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Everything posted by DrewH

  1. DrewH


    YES! The b*tch is dead! Sorry, I just always hated Cassie
  2. TWOO will go down in SONBC history. Great job, Dusty.
  3. DrewH


    Wow. I can't believe you actually just killed Alice Horton.
  4. DrewH


    Wow. I can't believe you actually just killed Alice Horton.
  5. DrewH

    S&L: Episode 126

    Great episode. I love Robin.
  6. Sad to see you go. I hope you do what you did with TWOO and start from an episode of ATWT and branch off from there. That's what I did with ADGB and DAYZED. It's always so much easier to get a hang on your stories.
  7. Why didn't you remember that you had Alan Harris on the show before created Dr. Harris?! I'm smelling something fishy there.
  8. DrewH

    Changes Coming to GH

    nuMorgan looks NOTHING like Sonny. Maybe a "Who's the Daddy" will come out of this.
  9. DrewH


    You're lucky this is writing and not actual acting. I think it would be pretty obvious who stopped the wedding by voice recognition.
  10. DrewH

    Episode 288

    Haha, that was cute.
  11. Poor MABBY What a little b*tch!
  12. DrewH


    I know you said this isn't a time to be sad, so I won't be. You will have a year and half under your belt when you end your blog. That's a huge accomplishment! Congrats! I remember when you first started writing your blog. I had been writing mine for several months prior and you came onto the scene with the most outrageous storylines that made my blog seem like a bore. You never failed to amaze anyone with your plots and characters. I thank you for taking the time out of your life for the past year and half to entertain us all. King Reilly's DAYS will go down in SONBC history! *Not only is it a sad year in daytime, but it's turning into a sad year on SONBC.
  13. Chelsea pracitcally lives at the hospital!
  14. DrewH

    Episode 285

    Haha, I remember when I brought Rue on as Kate's mother on DAYZED
  15. I still can't see Carrie doing this, but hopefully it turns out right in the end.
  16. I too find it very hard to believe that Carrie, who has wanted nothing but a child of her own her entire life, would willingly give up any child no matter who the father is. I'm sorry, but it's a miss for me.
  17. DrewH

    Episode 283

    Grant just doesn't quit!
  18. DrewH

    New Staff Members!

    Glad to be a part of the team.
  19. DrewH


    Let me get this straight. Sami is shacked up in jail with Peter Blake??? This is very random Do they even know each other? I mean, I know that they were on the show at the same time together, but you also had Reilly writing back then. There was no character interactions outside of stories. I don't remember ever seeing a scene with Sami and Peter together.
  20. DrewH

    Episode 273

    Katie's remembering! So Luke's bipolar, huh? Hope you did your research on the disability. this has the potential to be a really great story
  21. DrewH

    S&L: Episode 106

    Loving Lorenzo in your blog, and I do not like Lorenzo
  22. DrewH


    DAMN YOU! You have utterly destroyed my favorite character in daytime history!!! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!
  23. DrewH


    YIKES! "You are dead to me!" I could never picture that coming from Marlena's mouth to any of her children, even Sami. Telling your child to grow up is one thing, but telling them that they are dead to you???
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