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Posts posted by chrisml

  1. I never found Maureen boring. As a kid, I was drawn to her character, and I remember liking her friendships with Vanessa and Roger. I was devastated when she was killed off. I was young and I didn't know why they would do such a stupid thing. I stopped watching GL for years until the Annie years, but I never felt the same about the show.

  2. RHOBH: I watched the dinner party scene. Why are these women paid to be full-time housewives? They are so fake and they are so uninterested in being real. It takes a friend of (Sutton) to inject life into the show. Without Sutton, what is there? As much as I adore Garcelle, she seems like she's playing the game too so the only friction is off the show: Kyle v. Garcelle. Andy Cohen was going on and on about his is a refreshing of the show because last year was so dark. He is such an idiot. It was dark last year because of the women still on the show. That's why the footage was so boring and two friends of had to save it. 


    RHOA: I know no one here sides with me in relation to Kenya. However, I think other housewives have done far worse and gotten away with it--physical attacks, rape allegations, rape jokes,  attacking a crew member, hiding what's going on in their lives, etc. Someone like Porsha gets away with all of her nonsense even though most of her stuff has been fake (her first marriage, her transformation from homophobe to an "enlightened" woman, her sexuality, her friendship with Phaedra, her current relationship, etc.). Nene said far worse to Tanya at the reunion than Kenya did. Tanya didn't even bat at an eye at Nene (and neither do a lot of viewers).  I'm not saying Kenya doesn't deserve the heat, but I think the heat needs to be spread around. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Relevancy. Kenya really has not been engaging her at all so that kind of fell flat. Kandi's always been an easy target for Nene. I dont think she cares if she steam rolls her or not, but the fighting makes for good tv and gives producers interest in seeing her

    Exactly. That's why Snakegate/Cynthia v. Nene sputtered because Cynthia just chose to stop responding. Kenya was not going to engage so she had to turn on someone. She couldn't go after Porsha because it would have revealed their reconciliation to be a fraud. Eva was never there, and if she waent after Tanya, they'd have to replay Nene's disgusting remarks to Tanya about not getting a peach this season. She had to go after Kandi, but she only did this when Snakegate bombed and she felt she was being pushed off the show by the producers--the same trick Vicki used by going after Emily on twitter and Braunwyn at reunion. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Personally I don’t want Nene to leave. She brings a comedy that I enjoy. Nobody reads like Nene. I personally find Kenya much more unlikable than Nene and I feel without Nene around she’d run over everybody. 

    I don't find Nene's reads that interesting because they're rehearsed reads just like Phaedra's. That's why she ran off from the reunion because she had nothing to say off the cuff to any of these questions/attacks. When she responds off the cuff, she ends up getting in trouble (like the rape joke).

  5. 16 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    It’s hard for me to have any sympathy for Nene but she’s not wrong about useless ass Eva.

    She's not wrong, and if they wanted to cut costs, they should have cut Eva back like they did Sutton since Eva did nothing after going after Porsha at the beginning of the season. I'm still baffled why Eva was on the show this season.


    I also don't think they are going after the OG housewives. The OG housewives are self-imploding and Bravo is taking the opportunity to get rid of them. Leanne, and Vicki brought it on themselves. Tamra, not an OG, but she did her job but she made it too obvious, and the audience turned against her. They would have kept LVP if she hadn't left. They exposed Teresa but they aren't getting rid of her. Who would they build rhonj around? I can't stand Teresa, but she is NJ at this point. I never understood why they kept Bethenny on RHONY. She had to be expensive, and the show is much better without her, and it also lets Dorinda's true nature come out more since she doesn't hide behind Bethenny. Nene is responsible for EVERYTHING that has happened to her. She's the one who assaulted a crew member. She is the one who was a disgusting unlikeable shrew at the last reunion. She's the one who concocted the story with Yovanna to bring Nene back into the show. She's the one attacking Kenya's daughter in the most disgusting way possible (going after a child is the lowest any of these housewives can get save for rape allegations). She's the one who posted paranoid youtube videos accusing Kandi of keeping her from getting spinoffs while at the same admitting she did get a spinoff with Kim until it was stopped for a reason that had nothing to do with Kandi. She never takes responsibility for anything. Now, she's threatening Bravo and her costars with the attorney who was a Weinstein apologist? Girl, bye.

  6. ATL: It's time to get rid of Nene. Nene is such albatross on that show. Her whole "I'm a victim" routine is so old. She brought Yovanna on the show to cause trouble. If it backfired, that's on her. She is the one who goes after her costars when she falls out with them. Somehow, it's Kandi's fault Nene never got spinoff shows. She even managed to say vicious things about Kenya's daughter. That's sick, and Nene would never have stood for that if someone came for her son (Sheree for ex.). You want to go after Kenya's marriage, fine. That's fair game but not the child. Nene also physically attacked a crew member, and should never have been allowed back. If production is sabotaging her, what does that say about her? It wasn't the women who told her to wear black. When Nene leaves, Marlo will have to forge other alliances if she wants to stay on the show which she clearly does. Yet again, Marlo had to start conflict at the finale because no one else wanted to. It was a Tamraesque move in its desperation. I have never liked Porsha, and I'm stunned that so many fans forgive her for accusing Kandi of rape. Boggles my mind. Not only that, but what was her storyline? Reconciling with a man who cheated on her in between visits to the farm? Wow, sign me up for that one. 


    I have friends who have met the women, and they all say that the women (save for Nene) were sweet and friendly towards the fans. Not surprising to me since Nene only whines to her fans when she needs them. 



