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Posts posted by chrisml

  1. 1 minute ago, Antoyne said:

    Kenya may be what you consider par for the course for a Housewife but I find her extremely irritating to watch and I don't find her to be genuine at all. Everything she does comes across as extremely calculated and she's just a hateful person. I legit have never liked her since her first season.

     I know a lot of people feel that way, but I don't get why she's labeled hateful/calculated (by a lot of viewers) as opposed to Nene, Marlo, Phaedra (when she was on) and Porsha to name some. I don't understand the difference. I'm asking out of curiosity because I honestly don't understand. For instance: how Porsha gets a free pass by a lot of viewers for doing far worse things. I'm genuinely curious.

  2. 16 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Kenya is still an awful person. She hasn’t changed at all and I have not missed her at all.

    I loved watching Marc just kinda walking all over her.


    It was interesting that they broke the 4th wall and were talking about the cameras.

    This is what I don't get. Why is there such Kenya hate? (not just on this board but elsewhere). Am I missing something? What has Kenya done? I'm very fuzzy on past seasons, but I don't remember anything out of the ordinary in terms of housewives behaviour from Kenya. Do people still see Kenya through Fraudra's eyes? Phaedra, Porsha, Marlo and Nene have done far worse things--things that could have had them imprisoned and sued. Porsha somehow gets away with false rape allegations, violence, homophobia, etc. because some people think she's funny. I think she's vile and Porsha being dumb does not change that. I get that the c*nt thing was ridiculous, but that just seemed par for the course on a Housewives show.

  3. I blame TPTB for allowing Nene to return after physically assaulting a crew member. Why bring her back? UGH. Nene's return also makes me distrust Tanya. She's all high school cheerleader attitude when she meets Nene, but why no discussion about the way Nene treated her at the reunion? Nene was vile towards her, but she's so happy to see Nene? Come on! Tanya might be a nice person, but she comes across as fake and desperate to get more screen time. I think the problem with RHOA is you have three housewives who are genuine friends (Kenya, Cynthia and Kandi) and then you have Eva who's barely there and when she's there, she adds nothing. You have Nene who is hateful and feels as if she's coming in from another show. You have dumb as rocks Porsha whose "storyline" is that she's getting back with a cheater/scumbucket. I suppose that's better than the idiot accusing Kandi of drugging and trying to rape her, but my word that woman is dumb. Marlo is in limbo because she always sides with Nene as she wants to stay on the show. Yovanna was beyond thirsty and played her cards way too early and way too poorly. Tanya would be fine if I didn't feel she were hiding something and pretending to be something for the camera. 

  4. My thoughts on Season 10 of RHOC:

    Vicki should have been fired. IT was completely obvious she was lying the whole time, and  we would have been saved the hate vicki/love vicki nonsense. The cancer storyline did take up most of the second half, but it did one thing for me: it made me like Shannon a bit since she was not whining about David or being so self-involved. I also loved Meghan as Nancy Drew. I had forgotten just how disgusting Vicki and Brooks both were and how Vicki treated Brianna.


    The season was a bit of a bore because there was way too much religion. I didn't care about Tamra getting baptized, and everything was about Jesus or church and I don't watch the housewives to get a religion lesson especially from people like Tamra and Vicki. I also didn't care about Cut Fitness and Heather's skincare or alcohol products.


    Jimmy was horrible to Meghan. Vicki was clearly right about the length of their marriage. I had forgotten how attractive Eddie is although he did look quite pale which probably plays into her heart troubles in later seasons. A shame we lose Lizzie. She was in most of the episodes, but never had a storyline of her own which annoyed me because I like her.

  5. 2 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    Did you watch seasons 11 and 12?


    If not, your opinions will change. Cancer-gate gets beaten to death. 


    Kelly Dodd literally saves this show in season 11. 


    Season 12 was a mess. While I liked Peggy, she was a horrible casting choice. So was bringing back Lydia. Bravo missed the perfect opportunity that season to bring back Gretchen and Lizzie full-time.

    That's why I think Vicki should have been fired because the cancer storyline was never going to go away because she was always going to pretend it didn't happen (she was still obsessed with the "I'm not a con woman!" nonsense this past season) and the other women had to explain why they disliked her. Vicki never recovered from the storyline. It's sad because the tenth season could have shown Vicki in a whole new light, and it could have been the most emotionally satisfying for viewers. It's very obvious so far (and I'm up to episode eight) that she knew he was lying. Is this the season where Meghan calls Vicki a bitter old woman at some sort of lunch? Am I wrong in remembering that at one of the reunions Vicki calls Brianna a liar and says Brooks would never come onto her? 


