    "Thanks for coming down here so soon."
    " It’s no problem. Now you said you needed help. What’s going on?"
    "You promise you won’t laugh? I am kind of embarrassed.’
    "Embarrassed? Nicholas, what is going on?"
    "You see, I’m not very good reading with out my glasses, can you look up and tell me what that says?" He says pointing toward the sky. Then into Belle’s view, a small plane flies past, circling Salem square with a message tied on the plane that reads "Belle, will you be my Valentine?" Belle smiles and looks at Nicholas
    "That’s really cute. Is that why you dragged me down here?"
    "Answer my question and I’ll answer yours?"
    Belle, blushing and smiling
    "Yes, I’ll be your Valentine." he smiles and engulfs her in a hug.

    Outside of St. Luke’s
    As Bo, Maggie and Marlena look for Hope, they are unable to find her.
    "Didn’t Vivian say she was out here?"
    "Yes she did but I don’t see no sign of her."
    "Oh no, I hope nothing has happened to her."
    "You and me both" He says pulling out his cell phone, calling Hope.

    Inside the church, once the mourners get over their shock at Salem’s newest visitor, it’s back to business. Nicole begins’ to walk over toward Tony. Anna walks away from Kirsten, to try and stop Nicole. She catches up to her
    "What do you think you’re doing?"
    "What does it look like? I am paying my respects for my grandfather."
    "Don’t be coy with me young lady. I want you to leave now. This is not the place or time for anything stupid."
    "Go to hell Anna and get the hell out of my way. I have family to talk to." Nicole brushes right past Anna
    "No damn it! This can’t be happening."
    Nicole walks up tp Tony
    "Nicole, it’s a bit strange seeing you here."
    "It shouldn’t be. We are family."
    "Excuse me?"
    "I’m your daughter with Marlena. Ask Anna she’ll confirm it."
    Tony's face suddenly pales as he looks at Anna and then back at Nicole, and is STUNNED!!!
  2. daysfan
    Hope walks into the Cheating Heart. She walks over to the bar and orders a shot of Rum. The bartender hands it to her and Hope downs it. Hope orders another. She downs this one again and she repeats the process. Sitting next to her at the bar is David Banning, whom Hope didn’t recognize
    “Easy there Hope.”
    Hope turns around and sees David
    “David, I almost didn’t recognize you.”
    “I bet. I’ve barely seen you since I got back here on Christmas.”
    Hope has a flashback of blowing up at the Horton House just as Mike and David came back to Salem.
    “Yeah, well things have been rough for me lately.”
    “I can tell.”
    “Look I don’t need this from you too. I came here to be in peace without some one always looking at and asking am I ok?”
    “We care about you Hope. Everyone is concerned about you. This is not you. Drinking like this. Tell me what’s going on? Let me help you.”
    Hope has images of Killing Gina and nearly choking Megan to death.
    “Look, I don’t want to be bothered. Nothing is wrong with me. I wish everyone would stop treating like a child.”
    “Your turning on the people who love you and care the most about you.”
    “Go screw yourself David. You don’t know a damn thing about me.” Hope drinks her last shot of Rum and storms out the Cheating Heart. David decides to call Bo and let him know he just saw Hope.

    St Luke’s

    Marlena, and Maggie walks back inside the church, just in time to hear this

    Nicole, to Tony
    “I’m your daughter with Marlena. Ask Anna she’ll confirm everything.”
    “What did you just say?”
    “Oh, hey mom?”
    “Your our of your mind.”
    “This is madness. You! My daughter with Marlena! This some sort of sick joke.”
    “I’ll say. Surely I would remember how many children I gave birth too.”
    “Well just ask Anna. She knew for a few weeks.”
    “Is this true Anna?” She says approaching her
    Anna with a tear rolling down her cheek
    “Yes it’s true. Nicole is your daughter with Tony.” Marlena faints as Maggie catches her.

    Episode: 227 All in the Family
    Written by: ML Cooks

    University Hospital

    Nick knocks on Mike Horton’s office door.
    “Come in.”
    Nick walks in.
    Mike “Nephew, it’s good to see you. What brings you by?”
    Nick, taking a seat.
    “I thought I’d come by and see how things are with you. Here we are, with the same last name but I barley know you.”
    “I feel the same way.”
    “I was thinking of attending Salem U, in the spring.”
    “Oh yea? What do you plan on studying?”
    I am going to study medicine. I want to be a doctor.”
    “Well you came to the right person for some advice on that. I must say, it’s very rewarding work. I love it with a passion. Though it can get hectic and crazy and very stressful at times, I think you can handle it.”
    “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
    “Listen, there is another reason I came to see you.”
    “Yes, it’s about Jeremy.” Mike looks at Nick with interest upon hearing his son’s name.

    Up on Salem Hill,

    Lexie is about to enter the Dimera Mansion, with Celeste right behind her.
    Celeste, trying to convince her daughter to not move in,
    “Alexandra, I am telling you, this is not such a great idea.”
    “Mom, I’m sorry. I don’t have no where else to go right now. Abe doesn’t want me, he doesn’t want me to be a mother to Theo, what else can I do?”
    “Please darling, you can move in with me.”
    “That won’t look good to a court. I have to stop Abe from taking my son away from me.”
    “Moving into the Dimera Mansion won’t makes things any easier. This house is full of evil. Besides, Tony, Anna, Kristen, and now Peter Blake is back in town. Won’t you feel crowded?”
    “Not at all, it will be a great time to get to know my family.” She says as she opens the door to the mansion with her suitcase. Celeste looks up to the heavens as she rolls her eyes, She prays silently “Dear Lord, Help my darling Alexandra come to her senses and help steer her clear of this evil house”

    Back at St. Luke’s

    Tony fans Marlena as she comes too.
    “See what you did?”
    “I did nothing but tell the truth. You were the one who didn’t want me to tell my parents.”
    “What? Is this true Anna?”
    “Marlena, it wasn’t like that. I just know you and Tony are dealing with so much right now I didn’t think this was the right time to drop a bomb like this.’
    “How dare you!?” She wsays walking up in her face “Who do you think you are?”
    “Marlena please I was only trying to help.”
    “Trying to help? I think not. You didn’t want a mother to be reunited with her long lost child. That’s called treachery. I don’t need you deciding what’s best in my life Anna Dimera. Have you forgotten that I am a therapist?”
    “Marlena, I was not trying to be underhanded. Honestly.”
    Marlena than slaps Anna across the face.
  3. daysfan
    Pasedena resident hits Salem!!!!

    In the most recent episode of "Life in Salem", a mysterious character "Suga" has showed up as the "Secret Storm" storyline begins and she befriends Hope, and she also seems to be in the possession of drugs! However this is no simple new character: Suga has been on another soap, that being Co-Executive Producer/Head Writer of LIS ML Cook's original soap opera: S.T.E.A.M. The character, played my Missy Elliot, is a drug-dealer and is a criminal. Back in Pasadena, she did some work for evil vixen Natalia by stabbing fellow character Dahila, and ever since has been on the run.

    "Suga plays a big role in Hope's storyline. She gave her crack, which is a huge turning point for Hope Williams Brady...in a bad way. However Suga plays more of a role than just giving Hope drugs, but I can't go into detail." teases Co-EP/HW Tara Smith

    LIS is known for its crossovers, but has never attempted one like THIS! Previously it has crossed over with other soaps "One Life to Live" and "General Hospital", when evil Port Charles villian Helena Cassadine and Llanview matriarch Victoria Lord showed up in Salem.

    ALSO, in other news:

    Shockingly, Philece Sampler is back in her role of Renee DiMera, a role she has not played since 1983!!! And Brent Weber joins the cast as Elvis Banks DiMera. "I know there are probably alot of questions, like how is Renee alive and how she and Elvis teamed up to kidnap Stefano and such, but these will be revealed in due time." Tara says
  4. daysfan
    Written by: Tara

    Episode#231: The Secret Storm BEGINS!

    -Jan is at her family’s business company, Spears Inc.’s main building that is in the middle of Salem. The company is a fashion company like Titan and Alamain, and a popular one but not as popular as Titan or Alamain. Jan is signing some papers, and suddenly there is a knock on her office door and she says “Come in.” and Lucas opens the door. Jan smiles and asks him what he’s doing here, and Lucas says that the weather is getting pretty bad so he wanted to make sure she and his little cousin were alright. Jan grins as she looks at her stomach, and says that in only a month or two she’ll be giving birth, and comments that its amazing.

    -Maggie tells Abe that she’s glad to be here, and that she’s enjoyed seeing him lately. She says that even though Julie is family and she loves her dearly, she needs more friends than her. She then goes on to say that ever since Mickey died…she has felt a bit lonely, even with half of her family living with her. Abe says he understands, and that without Lexie…it can get lonely to him too without anyone to talk to except police officers, but that’s mostly business subjects. Maggie half-jokes that it must have been fate that they started talking to each other more.

    -Nicholas and Belle are driving through Salem in Nicholas’s car, and Belle comments as she looks out the window of the passenger seat that the snow is really starting to come down out there, and Nicholas once again assures her that they’ll be fine. Belle says with a smile that she trusts him. Nicholas decides to make small talk and asks how she’s been lately, and Belle answers:

    Belle: As good as I can be, I guess. My father is catatonic, and now my mother now has this hidden child that turns out to be Nicole Walker of all people.
    Nicholas: Heh, you sound like that’s a bad thing?
    Belle: Well…I know that you probably don’t know too much about Salem these days since you only recently came to town…but Nicole Walker isn’t the best woman in the world. She’s worse than my sister Sami. She slept with my brothers Eric and Brady, schemed her way into marrying Victor Kiriakis and then helped my rival Jan Spears try to kill him…and those deeds aren’t even all of what she’s done.
    Nicholas: I see…well you don’t have to worry about her tonight…because its just us, together…

    -Renee and Elvis, in the basement of the DiMera Mansion, mainly watch Tony and Anna argue at the doorway of the mansion. Elvis asks Renee why she is so interested in Tony and Anna, and Renee says that she has been waiting for Tony to blast Anna like this for twenty five years. She continues to explain to Elvis that Anna was always her biggest foe, and flashes back to at her party back in 1983, shortly before her “murder”, how she told Anna that she hated her most of all…

    -Tony snaps to her that he is not and never will turn into Vince, but Anna says that she should’ve known that he would start acting like him after the integration process started. Anna shoves her way past Tony and walks into the entryway of the mansion, and says that she won’t give up on him this easy. Tony tells her that after what she did to Nicole, Marlena, and him…they can never be together again. Anna says:

    Anna: Tony, I love you! I can’t just let our relationship go! I understand why you would be upset and you have every right to be…but I just couldn’t tell you that the town’s biggest tramp was your daughter with another woman!
    Tony: Don’t EVER say that about my daughter again, do you understand me?

    Tony suddenly begins to clutch his forehead, and Anna yells:

    Anna: Tony…wait no…please don’t let Vince come out…I didn’t mean to upset you…
    Vince: Too late, honey. Vince is here and he needs to talk to you NOW!

    -Vivan growls to Valentine that she doesn’t know what the hell she is talking about, and Valentine hisses “Oh please. I know how you came back to Salem in 2006 and stabbed Chelsea Benson, poisoned Kayla Brady, blackmailed Sami Brady, and everything else in-between us.” Vivian tells Valentine that she has enough to worry about with Celeste Perrault, she doesn’t need to put up with her and her lies. As Vivian stomps off, Valentine says “Celeste Perrault, eh?” and looks at Celeste…

    -At the Salem Place Apartments, Steve tells Sami that it was far from a death threat, and it was a simple warning. He tells Sami that it’s a big world out there and she could get in serious trouble if she keeps waving a gun around. Sami yells “You know what, I’m not a kid? And sometimes I have to wave a gun around when I’m near a killer like you.” Kayla intervenes and tells them both to just calm down, and Sami says she’s out of there but Steve grabs her arm and tells her they aren’t done yet until they end this once and for all.

    -Suga tells Hope she’s makin’ the right decision, and as Hope gives Suga some cash Suga hands over the pipe, lighter, and crack. Hope shudders a little as she looks at it, and says to herself this had better work. Suga tells Hope to forget what she might have been taught about crack, it’ll take all her pain away. Suga tells Hope that if she needs more, she might just be around. Hope nods, and as Suga walks away, Hope turns around and plans to head to the Titan building…

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Victor asks Bo how he has been, and Bo replies as good as he can be., and explains to Victor about Hope’s drinking problems. Victor points out that its odd that Hope started drinking recently, when Alice’s and Shawn’s deaths were months ago. Bo nods, and says that this started shortly after they returned from Italy in November. Victor asks if Gina’s death had anything to do with it, and Bo says he doesn’t know but it could be true since she did kill their son…but he doesn’t get why it would affect her deeper than Shawn or Alice’s deaths would.

    -Forrest tells Billie that her coming with him made being at this Titan party enjoyable as well, and Billie smiles as she kisses him on the cheek. Forrest asks what that was for, and she shrugs and says with a chuckle she just felt like doing it. Forrest pours her a drink, and then asks:

    Forrest: Billie…do you have any experience in the fashion business?
    Billie: A bit…why do you ask?
    Forrest: Well, since your mother has passed on…it left a position vacant at Alamain, and it needs to be filled quickly. I was wondering if you’d like to take your mother’s place.

    -Anna tells Vince to leave her, Tony, and everyone else in this town the hell alone. Vince tells Anna that it has gotten rare for them to see each other, and sadly Tony is winning the battle against him, but he’s not giving up yet. Vince suddenly pulls Anna into a dark corner, and whispers:

    Vince: I am not here about that, I simply need to tell you something. That Nicole Walker fellow…I hope you’re not believing that she’s really Tony and Marlena’s daughter.
    Anna: Oh please, there were DNA results and everything.
    Vince: You stupid idiot! DNA tests mean nothing in Salem! And Nicole Walker is a scheming bitch. It is Jan Spears, as I told you on the island. I was the one who got Marlena pregnant, I was the one who watched the child be born, I was the one who gave her away to that Spears woman!
    Anna: So you’re saying that Nicole schemed this up? You’re a lying bastard, Vince…but somehow I want to believe you.

    Anna looks at Nicole, who is sitting down in the living room of the DiMera Mansion, and looks back to Vince and tells him she wants to expose the scheming bitch.

