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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 7 hours ago, Wendy said:

    Going WAY back here, but, on Santa Barbara, I always thought that Nancy Lee Grahn's Julia and Louise Sorel's Augusta believably looked like sisters. And I think Carrington Garland's Kelly and Marcy Walker's Eden almost looked eerily alike, which worked, since the characters were also sisters.

    I agree with all of those and add Nicolas Coster and John Allen Nelson as Lionel and Warren Lockridge. Not only did they eerily look alike, they also sounded alike. No way would Warren's reconned paternity work if JAN still been playing the role in 1991.

    Harley Kozak and Tricia Cast looked enough alike to be believable sisters Mary and Christie Duvall. The actress who played their mother looked like both of them.

  2. 10 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I posted it during the livestream that there definitely was nothing that hadn't already been covered in previous interviews being explored.  I was just so glad to see Eileen. Given, a few posters who popped up in this thread last year trying to spread the notion that Eileen was cognitively unable to do one of these livestreams (persons who don't seem to be around anymore, thankfully), I was just glad to see her. I was also tickled to hear her respond "Of course, I remember!" to a number of Locher's questions. It speaks of a lady who has been asked this question more than once and is perhaps weary of being asked whether she remembers something.

    Go Eileen!!!

  3. 1 minute ago, JaneAusten said:

    With all due respect, I never said it wasn't the democrats fault in NJ. But the idea it was somehow because of the same people voting again is not true. And you do know in New Jersey a lot of the same CRT playbook is being used. I live in Illinois which is super blue and we just had a GOP Governor  before our current one who did NOTHING. He won for exactly the same reason Murphy s election came close. He also didn't get re-elected.

    As for abortion rights, that's not fear mongering Max. states all over the country are preparing for Roe to be overturned. My god look what Texas has done so that's not fear mongering it's the truth. 75% of Americans support Abortion rights but all over this country a party run by mostly white men want to strip our rights. Not only that I now hear that loon who wrote that abortion vigilante law is now insisting the court flip marriage equality and all reproductive rights including birth control. This was never about being pro life it was about being pro control.

    Yes, yes, yes!!!! It's all about the patriarchy.

  4. 1 minute ago, JaneAusten said:

    The guy is refusing to concede even though he's behind by 65,000 votes. What's next a claim of voter fraud. Is that the playbook you support because that's the playbook the GOP seems to run for every race they lose. They were talking about potential voter fraud in Virginia before election day probably not confident they were going to win. Somehow there was none now since Youngkin won.  

    Thank you!!! 👏👏👏👏👏

  5. 10 hours ago, j swift said:

    I'm amused by the laissez-faire attitude that "after 20 years of marriage, one expects an occasional extramarital liason".   But, it took me a couple of re-reads to understand the $50 quote.

    Meanwhile I still want to know who this refers to?


    Of course, both parties in the Lincoln/Hickman marriage were in showbiz where affairs are common. Still, who knows?

    When was the blind item about the arcade ex published? I couldn't even begin to guess who it is.

  6. 50 minutes ago, j swift said:

    I thought CC's motivation was that he knew Cruz had fathered Chip, but he wanted to keep Eden happy, so he lured Mason to marry Tori with the promise of an inheritance.  Mason had been written out of CC's will when he exposed Channing as being gay during the murder investigation

    That part I remember.

  7. On 11/5/2021 at 6:35 PM, Vee said:

    I knew about the Kirk Douglas rumor years ago. I still love a lot of his work, but it's never been far from my mind when watching him.

    I believe it's probably true. That being said, I know Natalie's daughter, Natasha Gregson Wagner, has been vocal in criticizing Lana Wood for what she felt was exploiting her mother's past with falsehoods, including in the recent HBO doc. (She may be biased, given that I believe she was raised as Robert Wagner's child.)

    As a survivor of sexual abuse myself, I do take umbrage with Lana using her sister's assault to sell a book and make money. 

  8. 46 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    What a dork I am that seeing Bob and Lisa again makes me feel like I am three years old having to "take my nap" so my Mom could see what "That damn Lisa is up to today."  Eileen looks and sounds great as of course Don does too (plus I love that study or office he is always in..) Don always just seems like somebodies Dad and Eileen a crazy and beloved Aunt...(of which I was luck enough to have a Lisa like aunt.) 

    Those are wonderful memories!!!!

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