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Everything posted by DrewH
I only wish I could find screencaps like that of DAYS. That would help so much.
I'm with King. Everything seems like it's going great with RTSB. People love it. It's a hit! However, I have no interest in Santa Barbara. I try to read, but since I don't know anything about it, it's hard to follow along. Keep up the good work though, juniorz!
WOW! I really hope the rumors are true and that was the LAST episode of that lengh Wow... Anyway, love Jack and Billie together. I always wanted JILLIE! I'm not too interested in Seth or Paul. They seem like just props to me, but that may change soon. Thanksgiving already started? LOL, if only the real holiday could last a week. I'd be over 300 pounds! Things are definitely heating up.
As I'm reading the explosion scenes, the only thing I can think of is Melrose Place when Kimberly blew up the building. CLASSIC SCENE! King, your scene would be amazing actually played out.
Please, please, please tell me you're doing the whole Alan/Will sick and twisted relationship too!!!!!!
Sami is obviously the number one suspect. King is going about this the same way any soap would. There's some tricks up his sleeve. I'm sure of it.
I guess it's in the delivery of your words. I have found it very easy to get straight to the point with shorty summaries. King and Actor have both done the same thing. Their storylines come off great with short summaries. You just have to be able to write well.
Mind if I make a slight suggestion? You should really trim down your episodes a bit. It takes a lot of time to read them, and frankly, I lose interest midway through. Having summaries that get straight to the point you're trying to make keeps readers wanting more. I've learned this.
Who is Julie Horton? Do you mean Marie?
I'm glad you're having the 2 most powerful families in Salem going at war with each other. I always thought Victor vs. Stefano would be classic. You're going to have to forgive me, I haven't been reading much, but please don't tell me they're still on that damn island, MELASWEN. How long ago was that? Is Ernesto going to be on the show for long? I hate him. I'm glad you're using Lucas in Maggie's storyline. That's the way it should be. The many times Maggie helped Lucas, it's only right he helped her. I don't know how I feel about your Maggie and Victor pairing. It seems a little forced to me, but I don't know. Caroline is showing some sympathy though. I can see character struggle here. She knows Maggie needs Victor, but will her own love let her give him away? Hope following Bo on dangerous missions. That's classic Hope right there. That is the Hope that we need to be seeing soon. She won't sit back and just watch. She wants part of the action as well. And it's so realistic to have Roman and Victor fueding with Bo in the middle. Great idea! I find no interest in any of the characers in this storyline, except Nicole. And when Nicole is with Eric, I also find her boring so I'll move on. I may be in the minority here, but I hate the Max and Cassie relationship that you and King seem to adore. I see no chemistry potential between Darin Brooks and Alexis Thorpe. Again, the relationship seems forced a little. I hate Chelsea's rape storyline. It just seems like an easy way to redeem the character, IMO. I like that you're exploring Abby more. I see this as you turning Laura into Kate and that's not who Laura is. You have her being this meddling old hag that doesn't want her dead daughter's husband to move on with his life. That's such a Kate move and Laura would never go that far, just because she would be compared to her arch enemy. I do like how you have Kate involved though. I swear to God, if you have Will and Alan become romantically involved, I will freaking SCREAM! Please do not go there. We had it in King's story. We don't need another plot the same thing. It's not that original to be honest with you. The rest sounds good. I've always wondered how the Sami/Alan reunion would come about on the real show. I think it's time we see. Very vague details. Hopefully that means you have something good for them and you don't want to let it out of the bag. That's the only part that intrigues me, the hope. The spoiler itself seems a little bland. I love how you have Lexie becoming a DiMera again. And it she would totally stick by Stefano's side no matter what anyone says about him. Good job sticking to the character. I miss Celeste and her visions and I'm glad you're involving her. So let me see if I got this straight, Cal is faux-Roman (Josh Taylor), correct? In that case, I don't care about this character. Moving along... I guess the Sami and Roman relationship building is a good thing to look forward to.
I hope this whole Will/Alan romance is almost over. It's sick and twisted and not one of my favorites stories. LOVE that you have Vivian going behind Kate's back and hiring Belle. That's classic Vivian Alamain right there. No one can tell her what to do.
Why would they name the child after Tom Horton? Neither one of them are a Horton. It wouldn't make much sense.
Robert "Robby" Roman Reed or Samuel "Sam" Robert Reed
Loving Celeste and Kristen! Celeste is in the secret room. Is this the same secret room that Kristen and Marlena were locked in? If so, good use of history. I hope the Jan storyline is coming to an end. I'm growing tired of the character.
Jeremy Horton - The guy that played Jesse on GH (Maxie's love interest) Spencer Olsen - Justin Hartley maybe? Andrew Donovon - Drew Tyler Bell Jeannie Donovon - Camryn Grimes Frank Evans - Larry Hagman Martha Evans - Kathryn Hays (Kim, ATWT)
Please tell me these are seperate funerals. I think it's so tacky when DAYS did the triple funeral for Maggie, Jack and Abe. No one in real life would EVER do that.
OMFG!!! I go to the beach for one week and I come back to pandemodeum on the different blogs. KING REILLY IS A FREAKING GENIUS! You have seriously just made my night. I'm so excited after catching up on everything. Stefano's returning, Kristen and Vivian are back, Mason is dead (thank God), Lawrence is coming back. Patch and Kayla. Justin and Adrienne, JACK!!!! I'm never going away again!~!!! keep up the good work
Great scenes between Sami and Lexie. I loved their little turning moment.
Great first episode, daysfan! Word to the wise though, it's Lexie, not "Lexi". Sorry, but that irritates me when people spell the characters' names wrong. So far, it's great and keep up the good work!
Wow... And the point of this storyline was????? You basically ripped the entire 04 storyline on the real show and did it on your show in a matter of weeks, instead of months. Orginality isn't your best feature, is it? And I'm only going to guess that Sami and Carrie's stalker is um, oh, Alan Harris? Could you not be so blunt about your upcoming stories? They're very predictable. Just a little input. Hope you don't mind the criticism.
I can't believe you're making us relive this damn Melaswen sh!t.
Well, I sincerely hope you're not gonna just copy Reilly's mistake and bring them back from the dead a couple months from now. How original!
You are making this show unrecognizable, and I don't like it at all. What are you doing????
Loved Andy's threat. I'm slowly falling in love with Andy and Emily and I'm hoping that you keep them together. I'm starting to get hooked on TWOO, slowly but surely LOL.
What the hell are you doing to this show?