    -Sami screams and finally yells “You know what, fine?!?! Forget it. I am wasting my time here anyway. I’ll just forget both of you if you forget me. We’ll leave it at that.” and Steve tells her that he’s sorry for killing EJ, but once again claims it had to be done. Sami then says:

    Sami: Again, forget it. I’ll try not to hold some crazy grudge against you, Steve, but don’t think we’re just going to be all buddy buddy. I won’t avenge his death like he asked, as much as that hurts me, but I’m not going to talk to either of you. Not at all.

    Sami turns and stomps off, and Steve sighs and Kayla tells him sadly there is nothing they can do now, and they just have to let it be. Steve tells Kayla he knows but he still wishes there is something they could do. Kayla tells him they just have to put all this behind them, and move on with their lives and they’ve done all they can do. Steve reluctantly agrees, and Kayla hugs him, as someone watches them from the snowy window…

    The figure says “Well of course you can’t avenge EJ’s death, Samantha…that’s my job.”

    The person turns to reveal…HELENA CASSADINE!!!! Helena chuckles evilly as she goes over to a back door and slowly enters the apartments…

    -Sami is able to get out to her car, and she starts it and drives off, heading back to the Salem Inn, and a few tears come out of her eyes as she whispers “EJ, I am so so sorry…I just couldn’t do it…forgive me…” and she continues to cry, and soon he manages to drive up to the Salem Inn(which is not far from Salem Place Apartments), and then she goes inside and heads to her room…

    -Hope arrives at the Titan building, and she goes inside and heads to the Women’s restroom on the main level of the building. She takes out the pipe and the crack, and is about to take out the lighter, but she finally gives in and breaks down, dropping it all on the floor. She becomes hysterical and says in a low tone “I can’t believe its come to this…” and before she can pick the pipe up again, suddenly the lights go out…

    -The whole Titan building’s power seems to be out, and back in the party area Billie hasn’t had a chance to answer Forrest’s question and asks Forrest if he’s still there and Forrest responds that he’s right beside her, and Billie says she wonders what the hell just happened. Forrest tells her that it might just be a small issue, because of the storm. Billie then tells him she hopes its not getting too bad…

    -Bo tells Victor, in the dark, that the electricity must be konked out from the snow. Victor tells him that his office phone runs on a back-up battery, and he’ll see if he can get anyone downstairs to see what is going on. He lights a candle to see, and then picks up the phone and dials a number, but there is no dial tone. Victor mutters “damnit”, and Bo tells him they can just go downstairs to find other people. Victor tells Bo no they can’t…because they are alone on this level of the building, and the only way down is through the elevators, which are obviously broken.

    -After Jan finishes her papers and she and Lucas get onto the elevator, it starts its descent down onto the parking garage level, however it stops. Jan asks what happened, and Lucas says he doesn’t know and grabs a phone and tries to call, but he can’t reach anyone. He wonders if the electricity might be out…

    -At the DiMera Mansion, everyone looks around as they start to hear a strong blowing, and also creaking from the roof. They can hear the snow come down harder and harder outside, and Marlena says she hopes that everything’s alright. Peter says that maybe before they start the reading they can check the weather, but as he walks over to the tv he looks up as the creaking gets louder and louder. He wonders to himself whats going on up there, and suddenly as he starts to see…the roof BEGIN TO CAVE IN! His eyes widen and he yells “EVERYONE RUN!” but right after the words escape Peter’s mouth, the roof…COLLAPSES!

    People scream and try to dart off, but the wind and the impact of the collapse push people into other rooms. Marlena and Kristen fall into one of the bedrooms, Lexie is shoved into the basement by the impact, Vivian and Peter are shoved into another bedroom, Valentine and Celeste are pushed into the library, Vince and Anna are thrown into the study, Ji’Min is shoved outside, and Nicole is pushed into Stefano’s old office by herself…
  5. daysfan
    Written by: Tara

    Episode#232: Trapped!

    -Belle and Nicholas continue to drive through a snowy Salem in Nicholas’s escalade, and Belle comments that the snow just keeps getting more and more intense. Nicholas says yeah, and with how its coming down now he’s not even sure if they can keep going. After a little more driving as he examines the roads, he groans and says they’ll have to pull over.

    -In the elevator at Spears Industries, Lucas sighs and says there’s nothing he can do. Jan yells “Damnit!” and pounds on the door, breathing heavily and screaming for someone to help them. Lucas tells Jan she shouldn’t get too stressed out over this and its not good for the baby, but Jan tells him she doesn’t do well in confined spaces for too long, and is claustrophobic. Lucas says that hopefully this will be fixed soon and they can get out of here.

    -Hope yells in disgust and anger “Oh what the hell happened now?” at the power going out and tries to pawn around the floor for the pipe, but only finds the lighter. She uses it to see where the crack and the pipe is, and once she spots them she picks up the crack and sighs…

    -After the roof over the living room collapsed at the DiMera Mansion, it blocked all other rooms from being able to be exited. In the bedroom where Vivian and Peter are, Vivian asks Peter how on earth the roof collapsed when this is one of the biggest mansions in Salem. Peter answers that while it is one of the biggest mansions in Salem, its not the strongest, and was built back in the 1800’s, so it is not the most stable, and unfortunately its looking like they might be stuck for quite awhile.

    -Kristen is breathing heavily in the room where she and Marlena are trapped, and has yet to even notice that Marlena is in there. She keeps muttering to herself “What to do what to do…” while rubbing her temples and with all the stress she even sobs a little. Marlena sighs and says “Kristen?” and Kristen jumps at hearing her voice, and looks at Marlena and says:

    Kristen: Oh dear God…not you.


    -In the DiMera Mansion’s study, Anna says to Vince that this is just great. Vince tells her its fitting, and it gives them a chance to chat. Anna yells that she doesn’t WANT to chat with someone as disgusting as him, Vince grabs her arm and tells her that his time is almost up so he has to get his final word to her in!

    -Jan continues to breath heavily inside the elevator at Spears Industries, and Lucas clutches her hand to try to calm her down. He again tells her none of this is good for her or the baby, and Jan argues that she can’t help it, and suddenly yells “OW! My stomach! Lucas, it’s the baby!”
    -Vivian tells Peter she can’t afford to be stuck for “quite awhile”. She says that she needs to hear what is in Stefano’s will! Peter tells her that that’s obviously not going to happen now, and she scowls and says she hates men like him, and Peter points out that men like him are the exact men that she gets obsessed with.

    -Marlena says yes, its her. She says she hates being stuck in here as much as Kristen does, but unfortunately that is how everything transpired. Kristen tells Marlena to just stay the hell away from her, and she’ll stay away from Marlena. Marlena sighs and says:

    Marlena: You know Kristen we both loathe each other, but we should make this better than that whole Secret Room disaster n 1997 and try to actually get along.
    Kristen: Oh please. I hate you and this whole world now more than ever. Every single person I know except my brother is practically demented, and I don’t mean just you so don’t go spouting off rants about how I am out to get you and out to hate you and only you.
    Marlena: Now what makes you say all of that?

    -At the Salem Inn, the lights keep flickering and Sami groans and says that this just makes her evening even worse. She stomps into her room, and sees someone sitting at her desk with the chair turned to where she can’t see their face. She asks who the hell they are and what they’re doing here as she slowly grabs a bat, and the person turns around in the chair and says “Oh Sami, you wouldn’t want to hit me now would you? We go way back…”

    Sami’s eyes widen and she says:

    Sami: No…it can’t be…this has to be a trick…IT CAN’T BE…YOU’RE STAN!

    The camera pans to reveal Sami’s previous other persona, Stan, sitting in the chair grinning devilishly…
  6. daysfan
    Written by: Tara

    Episode#233: Stan?!

    -Valentine and Celeste are in the DiMera Library, and Celeste mutters that she just has to be stuck with another one of Stefano’s whores. Valentine tells Celeste to watch her mouth, because she has some information that might be useful to her. Celeste tells Valentine she knows all the DiMera secrets, so there’s nothing that could possibly interest her. Valentine then says:

    Valentine: Oh no, Darrrrrrrling as you say, this is about your new rival: My sister, Vivian.

    -Inside the stuck Spears Elevator, Lucas asks Jan if the baby is alright, and as Jan falls back onto the elevator wall she says she thinks so, but her stomach is in great pain, and Lucas says it’s the anxiety getting to the baby. He tells her to think of Shawn, and how he would also want her to be calm for their baby together. Jan sighs and says he’s right, and tries to breathe in and out…

    -Inside one of the bedrooms at the DiMera Mansion, Kristen says “Forget it.” and gets up and shoves past Marlena, and in anger pushes a bunch of books off of a shelf. She screams, and Marlena wonders to herself if this time, Kristen is truly hurting due to something. Marlena slowly puts a hand on Kristen’s shoulder, and asks her what is truly wrong, deep down.

    -At the Salem Inn, Sami shrieks at STAN sitting in a chair, and says that he has to be someone like Helena, Alan Harris, or someone trying to trick her! Stan stands and slowly caresses her cheek, and says that incase she didn’t know, he’s an actual person! And he is here, in the flesh, to make her life a living hell.

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -At the Carver household, the electricity constantly flickers. Maggie looks out the window and says this storm seems to be getting stronger, and Abe says he should probably check on Theo real quick. He heads upstairs, while Maggie walks over to the mantle over the fireplace and sees a picture of Abe, Lexie, and Theo together, and she sighs as she says:

    Maggie: Oh that poor man…I know what its like to lose a spouse you love so much, and now he will have to fight for his child…if only I could help him somehow, he is just so kind and caring…

    -In the DiMera Mansion basement, Lexie lies on the floor, coughing and she slowly tries to stand up, and looks around the dusty place. She stomps up the stairs to the door and tries to open it, but its stuck and she yells “Somebody! Help, the door won’t open!” but when no one responds, she mutters it is no use and goes back down the stairs, and says its freezing down there. She moves around a few boxes to try to find any blankets or something to help keep warm, but finds nothing useful. As she checks a few more boxes and moves them around, she discovers a DOOR! She says “What the hell?!” and tries to open it…

    -In an old warehouse by the pier, Suga walks into it, barely escaping the chaos of the snow storm. She says that the snow is comin’ down like never before, and comments that Pasadena never had snow like ‘dis. Suga sits down on one of the carboard boxes, and says:

    Suga: I hope Ma is ok…she might be da only friend I’ve got left, and through her I can find a home in this here little town…but not for long, because I gots a bit of unfinished business in Pasadena…

    -Celeste laughs and says to Valentine “Dahling, Vivian Alamain is hardly my rival. Perhaps she was a small thorn in my side when she pined for Stefano’s will, but nothing more.” Valentine tells Celeste that she obviouslmoves them…she spots a DOOR! She says “What the HELL?” and tries to open it…
    y doesn’t know her sister, and that once you cross her, you are officially her rival. Valentine goes on to tell Celeste to just look at Kate Roberts, Vivian and her were rivals and Kate ended up dead. She says that the information she has could make it to where Vivian never bothers either of them, or the rest of Salem EVER again.

    -Kristen tells Marlena to get the HELL away from her, and Marlena says fine, but it would probably be better for them to at least get any problems out or cooperate instead of argue, because they are going to be in here for awhile. Kristen says that they were trapped in that Secret Room in 1997 for months and they did fine without getting along, so they aren’t going to start now. Marlena says:

    Marlena: Fine, forget it. I’ll leave you alone, you’ll leave me alone.

    Marlena walks to the other side of the room, but raises an eyebrow when she hears Kristen start sobbing even more…

    -Sami screams to Stan that that is IMPOSSIBLE, and that she CREATED him! He was just an alter ego of hers, and doesn’t actually exist! Stan tells her that Andre had to get that design he implemented into her from somewhere, and it was him. He says that he’s been a loyal servant of the DiMeras, only more in the background, but he has never forgotten about the woman who had his identity for a time, and he’s been watching her for nearly three years, waiting for the right time to strike, she was always scheming for Austin, flirting with Lucas or EJ…but now that EJ is dead and they are all out of their life, he’s here to make her pay for making a mockery out of him in 2005.

    -Marlena wonders to herself what possibly could upset Kristen so much as to where she can’t stop crying, even in the presence of her rival. She flashes back to Stefano’s funeral, when she heard Kristen tell Peter she didn’t want to see Tony, calling him “Bastard” and how also she pulled a gun on Tony back in the beginning of Janurary, but ended up shooting Anna. That is the main odd thing she can think of since Kristen’s return to Salem in December, so she walks over to Kristen once again, and asks:

    Marlena: Kristen, does this by some chance…have anything to do with Tony?
  7. daysfan
    Written by: Tara

    Episode#243: Rufus!

    -In downtown Salem, Celeste and Valentine walk into Ji'Min's office, and he welcomes them both but looks at Valentine, and Valentine asks what is he looking at, and Ji'Min answers that he's a bit surprised she showed up here. Valentine then says:

    Valentine: Well I was Stefano's main lover and I heard you called Celeste down here to discuss the will, and I am obviously in it, aren't I?
    Ji'Min Well, Miss Heart…actually…you do get some things, but you get the least out of everyone on this list.
    Valentine: WHAT?! This can't be possible! I mean, my Stefano loved me! That will must be tampered with!

    -At the Carver household, Lexie says to her son "Oh, Theo-" and tries to run to hug him but Abe stops her by gently grabbing her arm, and she hisses to him in a low tone "What the HELL do you think you are doing?!" and Abe whispers back that when he says he doesn't want her near his son, he means it. He walks over to Theo and picks him up, and tells him he and Lexie were just talking a bit louder than they should have. Theo tells him that he knows he and his Mommy were fighting, and says that they have been fighting for a really long time over and over.

    - "Sami" tells Marlena that if she doesn't want to "tolerate" her any longer, than just get out of her life. Marlena sighs and says to "Sami" that at this point, after all of those years of trying, she wouldn't mind giving up now. She says she has so many problems to focus on right now, she just can't deal with her anymore. She says to "Sami":

    Marlena: Sami, I'm so sorry, you'll know I always love you…but if you can't mature…I just give up. I can't deal with you anymore.

    -Bo slowly peeks into his and Hope's house, and sees Hope still alone on the couch, holding Pamela and Addie as she continues to sob slightly, and a few more tears come out of Bo's eyes as he wonders how he can tell her he has to turn her in. He tries to keep himself together as he opens the door and walks in, and Hope looks up at his teary face and is silent, and they exchange a stare full of tears like both of them knows what is going to happen, then Bo says:

    Bo: Fancy Face, its time we talk…I've had some time to think about you killing Gina…and…I don't know how to say what I have to tell you.

