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Everything posted by DrewH

  1. DrewH


    Scott Holiroyd (ex-Paul, ATWT) would be a good pick for Alan. When I was thinking about bringing Alan back to my show, that's who I was goign to pick.
  2. I've been thinking what the Kate and Celeste's secrets could be and I came to a guess for each. Celeste: I hope this doesn't turn out correct, but I'm thinking you may have Tek being a DiMera, Stefano's son, or you will make Lexie's paternity a question and Stefano may not be her father. I hope I'm wrong though because I love DiMera Lexie. Kate: I hope you make it turn out that she was raped by her father or something shocking like that that would explain why she is so overprotective of her children.
  3. GREAT! I loved your fan fic and cannot wait until you start again.
  4. DrewH


    I'm thinking you are bringing Staci Greason (ex-Isabella) back?
  5. DrewH


    A Days of our Lives/Passions crossover? NOOO!!! All the other rumors sound great. I can't wait.
  6. OH MY GOD! Jack killed Grandpa Shawn!?!?!?! I can't wait to see how this unfolds.... Keep up the good work.
  7. DrewH

    Episode 42

    I just started watching ATWT recently and it's amazing how your version and the show's compare. You are a great writer. Every time I do get to catch ATWT, I'm confused becuase I think that your stories are the real ones and I'm waiting for what's coming up next. Keep up the good work!
  8. I noticed that too Keith. King, this episode was GREAT! I like Laura's involvement in the current storyline with Shawn/Belle/Mimi. Great idea with that. I can see you really like the character of Laura Horton. I myself have been trying to find a way to bring her back becuase I always liked her as well. The time isn't right now, but soon, Jamie Lyn Bauer will be making a return to DAYS. Keep up the good work!
  9. I'm really glad you are pairing Abby and Max together. Ashley Benson and Darrin Brooks have amazing chemistry together. They should have done this from the beginning when Max was re-introduced. YIPPPPEEEEE!!! I love DiMera Lexie and I'm so glad you are doing this with her character. I, myself, am in the process of returning Lexie to her true family traits, but with my story that Lexie is involved in, it will take time. I'm glad yours is fast moving. This is so similar to the storyline I did last fall. Kate was humiliated at the Woman of the Year ceremony and left Salem because of it. She went back to her roots, good ole' New York City. Kate is such a unique character that there are so many possibilities to explain why she is the way she is. Good luck with this. I know it will be good. Victor and Caroline as a couple are so intriguing. I don't know what it is about it. I think we, as fans, know that this so wrong, but would be so right at the same time. I loved writing the romance between these two this past summer. It's great material. I'm also glad you're bring Victor's underground connectsion back to light. Victor has turned into such a whimpier version of what he used to be. This was the crimelord of Salem in the 80s. He was Salem's villian. I think we need to return to that. I hate the idea of a Belle/Shawn/Mimi triangle so I'm not going to lie and say that I am looking forward to this storyline. I am, however, looking forward to Marlena vs. Bonnie. That should be a hoot! All in all, February sounds like an action-packed month. I can't wait.
  10. Mickey's Guests Laura Horton Tommy Horton Marie Horton Bill Horton Sandy Horton Steven Olson Mike Horton Jeremy Horton Jessica Blake Sarah Horton Melissa Anderson Janice Barnes Pete Jannings Grandpa Shawn's Guests Brady Black Rex Brady Cassie Brady Eric Brady Kayla Johnson Stephanie Kay Johnson Kimberly Brady Shane Donovan Jeannie Donovan Andrew Donovan
  11. DrewH

    February Sweeps Preview!

    February looks so intense. Our fanfics put the real show to shame.
  12. I'm glad Hope is finally getting a storyline that doesn't revolve around her jealousy of Bo and Billie. It's about time that Bo fought for Hope's heart.
  13. CATFIGHT! MEEEOOWWW!!! great episode
  14. DrewH


    Great update, Phoenix. Keep up the good work!
  15. Things are definitely heating up in Salem. Shawn and Mimi announce their engagement as Rex plans his return home. I see things getting complicated, but in such a good way with lots of drama. I can't think of anything that Cassie would be hiding. Is she a prostitute? I hope not.
  16. WOW! That is seriously all I can say. Just by that final couple of minutes of the episode, you had more action and suspense than the show did in the whole year of 2005. I cannot wait to see what 2006 has in store for us with you under the reigns. Good job!
  17. You killed Tony DiMera? Will the phoenix rise from the ashes like always? Or is this the final death for the count?
  18. Oh boy! I cannot wait until Friday's episode. It's going to be so good. And just to let you know, you did a wonderful job with the dialogue today. I usually like fanfics that use script format instead of summary, but it's always easier to just do summaries. Keep up the good work!
  19. Max and Abby seem so cute together. Darrin Brooks and Ashley Benson have chemistry, if only the writers would write him with her instead of Chelsea. Who could be Jack's mysterious partner in crime? Could it be Tony? Maybe Billie? Or maybe you are bringing back someone from the past, per say, Eve Donovan??? That would be a total twisted shocker! I am so glad that you are resolving the Shawn's the father storyline quick fast and in a hurry. Now, I hope you're not going to ruin any shots of SHIMI because htey are too cute together. Belle doesn't deserve Shawn either. She doesn't even deserve Philip. Leave her alone in the cold please.
  20. Oh yeah, I'm sure there are many of them, LOL. I'm so glad that you are addressing Cassie's feelings for Mimi's actions. Go get her, Cass! Billie maybe?
  21. YAY Celeste is back! That was another wonderful episode, Phoenix. Keep up the good work!
  22. You have only been writing a total of one day and I have already fallen in love with the direction you are taking the show. You can definitely tell the difference between JER's everyday writing and yours. Sometimes, I wish that I didn't start writing last year, because I would have loved to take the show into a new direction with the current storylines. They have so much potential. They may not be good, but there's a lot of potential there, which I'm sure you will show. All the fanfic writers are moving their fanfics to their blogs, so like the follower I am, I joined the crowd and created a blog. Please be sure to visit.
  23. I think it's so incredible that we are all writing fanfics for Days of our Lives and we all belong to SON. I am feeling outdated because I'm still posting DAYZED (my fanfic) on the Discussion board. Come Monday (December 26), I'm going to start posting daily episodes in my newly-created blog Phoenix, I am loving the previews you gave. I am so intrigued in the big storyline you have planned for Maggie. Suzanne Rogers is such a great actress and it's a shame the real show doesn't give her enough airtime to strut her stuff. Maggie will be getting a huge storyline in my fanfic as well come spring or summer. This is going to be fun for all of us to write. I just hope that readers will remember to tell each apart from each other with the actual show too (even though ours is so much better than the show )
  24. Hallelujah, Patrick Lockhart is dead! RIP Lockhart, may we never see you again!
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