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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. Those politicians trolling Alec Baldwin on Twitter - Lauren Bobert and Ohio's very own disgrace JD Vance to name two - I have no words. I have ceased to be surprised at such cruelty after being bombarded with it in the T**** era, but this tragedy had nothing to do with politics. It's beyond sick. 😡😡😡😡😡

  2. 13 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    There needs to be a better way. Vaccination is very important but making high-quality masks available is still also very important. 

    Yeah, I haven't tried to buy N95 because I know it's important for healthcare and frontline workers to have ready access to the N95 masks-- I don't want to be a maskhole. Two years later, and we're still having these kinds of issues gives inconsistent mask wearers cover to only sometimes wear masks. Fortunately, where I live, at least, masks are required in all public indoor spaces. 

    You're in the NYC area, right? Thank you for your kind words and actions.

  3. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    After having just placed an order for KN95 masks for myself and family members, the realization that as of next month, it will be two full years since the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 has entered humanity and upended all our lives.

    It's somewhat hard not to feel a bit depressed about this.

    Also, after two years, shouldn't production of masks be widespread enough that N95 masks are available to the general population, in addition to hospital, healthcare and frontline workers? 

    Instead, supply chain issues appear to have just gotten worse (there have been new warnings about toilet paper shortages). Shouldn't all those overpaid technocrats have already solved this problem?

    I hear you. As a home health aide, I'm required to wear a mask on the job. My colleagues and I have to constantly reuse our N95s and KN95s.

    God forbid these companies should stop counting their billions actually help us real people. It's infuriating.

  4. 21 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    Same on Ana. I love her like everyone else does. I'll take what I can get. I think she likes commuting (New York to Florida or Washington DC isn't a big deal) but I'd love her everyday.


  5. 45 minutes ago, soapfave06 said:

    I thought I read somewhere that the Carla/Sadie scene happened in February, but I could be wrong. 

    You could also be right, because some of those old books/articles are notorious for their factual errors.

  6. On 10/22/2021 at 7:42 AM, teplin said:


    On 10/22/2021 at 7:42 AM, teplin said:

    Michael Muhney (ex-Adam, YR) was in several episodes of the Apple TV series "Truth Be Told" starring Octavia Spenser this season. maxresdefault.jpg


    I guess I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised he's still getting work in this business after his alleged shenanigans on Y&R.

  7. 18 hours ago, Vee said:

    My understanding is that Sadie spent the first several weeks or months telling the sad story of her long-lost daughter Clara. Then Carla Benari showed up at Llanview Hospital as a seemingly unrelated character in story with Jim Craig and Price Trainor. I don't know when they pulled the rug out with the famous reunion scene reveal but it wouldn't shock me if it was the same year's November sweeps.

    I remember reading somewhere that it was November 1968 where they reunited. Were sweeps even around for daytime soaps in 1968?

  8. On 10/20/2021 at 5:04 PM, KMan101 said:

    The pandemic restrictions certainly haven't helped (but are necessary of course) with the feel of the show. People around the stage this season helps with that. 

    They also dumped Tom/Erin and brought in Tyra in their first pandemic season. Getting rid of the tried and true at the very time when the public needed someone beloved and familiar was just stupid.

    I also think it was the wrong move to pair up Sharna with her real life boyfriend, Brian Austin Green. To me, that's crossing a line. I don't want professional and personal lives to blur in the dance pairings.

  9. 3 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    This is a terrible propaganda piece on McCarthy but that's not the worst thing about this.

    Rep. Kevin McCarthy believes Republicans can seize control of the House next year, but to do so he will have to temper former president Trump - The Washington Post

    This worst thing is that apparently the Post turned off the comments on this article and deleted the mostly scathing comments that were posted. 

    Ah, a puff piece about the Gutless Wonder himself. đŸ€ź

  10. 4 hours ago, gimmetoo said:

    Judith McConnell's was one of Locher's better interviews.  His interviews are always stronger when he is less familiar with his guests and hasn't worked with them previously.  

    But McConnell deserves all credit for making the interview shine -- she's a natural storyteller and was candid, honest, emotional and shared both personal and professional memories.  The highlight was her recounting of her daughter's adoption during her time on SB.  

    She is as beautiful and sharp as ever.  A shame no one is offering her roles now -- she said she would like to work more.  But her life as a mother and new grandmother is full and joyful.  Happy for her that she has found such happiness out of the spotlight.

    I haven't gotten to watch yet, but your description is beautiful!! 😊

  11. 7 hours ago, Chris 2 said:

    Sam Groom was a charismatic, appealing actor. He should have had a successful career in primetime, but he was never in the right place at the right time, I guess.

    Didn't he go right from AW to Police Surgeon?

  12. 33 minutes ago, Ponds said:


    The View was almost on the verge of being canceled before they became a relevent news talk show.  They still bring on many people outside of the political realm and discuss crazy things that help keep it light for a portion of the show.  I like the mix and enjoy the the discussions on everything.  I truly wish that Ana could become a permanent host, but I guess I'll have to be happy with 2 days a week.  

    I couldn't agree more! 😊

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