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Helena and her thugs stalk Steve around Salem, and they watch him closely. Helena smirks and tells them the time for them to make their move is so close she can taste it, and she then says that EJ must be looking down on her proudly now. She whispers "Did you really think you could get away with killing my son, Steven? My heir?" and she looks back to her thugs and says:

    Helena: Once he gets into an area where no-one can see and we can do it quietly…we will put our plan in motion.

    -On the edge of Salem, a tooter booter slowly edges along the road. A woman sits inside driving it, and briefly glances at the sign that says they are entering the small town of Salem. She brushes her hair back and many people walking around on the sidewalks take notice of the car driving into Salem, not use to seeing such vehicles, and many wonder who it is…

    -Ji'Min says that it seems the will hasn't been touched at all, and reveals to Valentine that…Celeste gets most of the royalties! Valentine looks at Celeste in shock as Celeste pretends to be stunned, and after a moment of pure silence, Celeste says:

    Celeste: Mr.Ji'Min…are you sure? I never thought I would be the one to receive most of Stefano's belongings.
    Ji'Min: Its true, Ms.Perrault. All of his children have trust funds set up for them, as do you and his grandson Theo, and Tony has the deed to the DiMera Mansion here in Salem, while you receive rights to use his private jets at any given time, as do his children. You also have the deeds to Maison Blanche, Aremid, the DiMera Palace, and any other locations, no matter what they are, that Stefano owned unless noted otherwise, and also any other royalties all go directly to you.
    Valentine: THIS CAN'T BE TRUE! She was just his servant, why would he leave everything to HER?!
    Celeste: Because, most likely when Stefano wrote this will, I was his most loyal subject, and the only one who knew everything about him, Dahling. You were just another lover.
    Ji'Min: Miss Heart, you have received a gracious small trust fund from Stefano. However, it is not nearly as large as any of the others.
    Celeste: And what about the DiMera Business, Mr.Ji'Min?
    Ji'Min: Tony has been named the Executive in Charge.

    Valentine looks at both Celeste and Ji'Min in shock, and screams in anger as she gets up and storms out of the office in a huff…

    -Lexie tells Theo that sometimes Mommy and Daddy fight like that, and its nothing to worry about. Theo asks why, and Lexie tells him that its just how things are sometimes, and once again assures him that everything is fine. Lexie slowly, watching Abe closely, leans in and kisses Theo on the forehead. Abe tells Theo he's going to take him back upstairs, and Theo says okay. Abe slowly walks up the stairs and exchanges one last glance with Lexie, but continues on. Lexie watches them leave, and in anger she stomps out of the Carver house…

    - "Sami" growls at Marlena and tells her to go if she wants to give up on her so easily, and Marlena is about to argue but Nicole tells her that this trash is not worth her time. Marlena looks at Nicole and is silent for a minute, but then she says "You're right, Nicole. Lets go." and then Nicole smirks at "Sami" as she and Marlena leave. Marlena walks down the halls of Salem Inn, she and Nicole heading for the exit, and wonders what has caused Sami to revert to her old self so suddenly…

    -Hope stands up and puts Pamela and Addie back down into their playpens, and asks Bo what they have left to talk about, and that she said everything she could say last night. Bo tells her that he didn't say everything he had to say, and Hope asks what he means, and what more could he have said. Bo then sighs, and answers:

    Bo: Hope, you killed a woman. I don't know what the crack and alcohol has done to you over these past several months, but I can't just forgive you for that.
    Hope: Bo, I thought you understood! But you don't and that's why I kept it from you for so long! I should have known…
    Bo: See, THIS is what the drugs do to you! They cause you to act like someone who's not you. And I do understand, Hope. You don't think the thought crossed my mind to kill Gina when we finally found her? But this isn't just about us, it involves the law now.
    Hope: Wait, Bo, please…Brady…no…you can't be saying what I think you're saying…
    Bo: Y-y-yes…Fancy Face…I have to turn you in…
    Hope: NO! NO! I NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D DO THIS TO ME! NEVER! I knew you'd be upset, but not this…YOU are the one that has changed! I won't go to jail, Bo! That's one thing I will never be able to take!
    Bo: I'm a police officer! And even if I wasn't, I can't just let this slide like its nothing, no matter what Gina has done!
    Hope: Oh please, Brady…I'm sorry, but I won't go to jail. I WON'T!

    With that Hope suddenly pushes her way past Bo, and darts out of the house…

    -Valentine rushes through the streets of Salem in anger, and Celeste runs after her after leaving Ji'Min's office. Celeste mutters to herself "Why are all of Stefano's lovers always so temperamental and unstable?" and she chases after Valentine, and finally catches up to her and asks what is wrong. Valentine responds to her that her lover, the man she gave a lot of her life to, left her nearly nothing. Celeste then says:

    Celeste: Valentine, Dahling, you were just another random lover of Stefano's like Lee, Kate, Helena, and Lord knows who else. All that gives me an advantage is that I was also his loyal servant.
    Valentine: But we had this special bond, we-

    Suddenly, a woman walks up to Celeste and Valentine, and Celeste stares at her oddly…and she asks "Excuse me, Miss, but are you…a man dressed in drag?" and Valentine looks at Celeste in shock, and the woman ignores the question and says:

    Rufus: My name is Rufus, and I'm a woman just like you two ladies., no matter what you say, so don't try to preach a sermon to me or decide my gender. All I have is a question.
    Valentine: Um, you know, I don't think I have time for some lunatic to talk to me.
    Rufus: I should've known you two would be low-down bitches like in Pasadena.
    Valentine: EXCUSE me?! I am VALENTINE HEART, and you will show me some respect!

    Rufus begins to turn and walk away, but Valentine grabs her by the shoulder and turns her around, but as she tries to move her hand away it gets caught…in Rufus's fake breast! Suddenly it pops, and Valentine lets out a shriek of horror and faints while Celeste stares in shock, and Rufus quickly runs off…

    -Steve continues to walk around Salem, as Helena and her thugs follow, and he says to himself that this is taking too long and he should probably take a shortcut through an alley, and Helena is able to hear him and motions for her men to hide at the other side of the alleyway. Steve begins to walk down the alley as Helena watches with a grin on her face, and suddenly as he reaches the end of it…her thugs come out of hiding and knock him out! Helena walks over to his motionless body, and tells them that they know where to take him. They slowly pick him up and carry him off, and Helena takes out her cell phone, dials a number, and says:

    Helena: Phase I of our plan is complete. Meet me down at the Pier…your part in this has come.

    -At the DiMera Mansion, Lexie arrives and stomps down into the basement and into the secret area, and Elvis and Renee both comment at how she is back quick. Lexie looks at her sister and brother, and then straight at Elvis, and she says:

    Lexie: I've decided to take you up on your offer. I want your help with getting custody of my son.

    -Hope drives through Salem, looking desperately for Suga. After glancing around the streets and a few alleyways, she decides to check the Pier and warehouses. She runs frantically through the Pier and sees no one, and then as she heads towards the warehouses she bumps right into Suga. Suga sees Hope's heavy breaths and says "Whats wrong, Ma?" and she tells her that she did something horrible a few months ago, and now her husband wants to turn her in for it. She tells Suga that she just CAN'T go to jail, and Suga flashes back to stabbing Dahila for Natalia in Pasadena and tells her she knows how it feels. Hope then says:

    Hope: You're the only one who can help me now, Suga. I can't go to my family, my husband, or anyone else in this town.
    Suga: Don't worry, Ma. I won't let 'em get ya. We can leave this place together.

    Suddenly both of them hear someone approaching, and they turn around to see…RUFUS! Rufus looks at Suga, and says "I think you're Suga. The Suga from Pasadena. and Suga's eyes widen for a moment at him, and then she says:

    Suga: Maybe, and who do ya think you are?
    Rufus: I'm Rufus, I've come with a proposition for you. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money if you come back to Pasadena with me to help me out with something. Don't worry, I'm not here to turn you in.
    Suga: You want me to go back to that rat-hole town now? You better be paying me a lot of money, boy…or, girl.
    Hope: …The hell?
    Rufus: Trust me. I may not look like much, but I can give you a lot of cash.
    Suga: Well, then, as long as my friend, Ma here, comes with me…lets high-tail it out of this place.
    Rufus: Fine, then.

    As Rufus turns and motions for them to follow him, Suga says to Hope:

    Suga: Well, Ma, looks like we're gonna go to Pasadena.

    Follow Hope to Pasadena, To follow her story, tune into S.T.E.A.M......!
  8. daysfan
    *ALSO: This episode is devoted to ML Cooks, in honor of the six month anniversery of when he joined the writing staff of "Life in Salem". LIS thanks ML for all the wonderful service he has, is, and will be doing for the show*

    Downtown Salem
    5th Circuit Court
    Abe, Lexie, Peter, Maggie, Celeste and Mr. Ji Min Kim all await anxiously to hear Judge Fitzpatrick’s decision
    “In the matter of custody of The Carver, I hereby grant sole custody to Alexandra Brooks.”
    Abe and Maggie are absolutely astonished. A slow smile appears on Lexie’s face as the words from the judge slowly sink in. Peter looks at his sister and smiles.
    “I told you everything would work out”
    Then Abe stands up and looks at Lexie with rage burning in his eyes. He is shell hocked that he has lost his son to a Dimera. He tries to speak but then coughs, grabs his chest and then collapses to the ground.

    Episode: 250 Twist of Fate
    Written by ML Cooks

    Salem Place
    Tony and Nicole are eating Rueben wraps in the court yard.
    “You, know, it’s just so surprising finding out your are my child with Marlena. It still seems all odd to me. What ever became of your old mother Faye? I would like to talk with her.”
    Nicole, getting nervous
    “I have no idea where she is. We haven’t talked much since she last left Salem. “
    Tony continue to eat his sandwich but he can’t help the feeling something is not right. Nicole picks up on this odd silence and decides to make conversation to ease the moment.
    “It must feel great to be a free man. Where are you staying at these day?”
    “I haven’t even got that far. I have been banned from the Dimera mansion. So I assume I will just stay in a hotel.”
    “Non sense. You can come and stay at my apartment. It will be great. You can tell me what it’s like to be a Dimera….. Wow I can’t believe I am a Dimera.”
    “Yes well It’s not all cracked up to what’s it’s supposed to be. A lot of baggage comes with the Dimera name. I hope you are ready for that.”
    “Ready for what?” They hear Marlena say and they turn around and look at her.
    Tony, standing up to greet her
    “Marlena, what a lovely surprise.”
    “Tony, I had no idea you were released from jail.”
    “My lawyer posted bail. Your just in time, Nicole and I were just having lunch. You can join us, you know a little family bonding.”
    “I was just on my way to work but I suppose that can wait.” She take a seat with her new family at the table.
    From afar Anna is doing some shopping and sees Tony, Marlena and Nicole having a family moment.
    “Damn you Nicole. Something just doesn’t seem right about you. I thought for sure Jan was the missing Dimera child. You’re acting to smug. If only Kristen hadn’t shot me. I swear Nicole altered the DNA test some how.” Anna turns around only to run into Jan and Lucas.
    “Oh, pardon me.”
    “Oh no, it’s crazy Anna. Don’t you touch me again. I want you to stay the hell away from me and my baby.”
    “I’m not going to do anything stupid Jan.” Looking at Lucas, “How are you Lucas?”
    “I’m great Anna thanks for asking.”
    “Well we must be going.”
    “No wait, Jan, can I ask you something?”
    “Hurry up Anna. I don’t have all day. My child is hungry.”
    “Have you ever wondered about your real parents or tried looking for them?”
    “Why does that matter to you? That’s none of your business. My parents are dead and gone.”
    “Jan you’re so sad. If I were you, I would keep my eye on Nicole. She’s your enemy, not me.” Anna then walks off.
    Jan wonders what Anna means
    “She’s gets crazier every time I see her. She really is a lonely sole.”
    “I don’t know Jan. Maybe this is happening for a reason.”
    “Don’t tell me you’re buying into Anna’s craziness?”

    The Cheatin’ Heart
    Bo is sitting at the bar, drinking beer as Kristen walks in and sits next to him at the bar
    “Wow, I would never imagine you in a place like this.”
    “I wanted a change of scenery Mr. Officer. Are you drinking on duty?’
    “No actually, I am taking some time off.”
    Kristen, ordering a beer
    “I everything ok?”
    “I am sure you have heard Hope is on the run.”
    “I’ve heard a lot about Hope. Some of it is very disturbing.”
    “Well I am sure what you’ve heard is true. Yes Hope is a murderer and yes she is smoking crack.”
    “Wow. I am flabbergasted. Hope must really be going through a lot.”
    “We all are.’
    “You can say that again. Good old Salem. A place for never ending drama.”
    “Now I can drink to that.” He says turning to her to toast beer bottles with hers.
    “So how you holding up? I hear Count is out of jail.”
    “If you don’t mind I don’t want to talk about that bastard.”
    “Come on Kristen. We both are dealing with some pretty horrible stuff right now. Everyone needs someone to talk to.”
    “I have never known you to be so willing to talk to a Dimera.”
    “I am probably drunk. And besides, what Tony did to you was horrible. “
    “Yes it was. Marlena has really been helping through all of it.”
    “Marlena? Wow. Strange things do happen.”
    “You could say that. Who would have guessed it, me and Marlena friends after all these years.”
    “It is hard to believe after everything you did to keep her from John.”
    “You’re right but that was in the past. I am a different person now.”
    “Really, well let me ask you something, why did you come back to Salem Kristen?”

    Some where in Salem, in an undisclosed location,
    Steve is tied up to a chair as Helena walks in with a glass of champagne in her hand.
    “You think this is real funny huh? Celebrating you tying me up. You’ll never get away with this.”
    “Yes I will deary. Stefan is already fooling Kayla. She has no idea I switched you two and she never will.”
    “You have to let this vendetta go. It won’t bring EJ back. You’ll gain nothing by doing this.”
    “It’s for revenge my dear. Eye for an Eye. You killed my son and now it’s time for the big pay back. “
    “Leave Kayla out of this. She has done nothing. You got me. I’m right here. Leave Kayla out of this.”
    “Oh just like EJ did nothing. You killed my son and now I am going to kill your family. And you are going to have a front row seat to all the exciting drama. Stefan is installing secret camera’s all over the hotel suite you used to share with her. In fact he should be here any minute.” And just as she says that, Stefan enters the room and Steve feels very uneasy at the uncanny resemblance Stefan has of him. He can now see how Stefan would be able to fool Kayla.
    “You Bastard. You better not touch my wife. I’ll kill you.”
    “Keep dreaming. You know Steve, I can really see why you are so protective of Beautiful Kayla. She’s got nice soft and sweet lips. Nice radiant skin. And she called out my name over and over again. “ Steve stands up in a rage and breaks free of the ropes that tied him down to the chair and goes after Stefan, choking him.