    I've seen seasons 11-14. I watched them in reverse chronological order. I agree about Kelly season 11. I thought Peggy was hilarious up until her strange behaviour in Iceland. Her reactions at the Quiet Woman confrontation were hilarious. Lydia's disdain for Shannon was a highpoint, but I got fed up with Lydia talking about her husband's balls. I did get sick of the aftermath of the cancer storyline because it was hate vicki/like vicki/hate vicki/like vicki. 

  6.  I find Meghan refreshing and I like how she speaks her mind and doesn't allow Shannon to get away with her b.s. Shannon is so rude and dismissive of anyone who doesn't cater to her every whim. This season makes me feel so much for David and I don't even like him. I don't know how he put up with her for that long. She is the most self-centred housewife I've ever seen. She's constantly ruining a good time by getting upset/angry over the least little thing. It's all about her feelings and that she should be allowed to express them. UGH. As for the cancer stuff, I'm just now getting to episodes where Shannon is starting to question Brooks's behaviour over his "cancer treatment." I am not sure I will mind the cancer storyline as it feels more organic and serious than Puppygate (which I heard about rather than watched). It plays as one of those long-term soap opera storylines that finally pans out after years of storyline building. I think Vicki should have been fired after this season and RHOC might have been able to recover. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    Lizzie was brought back, but rumor is Tamra pulled strings with production to have Lizzie's presence decreased on the show. It probably didn't help either that Lizzie was the one person that was on Vicki's side in s10. 

    That's a shame as I liked her. The season so far just seems off as if the producers didn't know where the focus was going to be. Meghan is the star so far and I love how she riles up Shannon who I loathe (wish she had been axed instead of Tamra). I'm up to the bunko party, and it was devastating to see Vicki get the news about her mom. She's a vile woman, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

  8. I've been catching up on past RHOC seasons I missed. I'm a bit confused by the season Meghan came into the show. Was Lizzie originally asked back and they got rid of her during filming? She's there as of the first four episodes, but not in the credits. There's also someone named Katie they make a big deal of but  I also assume she vanishes because I've never seen her. I am glad she vanished because all she talked about was church and it became way too PTL for me.

  9. RHONJ:I thought the Teresa/Melissa/Margaret/Jackie dinner scene was really entertaining, and it showed what can happen when housewives (ex. Jennifer) are not trying to contrive big moments. I also thought Jackie really showed that you can talk about your life and not force drama. She was still interesting to watch. It's hard for me to care about Joe and his problems because he brought them on himself. Of all the people in ICE, he's the last one I'm going to worry myself over. Has Gia always been this terrible? 


    RHOC: Now that David Beador is engaged, I'm not sure I have the stomach to put up with Shannon whining about it all season. I wish she had gone instead of Tamra. There's not one thing about Shannon I enjoy. Such an entitled and insufferable woman.




  10. I have been watching some of RHONJ since the hair pull. Is Teresa really this dumb? I wouldn't leave this woman in charge of a rock garden. I don't understand her appeal. She is so clueless that it's not even funny. It's as if the show is endorsing her brand of idiocy.  The other women have to kowtow to her to stay on the show. I thought OC was bad but ugh.



  11. I'm shocked that Tamra was given the boot because she does stir the pot and I prefer her over Shannon who I find more hateful and annoying than Tamra. Shannon's whole "I can't be bothered to worry about anyone else when I'm going through stuff" attitude is just disgusting. Gina did a similar thing this season where she kept putting down Emily's problems because they weren't as big as hers. I don't know what configuration of cast members would make OC work. I think there needs to be a tie to the past for longtime viewers, and Shannon is certainly not it. If it were up to me, I would bring on people who would dislike Shannon and put her through the paces because she would not have Tamra and Vicki there to back her up. I'd vote for Peggy but that would never happen since she's persona non grata in hw land for some reason.


    I don't find Kelly anything like crazy Kelly. Kelly reacts to stuff that actually happens; Rhony Kelly was clearly mentally ill. It's one thing to have anger problems; it's another to have an emotional breakdown. I think production was just as sick of Vicki and Tamra as Kelly and most of the viewers. Kelly was pretty tame during the PEggy/Lydia season because the other women didn't come after her/bait her.


