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Posts posted by chrisml

  1. The RHOBH taglines are awful. At first, I thought I had accidentally stumbled onto a fan's homemade taglines. Just terrible taglines, and they don't make me want to watch. Granted, I was not going to watch anyway although I really like Garcelle and Sutton. I will never understand how Erika, Dorit and Teddy have lasted so long. I also think Camille realised Denise was hiding stuff. You just have to google her divorce with Charlie Sheen to read about the lies she told about Sheen molesting their children. I look at the cast and I don't care about about any of the returning shrews. I just don't get how you continue to employ people on a hw show where the friends of/former Housewives do all the heavy lifting. People go after EVA on RHOA for doing nothing (and I agree), but the RHOBH are much worse but get asked back year after year.

  2. I think seasons five and six of RHONY are highly underrated. I enjoyed them thoroughly. I thought the seventh season was terrible except for a few moments because it was the Bethenny Frankel show and she was so damn miserable. She was also beyond rude to Heather and Kristin even though Heather pretty much saved the season with the big dramatic moments. BF also refused to show anything but her business and I didn't care about Bethenny's business ventures. RHONY is not on MSNBC.


    RHOA: Nene is such a hypocrite. She's whined all season about how the women are trying to get her off the show. First chance she gets, she tries to get Eva fired. Is she right about Eva? Yes. I have no idea why Eva was invited back full time. Maybe the optics of firing a pregnant woman?



  3. RHOBH: That trailer..egads. The same nonsense but this time it's Denise who is the target. Sigh. Sutton is so fun and interesting but we could get more Teddi and Erika? I was thinking of just watching Garcelle and Sutton, but I can't be bothered to do that. RHOBH is the only show where the non-housewives do all the heavy lifting.


    RHONJ: The last part showed how a reunion can work when the women shut up and let people answer and talk. The Teresa/Joe stuff worked because it was allowed to happen. Danielle comes out and it's all ruined. Poor Danielle. She also brought the drama this season, and they put her in time out. I was thrilled Jennifer finally shut up. The only show where the men are often more interesting than the housewives.


    RHOA: What is wrong with Nene? She's turning into a conspiracy whacko. She should now better than to go after Kandi. I'm glad she did because Kandi is hilarious. Kandi also has self awareness which is something Nene has never had. 

  4. I found the ATL Greece Trip showdown to be so predictable and boring. We all knew Nene would attack Kenya on her marriage. She would whine about Cynthia forgiving Kenya. Ho hum. Nene's reconciliation with Porsha was so fake. 


    Vicki and Tamra's reactions to the coronavirus just prove what wretched people they are. 

  5. 20 hours ago, rlj said:

    I always said Nene is a bully and got bashed by the same who are now calling her a bully, BTW, Kenya is a bullyz!


    And GMAB with fanfic  bout LVP, who is no better than Rinna, Vile, or Yolanda, cept LVP did a Adrienne and punked out, and please don't go with "she lost a loved one", pretty sure Rinna and Davidson got raked by her during a reunion after they lost loved ones. LVP, who holds a grudge like nobody, has never liked to be called out for her bts ish, and even when she could've called out Dorit, she bowed out cuz she knew she effed up!

    I am not saying LVP  didn't do things behind the camera (frankly, I hope she did try to throw Kyle under the bus during series six), but the prolonged attacks on her were ridiculous and cruel. There is no comparable situation on that show. LVP defended Rinna's threats and violence because of her family situation. She also didn't go after Eileen in a sustained way (save for the one blog post) even though Eileen made a whole season out of LVP's one offhand remark. Later, these women took LVP's brother's death and weaponized it. It was sick. I wouldn't wish that on anyone not even housewives I loathe. Nothing she was accused of warranted the sustained attacks when she had lost her brother and her mother. I would feel the same way if it were Erika who I can't stand or even Kyle. As someone who holds a grudge, I can understand her holding a grudge. Most humans do hold grudges whether they admit it or not.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    They were also such good friends that their husbands had never met until filming. It was such bull. She was specifically brought on to be Yolanda's guard dog after Yolanda dropped Brandi post her getting fired. Hence Erika coming on immediately deciding she didn't like Lisa, when Lisa literally hadn't done anything to her.

    And she's still talking about her and badmouthing her and LVP did nothing to her. It's pathetic how these women need LVP to be relevant. I still wish they would have fired Erika and kept Kathryn. 

  7. 54 minutes ago, Antoyne said:


    I also believed Yolanda was faking it. 

    The problem with the LVP take downs is they expected the audience to care about a bunch of [!@#$%^&*] that happened off camera that could not be proven and it always felt like a gang up so LVP ended up looking sympathetic to the audience. 

    This 100 times. OR they would pull something like an Eileen Davidson where they would carry a vendetta over the dumbest things.  Rinna, Kyle and LVP knew Yolanda was faking (LVP was the only one at season six reunion to suggest it was depression not Lyme Disease). There's no chronic illness that goes away when you have important Hollywood social events to go to. Considering how vindictive Yolanda had been to Lisa outside of the show, I wouldn't blame LVP if she wanted Rinna to be the one to call out Yolanda. Yolanda's Lyme Disease was as authentic as her relationship with Erika--such a good relationship that Yolanda knew nothing about her and could not name one of her songs (not that I blame her for that one).