    Downtown Salem
    Alamain Inc.
    Billie, Valentine, Forrest, and Nicholas all sit at a round table, trying to figure how to get Vivian out of the company when the lady herself storms into the office.
    “I know what’s going on here. And I am here to save you the trouble”
    “Please, spare us.”
    “Rot in hell. All of you.”
    “Aunt Viv!”
    “No, I don’t want to hear it. Everyone is against me and I am done. I am at my wits end. I am here to concede to defeat. I give up. The war is over. I am stepping down from the board. There, are you happy dear old sister.”
    “Not yet.”
    “Rot in hell.’
    “It’s seems you’re already there. “
    “I hope everyone is happy. I will be back and when I do, you all will be sorry. This is all your fault Billie, you turned everyone against me. I am so glad your pitiful mother is dead.” And with that Vivian walks out leaving Billie hurt, with tears forming in her eyes.

    Salem University Hospital
    Maggie, Celeste, Lexie and Peter all await for Mike Horton to give them some info on Abe.
    Lexie, talking to Peter
    “I can’t believe Abe fell out like that. I didn’t want it to happen like this.”
    “What is that supposed to mean? You had something to do with the judge’s ruling? Should have known you two being Dimera’s” She says looking at both Lexie and Peter.
    Then Mike walks out of the E.R.
    “What’s the matter with Abe? What can you tell us?’
    “I am so sorry…..”
    Everyone gasps, as those word are notorious for forth coming bad news
  9. daysfan
    Chez Rouge
    Tony and Anna are seated at a table
    “Are you sure your precious Marlena won’t object to our having dinner?”
    “Of course not. Why would she?”
    “Oh I don’t know. Because you dropped me like a bad habit as soon as you found out you have a child with her. You have been clinging to her ever since.”
    “Non sense. But Marlena and are connected through Nicole and we always be”
    “You think?”
    “Now what is that supposed to mean? You keep saying get a blood test on Nicole. Why do you believe that Nicole is not my daughter with Marlena?”
    “I thought you'd never ask.” She says with a smile.

    Spears Mansion
    Will rubs his stinging cheeks as Jan and Lucas look at “Stami” in shock.
    “What the hell is the matter with you? Don’t hit our son like that. I have never seen you act this way.”
    “I can’t believe you did that. You are an unfit mother.”
    “Boo hoo hoo. Cry me a river William.’
    Even Jan is stunned and disturbed by “Sami’s" erratic behavior
    “Samantha, what has gotten into you?”
    “Up your ass Jan. This does not concern you.”
    “Don’t talk to her that way.”
    “You don’t like my parenting skills, then Lucas you raise him.. I don’t have time for this.” After saying that Stami leaves. Will, Lucas, and Jan all wonder what has gotten into Sami.

    Episode: 5, Peace in the Valley
    Written by ML Cooks

    Mike walks into the Cheating Heart after a long and stressful day at the hospital. He sits at the bar and orders a beer. The bartender hands it to Mike and without passing go, Mike chugs it down.
    “You better slow down there.”
    Mike looks at the woman who is sitting next to him,
    “Oh really. Says who?”
    “I do. I’m Alexis.”
    “I’m Mike. Nice to meet you Alexis.”
    “Same here” She says drinking on her own beer.
    “I don’t know to many women who drink beer.”
    “I’m not your every woman.”
    “Feisty and assertive. I like that.”
    “So tell me why you are drinking like a fish.”
    “Long and stressful day at work. Why are you drinking?”
    “Want to clear my mind. Just had an argument with the guy I am dating.’
    “Do I know him?”
    “I don’t want to get into names.”
    “That’s understandable. Want to talk about it. Maybe I can give you some advice.”
    “Why, do you date men?”
    Mike, chuckling,
    “I like your sense of humor. Don’t date men. I have a son.”
    That doesn’t mean anything these days. I know so many men that are on the down low.”
    “Not this man. I just figured, with you being younger and me being a bit….”
    “Older?” She says laughing
    “Real cute. I was going to say wiser.”
    “Let’s call it older.” She says laughing
    “Yea yea jokes on me.”

    The Salem Inn
    Stami walks into the room and over to his victim Sami. He rips the gray duct tape that was on her mouth. Sami screams out as some of her skin from her lips are ripped off.
    “Shut the hell up.”
    “You bastard! Let me go! You can’t keep me tied up forever.”
    “You’re right. Don’t worry Sami dear. You won’t be here forever. I just need to do a few more devious things as Samantha Brady. Then you can return to your dreadful life”
    “You won’t get away with this. Every villain has their day of exposure.”
    “You should know. Didn’t you get exposed by Carrie twice? At your wedding and she lit your face up. What kind of sister are you? It’s ok. I am doing everyone justice. The permanent downfall of Sami Brady. Salem will breath a sigh of relief. There will be peace in the valley. Everyone will celebrate the destruction of Sami. It sounds so nice. Oh, by the way, Willy said hi”
    “You demented bastard. I know my son didn’t believe you were me.”
    “Maybe or maybe not, but I did slap some sense into that boy.”
    “You did what?’
    “I smacked your demon child around a few times. Lucas and Jan were shocked. It was great.’
    Sami tries to break free of the ropes but can’t. Suddenly Stami and Sami hear pounding at the door. They both wonder who it is as no one knows they are there at the Inn.

    Back at Chez Rouge
    “It’s about time some one listens to what I have to say with out attacking me for it.”
    “Anna we go back a long time. I know you didn’t try to keep the info about Nicole being my daughter with Marlena from us out of spite or for personal gain.”
    “You’re right. I was only trying to help. To make sure what I knew was true.”
    “Well tell me what do you know”
    “Well right before I walked into the DiMera mansion, and Kristen shot me, I was going to have some hair and DNA tested.”
    “Hair and DNA? Nicole’s?”
    “That’s just it. I took hair and saliva from Jan Spears mouth. I think Jan Spears is your daughter. Not Nicole!’ Tony is stunned!
  10. daysfan

    As "Affairs of the Hearts" concludes, and the last of ML Cook's episodes have aired, exits and arrivals come to LIS! First, the most shocking announcement of all: Deidre Hall, who has been CENTRAL to the canvas of LIS since its premiere, has been fired when her character Marlena was killed off by Stan/"Stami"(Dan Wells/Alison Sweeney). A move that has stunned fans, and it also means that another one of the "Big Four"(Roman Brady, Marlena Evans, Bo Brady, Hope Williams Brady) has been cut.

    "It was ML's idea, and a great one at that, and he executed it so well, and I hope the aftermath I have written will par up to it. I must say as much as I love Marlena, sometimes it is a person's time to go, but...this does not mean that we won't see her pop up again someday. You just never know with LIS, and its about to go into a BIG shake-up." Tara Smith said

    Also...it has been announced that Robin Strasser and Erika Slezak will be bringing their "One Life to Live" characters to LIS!!!!! Slezak was on recurring status from 2006-2007, until abruptly being fired. "This is a story that I know fans want continued, and it needs to be continued. When Viki/Nikki left, it had just been revealed that back before Victor came to Salem, he was involved in a love triangle between rivals Dorian and Viki. I am going to continue that and LIS needs them both in Salem, and also fans may remember Viki's alter, Nikki Smith's, attraction to him. But of course there is Celeste. There is a story here that has loads of potential."

    Also, two more returns are coming for LIS! Alexis Thorpe(Cassie Brady) and Eric Winter(Rex Brady) will be returning to LIS on a permanant basis right as the aftermath of Marlena's death commences. "They also have dropped stories on LIS that need to be picked up, and I feel they are vital to the cast."

    This isn't the end of the returns/exits for LIS. A major shake-up, storyline-wise and cast-wise, is confirmed to be on its way. It is rumored vets will return, new blood will be put in, and many from the current cast may exit. Also, almost all actors on AOTH have returned to LIS and will be regulars on there.

    Also, two minor returns have been announced: Lisa Robin Kelly(Jill Stevens) and Daphne Bloomer(Eugenia Willens) shall be coming to LIS! Both were very minor on Days, but are rumored to have recurring roles on LIS and be involved in an upcoming story. And lastly, Dan Wells(Stan/Stami) last aired in the finale of AOTH, and if/when he will ever return is unknown.
  11. daysfan
    Episode#268: Marlena’s Funeral Part 1

    -Several days have passed in Salem since Marlena Evans’ historic murder. The town of Salem is now preparing to bury a beloved woman….

    -Down in the Secret Room beneath the Spears Mansion, in the bathroom besides the actual room itself, Jan is in the bathtub, as Nicole sleeps on one of the beds. Jan slowly gets out of the bathtub and puts a bathrobe on that she found lying around in there, and suddenly as she brushes her hair both her and Nicole hear someone yell “Wakey wakey eggs and bacey!”, and as Nicole slowly wakes up and looks at the door, Jan rushes out to see who it is, and both of them scowl when they see Greta through a hole in the door. Nicole says that it’s the disgusting, rabies-filled bitch herself, who locked them down here. Suddenly, a drawer shoots open, with two trays of some breakfast on them. Greta laughs and says that she needs to watch her mouth, or she may not feed them.Greta asks if they like their new home, and Nicole snaps that its great in a pathetic way. Greta then says:

    Greta:Oh…you two still must be grieving…so sorry about Marlena…
    Nicole:Marlena? What about her?
    Greta:Oh, you two don’t know, do you?! Your mother, or in Nicole’s case, fake mother, was killed by Sami Brady!

    -Lucas walks down into the holding cell area at the police station with Sami, and the guard walks up to Will’s cell and unlocks the door, saying his father posted bail. Will rushes out and hugs Lucas, and thanks him so much for freeing him. Lucas nods and says he shouldn’t have been in there in the first place, and also he notices that Will looks upset. Will says ever since he found out about Marlena’s death, he’s been in tears. Lucas pats him on the back and softly promises Will it’ll all be alright, and Sami goes to try to hug Will, but he ignores her and walks past her. A tear runs down Sami’s cheek as Lucas sighs and follows Will, but before Sami can go, from another cell Hope says something:

    Hope:Sami, how could you do such a thing? Killing your own mother? She tolerated you for yea-
    Sami:Oh you bitch! I did not kill her, I am serious, Stan did! And do not get high and mighty on me, you’re the one who is rotting in here for a murder you actually committed! I’m not the murderor, you are! And I am going to make sure everyone knows it. I’m sure Alice is proud of you.
    Julie:How dare you talk to her like that!
    Sami:I’m not putting up with this.

    With that, Sami angrily leaves.

    -Belle and Carrie are down at the hospital, and Carrie looks at Belle and asks if she’s ready, and Belle nods, as she sniffs and goes into Roman’s room. Roman Brady, formerly John Black, sits their still catatonic after Stefano and him shot each other on the island. The sisters sit down, and Belle takes her father’s hand, and says:

    Belle:Hey, Dad….I’m sorry its been awhile since I visited, I-I’ve just been busy…Carrie’s back in Salem, I’m sure that’ll make you happy.
    Carrie:Yeah, I’m back for good, and I’m going to be here when you wake up.
    Belle:But, more importantly…we have something to tell you. I don’t know if you can hear us, but you need to know either way. Its…about Mom. She’s been through a lot lately, and….and…oh I don’t know if I can say it…
    Carrie:Joh-D-dad…Marlena’s….Marlena’s….Marlena’s…passed away. S-Sami, or someone…impersonating her…killed her, and today’s her funeral.

    -Outside of St.Luke’s, Eric stands over his mother’s coffin, and slowly touches it, and still can’t believe Marlena is dead. Maggie and Abe arrive, and Maggie runs up to Eric and hugs him, and says she’s so sorry about Marlena, and says how she was always one of her closest friends. Eric nods and says that he knows, and he tells Maggie that he can’t believe that today, he has to bury his mother…

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -At the Kiriakis Mansion, it is dark as everyone is attending Marlena’s funeral. Suddenly, a mysterious figure, who’s face is hidden and is not seen enters. He has gloves on, and he walks up to Victor’s desk, and looks at a picture of Victor, and slowly shatters it…it falls to the floor, and then this figure begins shifting through Victor’s files…

    -Nicole gasps and says in shock that Marlena’s dead, and looks at Greta for a moment and says that she’s lying! Jan says that she just saw Marlena a few days ago, she just found out she was her actual mother, she was alive and fine! Nicole tells Greta that her tricks don’t work, and Greta rolls her eyes and says that this is no trick. She says that Nicole is way too paranoid, and Nicole then begins to say that Sami wouldn’t kill her own mother, but stops mid-sentence, and she flashes back to the fashion show in May where she argued with “Sami”, pulled on her hair and it came off, and then “Sami” shot her! Nicole looks from Jan to Greta and says:

    Nicole:Wait, no…it wasn’t Sami who killed Marlena! It couldn’t have been!

    -Carrie and Belle both look as Roman sits there, silent and still. Belle cries and says to Carrie that if he heard them, she hopes he’s okay. Carrie says that Roman is a strong man, he’s fine. She tells him that she loves him, and that the day he wakes up, and she knows that day will come, she’s going to be there to guide him. Belle smiles at what Carrie tells their father, and slowly they get up to leave as both of them kiss Roman on the cheek, but they see someone in the doorway: Cassie Brady!

    -Sami, Lucas, and Will are all in the car on the way to Marlena’s funeral. Sami looks at Will in the backseat and asks if he will at least talk to her, and that she’s really telling the truth. Will asks her to just leave him alone, saying that his grandma is dead just after he got arrested for “kidnapping” his daughter. Sami looks at Lucas, and back to Will, completely quiet. She then says:

    Sami:You’re…you’re….daughter? What? Please tell me I heard that wrong! Will, you are only-
    Will:Yeah I already got that from Dad and don’t act like you don’t know. Or maybe it was just that you didn’t care enough to help me when I finally admitted that I had a child. Oh, yeah, that was Stan, right?
    Sami:Lucas, you did not tell me?! Why?!
    Lucas:Well Sami I have known you for many years so I don’t buy your games that you were tied up almost all year!
    Sami:Its true! And Will, I cannot believe you’d sleep around like that! So I have a granddaughter, and who’s her mother? Probably a little-
    Will:SHUT UP, MOM, JUST SHUT UP! She died in childbirth! I’ve had to raise my baby girl only with the help of Destiny and now Crystal Galore, another woman who tried to kill grandma, trying to take her away from me! So the last thing I need is my grandma’s REAL killer harping me about it!
    Sami:I am your mother and you will not talk to me like that!
    Lucas:Can you both just be quiet?! Listen, Marlena is dead, my fiancee I still cannot find, my granddaughter is in government custody, my son was thrown in jail, this is the last thing I need!
    Sami:Your fiancee? Who the hell is that? Alexis?
    Lucas:Jan Spears, but that’s none of your business. She just found out that she, not Nicole, is your sister, and of course right when Marlena dies, she falls off the face of the Earth!

