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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. On 10/31/2021 at 11:32 PM, Kane said:

    That's why she wanted it to be him, because she didn't like him so she thought there was no risk of emotional involvement. She also liked his ambition and his intelligence (and his hair) and wanted those qualities for her child, but the fact that she hated Leo was was his primary selling point.

    That's an interesting selling point! How did the fans receive Shana/Leo?

  2. On 10/31/2021 at 9:03 AM, Vee said:

    Ironically, Kelly Rutherford went on to a primetime career of often playing serene, at times remote beauties, first as the ethereal hooker-turned-snow white heroine Megan on Melrose Place, then as the ice queen socialite on Gossip Girl. But I do agree she had plenty of fire and would've done well. MP rarely utilized her properly.

    If she had landed AW, I think they would have followed the template from Generations.

  3. With Meghan, I feel her party over country, conservative stereotype attitude isn't an act. Her temper and overall personality just sucked all the oxygen out of the room. I'm sure no one on the panel or on the crew wanted to deal with her again, especially in studio. She got herself kicked off the show and I don't care what she says to the contrary.

  4. 6 hours ago, Broderick said:

    Dark Shadows definitely gets the award for taking a chance.  Who on earth would've thought a vampire would become a successful leading man on a 1967 daytime soap?  lol.  

    They took another huge risk, as well -- the 1795 storyline.  After about a year on the air, they completely ditched every character on the show (except Victoria Winters and Barnabas Collins), left them all sitting unseen around a séance table for months and months, and introduced the audience to an entirely new slate of characters from a different century.  And they went into it blazing, with no intention of showing the previous characters until the 1795 storyline was finished.  This move had the potential to alienate and confuse viewers and result in the show's cancellation.  Instead, it propelled them to higher ratings than they'd seen before.   

    None of it should have worked, but it did. Good call!

  5. 4 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    I think Sunset Beach still had time to, if not improve, at least adapt to what it was and feel less out of sync.
    When it started Aaron Spelling clearly thought that because he had had success in primetime, he'd have it easy in daytime too so the show was taking itself seriously.
    It was jarring because the acting was often mediocre and the show looked and felt so incredibly cheap (which is a real shocker considering that should have been the one thing AS knew how to do well).
    It is once they realized what they were putting out was mostly trash and embraced it - like the infamous turkey baster story - that it became a bit more fun and enjoyable. It lowered its pretensions and didn't pretend to be anything more than it was. 
    Funnily enough, a lot of the cast they got rid of during their first retool were some of the most credible actors but they still played the people who were left and who could act in pretty decent classic soapy storylines (I stand by what my opinion that the Annie/Olivia/Gregory corner of the show had a lot of good stuff that stands the test of time) while the rest was just fluff. And it worked as fluff.
    But fluff is fluff and it is not a very solid foundation for a long run. 

    Passions certainly improved during its run but took a serious nosedive at the very end imo. I am still certain that something happened behind-the-scenes that so many established couples, long-running storylines and character personalities were switched so abruptly and confusingly all of a sudden.
    Whatever else we could say about JER he had a clear vision that shone through even when the show was bad but then towards the end so many things went out of the window that it became hard for me to even understand that these were the same characters and story universe I had been watching until then. And that's very off-putting.

    In hindsight, it's too bad they just didn't end with NBC. DirecTV was a travesty.

  6. 14 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    In many ways, Y&R focusing so heavily on a peripheral and new character with no historical like Cassandra Rawlins over a two year period was a risk, but that's the story that helped solidify Y&R at #1 in the ratings.  

    I guess pairing Nikki and Victor would count as well. Am I correct that both were on the canvas for a couple of years and never or rarely crossed paths? Putting a stripper and a business tycoon in a star-crossed romance was pretty risky. Y&R did this years before Pretty Woman!

  7. 28 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I think Robin’s diagnosis was a turning point- because the audience knows Stone is going to die and now the story is going to continue on in a real way, with Robin Scorpio.  This was also before HIV medications had started really giving people back their lives, so it was shocking to go that far.

    Yes, and GH was putting all its chips on an actress who wasn't even out of her teens at the time. I know KMc was popular since she began as a little kid on GH, but did longtime fans even know she had this in her before the Stone story?

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