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Posts posted by chrisml

  1. 2 hours ago, Chris B said:


    With Beverly Hills and New York, even before they premiered Andy said they were behind on post-production so I really don't think it's a plot. They've centered the season on the Denise story and Kyle and Rinna already look terrible. They aren't going to throw out a messy story regardless of how anybody looks. And we know Kyle and Rinna are teflon and will be invited back no matter what they do. It doesn't help that the cast protects them, especially Rinna and won't hold them accountable. 

    You're probably right, but a plot is much more enjoyable to think about. I do think they have to do something about the Brandi situation or else they look like total posers which they are, but they could at least pretend to be otherwise.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    In other news, Nene’s exit from RHOA is supposed to be announced and confirmed today. We will see if that’s true. 

    1 minute ago, Taoboi said:

    I believe for sure that it is to spread it out, but given the extended filming BH did I simply do not believe that they need any more postproduction. Same with RHOP. Same with NY. I think the latter two are just 'victims' of BH which I feel is less about spreading it out and more about editing to be sure some people stay liked. ;) Speaking of material, RHOSL is due as well, no? Or was done and maybe in the ACTUAL process of postproduction when Covid started?


    I wonder if she will really do it. 



    I hope Nene does leave. The woman has shown herself to be absolutely vile while black Americans are being murdered left and right.


    I think they should hire two wives. One wife who can't stand Porsha (or vice versa) and one from Cynthia's past. Not surprising that Porsha is in favor of a Nene return since she has no story besides her BLM protests and I doubt HW viewers will want to relive the beginning of the Atlanta BLM protests when the show comes back especially as it could be a depressing reminder that things only got worse or it could be a reminder that change did happen. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the fans want the personal drama rather than real talk about racism. Am I being too hard on the HW fans? We all know Dennis is a cheater, so Porsha will try to hide that on the show. She's already fought with her sister and Shamea. She's accused Kandi of rape and drugs.She fought Cynthia. She fought with Kenya. I suppose she could turn on Tanya but that doesn't seem likely.


    Dorinda did say on Cynthia Bailey's IG live that they had not been able to edit the pickup interviews on RHONY.  I'm with Taoboi. I think the RHOBH shutdown is more about Denise coming across so well while Kyle, Erika and Lisa R. look absolutely vile. The network protects those three for some reason. They also have Brandi coming on, and if they are serious about getting rid of bigoted people, they will cut her out as much as possible. 



  3. 5 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    To be honest,  I don't find the housewives to be a positive images of women.  It actually reinforces negative stereotypes of women as petty,  overly emotional, and lacking in conflict resolution.  

    ISn't that why a lot of the viewers watch them? I don't think most viewers look to the HW shows for examples of sanity and compassion.


    I think this whole situation is extremely complicated. I think there are so many factors involved. The viewers for instance. Max and Brett's racist tweets were pretty much a nonstory for most of the season. A majority of the viewers still watched the show. I usually just watch the reunions so didn't watch this season but my sense is that the biggest problem for viewers is that B/M came across as a-holes without the tweets added in. Also, when is someone forgiven/excused for past bigoted behavior? Their tweets were a decade ago. I don't care about Brett and Max, but if people have shown growth (assuming this in a general sense), why are we going back ten years? The world would be a depressing place if we didn't allow people the chance to change their ways. It's not the same thing at all, but the whole nonsense about criticising Tyra Banks for talking about someone's looks on a modelling show. There was all this outrage about something that happened a decade or so ago.


    It also feels that the very people who would go after someone for 10 year old tweets are the very people staying silent about Nene's tweets and Porsha'a anti-gay past. If we're going to be fair about biogtry, why wasn't Porsha immediately fired? She preached hate and she used anti-gay rhetoric to get back at her ex.The same with Nene. Nene's BLM tweets are a week old. This isn't something ten years ago. Kristin and Stassi's behavior was recent and Stassi in particular gloated about what she did. While I don't find Faith credible at all (she even backpedaled on her LVP claims and deleted pro-T**mp tweets to make herself look better), they deserved to be fired. Are the people who are going after VPR going to go after Brandi's racist behavior towards Asians? Marlo calling someone a F*ggot? Brandi G's racist remarks to and about Joyce? Luann's blackface? I feel as if a lot of the fans participate in this. This is the same fan base that calls for Phaedra to come back after accusing someone of wanting to rape and drug someone. This is the same fan base that think it's ok for Nene to physically attack a cameraman. The same ones who made excuses for Vicki's cancer scams. The fans can be very toxic.