    -Maggie comforts Eric and tells him it will all be alright in the end. A voice says it certainly will be, and all three of them turn to see two security guards…and Marlena’s mentally incapacitated twin sister: Samantha Evans(Andrea Hall Gengler)! Eric asks who the hell invited her, and Sam says she’s Mar’s sister, she deserves to be here, and she managed to get the prison to let her out just for the funeral. Eric says coldly that she shouldn’t be here, she tried to kill Marlena so many times after she returned. Sam laughs as the security guards escort her to her seat, and Maggie sighs, but then they all see someone else enter: Rex Brady!

    -The mysterious figure continues looking through Victor’s files, but then they stand and close the file cabinet, and begin to walk throughout the dark mansion…

    -Carrie and Belle both see Cassie Brady and rush up and hug her, and Cassie says that she came back to town with Rex the minute they heard about Marlena, and that she’s so sorry, and that she thought of Marlena for her mother for almost a year, and she was always great to her. Belle nods and again hugs her sister, and Carrie says she just can’t believe Jan is actually Tony and Marlena’s daughter. Belle rolls her eyes and says that Jan is the last person she wants to think about, and Cassie says “What?!” and Carrie tells Cassie that Jan was recently revealed to be Tony and Marlena’s daughter, and Cassie is silent for a moment as she remembers her history with Jan. Belle says that they better get down to the funeral, and the three sisters leave the hospital.

    -Greta looks at Nicole confused for a moment, and says that well many eye-witnesses saw her just shoot Marlena in the heart, and she mentions how Sami is making this whacky claim that some guy named Stan dressed up as her, and Nicole tells her to not think its so far fetched. Greta laughs and says to look who’s the crazy one now. Nicole then admits that…she’s known that Sami wasn’t really Sami for a long time now. She explains to Jan and Greta how at the fashion show, she ripped off Sami’s hair and saw hair underneath it, but it certainly wasn’t how women styled their hair, and she saw that “her” face was a mask and everything. Nicole shudders at the thought of everything, and Jan and Greta both look at Nicole in shock, and as Greta bursts out laughing, Jan begins slapping Nicole and she asks how Nicole couldn’t tell anyone! Nicole says that she had bigger things on her mind, like crazy Greta Von Amberg and how to keep her ruse up as Tony and Marlena’s daughter, and she doesn’t give a damn about Sami anyway. Jan says that her mother’s death could have been prevented by Nicole, but Nicole snorts and says she barely knows Marlena, so she doubts she ruined her life. Greta says this is typical Nicole, but now that she’s down here, she won’t be able to hurt anyone. Greta simply says “Ta Ta” and then leaves, as Jan groans and says that Lucas is probably searching high and low for her especially now that Marlena is dead. Nicole says that at least people are probably looking for Jan, no one could care about where she is. Nicole then goes on to say that Lucas had better find them though because she’s not going to take being trapped down here forever.

    -Eric, Maggie, and Abe all see Rex Brady, Eric’s half-brother in the doorway, and Rex informs them that he’s returned for Marlena’s funeral, and Cassie should be here soon. Eric nods, and soon Tony and Anna arrive, as well as Sami, Lucas, and Will…and everyone gives Sami the cold shoulder. Carrie, Belle, Cassie, and many, many other ols faces arrive as Marlena’s funeral begins…
  12. daysfan
    Episode#270: Diva in Salem!

    -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Kate comes downstairs in her robe and brushes her hair, and she sees Celeste in the living room with Victor, and she walks in and smirks and says how cute. Victor tells Kate he is spending some private time with a very special person, and to get out. Kate laughs and says fine, but as she turns to leave, the doorbell rings, Kate goes to answer it, and it is revealed to be DORIAN LORD!

    -In Europe, there is a woman seen walking through a large castle. She walks up to a door and knocks on it, and a voice says “Come in”, and the woman enters. She begins by saying that she needs to go to Salem, and the man tells her to be patient, and soon they will go back to Salem…once her sister heals. The woman says that time is running out, and the man assures her that it will all happen when the time is right…

    -Back in Salem, at Maggie’s house, Laura Horton(Jamie-Lynn Bauer) comes downstairs and sees Robin drinking some coffee. Robin looks up and smiles at Laura, and says that she is sincerely sorry for the loss of Laura’s great friend Marlena. Laura thanks her, and says these past few years have been very hard for everyone, and she just is glad her children and grandchildren are alright, and Robin mutters under her breath that maybe Mike isn’t. Laura tells her that that is actually what she wanted to talk to her about: Mike.

    -At the Salem Inn, Tony wakes up in bed…with Anna next to him!!! He slowly looks at her as she wakes up, and she looks around…and asks if they slept together last night! Tony slowly says he believes they did, and Anna then apologizes, but Tony says no, he should be apologizing, because he was so drowned in Marlena dying…but Anna stops him and says she understands. Anna then says that maybe she shouldn’t be asking this, but she will. Anna asks Tony if this by some chance gives hope for them ever getting back together!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Stefan and Kayla are at Salem Place Apartments. Kayla says that it is so sad that Marlena is dead, and Stefan simply says yes, it is. Kayla asks if he’s alright, and it seems like he’s not really cared about Marlena’s death or anything. Stefan says that all is fine, and Kayla oddly shrugs as she walks away, and it is revealed Helena is watching from the window…and she scowls and says that Stefan is screwing everything up!

    -Kate asks Dorian Lord(Robin Strasser) who the hell she is! Dorian laughs and asks how she could not know who she is and she says she is Dorian Lord! Kate shrugs and asks what she wants, and Dorian says she wants to speak to Victor. Kate shakes her head and yells to Victor that someone is here for him, and Victor tells them to leave, but Kate yells that its Dorian Lord and Victor stops dead in his tracks!

    -The two people at the castle in the Europe discuss going back to Salem, and the man insists that the time is approaching when they will go back to Salem.

    -Laura and Robin get into an explosive argument over Mike, Laura telling Robin that she’s being way too hard on Mike, and Jeremy won’t need her breathing over his shoulder to protect him from Mike and Alexis. Robin however fires at Laura that after all that Mike has done, she needs to do this, and she’s stayed out for far too long.

    -Tony and Anna discuss their relationship, and Tony tells Anna that he has forgiven her for all that happened with Jan and Nicole and understands why she did what she did now, but he’s not ready yet, its too soon after Marlena’s death, and they shouldn’t have slept together, and Anna understands, but says that she can’t wait for him forever.

    -Helena vows not to let Stefan ever be discovered, and to continue to torture Steve. However, another figure watches Kayla, Stefan, AND Helena…meanwhile Stefan and Kayla spend time together and bond to help Kayla get over Marlena’s death.

    -Victor is astonished to hear about Dorian Lord being on his door-step! He quickly rushes to the door with Celeste behind him, and Dorian says “Hello…Victor, its been a long time…I’m sure you’ll be glad to know I’m moving to Salem. Permanantly.”
  13. daysfan
    Episode#271: The Plan Commences

    -At the Spears Mansion, everyone is just getting up and around…and as Lucas walks through the living room, he is STUNNED when he discovers a note from “Jan” on the coffee table!

    -Robin and Laura continue to face-off over Mike and Jeremy, and Laura tells Robin that she just needs to go back to Israel! Robin asks how Laura, a woman who she’s barely met, can tell her to go back to Israel when she’s barely been back in Salem for a week! Laura says that she’s seen how Robin’s been acting, and it’d just be better if she wasn’t in Salem, and both of them turn when they see Jeremy enter!

    -Belle is out shopping, still mourning her mother and trying to keep her mind off of it. While shopping, she runs into Nicholas!

    -Celeste asks Victor who this is, and Kate says she was just wondering that herself. Victor asks if Celeste and Kate would excuse him, and both oddly leave, and Victor engages in a heated discussion with Dorian. He asks her what the hell she is doing in Salem, and Dorian simply asks if she can’t visit her ex-lover once in awhile!

    -At the DiMera Mansion, Stefano constantly worries now that Marlena is dead. When Vivian walks into his office, he looks at her and tells her that he must kick his plans into high gear now, and the Phoenix must rise! Vivian asks if he’s sure now, and Stefano says:

    Stefano: Yes, my dear, now

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Lucas is shocked and dismayed at the note Jan left him! Will comes downstairs and asks Lucas whats wrong, and Lucas informs him that Jan’s left town…and shows him the note! Will is shocked and says that he always found Jan odd, and Lucas is devastated, feeling like she ran out on him, and he finds comfort in his son, as Greta watches in joy from the window.

    -Belle is uncomfortable when she runs into Nicholas, and quickly tells him she needs to go. Nicholas stops her and tells her they need to talk, and he’s sorry about her mother, but Belle tells him they have nothing to talk about, and she just can’t do this now, and Belle runs off.

    -Victor and Dorian mysteriously argue, with Victor stating how Dorian has not come in contact with him in years and why of all times now, but Dorian affirms to him that she’s here and here to stay!

    -Vivian and Stefano begin talking about their plan, and Vivian asks Stefano if they really can do it now. Stefano says that they must, after the death of his Queen of the Night, he’s not holding back any longer!

    -Robin and Laura try to calm down when Jeremy enters, but Jeremy blasts them both for arguing, and asks if he can’t enjoy having his mother back in his life, and also asks if they can’t just forget about Mike and Alexis. Laura tries to argue with Jeremy but he won’t have it, and finally she gives up, but tells Robin that she’s keeping her eye on her, which leads to Jeremy asking Laura how long she’s staying in town, and Laura responds possibly a very long time! This thrills Jeremy but unsettles Robin.

    -Vivian and Stefano are at an unknown location…and Stefano slowly comes out from behind a curtain and says that all is well…and its time, they just need several hours to prepare. Vivian nods, and they both set off…
  14. daysfan
    Episode#272: Vivian’s Doubts

    -Renee comes down at the DiMera Mansion and asks Lexie if she’s seen Stefano anywhere, and Lexie says no, and Renee says she hasn’t seen him in hours…

    -Valentine walks across the Alamain Mansion, and thinks about everything that has been happening with Alamain, and she says that despite that…her life has been just about perfect. She slowly takes out a picture of someone from a drawer, and says she’s sorry she had to leave him, but she has a better life in Salem…

    -Destiny is with Will down at the park, and he pours his heart out to her about how he misses his daughter. She comforts him and assures him its all gonna be alright, and he’ll get Arianna back, and Will says he hopes so. He tells Destiny how glad he is to have her at her side and she smiles, but then their moment of joy is ruined when Crystal and Benard arrive!

    -Victor is at the Kiriakis Mansion and is still disturbed by Dorian’s sudden arrival and decision to move to Salem. Celeste soon begins to ask Victor why this concerns him so much, and Victor tries to tell her its nothing, but Celeste soon also gets concerned, and when Victor goes to get a drink, she takes out her Tarot Cards!

    -At Salem Place, Vivian walks along, and thinks to herself that in just a few hours, she’ll have made a major step in getting back at everyone who ever hurt her. She looks at the various shops, and then gulps and wonders outloud if its really worth it. She hears a voice asks if whats really worth it and turns to see KATE!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Lexie and Renee get concerned for Stefano, and they also ask Elvis if he’s seen him. Elvis hasn’t either, and all three begin to search for Stefano!

    -Valentine continues to admire the picture she is looking at, but when she hears someone enter, she quickly puts it away, and turns to see Ivan! He asks if she’s alright and she says yes, and she rushes out of the room, leaving Ivan to wonder why she was acting so odd.

    -Benard angrily asks Will what he’s doing out of jail, and Destiny asks them to just leave them alone, and Crystal begins taunting Will about his grandmother’s death and says that she will soon have Arianna. Will gets angry and tries to stand up to the Galore’s, but Destiny manages to calm him down. Benard however promises Will that Arianna will soon be under their custody!

    -Celeste is utterly horrified when the Tarot Cards tell her that her relationship with Victor is in great danger! Celeste vows to find out what is going on with Dorian, and Victor wonders if Celeste is alright -Celeste is utterly horrified when the Tarot Cards tell her that her relationship with Victor is in great danger! Celeste vows to find out what is going on with Dorian, and Victor wonders if Celeste is alright once he comes back in and they drink and spend time together, and Victor tries to get his mind off of Dorian.

    -Vivian is shocked to see Kate standing before her! She begins throwing insults at her immediately and sarcastically welcomes her back to life, and Kate tells Vivian that she’s so petty, and she’s through with their rivalry, and she was just concerned that Vivian wouldn’t do something crazy. Vivian and Kate angrily fight and Vivian eventually stomps off, and vows that now she must do this! To make everyone pay! There is a freeze frame with Vivian, Stefano, Celeste, Valentine, Forrest, and Kate’s faces…
  15. daysfan
    Episode#273: Kate Confronts Tony

    -Carrie is at Chez Rouge, still distraught over Marlena’s death. Alexis enters and orders a drink, her being distraught over the situation with Jeremy and Mike, and she and Carrie meet, and explain their situations to each other, and Carrie is horrified to learn about what Mike did, and Carrie explains that she knew Mike very well, and at first Alexis says “Not another ex.”, but Carrie assures her that she won’t judge her for what she did, and Alexis comforts Carrie over losing Marlena.

    -Lexie, Renee, and Elvis continuously search for Stefano, and they stumble onto Kristen, who also claims that she hasn’t see him in quite some time, and they all continue to search.

    -Will and Destiny continue to argue with the Galore’s at Salem Park. Crystal taunts Will saying there’s no way the court will give Arianna to an underage criminal. Destiny reminds Crystal of her criminal record, being a porn star and trying to kill Marlena for Nicole Walker, but Crystal argues that all of that was along time ago, but all of Will’s crimes are very recent. Benard also taunts Will telling him that he’ll have his mother in jail with him, and Will stomps off angrily!