  7. BH: It's a shame that Sutton's divorce meant she couldn't show her kids so that some of her stuff had to be removed. If I could stomach the rest of the women, I might watch for Sutton and Garcelle but I don't care one iota about the others.  Sad about the Sutton hate. From the clips I've seen, she seems hilarious and a real character rather than someone dressed and created by a bunch of gay men (to clarify, I am gay so I don't want that to read as a slight). RHOBH needs to clean house in front of and behind the cameras. When you're depending on one story (and a story brought by a "friend of") to make a season, you're in trouble. Did they learn nothing from Puppygate? If you filmed that long, and only have your big story at the end of filming, you need to make big changes. 


    ATL: It's time to get rid of Nene. Nene is such albatross on that show, and when Nene leaves, Marlo will have to forge other alliances if she wants to stay on the show which she clearly does. Yet again, Marlo had to start conflict because no one else wanted to. It was a Tamraesque move in its desperation. I have never liked Porsha, and I'm stunned that so many fans forgive her for accusing Kandi of rape.  Porsha has a long history of lying, but since most people find her amusing (I do not), she gets away with it. Boggles my mind. 


    NY: I always found Dorinda hateful and vicious. I hope this season is her comeuppance. It must get bad as Sonja is already doing damage control for Dorinda.


    I don't know maybe it's me, but I'm just not into the housewives anymore. I feel the way I did about soaps. The execs make one bad decision after another (ex. keeping Teddy, Erika, and Rinna for ex.) and the shows just get worse. I think RHOP is the only one truly working, and I'm hoping the execs don't muck that one up.



  8. I have no particular reverence for Loving, but I found the Loving Murders to be an enjoyable story. Yes, the deaths were over the top, but I didn't mind that because there was so much else grounding the story. When I think of the junk that airs today on the soaps, this story seems like a masterpiece in comparison. To me, the story is no more ridiculous than making a mobster the moral centre of a show, transforming a rapist into a romantic hero, vampires, burials, rerapings, etc. 

  9. She doesn't seem like a very warm person, but she was also on a show that the network was trying to sabotage for two decades. They were also trying to get rid of her so I can understand why she would not be the nicest person. I found a very long interview she did, and it talks about her time on the show. It doesn't get into any storyline or cast specifics which was a bit disappointing: https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Victoria_Wyndham_on_Another_World_and_another_life

  10. 9 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Here's an old photo I scanned - it's from her OLTL role, presumably. Some in the industry were clearly not happy she got a nomination, or just with her in general, as there are repeated digs at her as well as one article I remember expressing delight that Leann Hunley had won instead.



    Thanks for that. That's insane that she took a spot for someone who was a regular. I wonder if that's why they came up with the guest actor/actress category.

  11. A friend sent me a youtube video of Uta Hagen's acting class. I looked her up and I found she had been nominated for supporting actress for her work on OLTL. I don't remember ever reading about her on the show. Was it a significant role, or was it just a guess role that got a nomination?

  12. BH: It's a shame that Sutton's divorce meant she couldn't show her kids so that some of her stuff had to be removed. If I could stomach the rest of the women, I might watch for Sutton and Garcelle but I don't care one iota about them. RHOBH needs to clean house in front of and behind the cameras. When you're depending on one story (and a story brought by a "friend of") to make a season, you're in trouble. Did they learn nothing from Puppygate? If you filmed that long, and only have your big story at the end of filming, you need to make big changes. 


    ATL: It's time to get rid of Nene. Nene is such dead weight on that show, and when Nene leaves, Marlo will have to forge other alliances if she wants to stay on the show which she clearly does. Yet again, Marlo had to start conflict because no one else wanted to. It was a Tamraesque move in its desperation. I have never liked Porsha, and I'm stunned that so many fans forgive her for accusing Kandi of rape. Boggles my mind. 


    NY: I always found Dorinda hateful and vicious. I hope this season is her comeuppance. It must get bad as Sonja is already doing damage control for Dorinda.



  13. I'm genuinely surprised about the ratings because I thought more people would tune in because most of us are in some form of lockdown. Would the day really matter?Except for Atlanta, I couldn't tell which day has which hw show. I only saw the tidbits with Sutton and Garcelle. They seem so interesting, but then you have the others...ugh.

  14. I'm going to sound like Polyanna. I'm thankful for any of them who appear on these interviews. I think the ones who weren't on that long or had minor storylines might be more interesting than those who spent decades on the show but who won't answer honestly or hold back. It would be nice to get direct/truthful replies from anyone.

  15. I think Loving had fantastic actors the last few years (the only years I watched as a kid). In rewatching these episodes, the show is so much better than most of the soaps we've gotten in the 25 years. I still think it's a huge injustice that actors from this last storyline did not get nominated for an Emmy--one in particular should have been the frontrunner.

  16. Didn't CZP say at one point that she and BH didn't get along because he refused to memorise scripts? He would just come in and wing it?She also talked about his mental health difficulties so I can imagine it was not easy to work with someone in that situation. I don't know any of these people personally so I have no idea what they are like in real life, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt since we never know what's happening in their personal lives. 

  17. I would never criticise CZ because she has gone through a lot these past years, and no one deserves that no matter their behaviour or personality (and that's leaving aside any problems she has with alcohol). I thought she was a phenomenal actress on the show. Many actors do not have a clear picture of what producers were like because they only see the producers through the material they were given. CZ got her emmy nominations while Goutman was EP. so that's probably what she sees.

  18. If it weren't Reva and Kim Zimmer, we also wouldn't have had Michelle Forbes and Cynthia Watros who turned in phenomenal performances--performances that still resonate today. If Zimmer didn't work on a soap, it was SB, but that was not her problem. It was Long's writing, but we also got Sydney Penny who was so good so I was never bothered by it. 


    GL post-Reva plunge and before Parker's firing was some of the best GL (minus the BM exit) so GL did survive without Zimmer, but Zimmer deserves her due.

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