  8. I think a lot of viewers felt Yolanda was faking. If I had to place a bet, I would say she was faking. David and her family thought she was faking. Rinna did not want to be the villain so she turned it all around on LVP. I never understood that season because if everything Rinna said was true about Vanderpump, it was a big so what to me. I think that's why their pile-ups never worked because their anger at her was so overblown and about  idiotic stuff. She had to remove herself from the show, and even then, the audience disliked the other housewives.

  9. Ken did not grab or assault her as Yolanda and Brandi initially claimed. Yolanda had to backtrack on that when the footage was shown. Yolanda was despicable towards Ken and Lisa at the event. Brandi and Yolanda really thought they had taken down LVP but the reverse happened. Brandi was too stupid to course correct but the fake Yolanda knew how to pivot. From what I remember, Yolanda was angry that LVP got a spinoff because she initially joined RHOBH because she wanted her own show about romance. 

  10. On 3/7/2020 at 7:14 AM, Cat said:

    After S6 I was ready for Yo to leave because the Lyme disease stuff was depressing and toxic. The backlash ruined everybody and BH has never been the same since. However, in hindsight, I think she was dismissed too hastily, and if they ever brought her back, I would be ok with that. Seeing Kyle and Rinna cower in front of her laser ice-blue gaze (they were legit scared of her) would be worth it! :lol:

    I liked Yolanda until the fourth season (the show never recovered from that season). Brandi and Yolanda thought they could take down LVP (the way Brandi did with Adrienne) and it backfired on them spectacularly.  Fifth season Yolanda was fine, but the damage had been done. Brandi then attacked Joanna for Yolanda and we know what happened there. Yolanda later dropped Brandi when she no longer needed her. You're right though--a vindictive Yolanda would go after cowards Kyle and Rinna. That's the problem with the show. Camille is the only one to call out Kyle and to a lesser extent, Rinna on their b.s. Bravo has allowed these shrews to protect themselves from being called out. Joyce was interviewed on Heather McDonald's show and she had some interesting things to say (especially about two-faced Yolanda). I always liked her on the show even though she got a bad edit. She's totally right on how Brandi's racist comments would be perceived in a negative light today: Joyce Giraud interview



  11. 11 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    What's the Cliffs Notes? :)

    She said that the new production team edited the show so she was never able to explain things that happened on the show. She said that they dubbed over her voice with lines she had said other times. She claims that someone got in Kelly's ear and that's why she and Kelly fell out. Tamra says she had decided to quit during the reunion but was persuaded not to. She comes across as genuine in the interview, but my summary makes it seem otherwise.

  12. RHONJ: Do any of the housewives besides Teresa have a storyline? I've been watching since the hair pull, and the show is (for the most part) just the women in group settings. The women fight and then break off intro two groups of three. Melissa was the catalyst for some drama (the hair pull reveal; the losers comment), but of all the shows, I think this show has the women work as a group even though it's clear it's the Teresa show.


    RHOBH: I think a bigger problem with season five is that Lisa Rinna was allowed to get away with violent criminal behaviour. I can't stand Kim so I'm not sympathetic to her lies and perpetual victimhood, but Lisa threw a glass at her. Lisa threatened the alcoholic and mentally unbalanced Kim's life via those messages, but nearly everyone (including LVP who she would turn against the next season) made Lisa R. the victim. That's a pattern that continued. The next season, Lisa R. went after Yolanda (even her family thought Yolanda was faking so I get LR's campaign) until she feared backlash and then switched gears to go after Lisa V. This past year, LR targeted LVP even though her brother killed himself and LVP's mother died. IT didn't matter to her. LR appears to be doing the same thing with Denise this season. 


    RHOC: I listened to Tamra on Jeff Lewis's show. Why is it I always enjoy her when she's not on the show? She had some interesting things to say about the new production company and their editing.

  13. Tonight's RHONJ reunion is exactly why I hate reunions because there is always someone who never shuts up. Jennifer was so obnoxious and annoying. Nothing was discussed for very long because she had to make a snarky comment or get screen time. I wish the producers would cut off the mikes of the housewives who do this. 

  14. I don't care how horrible anyone is, I would not wish them to be subjected to someone like Marc Daly. I like Kenya, but I wouldn't wish that kind of husband on any of the rhobh shrews and I can't stand them. If this is the way he's treating her in public, I can just imagine the way he was behind closed doors. No one deserves that. On the after show, Cynthia and Eva talked about how horrible MD was at the event.