    -Tony is at the Salem Inn, and he gets a knock on his door…slowly he goes and answers it, and is shocked and horrified to see Kate standing there!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Carrie finds comfort in Alexis over all that’s happened over the past few weeks. Alexis learns about Sami being accused of killing Marlena, and she tells Carrie that she did meet Sami when she was working for EJ, and she did seem feisty, but not psychotic. Carrie says that she was acting odd before Marlena was killed, and she just doesn’t know. Carrie also tells Alexis that she’s met Jeremy before, and if she knows him, he won’t hold a grudge forever.

    -The DiMera Children keep on searching for Stefano, but to no avail, however outside, in the courtyard, they run into Megan, who smirks at hearing they are searching for Stefano, and she tells them she knows where he is!

    -Tony is shocked to see Kate at his doorstep, and he says that he heard she was alive…but with Marlena dying, he just hasn’t had the time to talk to her. Kate has a firm look on her face, and asks him how he can be a free man, and Tony explains to her that he was cleared on all of his crimes on reasons of insanity, and explains to her the Vince mess! Kate tells him she doesn’t believe that, and she’s going to make him pay!

    -Renee, Lexie, Elvis, and Kristen all quiz Megan on where Stefano is, but Megan is reluctant at first, and Lexie asks why Stefano would tell her of all people, the crazy psycho, where he is going and not tell the rest of them, and Elvis sneers that Megan is the favorite. Megan laughs and says they are all such fools, and Kristen orders everyone to leave so she can speak to Megan privately!

    -Destiny chases after Will throughout the street, and she chases him all the way into Salem Place! She tells him to ignore what Benard and Crystal told him, and Will comments that he hates those two, and he loved Arianna his girlfriend, but he just can’t stand her parents or her siblings. Destiny tells Will that there’s no good just standing around and bad mouthing them, they have to fight, fight for both Arianna’s, and themselves!

    -Tony tries to plea with Kate, and deeply apologizes, and says that they always were friends, and Kate snaps that they were until he pulled her into a garden in Italy and shot her! Tony once again claims it was Vince and he had no influence or power as to what he did, and Kate sarcastically says that everyone uses insanity as an excuse, and Tony tells her that he’s sorry but she can do nothing to him, he’s already been cleared. Kate says that she’s Kate Roberts, and its disgusting that he got off like this. She says that she’s a powerful woman and it is well known that she’s back in Salem and has re-taken her throne, so he should watch his back! Kate then leaves, as Tony sighs, wishing Kate and Kristen would back off of him, believing that it really was Vince…

    -Crystal and Benard remain in the park and discuss the situation, and Benard again asserts that he hates Will AND Destiny, but she had a point about Crystal’s track record. Crystal simply brushes it off that the lawyer can find some loophole around that, and that Benard has a perfect track record and is a well respected business man. Crystal thinks to herself that she doesn’t care about her past, she is going to take Arianna!

    -Kristen confronts Megan privately, and tells her sister that they both have always been the closet of all of Stefanos’ children to be closest to him, and she deserves to know where he is! Megan laughs and says she doesn’t care, and she can’t let them interfere in their father’s plans. Kristen won’t back down however and continues to grill Megan.

    -Carrie and Alexis continue to talk and befriend each other, and Carrie also assures Alexis that Robin won’t be that hard to take on, and Carrie expresses her concerns about Sami. Alexis says that its possible that Sami is lying through her teeth, and she could have snapped and no one knew, and Carrie sighs. Alexis tells Carrie that she needs to go, but as she stands up, she reminds Carrie that sometimes, even the most unbelievable things are true. Carrie ponders this and Alexis leaves, and then Carrie runs into Brandon!

    -Kristen continues pressuring Megan, and Megan finally says just to humor her, she’ll tell her where Stefano is, and Megan thinks to herself she hopes her father will forgive her for this, and she says to Kristen that its probably too late now. She leans in and whispers something in Kristen’s ear, and Kristen’s eyes widen, and Megan laughs after she is finished, and Kristen rushes to her other siblings and says to follow her!
  16. daysfan
    Episode#274: The Race to Stop Stefano

    -Megan continues to stand in the DiMera Courtyard, saying how her father’s plans are coming full circle, and none of his children will be able to stop him….

    -Carrie and Brandon greet each other at Chez Rouge, and Brandon notices Carrie is distracted and questions her about it. Carrie explains the situation about Sami, and Brandon says he heard about that and has no clue whats going on with her. Carrie explains that although the evidence points to Sami lying, she doesn’t know what to believe. Her and Brandon continue to talk, and Brandon invites her to dance!

    -Renee, Lexie, Kristen, and Elvis are all in the car and Elvis asks Kristen if she could at least tell them whats so bad that Stefano’s doing, and Kristen says theyre is absolutely NO time, they just have to get there in time…

    -Sami is at the Java Café. She is having a cup of coffee as she thinks to herself she HAS to prove that it was Stami, because no one will speak to her and she can’t go to jail, and she prays for God and Marlena to help her. As Sami sits at a table she hears a voice says “Oh, it’s the murderor!” and looks up to see Greta Von Amberg!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Abe and Maggie are together at Abe’s house, as Maggie helps him through physical therapy. They spend time together and talk as she helps him, and Abe thanks her for doing this, and Maggie thanks him, because this is helping her keep her mind off of all that’s happened. Abe tries to comfort Maggie and she opens up to him as she says that the past few years, she has been hit with such devastation. She explains to him that Zack, Shawn, Alice, and Mickey all died, Doug slipped into a coma, Hope and Julie are in jail, and now Marlena is dead…not to mention whats happened to all of their other friends, and Abe’s stroke. Abe continues to comfort her, and tells her that together, they can survive all of this…

    -Megan says that soon this town will be her father’s, and she’ll be at her side, and Bo’s will be at her’s…

    -Carrie eagerly accepts Brandon’s invitation, and they begin to dance. As they dance, they talk about various things and bond, and eventually they drift back to the subject of Sami. Brandon tells her that Sami’s track record is against her, and he knows that Sami can lie. Carrie agees, and says something just seems off…Brandon however also brings up that a few years back, Kate and Eugenia Willens drugged him and Sami and threw them in bed together to make it look like she cheated on Lucas the night before Lucas and Sami’s wedding. He says that for months Sami claimed it wasn’t their fault and no one believed her, which is what led to Stan in the first place, but later Sami and Nicole finally found proof that it was Kate and Eugenia. Carrie says she did hear about that, and continues to think. Brandon tells Carrie that if she really wants an answer…to just go with her gut. Carrie realizes he’s right and thanks him as they finish up their dance…

    -The DiMeras are still in the car riding throughout Salem, and Elvis continues to try to get Kristen to tell them whats going on with Stefano. Kristen again refuses and Renee tries to get Elvis to calm down, as Lexie says that this is ridiculous and they just need to get to wherever they are going, but suddenly, the car breaks down!

    -Abe and Maggie continue to spend time together and try to get through all that’s happened.

    -Sami asks Greta what the hell she wants, and she barely even knows her, she tells her to go bug Nicole! Greta says that she won’t be able to do that, and tells her she’s so sorry about her mother…and that she couldn’t make up any better lies. Sami gets very angry and tells Greta to just stay out of it, its none of her business! Greta laughs and says poor Eric, he must be in tears over this, and Sami just tells her to shut up. Greta says that she doesn’t know who’s worse: Her or Nicole, both of them are con-artists. Sami is silent for a moment, before yelling:

    Sami:That’s it!

    Sami runs out of the Java Café, leaving Greta in confusion.

    -Kristen is enraged when the car breaks down in the middle of the road! Lexie says she’ll call a tow truck and a cab, and Renee tries to calm Kristen down. Kristen says to call Peter or something! Elvis approaches Kristen and says just to tell him whats going on, and Kristen yells fine if it’ll get him off her back, and she whispers something in his ear! Elvis exclaims “OH NO!” before walking off, taking out his cell phone, and saying into it:

    Elvis:Hey, its me…I need…to make an arrangement…I need to stop my father from making a terrible mistake…
  17. daysfan
    Episode#275: Elvis’s Next Move

    -Down in the Secret Room beneath the Spears Mansion, Jan and Nicole continue to try to withstand living together. Jan paces and says that they have to get out of here soon, because she’s engaged and Lucas is going to wonder what happened to her. Nicole just brushes it off, and Jan angrily tells her to listen, and that she is going to get out of here no matter what it takes!

    -Sami rushes into her room at the Salem Inn, and she says this is perfect, she’ll be able to clear her name!

    -At the DiMera Mansion, Megan is still thinking about how she will get Bo all for herself, and Peter comes out and asks where everyone is, and Megan says “Oh not another one”, and tells Peter that everyone’s just busy. She says that once they get back though, they are gonna have a bombshell, especially for him.

    -On the side of the road, Kristen is still angry over their car breaking down, and Renee tells her it will all be fine. Elvis is still on the phone, and he says that they have to get it down there FAST, and there isn’t much time!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Dorian is sitting in a luxury, deluxe room at the Salem Hotel. She drinks some wine and says that Victor’s life is about to get a whole lot worse….

    -At the Kiriakis Mansion, the mysterious figure who was there earlier sneaks in, and sits down in the living room…

    -Nicole tells her that they tried that already, Jan can’t just bust down the doors. Jan says that she doesn’t care, she has to get back to Lucas, her son, and make Greta pay! Nicole groans as Jan continues to try to find a way out of the room, but is continuously unsuccessful, and Nicole tells Jan she told her so.

    -Sami takes out her phone and dials a number, but after a minute, she curses and says she couldn’t get ahold of her. She runs out of her room and bangs on another door, and yells for Nicole to open up! After a few minutes of constant knocking, she walks up to the front desk in the Salem Inn, and asks the secretary if Nicole Walker is still staying here….and the secretary responds that as far as she knows, Nicole is still in the hospital after being shot. Sami mutters:

    Sami:Of course…thanks!

    Sami again runs off, thinking to herself that Nicole is her last hope…for once…

    -Peter asks Megan what she means, but Megan just smiles and says he’ll see, and she walks off…

    -Elvis just tells the person on the phone to “get it done”, as Lexie watches and raises an eyebrow. Elvis hangs up his phone and Lexie approaches him and asks him who he was talking to, but Elvis makes a quick excuse and just says he was talking to the towing company, and he walks off.

    -Dorian says that she couldn’t just let Victor sit around living a peaceful life…and now that she’s in Salem, its time for some payback….

    -On the side of the road, Elvis walks away from Lexie and says to himself he hopes his father forgives him for what he’s set in motion…
  18. daysfan
    Episode#276: The Taxi

    -Greta comes to visit Jan and Nicole, and sees Jan trying to figure out a way to escape. Greta laughs and says how cute, and tells Jan to just give it up, she’s not getting out of here. Nicolee asks Greta if they have to be in there can she at least go away, and Greta responds that there’d be no fun if she did, and she just thought she’d tell them how their loved ones are!

    -Lucas walks around the kitchen of the Spears Mansion, and says he still can’t believe that Jan just up and left town like that...especially when they were about to get married, and he wonders if Will and Arianna, Greta, and her being Marlena’s child just pushed her too far…but he then says outloud that she wouldn’t have just left Bentley here. He says that something is not right!

    -Sami arrives at the hospital, and runs into Mike, and she frantically asks if Nicole is still here!

    -Elvis, Renee, Kristen, and Lexie continue to wait for a tow truck and taxi to arrive, and Elvis paces as he thinks about what’s about to happen. Finally, after a bit more waiting, the tow truck arrives and takes their broken car away, and the taxi also arrives, and Kristen whispers in the driver’s ear where to take them! They all get in the taxi and drive off!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Nicole sarcastically asks what loved ones she has left, and Greta says that’s such a good point, but her mother and brother are doing fine. Nicole threatens Greta and tells her to stay away from Faye and Brandon, and Greta chuckles and tells Jan that poor Lucas is going through such a tough time, his fiancee just taking off int othe wind. Jan asks Greta what she’s talking about, and Greta says that Jan wrote him a little note, telling him how she couldn’t take everything anymore and left Salem!

    -Lucas recalls when everything started getting really crazy around the Spears Mansion and Jan’s life back in late May…how he proposed to her and she accepted, but then Will returned with a baby and didn’t particularly like Jan, Sami constantly acted weird…he says that Jan’s been through worse so that wouldn’t push her over the edge, he says that Nicole was revealed to have pretended to be the DiMera Child when Jan really was the child, and that may have pushed her, but she’s pulled off those type of schemes herself before…but getting two new parents would be huge…Lucas continues to ponder this, but then he remembers randomly finding Greta injured on the front porch, and Jan also being scratched and bruised, and he wonders what happened between them, and if Greta’s still in town then he needs to find out!

    -Mike tells Sami that Nicole mysteriously vanished from the hospital days ago, and they haven’t seen her since…he’s assuming she left, but she didn’t even give the hospital any check out forms. Sami says that’s way too strange and they have to know something about where she is, and Mike shakes his head and says unfortunately, they don’t. As Mike walks off, Sami stands there in shock and asks what kind of hospital this is, letting patients just walk out and not even try to find out where they are! She says to herself that she needs to find Nicole, because she remembers how Stan shot her at the fashion show in May, when he wanted to kill Marlena…and Stan had to have a reason for shooting Nicole, so its obvious Nicole knows something, and she could help her…but now she’s missing!

    -The DiMeras continue to drive across Salem…

    -Jan’s eyes widen and she snaps to Greta that Lucas would never believe that! Greta tells her that he already has, his little son Will had to comfort him over it. Jan screams “NO, NO, NO!!!!” over and over, and Greta takes joy in seeing her in so much pain. She looks at Nicole and says that she hates her the most, she only wishes she had a loved one that she could trick into thinking Nicole took off from…but Nicole is such a bitch she doesn’t have any. Nicole says cute, and Greta tells them that she’ll leave them alone, and Jan breaks down crying!

    -Lucas decides to find Greta, and takes off!

    -The taxi stops somewhere in Salem…and Kristen thanks the driver and pays him as they all get out, and Elvis gulps, and warns them all to be careful, which raises Renee’s suspicions. They all look around and Lexie asks what they are doing here, and Kristen says they have to get in there NOW…they have to get into St.Luke’s Church before its too late!!!!
  19. daysfan
    Episode#277: Stefano and Vivian’s Deed

    -At the Horton House, Maggie, Laura, Abe, Jeremy, Robin, Nick, Abby, and Mike are all there putting the Christmas tree up to get ready for the Annual Ornament Hanging on Christmas Eve. Jeremy tries to avoid Mike, and both Laura and Maggie sigh as they see him staying away from his father. Laura pulls Maggie aside and tells her that this has to stop!