    I saw where Gretchen and Slade were gloating about Tamra's dismissal. I'm assuming it was Gretchen but she looked more like a blow-up sex doll with a face that did not move. No just no.

  12. Vicki did herself in. She might have pulled a Luann if it hadn't been for her reunion performance. I didn't miss her this season when she was m.i.a. and it was obvious that she was so desperate to get back on the show that it was like watching an older version of Brandi during her last season.


    On an unrelated note to Vicki's departure, I binged the whole Lydia/Peggy S. season. It went downhill quickly. I enjoyed Peggy for the most part, but then Ireland happened, and I have no idea what Peggy was doing or why she was acting certain ways. It was so bizarre to me--the whole recording Meghan's baby crying was creepy. I wish Peggy had been given a second season though because I thought Diko was one of the best husbands. Shannon was a nightmare the whole season (as she always is), and I was thrilled that Lydia and Peggy didn't put up with it. Kelly was tame that season. She was the voice of reason. Vicki didn't do much this season, and could have been made a Friend of that season as well.

  13. 17 hours ago, Chris B said:


    The Peggy/Lydia season was IMO the last good season and was exciting from beginning to end. There was constant drama and I felt like Lydia and Peggy both brought the glam back that we lost when Heather left. What upset fans was that the girls were rarely together all 7 in a group, but the blame fell on Lydia and Peggy even though the group was fractured because Shannon, Kelly, Vicki and Tamra refused to film together. Peggy had a rough go of it because she joined the show right after having a double mastectomy and that coupled with her language barrier I feel hurt her with fans. Lydia ended up getting backlash when they dressed in male drag because she said she didn't understand drag. As a drag queen myself I wasn't offended. She didn't understand, but she got in boy drag and she clearly was open to learning about it. I didn't find that homophobic. I LOVED Lydia dragging Shannon from the moment they met until the reunion and I loved how Peggy got under Shannon's skin. They also had one of their very best cast trips ever. This cast definitely deserved a second season!

    That's interesting to read because I've read and heard so many complaints about this season. I can see where people were annoyed with the show because it started off strong, but I'm up to episode eight, and it's been pretty dull after the great Kelly/Shannon restaurant confrontation. It's the same discussions repeatedly (Vicky is evil; Tamra and Shannon are horrible friends). I find Peggy hilarious but you can tell she is in a lot of pain.These women are so narcissistic that they never ask her how she is. I haven't seen much of the Lydia/Shannon stuff so I hope it gets there soon. At this point, I don't know why Peggy was not asked back. Was it about the homophobic allegations or was her fate already sealed? I remember so much on twitter about her being a horrible housewife, but I'm enjoying her. 


    Shannon is just too much for me. The woman is so self involved. I would not want to diagnose someone but there's something wrong there, and I know she was much worse during last season's trip where she had her meltdown. Why does no one call her on it? Eight or nine blackouts???? Egads.

  14. The Edmonds stuff is just insane and rather disappointing considering how much I enjoyed Meghan when she was on. Andy always says he's going to change up RHOC, but Bravo rarely does. I enjoy Emily and Kelly. I've never enjoyed Vicki, and while I feel for Gina, I can do without her.


    I watched a few episodes of Peggy 2's season. It started off so well (the Shannon/Kelly confrontation at the dinner table was hilarious) so I'm surprised that it's viewed as one of the worst seasons. Was Peggy really that bad?

  15. I actually preferred Paulina with Joe as I was done with Jake. I would have been more than happy to see Jake killed off. Of course, I'm also the viewer who still missed Cali Timmins so take what I say with a grain of salt.

  16. Brandi was always desperate to stay on the show. I miss second and third season Brandi. This is a woman who allowed her father to accuse her of being an escort during the Family Boot Camp show. Just ugh. What does it say about you that your father thinks you worked as a hooker?


    I try to like Porsha but it doesn't help that Dennis is such a scuzzbucket and it seems she's only with him for the money. 


    RHONJ: I fell asleep while watching Hulu and they decided to autplay the RHONJ reunion where Margaret and Siggy were fighting. Has there been a more bitter and mentally unbalanced woman like Siggy? I couldn't get over how delusional and hateful she was. Was it just the reunion or was she a nutjob the entire season?

  17. I'm so confused by recent activity in this thread (a bit like Glenn Close rising from the bathtub), but I was prompted to look up the Hitopah storyline so I guess I should be grateful.