  15. Why does it matter how Melissa came onto the show? We're talking about a show where the main housewife is a convicted felon who hangs out with Danielle Staub (at least until Teresa threw her to the side when her own violence was exposed). Badmouthing Teresa and using Danielle to get on the show seems like child's play to me. It also seems like old news since this was discussed years ago. If anything, Melissa coming on the show gave Teresa more of a hold on the show since she now had her brother and the other relatives. Even in the pre-Italy part of the finale, Melissa was responsible for giving Teresa her big moment.



  16. 14 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Real Housewives started about the women and their families, is Teresa not supposed to feature her kids? Kids have always been part of the show.

    Of course but there are times this season when I felt Teresa was actively exploiting her children's emotions for the camera. A case could be made that the girls should have been able to visit their father for the first time without the cameras but then there would have been no paycheck or end of season wrap up. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    Regardless of Teresa’s guilt, Melissa is still a fame hungry snake. She literally came on the show without telling Teresa, bashed her at every chance she got, and wormed her way into all of her friend’s lives. People like to pretend that sh.it never happened but I’ve never cared for her. She did that stupid On Display song her first damn season when no one even knew who she was.

    Aren't all housewives fame hungry snakes? Isn't that a prerequisite? Hasn't Teresa's guilt and unchecked ego been the point for years? For me, I think it would be hypocritical and ridiculous of Teresa to complain about any of the above considering all the stuff she's done. Teresa sells her daughters' pain for a paycheck. That to me is scummier than anything Melissa may or may not have done.

  18. 1 hour ago, Cat said:



    @chrisml I don't think anyone was blaming Melissa for what Teresa did. That is all on Teresa. She has acted this way since S1, stirring people up against a common target. What I was saying was that I think Melissa was lowkey happy to broadcast this nugget of information for her own ends.

    There are a lot of online people blaming Melissa for daring to even bring it up which I think is ridiculous. I understand Melissa gloating since Teresa has been such a holy terror. If Bravo is consistent, Teresa will sit out episodes the same way Nene did for attacking a member of production. I doubt that will happen. 

  19. How does Teresa encouraging Danielle to physically attack Margaret become Melissa's fault? Teresa did it herself and she thought because the show's built around her that she wouldn't get called out (which I think is more telling than anything in the finale). Melissa did the right thing as a family member and a castmate. Teresa needed to be exposed publicly and definitively. Teresa blames everything she's done on someone else (her husband, her brother, Jacqueline, Caroline, Danielle, etc.) but it was her arrogance, violence and stupidity that got her in trouble from the beginning. If Melissa were salivating, good for her. Teresa is on a reality show and it's Melissa's job to call her out in front of everyone else since it happened in front of them. It's about time Teresa was brought down to size. I've only been watching since the hair pull (watched first two seasons), but it's obvious these women are afraid to confront Teresa about anything because they'll lose their place on the show. 


    I doubt I'll watch next season. I don't enjoy the show that much. Bill is more entertaining to me than any of these women. Jennifer tries way too hard and she's just obnoxious in a fingers on chalkboard way (she's offended by Joe's comment, but she's constantly attacking Jackie over blow job jokes.). Jackie seems like she's on a more realistic reality show rather than the NJ housewives. Dolores was too much of a yes woman to Teresa, and her love life is bizarre and not in a good way. Margaret is fine but she tries too hard to be funny. I don't mind Melissa, but I dislike baby storylines. Teresa is just Teresa. I had also forgotten just how sour of a presence Joe G. is. Never liked the a-hole, but the Cohen interview and the finale were enough of him. Hope he stays in Italy.

  20. As usual, I'm in the minority. I could do without Karen. She didn't have much to do during the full season and she was so obnoxious at the reunion. She just wouldn't shut up. With that said, I'll take her over Monique and Candaice. 


    Nene is her own worst enemy. These videos are just scary because she's so delusional and hypocritical. 


    Oh Jules. You just gave that scum so much leverage against you.

  21. I'm not shocked at all about RHONJ. When I watched the hair pull episode (my first episode in years), it was clear Teresa was encouraging all of the drama. What is Bravo going to do? They've turned the show into the Teresa show and they're stuck with the bow-legged thug. 


    As for Nene, I just can't with those videos. She is so paranoid and delusional. Kandi is keeping Nene from getting her own spinoff? The same Kandi she used to get back into the group? Nene needs to go. 


    I see Vicki is still hurling homophobia nonsense at Braunwyn. That woman (Vicki) is certifiable.

  22. I've wanted Bethenny gone since she returned so this is heaven for me. While I find the RHONY cast unlikeable as a whole (minus Tinsley), I don't feel that it's the malicious unlikeability you get with rhobh or Vicki-led rhoc. I'm hoping this season will be a nice antidote to the other shows. 


    Why isn't there an Asian HW on RHOC? It would seem the most logical. Is Bravo afraid the rhoc women will reveal themselves to be racists? Or is Bravo just adhering to their whites only policy for non-RHOA/non-RHOP shows? Even though they hired Garcelle, you wouldn't know it from all of the rhobh news the network has leaked. Tiffany Moon makes me want to watch RHOD, but I have never watched it and what I read about last season does not make me want to start.

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