    -Outside the Spears Mansion, Greta is coming out of a secret entrance and walks out to the sidewalk, and as she is slowly and discreetly walking away, her eyes widen when she sees Lucas coming out the front door! She tries to dart away but Lucas notices her and quickly runs up to her, and asks her what she’s doing in front of Jan’s mansion again!

    -Inside Helena’s secret hideout, Steve is still tied to that chair…he constantly thinks about his family, Kayla, and all his friends back in Salem…he says to himself he’s been here for much too long, he’s breaking out SOON!

    -At St.Luke’s, the DiMera children stand outside the church, and Kristen yells that there’s no time to waste, and both Renee and Lexie follow Kristen as Elvis stands back a bit, and the three girls barge into the church to reveal…STEFANO AND VIVIAN AT THE ALTER!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Forrest and Billie are at the Alamain Mansion having dinner alone. Billie mentions how she can’t believe Marlena died, and she was never too close to her but knew her well…and she says that what’s even more shocking is her brother’s ex killed her! Forrest agrees, and says that at least things have been peaceful around here lately…Billie laughs and says that it hasn’t seemed like it to her, with her mother back from the dead and them selling so much of Alamain’s stock. Forrest nods but says that its good they have been, because of the economy crashing this is the time and they got to it early. Billie nods, and asks Forrest what she thinks will become of Alamain.

    -Laura explains to Maggie that it seems Jeremy and Mike are constantly avoiding each other, and Maggie says she wishes they weren’t either, but there’s nothing they can do. Its between Mike and Jeremy. Laura tells her that if that is true then Robin shouldn’t be here at all. Maggie sighs and says that Jeremy does need his mother. Laura tells her the hell he does!

    -Greta tries to give Lucas an excuse, she tells him that she just happened to be passing by! Lucas says fine and says he wants to speak to her about how he found her clawed and critically injured that one night in the front yard of the mansion, and Greta makes a quick flashback to Jan and her having a catfight and the raccoon in her face. She says that she and Jan have met each other, she was just visiting and tripped. Lucas says that that can’t be true!

    -Steve tries to struggle with his ropes, and slowly they begin to loosen!

    -Stefano and Vivian are revealed to be at the alter…Vivian in a beautiful wedding dress!!!! Father Jansen is there, and all the color fades from Lexie’s face, and Renee nearly faints, and Kristen mutters “No…no…we didn’t make it in time…”, and Father Jansen says:

    Father Jansen:I now pronounce you…man and wife.

    -Forrest sighs, and says he doesn’t know…with the stock market crashing, things are only getting worse, and despite their plan to sell so much of their stock and investment in networks and other things, which is helping, he just doesn’t know…Alamain is still going downhill. He promises her, however, that everything will be alright.

    -Renee approaches Stefano, and asks if he really married Vivian! Stefano says that it will help them in the domination of Salem, and Lexie says that this just can’t be, he couldn’t have married such a crazy woman as Vivian Alamain! Vivian snaps to Lexie that she better start being a little nicer, and Stefano says this is why he has been with Vivian so much lately and he got Ji’Min to get her out of jail…he needs her to be his wife! Elvis rushes in and tells everyone that they need to get out, its already too late, they need to go! Kristen tells Elvis to shut up, and she says this is what she wanted to stop: Stefano and Vivian getting married!

    -Lucas tells Greta that he had to take her to the hospital, she did much more than just trip for those bruises, scratches, and injuries! Greta argues that she heard Jan went into a coma by hitting her head, and Lucas says that’s because Jan hit her head, and Greta was literally crawling and couldn’t speak, and she was hurt all over her body! Greta sighs and says she’ll tell him what really happened!

    -Kristen asks Stefano if he’s forgotten how poisonous Vivian is, and he reminds her that she helped her when she faked her pregnancy! Elvis tries to pull Renee, Lexie, and even Kristen out of St.Luke’s and says the wedding’s over, they need to get out of here! Lexie asks Stefano why he didn’t tell them, but Stefano simply says he knew they’d object! Elvis again tells everyone they need to leave, and Stefano tells his son he’s right, and as Elvis tries to pull his sisters out, Stefano and Vivian begin to run down the aisle together, but…St.Luke’s…EXPLODES!
  20. daysfan
    Episode#278: Married

    -Steve continues to try to break out of his prison…the ropes slowly come off!

    -At the Horton House, Laura and Maggie continue to argue. Jeremy helps Nick and Abby get the tree up, and as they do he bumps into Mike! Jeremy angrily tells Mike to watch where he’s going, and Mike tries to plea with him and asks him if they can’t at least cooperate around the times of the holidays, and Jeremy says not after he slept with his girlfriend! Jeremy stomps off and Mike tries to go after him, but Robin says to stay away from her son!

    -Back in the Spears Mansion frontyard, Greta tells Lucas that she and Jan got into a bit of a…scuffle. Lucas’s eyes widen and he asks why, and she says that Jan seemned a bit cranky, and she then admits that Jan hit her repeatedly with a branch!

    -St.Luke’s suddenly….explodes! Elvis, Renee, and Lexie all get outside in time, but look on in shock, as the structure still stands but the interior is ruined! Renee asks what the hell happened, and their father, Kristen, and Vivian may be dead! Elvis confesses that he had a bomb planted inside to stop the wedding!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Stefan and Kayla are having a romantic dinner. Stefan tells Kayla how much he loves her, and she says that she loves him….a mysterious person watches them both!

    -Steve promises Kayla he will get home!

    -Mike tells Robin to butt out, and Robin says that she won’t because she has to protect Jeremy from men like his, all his life he’s always treated Jeremy like dirt, he never knew how to be a father and still doesn’t! Mike tells Robin that this is between Jeremy and him, and he knows how to be a father but Jeremy won’t let him in, he hasn’t for almost a year! He says he’s so sorry for sleeping with Alexis, he’s apologized for months, but he didn’t even know she was Jeremy’s girlfriend! Mike then runs after Jeremy!

    -Lucas looks at Greta in shock and asks why the hell Jan did that, and Greta says that she was probably just frustrated…she says thet she guesses with his son there and all and Sami flaunting around it just took a toll on her, and she says she mainly came here to ask about Nicole, since Jan knew her and she guesses Jan just didn’t want even more stress….Lucas says something doesn’t add up here, but Greta tells him she doesn’t know whats left to explain…Jan just got frustrated and had enough and she just ended up getting hurt, and that’s all there is to it. Greta quickly tells Lucas goodbye and runs off!

    -Renee nearly faints at Elvis’s confession, and she takes out her cell phone and calls 911, while Lexie SLAPS Elvis and calls him an idiot for this! Elvis says that they all hate his decision and when Kristen told him he knew he had to stop it, and Lexie asks if that means KILLING Stefano! Elvis says the bomb wasn’t supposed to be a huge one, just enough to stop the wedding…he says it couldn’t have killed them because St.Luke’s is still standing, and Lexie snaps just barely, and she looks at the Church and says she has to get in there!

    -Stefan and Kayla continue to enjoy their romantic evening with each other, as the mysterious figure watches and clenches their fists!

    -Elvis tells Lexie it could be too dangerous, and Lexie turns to Elvis and says fine, then he goes in there since this is his fault! Renee interrupts the arguing siblings and says that an ambulance is on its way!

    -Mike catches up to Jeremy, and he tells him to please stop. Jeremy asks him why he should, and Mike needs to stop acting like he should forgive him! Mike tells Jeremy maybe he doesn’t, but that Jeremy can’t act like this forever….some angry teenager, because Jeremy is a grown ass man. He tells him that they’ve argued so many times, he’s made so many mistakes, but he’s sure Jeremy has too. He says that it’s the holidays, for once they need to get along. He tells him if they can at least get past the fact that he wasn’t around as much during Jeremy’s childhood and the Alexis factor…they could at least be kind to each other. Jeremy is silent for a minute, and remains silent as he slowly walks off….

    -The ambulance arrives, and quickly they bust in and try to get Stefano, Vivian, Kristen, and Father Jansen out. While Lexie, Renee, and Elvis wait anxiously, they slowly bring them out…one by one. Stefano coughs, as he and Vivian are conscious, and he looks up at Renee and asks who did this…and Renee motions to Elvis! Stefano goes off on Elvis while he coughs, telling him that he should kill him for betraying him and his family like this, but Vivian hoarsely interrupts him and says its alright…Elvis’s effort was in vain…they’re married now, and that’s all that matters!
  21. daysfan
    Episode#279: The Nightmare Couple Before Christmas

    -At the police station, Bo and the other officers are continuing the investigation of Marlena’s murder. One of the officers says that they’ve investigated it a lot these past few weeks, and he’s sorry, but Sami’s story just doesn’t make any sense…they can’t find a scrap of evidence pointing to this guy even existing. Bo sighs, and he admits that he soon may have to arrest his niece!

    -Will and Destiny are at the Spears Mansion…they’re watching Bentley while Lucas is upstairs, and Will comments that he can’t see how Jan could just leave his dad and her own son, and Destiny agrees. Will sighs and says he misses Arianna so much…he wants her to spend her first Christmas with HER dad. Destiny sighs, and thinks to herself that Will needs his daughter.

    -Back at whats left of St.Luke’s, the paramedics check out Vivian, Stefano, Father Jansen, and Kristen…they say that everyone seems to be alive and fine, they’re very lucky this explosion wasn’t bigger! The police arrive and are about to take Elvis into custody for attempted murder, but Stefano stops them, saying that there’s no need for that…but his son has severely disgraced him! He says that no matter what he thinks, he and Vivian are married, and now their quest to take over Salem can continue!

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -Carrie is shopping at Salem Place, and she runs into Cassie! She tells Cassie she hasn’t seen her in awhile, and says that as sisters, they probably need to get to know each other a little better. Cassie smirks and agrees, and says they should try sometime. Carrie says that because of Marlena’s death, the entire family needs to band together and try to spend Christmas with each other…Cassie laughs and tells Carrie that she doesn’t want to spend Christmas with Marlena’s murderor, nor the long lost child Jan. Carrie says that she doesn’t even know if Jan’s still in town and asks what she has against her.

    -Belle is at Titan, finishing up some photo shoots for Bella before she goes on her Christmas vacation. As she gets done, Justin approaches her and congratulates her, saying these will look great for the holiday addition of Bella Magazine. Belle thanks him, and Justin is silent for a moment, and he says it looks like she has something on her mind. She just says this is the first Christmas without her mother…and she’s got so much going on in her personal life right now, and Justin comforts her and says it seems like there’s more, and Belle confesses that its about Nicholas!

    -The officers at the police station tell Bo they’re sorry about all of this, and Bo says that he has to make Marlena’s murderor succumb to justice…and he has to do what he’s gotta do. He says to just keep investigating it, and they’ll make a decision by New Years.

    -Will and Destiny continue to discuss Will’s hopes that he can spend Christmas with Arianna, but he says it looks like it won’t happen, and he says that everything was going so great before Benard and Crystal came to Salem. As Will leaves the room, Destiny sits thinking, and she gets out the phone book and dials a number on the phone!

    -Peter and Megan arrive at the scene of the explosion…Peter asks what the hell is going on, and Renee says that Elvis had a great idea to try to blow up the Church, and Peter asks why while Megan simply cackles. Vivian snarls at Peter, and Stefano says its because he was trying to stop his wedding…he reveals to Peter that he married Vivian! He says it shall be crucial in their plans, and Vivian grins as Peter nearly faints!

    -Cassie flashes back to Jan pushing her out the window of Belle and Philip’s loft in 2006, almost paralyzing her, but them working together to frame Mimi. She tells Carrie she has nothing against Jan, she just hasn’t heard good things about her. Carrie says she’s right, but she’s family, and Cassie simply agrees. Carrie says that if her and Sami are there, just play nice. When Cassie leaves, Carrie runs into Brandon, and she comments that they are running into each other everywhere, and Brandon laughs and they begin to talk. When Carrie mentions wanting to have a Christmas get together in honor of Marlena, but the problems with Sami and Jan missing, Brandon mentions Nicole’s been missing too!

    -Peter says this can’t be happening, and Stefano says that it is, and all of his children shall accept it. Lexie tells Stefano this is crazy, and Renee agrees. Stefano silences them all, saying that is enough, and Megan says she supports his decision. Stefano thanks her, and says he only told Megan because he knew he could trust her to not pull anything….he tells them that now, this is done, and its time for the next step…he says that soon, Salem shall be theirs!

    -Justin and Belle talk about Belle’s issues with Nicholas, and she tells him about Forrest giving Nicholas and ultimatium awhile back. Justin tells Belle that Alamain and Titan are rivals, and Victor has been trying to get Titan for awhile now…he says that though, she can’t let it affect her personal life. He tells her that if she really likes Nicholas, she needs to be with him. Belle says that he’d get kicked out of Alamain if they were to get back together, and she can’t do that to him. Justin tells her that it seems like Nicholas wants Belle more than he wants Alamain, and that she needs to do whats right, and that leaves Belle thinking…

    -Carrie finds it odd that Nicole is missing, but she says that she knows Nicole a bit, and after she was exposed for pretending to be Tony and Marlena’s child, she may have skipped town. Brandon says that wouldn’t be like Nicole though, and both of them discuss their sisters/step-sisters missing. The topic eventually floats to Carrie missing Marlena, and Brandon comforts her.

    -The paramedics tell Stefano, Vivian, and Kristen they are free to go, and luckily any injuries were very minor. As a limo arrives to take the DiMera’s home, Stefano takes Vivian’s hand and says that now its time to move into the future!
  22. daysfan
    Episode#281: Christmas!

    -Its Christmas Day in Salem!

    -At the Alamain Mansion, Forrest, Billie, Nicholas, and Valentine are all trying to have a happy Christmas, but not succeeding…Valentine continues to be off in her own little world, Forrest and Billie romance each other, and Nicholas is still angry at Forrest over what happened with Belle. After awhile, Forrest sighs and looks at everyone and says this has to stop!

    -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor, Celeste, Justin, Kate, and Justin’s wife Adrienne Kiriakis(special guest star Judi Evans) are all sitting having Christmas Dinner, and Justin tells Adrienne he’s so glad she could come to Salem for Christmas, he just wishes the boys could have come. Adrienne smiles and tells him she’s glad to be here, and Celeste smiles at the happy couple, and kisses Victor as Kate mutters that she needs a man. Victor tells them all that this is a fantastic Christmas and a great year is ahead, a year where he will finally take Alamain!

