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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 1 hour ago, slick jones said:

    She wasn't a very important character, and thankfully shared most scenes with the elegant Anne Jeffreys, Emma Samms and John Callahan. They all carried her scenes.


    Ouch! Thanks for clarifying.

  2. 6 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Unfortunately the CDC and WHO (with their sometimes muddled messaging) have been no match for the likes of What's App and Facebook. Even YouTube just recently started disabling accounts that had been promoting snake oil cures and misinformation. And most of the earliest headlines mentioned that he was fully vaccinated without mentioning his multiple ailments and how that could figure into things.

    The media is also not helping the fight against misinformation.

    Indeed they are not. Until I came here, I just knew about the COVID-19 complications - not his other ailments.

  3. 11 hours ago, TVFAN1144 said:

    I wonder if this show would have had a better start if they aired it at 2 and AW at 3.   Of course AW would have had to be strong enough to compete against GH

    In hindsight, if they hadn’t done the AW 90 minute experiment, there would be no need for Texas, AW would have had one less spike in its coffin and The Doctors would remain at 2:30 instead of the deadly 12:30 slot and then 12

    interesting ideas. I wonder how SB would have fit in there.

  4. 3 hours ago, Forever8 said:

    This makes me wish even more Knots Landing was available via streaming on Hulu, HBO Max or airing on one of those over the air stations that plays classic TV shows. 

    Or even DVD manufactured on demand!!

  5. While it's great that Judith McConnell will be featured in a Locher Room episode, I don't get why Alan has yet to put together a SB panel. He's done solo episodes with A Martinez and Nicolas Coster. Heck, he even put together a Generations panel. Why not SB?

    While it's great that Judith McConnell will be featured in a Locher Room episode, I don't get why Alan has yet to put together a SB panel. He's done solo episodes with A Martinez and Nicolas Coster. Heck, he even put together a Generations panel. Why not SB?

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