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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 2 hours ago, Darn said:

    The show at the time had a very Passions tone. The weird dialogue from Blair that you mentioned @FrenchBug82 was part of that. Every line has to hint to the plot or a secret, even if the person saying it has no idea what that secret is.

    Other than Live week the show never cared how Blair felt about the baby switch, it was all about Todd's antics and RH hamming it up. I also think they kept it light because what Todd did was monstrous and if they played it straight he'd be done for and you know the rapist was the most important character the last 15 years of the show. 

    You hit the nail right on the head.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Vee said:


    He's not missed here in Cleveland, where he hadn't gone full-blown conspiracy theorist, but almost. Thank you, Kyrie, for the 3-pointer that won Cleveland its first championship since 1964, but I'm glad you're barred from playing now. Good for the Nets for not backing down.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Nixor said:

    I think he’s done for anything other than a small guest stint. He’s married and living in Amsterdam and seems happy there. I could see him coming back for a day or two if JJ’s Lucky came back (which itself seems near impossible) or if/when the show ends. But fully agree I loved Luke right up until the early 2000s and then I detested him.

    Thanks for clarifying. I never did understand why he won all those Emmys post-2000, except for name recognition.

  4. On 10/7/2021 at 2:11 PM, SoapDope said:

    Greg Wrangler (Ex-Steve Y&R) and various other soaps (Edge, GL, B&B, AMC etc...) in a 1980/81 Three Musketeers ad. He became famous for the Folgers Christmas commercial as Peter that ran for decades starting in 1986.


    I wonder whatever happened to him. Loved seeing that Folgers ad every holiday season.

  5. 8 minutes ago, TVFAN1144 said:

    I don’t remember a lot about Mary Mathews. But it doesn’t seem like she was a real strong dominant matriarch like a Nancy Hugh’s or Alice Horton

    No, and from synopses it seems that right from the start she was overshadowed by a much flashier character, the other Mrs. Matthews - Liz.

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