    -Stefan and Kayla romance each other on Christmas!

    -At the hospital, everyone prepares for the traditional reading of the story…

    *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

    -At the hospital, Bo is planning to read the story to the children, but as he gets ready he runs into Kristen! He asks her what she’s doing down here on Christmas, and Kristen tells him that as crazy it seems she’s had to come down here for some check ups, and she even had to come down here on Christmas…she explains she had some very minor injuries when Elvis almost blew up St.Luke’s, and Bo says he heard about that, and he wishes he could arrest her dumb brother. Kristen laughs and says that makes two of them, and Kristen is silent for a moment but then asks how his first Christmas without Hope is!

    -Forrest tells the Alamains and Billie that he is sick of this constant struggling in the family, its been going on all year…he says first it was just with Vivian but she’s been out of their lives since Spring yet still this is going on. Nicholas snaps to Forrest that it wouldn’t be happening if he didn’t act like just a dumbass, and Forrest stands up and tells him that he is his boss and his uncle and he won’t have that type of talk! Billie tries to calm Forrest down but he tells Nicholas that its Christmas, and he’ll be damned if he’s going to let him talk like that!

    -Kate tells Victor that she just wishes their son could be here for Christmas with them, and Victor tells her that Philip deserves to be in jail for all he pulled. Kate tells Victor that he’s done worse even in recent years, and that it was Belle’s fault anyway! Justin tells them to not fight, its Christmas, and Kate exclaims she shouldn’t be here, and she wouldn’t be if Victor wasn’t practically holding her captive! Kate tells them all that she needs to go call Lucas, and Rex and Cassie and Billie, and wish them a merry Christmas. As Kate walks off, Celeste sighs, but Victor kisses her hand and tells her to not let him and Kate’s fighting get to her…Celeste smiles and tells Victor she’s so glad to have a man like him in her life.

    -Kayla continues to think something is off with “Steve” somehow, but she just brushes it off and tries to spend a happy Christmas with her “husband”.

    -Bo tells Kristen that its hard without Hope, its hard to even talk about. He says that he loves her so much but their relationship is so damaged, and she’s in prison. He says that its been hard living without her and just with his two daughters, but he’s pulling through, and that’s one reason he chose to read the story…he didn’t want to spend some sad, lonely Christmas at home. Kristen says she understands how it feels and its coming upon the one year anniversary of her rape, which still haunts her…Bo and Kristen continue to comfort each other over their troubles.

    -Nicholas tells Forrest he’s a grown ass man, he’ll talk however he wants. Valentine just laughs and says that they’re all acting like morons as Forrest and Nicholas continue their fight. After awhile, Billie finally yells “ENOUGH” and asks them if they can look at themselves…its Christmas, and they are all fighting, they are all STILL fighting! She tells them to just hold off until after the holidays, and after a moment, the Alamains reluctantly agree and try to spend a good Christmas together…

    -The Kiriakis’s continue their Christmas Dinner, sharing some good laughs and fun, despite the fight between Victor and Kate…Celeste and Victor kiss passionately after some time as do Justin and Adrienne, and all of them spend a very merry Christmas together….

    -At the hospital, soon Bo comes out and happily greets all the children, and he quickly gets to reading the traditional Christmas story, giving everyone at the hospital a great Christmas, and for the first time in awhile, Bo truthfully grins as he reads the story, and all of Salem has a wonderful Christmas…

    -Up in Heaven, a woman sits in a chair and looks down on Salem having a good Christmas, surrounded by family, friends, lovers, or just good people. The woman smiles, and its soon revealed to be Alice Horton(very special guest star Frances Reid). Alice looks to the screen and says:

    Alice:From our hearts to yours, merry Christmas from everyone in Salem….and may you have happy holidays, for all the days of your lives, and for all of your life in salem…
  23. daysfan
    Episode#282: Old Rivals

    -Its several days after Christmas in Salem, and New Years is fast approaching!

    -Bo is at the Cheatin’ Heart, and he remembers how he read the story at the hospital on Christmas…he says that made him happy, especially talking to Kristen again too, but he still seems so depressed. A voice asks why, and he turns to see a face from the past: Jill Stevens(Lisa Robin Kelly)!

    -In the Secret Room, Jan and Nicole pace anxiously. Jan says its been awhile since Greta town, and Nicole mutters that she probably left them to die. Jan tells Nicole that they barely got scraps to eat for Christmas, and as much as she hates seeing Greta, they need food…Nicole is silent for a moment, and finally yells that they have to get out of here!

    -At the DiMera Mansion, Vivian comes downstairs in a robe…Elvis is there and scowls at her, and she says good morning, and how she is just loving being the new Mrs. Stefano DiMera. Elvis asks her if she and his father are sleeping in the same bed, and she laughs and says no, and Elvis mutters that he knew she was only in this for the money. Vivian says she’s in it for much more than that, and Vivian Alamain is back and in full force!

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Tony is eating breakfast at Chez Rouge, and he smiles when he sees Anna walk in…Anna smiles and he invites her to sit down which she does. She asks him how he’s doing, and Tony tells her he’s fine, its been a hard holiday season, but he is doing fine…he just can’t find Jan. Anna says that’s odd, and Tony says he’ll need to ask Lucas what is going on. Anna and Tony continue talking about various things and end up eating together, as Kate disgustedly watches from another table!

    -Bo barely recognizes Jill, and asks who she is. Jill laughs and says she can’t believe he doesn’t remember her….she’s Jill Stevens, the woman hired by Franco Kelly over ten years ago to mess with Bo and Hope! Bo asks her what the hell she’s doing still in Salem, and Jill says she recently moved back…and she saw him looking so depressed, and she’s so sorry about Hope!

    -Nicole rushes up to the door of the Secret Room, and says she’s not dying here like a starved rat, Greta Von Amburg won’t kill Nicole Walker! Jan tells her finally she sees that they need to get out of here and not be so mopey, and both of them try to break the door down!

    -Peter comes out at the DiMera Mansion, and shudders at seeing Vivian. Vivian laughs and greets her step-son, and tells her that his father has ordered that she meets with him and Ji’Min later today. Peter asks about what, and she says he must surely remember the tentative plan he made with them…when it comes to some big fashion businesses around Salem. Peter simply says;

    Peter:Oh…right…that. Yeah, we’ll have to talk about it, I’ve been doing some work for my father in that area recently.
    Vivian:I know…I know…this is whats going to lead to me getting back at Forrest, Valentine, Nicholas, and Billie…oh Stefano and I have such a brilliant plan….

    -Kate walks out of Chez Rouge as Tony and Anna continue to talk and even share some laughs. Tony tells Anna he forgot how much he missed her, and Anna says she really thought they’d never speak again after the incident with Nicole a year earlier. Tony says that was almost a year ago, and he’s trying to put the past in the past…which includes his family, Vince, Nicole, Marlena, and what happened with his secret child. Anna and him slowly lean in and kiss!

    -Bo asks Jill how she knows about Hope going to jail, and Jill is quiet for a moment and simply responds that she heard. Bo and Jill continue to talk…and Jill begins to come onto Bo!

    -Nicole and Jan still can’t escape, and they fail to break the door down. Nicole comments to Jan that her sister may have tightly secured this place, but she doesn’t care! She proclaims that maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but one day THEY ARE going to get out of here! She says that she won’t let Greta outdo her, not now, not ever! Jan agrees with Nicole and says its nice she finally found her backbone. Nicole looks to the door and again vows to escape this dreaded room!

    -As Vivian and the DiMera’s ready for the day, and Vivian walks into the living room and has a cup of coffee, she hears the doorbell ring, and quickly goes to answer it. She opens the door to see her bitter rival: Kate!
  24. daysfan
    Episode#283: Kate Visits Stefano

    -Jill continues to try to come onto Bo…as they chat, she gets him to have a few more drinks!

    -At Maggie’s house, Jeremy walks into the living room when he hears the doorbell constantly ringing…he yells that he’s coming, he’s coming, and he walks up to it and opens it to see Alexis!

    -Tony and Anna both pull back from the kiss, and Anna tells him she’s so sorry, and Tony apologizes as well…Anna says she knows he loves Marlena and its just too soon, and they still have a lot to get over. Tony agrees, but he tells her that its as much his fault as his…Anna says she should go, but Tony tells her to wait!

    -Vivian asks Kate what the hell she is doing here, and Kate says that she needs to see Stefano. Vivian says that Stefano is upstairs and has a busy day ahead of him, so she can just leave right now. Kate tells her that she thinks its up to Stefano decide, and Vivian just orders her to get out NOW! Kate asks what the hell gives her the right, and Vivian simply says that she is the new lady of the house! Kate’s eyes widen and she says:

    Kate:Oh…you must be joking.

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Jeremy asks Alexis what the hell she’s doing here, and tells her to just go away, but before she can even say anything, he tries to slam the door in her face! Alexis stops him and begs him to just listen to her…she’s tired of being away from him, she loves him and wants to be with him, or at least wants his forgiveness. Jeremy tells her she’s not getting it, and to just stay out of his way!

    -Bo continues to drink with Jill as they talk….

    -Tony tells Anna she doesn’t have to go…he doesn’t want her to go. Anna asks if he’s really saying that, and he nods and says he is. He tells Anna he needs her….especially in a time like this. Anna decides to stay, and thank Tony…she says she shouldn’t have his forgiveness after all of this, she doesn’t deserve this, but Tony tells her she definitely does.

    -Kate looks in in shock at Vivian, and Vivian says its true…she is once again Mrs. Stefano DiMera! Kate laughs and asks what she had to pull for Stefano to marry her, and Vivian says it was actually all Stefano’s idea! Kate just says she’s not playing this game and needs to see Stefano, and Vivian tells her no, she’s not welcome in this house. Kate pushes past Vivian, and Vivian grabs onto Kate’s hair as she walks inside, but Kate grabs Vivian’s arm and throws it back, and tells her she’s not playing this game! As she looks for Stefano, Vivian scowls and says:

    Vivian:Oh yes…revenge will be so sweet….

    -Alexis tells Jeremy that they have to talk about this sometime, and Jeremy tells her that there’s nothing to talk about! As he forcefully throws her out of Maggie’s house, she screams in anger, and begins to walk along Salem….a tear runs down her cheek as she says that all she wants is him to just forgive her….but maybe he’s right about her….

    -At the Cheatin’ Heart, Jill eventually gets Bo drunk! He begins to slur his words, and Jill laughs and tells him she should probably get him home. Jill helps Bo out of the Cheatin’ Heart, and they go to her car, and she drives him back to his house…once they get there…she helps him to his bedroom and…Jill and Bo fall into bed together!
  25. daysfan
    Episode#284: One Night Stands

    -Alexis is walking along in Salem after unsuccessfully trying to get through to Jeremy, and she thinks about the whole situation with Jeremy, Mike, and even Robin…she just sighs, but as she walks, she runs into someone! They both apologize, and she sees it is Eric Brady!

    -Benard and Crystal are at a hotel in the middle of Salem, and they discuss the upcoming custody battle with Arianna. Benard explains that with the good lawyers they have, and with Will kidnapping Arianna…they should be able to get custody of her, the only problem is Crystal’s history of crime…he says that could put a major dent in their plans!

    -Jill and a drunken Bo are in bed together at Bo’s house….and they begin to make love!

    -Kate walks along upstairs in the DiMera Mansion, and finds Stefano in his office, after just getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. He looks up at her and snorts, asking what he owes this visit. She tells him that he has a bad choice in wives, but that’s not why she’s here…she tells him that she needs his help. He asks with what, and Kate says:

    Kate:I want to take care of your son, Tony….for good….

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -At Titan, Victor is in his office, and a temporary secretary while Alexis is on vacation comes in and tells him that Forrest Alamain has arrived. Victor nods and then Forrest enters, and they politely greet each other. Forrest tells him he wants to try to discuss this attempted takeover of Alamain, and he says that he and his family have been selling off a lot of stock to try to save the company, but he wants to work out a deal that can benefit them both!

    -Alexis and Eric begin to talk, and Eric tells her that its fine, and its nothing compared to whats happened to him recently…Alexis asks what happened, and he explains to her everything about Marlena’s death…she tells him that just a few weeks ago, she spoke to his sister Carrie about that, and she knows the supposed murderor Sami…she says she’s sorry about that, and Eric asks about her problems, and she explains the situation with Mike and Jeremy…Eric and Alexis begin to comfort each other!

    -Crystal tells Benard she’s sure that he and his lawyers can just take care of that, she says he got her out of jail a few years ago, he can get their granddaughter back! Benard says he’s just warning her, and because of her they have the small possibility of losing her to the government, Will, or someone else. Crystal snaps to not blame her for this…and she inwardly vows that she will do whatever it takes to get Arianna!

    -Jill and Bo continue to make love, until later on…Bo finally passes out! Jill comments that that was good, but “she” is going to kill her for this!

    -Stefano asks Kate why she’s come to him about Tony, and he’s not his son, and he cast him out of his life and his family the minute he recovered from his coma. Kate tells Stefano to not play dumb, she knows he raped Kristen, and Stefano also knows that he nearly killed her in Italy! Kate says that her family, and her life, went so out of control because of him…she says now its time for both of them to exact revenge!

    -Victor laughs and tells Forrest that there will be no deal, and Forrest asks Victor to just listen before he makes a decision. Victor tells him no, but its nice of him to make a last ditch effort to save his company…he tells him that despite his little tactic to sell off so much of their stock, Titan will be taking over Alamain, and its only a matter of time before its official! Victor then gets security to escort an angry Forrest out of Titan!

    -Alexis and Eric continue to talk and comfort each other over their respective issues and problems right now, and eventually…Eric ends up asking Alexis if she wants to come back to his apartment with him! Alexis thinks for a moment before agreeing, and they walk away together!

    -Stefano tells Kate he has a lot to attend to, and he has no time for fools such as Tony….Kate tells him to not try to say that to her, she knows him, she knows he wants revenge…she says if she knows him, he’s probably been trying to figure out a way to get revenge on him…as Stefano is silent, pondering this, Kate just says she’ll give him a little time to think…as she walks out and leaves the DiMera Mansion, Stefano thinks about the prospect, and then says:

    Stefano:Yes, yes…I should, and shall, get revenge on Antony for raping my Kristen, my daughter…its time he pays…
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