  4. Bravo has always had a white cast problem. They've always allowed racism and homophobia to go unchecked. If we're going to fire everyone for being a  racist, saying something racist, being a homophobe, saying something homophobic, who does that leave us with on the bravo reality shows? Ariana from VPR Kandi, and Cynthia Bailey???? Don't most viewers watch these shows for the lunatic women and men? Most sane and evenhanded people are not going to want to go on these reality shows especially as the fans call them boring. These shows have a fanbase where a woman can falsely accuse another women of wanting to rape and drug another woman, and fans continue to call for her to be brought back to the show because she's "funny" and "gives good reads." We all know why they've never had any housewives of color on RHOC or RHONY (save for Jules). Instead of firing everyone, I think they should stop editing these people as kooky or funny. Let them reveal themselves the way they did with Leeann. They need to stop protecting the racist and homophobes--let's not forget that Bravo was behind the Stassi and Beau positive edit. 

  5. 39 minutes ago, alwaysAMC said:

    I missed Nene's controversial BLM post - what did she say??

    The tweet was the hashtag #blacklivesmatter and then she put her booking email underneath it. The outrage was immediate. I've never seen anything like it. 

    In a video interview, she compared being confronted at the reunion to how George Floyd was killed. This was after she was called out on instagram for her tweets about the protests on instagram. 



  6. 9 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    Nene was gone for 2 seasons..and Atlanta had 2 strong seasons...so Nene should have kept that in mind when she returned that the show could go on without her..but alas..she didn't recall this.

    And a lot of her fans forget that the Nene-less seasons were strong and that the show has not been great since she returned. She had the "where is your scooter moment?" and that's it. She was horrible last reunion, and this reunion she played victim and ran off.  She is simply not worth the hassle or the money. She certainly was not worth what they paid for her this season as snakegate was a snore and her apology tour was so fake


    Nene's BLM tweets were called out by prominent African-American writers and producers. They were outraged, and as I said, Nene never apologized. She never offered an excuse. She simply deleted the tweet as if nothing happened. Now, she and her manager say she was not fired, but conversations are still ongoing. I'm truly sick of her and I hope Bravo cuts ties. Bravo never makes the casting decisions I like on any of the HW shows so I'm hoping this is the exception. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Cat said:

    @chrisml I believe B Scott is a pretty accurate blogger; he is Atlanta based and has a lot of good sources within the cast itself (possibly Kenya and Cynthia).


    I am shocked by this news, mainly because TT, who is also Atlanta based, has not mentioned this at all and was swearing up and down this week that Nene has a contract. Not just that she has a contract, but that she is RHOA's biggest draw and no way would Bravo be getting rid of her.


    I'm not sure what Nene did, whether it was comparing her pampered self to George Floyd, or declaring war on Andy Cohen recently... But for Bravo to fire one of their most recognizable black stars (if not THE most recognizable), at this particular point in time, too  it must have been SOMETHING. Did Nene get serious public backlash from her most recent Tweets?

    Major backlash. The BLM tweet with her booking email really set people off. I think she a lost of support that day.  Although, some of the RHOA recappers and bloggers stayed silent on her nonsense especially the ones she gives information to. It was amusing to see them twist themselves into a verbal pretzel to explain away her beahvior. She never apologized for the booking email tweet. Just deleted it after the massive outcry. I'm shocked by the news if true, but Bravo gives her a free pass (attacking a cameraman) when other housewives would have been axed.

  8. Kenya still follows Andy on Twitter. 


    I think it's just a bunch of bloggers fighting to see who can get the best "She's fired!" story. Every year, it's the same thing. I don't know which websites are accurate. Is B Scott someone to trust? I'm hoping his story is accurate because Nene needs to go. Bravo would be fools to keep her if they're going to have the BLM as part of the upcoming season. Nene comparing herself to George Floyd while Porsha, Cynthia, and Kandi are having real discussions about BLM and police violence?