  18. 3 hours ago, Neil Johnson said:

    Jensen and the writers turned Vicky into AW's female romantic lead, which was great for Jensen, but not good for the character.  Vicky should have remained a bad-girl causing trouble for other characters, as Rachel had done for many years.  Jensen's version of Vicky behaved more like Marley, in my opinion.  Then when Marley returned full-time, the writers had to make her bonkers, because there was no room for another "good" twin -- Vicky was, by then, the good one.   

    Hit the nail on the head. Buchanan was not the right fit for Vicky. She also was a terrible Marley and her Vicky lacked any of the qualities that Wheeler and Heche brought to Vicky. She turned her into a typical soap heroine. I would have preferred (at the time) that they killed off Vicky and saved Frankie who had so much more potential. With Buchanan playing her, Vicky was a bore.

  19. 3 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Kelly needs to calm down.  Kelly, Leeanne, and Brandi are the reason why people should continue to exclude people... I would exclude all three because they're toxic messes.


    Danielle pulling Margaret's hair was worse than Margaret throwing a drink in Danielle's face.  Best to turn and walk away instead of resorting to physical violence.  Something Porsha should have done years ago instead of being commended for using her fists not her mind.

    I feel like I'm always on Kelly's side with this board, but it was Tamra who kept going after Kelly. It was Tamra who called her a "dumb bit*h" under her breath. It was Tamra and Shannon who kept going after Kelly often when the discussion wasn't even about Kelly.  It was so ridiculous and you could tell they were unhappy when Vicki and Kelly called a truce. It's no wonder Shannon was so unhappy at Bravocon--they all thought they were going to get Kelly over that lawsuit nonsense. Gina was  the only one who talked sense (which is odd considering how dumb she was for most of the season) about Kelly and Vicki's feud. Frankly, anything Kelly did was nothing compared to the homophobic bigot Vicki. I also thought Braunwyn handled herself wonderfully. She didn't yell or hurl insults like Tamra, Shannon, Vicki, and Kelly. She let Vicki hang herself and she responded in an eloquent way. She earned major points in my books. 

  20. OC: I don't think Andy will ever let Tamra go. Andy looked to Tamra to discuss the whole Vicki thing although it was telling he was less offended by Vicki's "dyke" comment and homophobia than he was about her criticising the show. It was so aggravating to see the tres amoebas baiting Kelly and then telling her to "Calm down" or "Take a Breath." They don't seem to understand that it doesn't look bad on Kelly if they're doing what they can to get her to react. It was exasperating because there'd be an interesting conversation going and then Tamra or Shannon would have to make some anti-Kelly remark and them it would get derailed into name calling and shouting. Shannon needs to lay off the fillers and stop with the spray tanning. I find Shannon more annoying because Tamra is at least doing it as part of her job although her lack of empathy for Gina was shocking.


    ATL:Nene was horrible last season, but I don't think she's as far gone as Vicki. She's getting there because her off camera antics are annoying and Vickiesque ("This is My Show" type stuff). I would prefer the show without her but I think she can redeem herself if she just stops with the holier than thou stuff. It would also help if she took responsibility for attacking the crew member which we all know she will never do. That alone should have had her fired. I'm not feeling Tanya this season. She's so happy to see Nene after Nene's disgusting remarks to her at the reunion? Cynthia reminds me of some of my family members--so afraid of conflict that they will just go with the person they are with at the time because they don't want to make waves.


    Dallas: Don't watch but not surprised to see other cast members' racist behaviour. I'm sure that a lot of these women don't equate racism with Asians. I've encountered that attitude quite often. Speaking of which, why are there no Asian housewives in any cities especially OC--which has a large Asian population.

  21. Why do people like Vicki? I really don't get it. She has said and done similar things on a smaller scale. I'm not shocked by what happened but the way it happened. I always thought she'd get caught on video saying something. I never thought something like this. I didn't catch it, but apparently Vicki called Braunwyn a d*ke. I will never understand how people like(d) Vicki. I know she made good t.v. moments, but there are less bigoted/hateful people who make good t.v.  I will say a positive is that all of them (regardless of their politics) called out Vicki.


    Shane was definitely doing damage control as he was a complete dick to Emily in the BTS video during the reunion. Tamra, Gina, and Shannon think Emily plays victim when Gina and Shannon whined about their divorces all season (leaving aside Gina becoming an assault victim). Tamra still allows Ryan to blame Simon for Ryan's problems. Emily admitted on camera she has anger problems so where is the discrepancy?


    Also telling Kelly had to prompt Tamra to comfort/hug Gina and then Tamra tried to get out of it. 


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