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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 2 hours ago, Forever8 said:

    Saw this on Instagram this morning Anna Kathryn Holbrook (ex Sharlene Frame Hudson - Another World) is playing Ashley Williams (ex Danielle Andropoulos - As The World Turns) and Kimberly Williams-Paisley's mother in a Christmas movie called Sister Swap for Hallmark on December 5.  


    Screenshot 2021-10-18 052140.png

    That's awesome. I'll have to catch it when it comes on.

  2. 2 hours ago, Tyro said:

    And his role was significantly reduced after the Lockridge family broke up.

    1986 started off strong for the Lockridges, but as Louise Sorel and John Allen Nelson left (both of their own accord, I believe) and Dame Judith Anderson's appearances grew more sporadic, they really became a non-entity. Even Lionel's second marriage to Caroline Wilson seemed more like an afterthought.

  3. 6 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    I don't doubt this has been litigated many times, especially at the time, but may I ask what specific points about the finale were "more putrid" than needed to be?
    I can think of things I disliked and a handful of choices that don't sit well with me but I am curious what people - with the benefit of time having passed and knowing what happened next with some of the characters - feel was done "wrong" in those last few weeks.

    The thing that turns most people off in the SB finale happened in the credits. The behind the scenes people were shown and credited, and the last one was Rauch. He was seen putting out his cigar with his shoe, which was and is seen as tasteless for the occasion.

  4. 5 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    The ratings were anemic before the attempt to renew the Alice/Steve/Rachel triangle, and did not improve at all during its run.

    It was reported at the time that the idea was to rebuild Steve and Alice as a pair, but Linda Borgenson had no chemistry with anyone, and David Canary was a better actor with potential, so TPTB switched courses and veered Steve towards Rachel. That idea was a failure too, because "old-time" Steve and Alice fans did not buy it, and Rachel fans only wanted her with Mac, so the show finally cut its losses and killed Steve off yet again.

    I wonder how things might have been if DC had worked with Jacquie Courtney. Sure, she was on OLTL then.

    How long was his gap between leaving AW and joining AMC?

  5. 8 hours ago, Ponds said:

    I don't remember not liking Sherri Shepherd (not spelling it correctly) when she was a regular on the show, but she annoyed the hell out of me last week.  She couldn't seem to shut up and let others talk.  

    Sara especially couldn't get a word in edgewise!

  6. 3 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Rauch ultimately decimated (or further decimated) the once-great AW, OLTL and TGL, and his work on Texas, SB and Lovers & Friends was a failure as well.

    IMHO, he was a destructive producer who reputation was undeserved.

    To play devil's advocate in one case, by the time he took over SB no one could have saved it. It was too far gone.

  7. On 10/15/2021 at 1:51 PM, vetsoapfan said:

    Yep, and then a few years later, Paul Rauch (🤮) came aboard and decimated the cast. Who fires the likes of Ellen Holly, Lillian Hayman and Al Freakin' Freeman, Jr???

    I don't know what he was thinking.

  8. You make great points, but I meant it would have made a great story to have Minx publicly shamed as a baby switcher and have the Lockridge family shunned from decent society. It certainly would have given Warren and Laken material; to see into their psyches. We would see ultimately if Minx felt true remorse for her actions or was only sorry that the cat was out of the bag. What might have been...

  9. 3 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    When thinking about this topic, I also liked seeing the minor characters all the time too.  When a main character lived or worked at Kelly’s we saw Ruby several times a week.  Same with Dr. Hardy and Jessie if the hospital was hopping.  I liked seeing those folks all the time too!

    Yes! On The Doctors, the same group of extras played background nurses and orderlies for years. They often took center stage...as the closing credits rolled. Sometimes they'd actually get a line. They were collectively known as "The Silent People". They became as well loved and recognized as the stars to many of us who have watched on Retro TV. 😊

  10. 4 hours ago, DemetriKane said:

    Love all the pictures. Tara is so pretty to me.

    A almost 3 minute clip from ‘79 Starring Kelly and Eddie and…..


    That's great, and nice to see Francesca James act. I haven't seen many clips featuring her.

  11. 6 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:



    Yep. They were trying to adjust to the format, but you can fast forward a lot of that episode and not miss a thing. 

    I think you could FF all but about 10 minutes!! Then you also have flashbacks!!!

  12. 2 hours ago, Marissa Gallant said:

    That was her thought. But there is also a bit of nature vs nurture happening with Channing. At first, Mr. Wallace was presented as a jerk. He was an alcoholic who just abandoned his wife and child. Brick didn't know where his dad was. And they didn't really seem to have fond memories of him. The show gave him a redemption arc, but original Mr Wallace was a jerk. Perhaps Channing was partially genetics, and CC nurtured the bad nature already there.  I don't know that Brick, with his natural moral fiber would have been that ruthless. 

    I believe the Wallaces began to reconcile for good at Amy and Brick's wedding. In all their subsequent appearances, they were always seen together.

    SB had a real treasure in Dena Dietrich, who played Katie Wallace (Brick's legal mother). She was best known for playing Mother Nature in the Chiffon Margarine commercials in the 1970s.

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