  9. I so hope they get rid of Nene not just because of all her offensive nonsense recently, but the show needs her gone. She's such dead weight on that show. if Nene is asked back, they are never getting rid of her because she pulled so much b.s. this year that a normal hw would have been fired.


    They didn't bring any women of color onto Dallas or any of the other shows because Bravo execs knew the existing housewives would say and do racist things. Can you imagine an AA woman or an Asian woman on OC especially when Vicki and Kelly were on the show together? 

  10. 6 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I saw that Nene seemed to 'like' comments suggesting Andy should be fired. (and more Kandi shade) I know she has a lot of axes to grind, but I do wonder about whether the shows would be in a better place without him. Just on the race topic, I was thinking not only of everything with Joyce, but also how much Kim Zolciak was coddled and how they clearly intended her to have a big, successful comeback at the expense of the black Housewives who'd made the show a long-runner while she half-assed it and then quit. I'm not sure how much of that was Andy and how much was the producers at the time though. 

    Nene is such a hypocrite. She doesn't care about any of this. She's just using it to stay relevant and to keep her peach. It's actually quite disgusting. Suddenly, she cares so much about racist behavior when she's been trying to get Kim back on the show? I also wonder if Porsha's feet will be held to the fire over her anti-gay preaching and remarks. I know she "apologized," but if we're getting rid of people because of offensive behaviour, Porsha should be axed as well.


    I wouldn't mind Andy going. I remember how he found Brandi's behavior towards Joyce amusing, and he was so condescending and dismissive of Joyce during the reunion. Yolanda was the same way. Andy doesn't care about the racism, but if any of these women had said something anti-gay, all hell would have broken loose.

  11. 9 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Something definitely happened behind the scenes at GL/P&G around 1994 that caused a lot of hurt feelings. Curlee never returned to writing again, and the ending of that experience left Mulcahey hurt. He continues to praise Curlee/Demorest as the best HW's he ever worked with alongside Doug Marland, so I don't think it had anything to do with his relationships with them, but the entire corporate culture of soaps (and P&G specifically) seemed to really tank around '94.

    Is this around the time Marcy Walker was brought on? Marcy Walker was angry with JFP over how JFP used hiring Walker to save her job as EP and then gave her a nothing character. Has Mulcahey ever talked about working with JFP on GL?

  12. 8 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Angel is more complex on paper than on the show.

    Thank you so much for the background. It makes so much sense now. I appreciate you and others who are so kind when I ask questions about ATWT or GL. In reading about ATWT, I've been fascinated by the 1990-1993 period because my mother's old soap magazines have so many viewers letters/critical pieces about what was wrong during this period. I was born in 1986, and I have no memory of the Angel character except I remembered reading the Soap Opera Weekly preferring GL's episode submissions. He said ATWT would most likely win because of the subject matter. 


    I also remember the backlash against Glynnis O'Connor as Margo. Was it me or did a lot of the backlash stem from O'Connor playing Margo as a closeted lesbian? Some of the criticism seems to hint that Connor was playing her as too "mannish."

  13. 4 minutes ago, MrPrezident said:

    The bullying of Joyce by Brandi and later Yolanda was disgusting. I still can’t believe she was the one fired while the blonde idiots got to stay. Anyone else remember when Yolanda talked down to a Hispanic worker for not speaking perfect English? I was appalled. Of course, she got three more seasons out of it. 🙄

    And Andy Cohen as well because he bullied her during the reunion and he kept complaining she talked too much. No one cared then about it. Andy sure as hell cared when Yolanda made what he thought were anti-gay remarks. He called her out immediately.

  14. The reviews and viewers letters do not seem to enjoy the 90-93 ATWT too much. Was Marland also responsible for writing for the O'Connor Margo or did that happen after his death? It seems that there might have been a brief overlap during her arrival on the show. I also read some stuff praising the rape storyline with Alice Haining as Angel. From what I can gather, the Angel stuff is what got them the 1991 win for Best Show. I tried to google the character, but her character history was so convoluted that I got confused.

  15. I never watched ATWT consistently, but in going through some old magazines, I found a lot of complaints about Marland's ATWT during the early part of the nineties. There was a lot of talk about some long drawn out murder mystery that everyone seemed to hate. I think it was over some Carolyn Crawford woman and the actor Rex Smith was involved.

