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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 16 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I must say, however, that the best, most gratifying and rewarding DVD release of a TV series which featured an enormous amount of popular music was China Beach. Time-Life took years, and obviously went through a ton of work, to get everything just right. Only 30 seconds of the original TV series had to be cut out, because a character quoted lyrics from a song that the producers could not obtain the rights to use. But no fan will complain after discovering that the complete collection on disc contains more than 300 (!!!) popular songs from the past.

    Soap fans who have never seen China Beach should definitely try to check it out. It's more riveting, emotional and addictive than anything on daytime TV right now. (Is that...an unpopular opinion?)

    The only thing I really remember aboutย China Beachย is that "Reflections" by The Supremes was its theme song.

  2. 7 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Speaking of that which fails to surprise, is anyone surprised that this has been revealed? Couldn't be me.


    Shameful but so not surprising.

    1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    Horrible man. He and that opportunistic headcase have ruined so much of this bill that we are reaching the point where even it does pass, most will just remember all the posturing and selling out that got to this point.


    Shameful but so not surprising, Part 2.

  3. I think it was a huge missed story opportunity to not publicly shame Minx for switching Brick and Channing at birth. Can you imagine a class-action lawsuit filed by Sophia, Lionel and the Wallaces? It could have been the biggest Capwell vs. Lockridge story SB ever did.

    Maybe such a story was in the works, but Dame Judith Anderson wasn't in the best of health to play it? I guess we'll never know.

  4. 2 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    La Courtney really does look stunning there.

    Viewers were so lucky back then to have so many stellar actresses in the cast (Slezak, Courtney, Holly, Light, etc.), as well as excellent actors like Gerald Anthony.

    I'll never get tired watching vintage classics like this.

    OLTL truly had an embarrassment of riches!!

  5. 2 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I was truly shocked at how well Miami Vice was brought to DVD. Even though the studio could not get the rights to use all the original music, the changes were fine, and (thankfully), all the major, must-have material (like Phil Collins' In the Air Tonight) remained.

    I must say, however, that the best, most gratifying and rewarding DVD release of a TV series which featured an enormous amount of popular music was China Beach. Time-Life took years, and obviously went through a ton of work, to get everything just right. Only 30 seconds of the original TV series had to be cut out, because a character quoted lyrics from a song that the producers could not obtain the rights to use. But no fan will complain after discovering that the complete collection on disc contains more than 300 (!!!) popular songs from the past.

    Soap fans who have never seen China Beach should definitely try to check it out. It's more riveting, emotional and addictive than anything on daytime TV right now. (Is that...an unpopular opinion?)


    Here's an interesting article about the problems associated with obtaining music rights for DVD releases.


    Same withย Family Ties.ย Thankfully, they were able to get Billy Vera's "At This Moment" on the DVD. If they hadn't, I'm sure there would have been a fan revolt. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. 1 hour ago, vetsoapfan said:

    To me, the defining moment of Lemay's ego came when an interviewer asked him what he had learned from legenday soap writers of the day. Lemay pompously sniffed, "Only what NOT to do!"

    That basically says it all.ย 


  7. 4 hours ago, te. said:

    What's interesting with DS is how some things just happen off screen - like David befriending Adam. It didn't happen on screen - but if we didn't have the full run preserved I think people would've totally told it like he had done that on screen since our memories are malleable. It's interesting to think about how much of those classic storylines/moments that people talk about on soaps actually happened off screen.

    I never thought of it that way, but you're right!!

  8. 48 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I just saw this on the news. Wishing 42 a speedy recovery. ๐Ÿ™

  9. 2 hours ago, Marissa Gallant said:

    I really believe this too. They really had Jade talking the talk at the beginning. But once they brought Amy on, Jade grew up a little and the two were really great to watch.

    What was so great about the original Perkins family is that they all looked enough like each other that one could buy them as relatives. Marisa was an underrated soap matriarch.

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