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Blog Comments posted by Sweet_VeeVee24

  1. I have a question:

    Is Sam in some sort of cahoots with Helena? This is about the second or third time that Sam has displayed some sort of 'evil' glance whenever someone gets slighted or shortly after the disappearance of Helena. I'm really curious about this storyline, and if Sam truly has feelings for Lucky or if by Helena's hold over her, she's setting everyone that she's known up for a big fall somewhere down the line.

  2. I love your work V, but I really, really, REALLY hate Lily. Lol, she can't accept responsibility for the things that she does. I hate her, lol.

    Gloria can die too.

    I love the Michael/Lauren story :)

    Oh, we are going to tear Gloria's world a part...her Achilles heel will be her biggest threat to her....

    I am glad you like the Lauren/Michael stuff.... and um, *cough, cough* I know you HATE Lily... You will see some strains coming between her and her close friend soon :)

  3. This was beautifully written. I didn't focus on the Lucky/Jason stuff, but focused more on the family dynamics. Alan and Edward awaiting to see if Jason will come to spend a Father's Day with them; Michael still having some difficulty with accepting A.J. as well as having some distance in his relationship with Sonny; etc.

    I really loved the Ric/Kristina scenes...and even found it touching to see Sonny wishing his brother a Happy Father's Day.

    Finally, loved the ending scenes between Carly and Nik...Beautiful.

  4. I'm kind of torn on this... I like Jason, but I also like Lucky too. I think I could truly believe in a Lucky/Sam relationship.

    I love that Alexis told Lucky that it wasn't his fault in regards to Sam; but at the same time, I could see Jason's point in keeping Sam in hiding for so long when so many people were heartbroken about her 'demise'.

    Loving the Lorenzo/Anna/Jax stuff... Keep bringing it on.

  5. Thanks Keith... We wanted to do everything that wasn't done on the actual show... We want for Lily to go through her own little issues. We definitely want to give the fans of the show a Gloria storyline where she actually has to face the consequences for her actions; and we have big plans for Michael as a result to all of that.

    I know you can't stand Brad, but hey, Stone-Face has to be in true form, right :D

  6. Ole sly Alcazar already moved on before Skye even thought about hitting the door. I'm curious to see how this story unfolds.

    I can't believe Monica is using a night out with Alan to basically tell him everything...While he's planning romance, she's basically sealing their fate as a married couple...

    I am soo glad Brenda is back....

    Excellent writing....excellent episode :)

  7. Now I know why I put this back on my favorite's list....

    First off, loving seeing the change in Michael....it's a long time coming, and with Jake Weary in the role, it's even more of a delight to read.

    Love that he is pushing the past back into Carly's face; it was bound to happen, and I'm glad that at the age he is, he's not backing down from what has happened.

    Jason's at his breaking point, and even Sonny can't help him....It's time that Jason pushes Sonny to the side for awhile so he can actually get his own life, especially with the realization that Sam is alive, in order. Sonny can't expect him to be his "Every man". Awesome job in having Jason putting Sonny on notice too...always love seeing Sonny's mouth close shut :P

    Excellent episode, Ryan....and wonderful new additions to your cast.

  8. A part of me was thinking Sonny would say something regarding the revelation that he is Zander's father, however, it was good that he just stared at him instead.

    Loving the tense friendship between Emily and Elizabeth...as well as Emily's direct approach to askng Ric and Alexis if there was anything more going on between them.

  9. I for one will be glad when we know who the Cloaked one is...I'm curious and am on pins and needles.

    Now that Kate knows, like I said in the previous episode, I fear that something will happen to her to prevent her from saying anything to anyone about what Nicole did.

    Always love the Jack and Billie scenes... :wub:

    Excellent Job guys :)

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