  16. I was a kid when Maureen died and I was devastated. I still remember it to this day so I never looked at GL the same way again. It killed my affection for the show.  In doing research after the suck up to JFP podcast, I found many viewers at the time expressed similar reactions. I even found an interview with Marcy Walker where she talked about being used by JFP as a big hire to save her job because the network was not happy with JFP's choices. I was always drawn to Maureen, and JFP did that a lot. She would come onto a show and rip out its emotional core and/or fire someone the viewers had a strong emotional connection to. After Maureen's death, I never watched consistently until a few months of the MArian Crane story and then the Cynthia Watros stuff. After she left, I watched off and on (mainly off) until PAS was fired. After that, I gave up on the show.

  17. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Off the top of my head: Ruth Marshall (Joan Pringle), matriarch of the African-American Marshall clan, faced terrible discrimination (threatening phone calls, obscene messages spray-painted on her walls, even a bomb scare at her housewarming party) when she bought the Whitmore mansion, which she'd been raised in as the maid, Vivian's (Lynn Hamilton), daughter.



    Was this a long-term storyline or was it a quick and done story?

  18. I came across a book that talks about soap fan culture, and they included a letter to the Soap Opera Weekly editor complaining about GL and Ann Hamilton as Mindy. The letter also proves that JFP was rewriting history when she said that she didn't know people thought killing off Maureen was a huge mistake until years later. I was a kid but I remember reading furious letters in the soap magazines about Parker's firing. 


  19. 40 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    This looks great..and I have to say, Morgan's former pretty boy face has aged very well..which is not the case for most guys like that. I didn't even recognize Simms! Hayden and Seagrove havent changed.

    That's funny because I recognised Simms right away, but it took me a bit to figure out who Englund and Seagrove were. I thought Seagrove was Carolyn Hennessy at first glance which confused me.


    I've stopped listening to and watching these reunions because I can't take the horrible interviewers (not just Locher). It's not that difficult to allow actors to talk and ask relevant questions. I'm not even that versed on some of the soaps, and I could do a quick internet search to come up with relevant questions. 

  20. Erika's comments about Denise's children were disgusting. She is such a nasty hypocrite. This is a woman (who along with Eileen and Rinna) who attacked LVP for asking about Eileen's affair with her husband (because of her kids). She had a meltdown about her son when Eileen made an innocent remark. Rinna went after Sutton for just the idea of Sutton causing a scene at her daughters' event. Yet Erika and Rinna think it's okay to bring up CS and hookers on camera? These women are awful human beings. Just horrendous. 

  21. 1 hour ago, KMan101 said:


    Haven't listened to it yet. I'd love to know that too. Always bummed me out and then she showed up on AMC and was kinda wasted. 


    She talked repeatedly about how GL was good at integrating Gilly and her family into the show, but they never followed up with why she left. There were so many times a follow-up question would have elicited some good info but they NEVER did that. It was so infuriating because I've always felt that Amelia Marshall was highly underrated and this chat could have really given her the chance to shine.

  22. 16 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Those interviewers were terrible, but Amelia is a class act.

    They were the worst. They make the Locher guy look like a masterclass in hosting. They were so stuck to their questions that they never really listened to her, or allowed the convo to flow. She did all the work. A simple question: Why did you leave GL?. That q. was never asked.

  23. 1 hour ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    Because I believe that Bravo gets more entertainment out of punishing Nene on a national platform. Trust and believe that Bravo is getting their get back. Each passing season, Nene becomes more and more unappealing to the audience. That's why Nene ain't been booking anything in Hollywood. They want nothing to do with her erratic, unstable behavior. 

    That's exactly what Kenya said in the speak on it with Kandi (which was more entertaining than the entire three part reunion). It's interesting to me that Kandi's Youtube channel is much more interesting than the show most of the time.

  24. 40 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    Nene needs to be demoted to a friend next year. I cant see any of the other housewives pulling what she did and not being reprimanded for it

    Nene attacked a cameraman and was asked back. She even tried to sue Bravo and the production company by hiring Weinstein's apologist attorney. The woman is awful but I bet she'll be asked back. I have no idea why Bravo allows Nene to get away with this when the Nene-less seasons were really good.

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