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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. On 11/6/2021 at 3:18 PM, titan1978 said:

    Because she is the most vocal cast member about vaccines, and the most vocal about her politics which are very much not the shared beliefs of many of her costars.  She already gets a lot of heat for this in general.  If someone as big as SB is removed from the show for refusing to vaccinate, I see a lot of ire being directed at her.  These people are not rational in general.  This is an even hotter button.

    Agreed. NLG is an unabashed liberal Democrat and a woman - the favorite kind of punching bag of Fox "News" and their cult, ahem, fanbase. 😡😡😡😡😡

  2. 9 hours ago, Chris 2 said:

    Yeah - I wonder how her kids felt about her approach to parenting. But I’m the product of people who took parenting very seriously. I didn’t just fit “loosely” into their lives.

    EDIT: She and Hickman were divorced in 1982 and the younger son committed suicide a few years later. How sad.

    I imagine that the Hickmans were well enough off that they could hire nannies. Very sad about their younger son.

  3. 43 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I have zero issue with folks like you who are anti abortion. What I have issues with is anti abortion folks perpetuating their own beliefs on the rest of us.  I also resent the movement lying about things like fetal heartbeats. There is no fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks for example. What is formed is a bunch of cells - there is no HEART. It's an electrical current.

    My problem has always been about imposing ones beliefs on another. I will admit I had an abortion years ago and trust me when I say it was the most difficult decision I had to make in my life and that was 20 years ago. It's no ones business but my own why and that's how we should keep it. 

    Barry Goldwater was a bit of a kook but he did support one thing I agree with. He was against abortion laws, all of them. Why. Because he said it was a medical procedure between a woman and her doctor. It should not be legislated. This idea that women all over the country are running around having abortions as if it's like going to a cash station is pure garbage. I was in a support group for a long time of women who have had one and no one spoke of it casually. Women can teach children, raise children, but we are not allowed to have autonomy over our own bodies.  But a lot of those who are anti abortion also support capital punishment. Even my former church - the catholics - have finally pushed back against that.

    And I wanted to say how sorry I am about your past experience with sexual abuse. That is absolutely horrid. 

    Thank you, @JaneAusten. ❤

  4. 1 minute ago, JaneAusten said:

    I have zero issue with folks like you who are anti abortion. What I have issues with is anti abortion folks perpetuating their own beliefs on the rest of us.  I also resent the movement lying about things like fetal heartbeats. There is no fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks for example. What is formed is a bunch of cells - there is no HEART. It's an electrical current.

    My problem has always been about imposing ones beliefs on another. I will admit I had an abortion years ago and trust me when I say it was the most difficult decision I had to make in my life and that was 20 years ago. It's no ones business but my own why and that's how we should keep it. 

    Barry Goldwater was a bit of a kook but he did support one thing I agree with. He was against abortion laws, all of them. Why. Because he said it was a medical procedure between a woman and her doctor. It should not be legislated. This idea that women all over the country are running around having abortions as if it's like going to a cash station is pure garbage. I was in a support group for a long time of women who have had one and no one spoke of it casually. Women can teach children, raise children, but we are not allowed to have autonomy over our own bodies.  But a lot of those who are anti abortion also support capital punishment. Even my former church - the catholics - have finally pushed back against that.

    I think you are brave for sharing your story. I also agree 100% that it should be between a woman and her doctor. It's none of the government's nor their vigilante lackeys' business!!

    Besides, these same governmental officials would arrange for abortions in two seconds if their wives or daughters were involved. Hypocrisy in the extreme.

  5. 15 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    @MaxI have to say one last thing. I and a lot of other pro choice women have been told for years we're being hysterical and how SCOTUS would never overturn Roe yet they have been chipping away at it for years. WE SEE IT. Same way as PoC are being told their voting rights are fine as we see in PLAIN SIGHT states across the country stripping away rights. How about no abortion laws and let the decisions be made between a woman and her doctor.  Men somehow think that having an abortion is easy peasy and that women don't struggle with that decision. And how nice of your guy to say he's put a law in place to protect women ONLY up to a certain point and then they state is back to telling us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies. I just can't

    I am actually against abortion except in the most dire cases, and I recognize that it is not a one size fits all issue. I also recognize the hypocrisy of old, rich, conservative white men making these laws (including the absurd and potentially dangerous vigilante law) who want to keep women in their place. It's patriarchy, pure and simple.

    These are the same men who would be happy to see rape crisis centers and battered women's shelters go away. As a sexual abuse survivor, I have no idea what I would have done had I conceived.

    Here in Ohio, laws are being considered that would be even MORE extreme than the Texas laws. It's not so hard to believe once you factor in that the statute of limitations for rape victims over the age of 18 in Ohio is ONE year. No wonder they call us the Mississippi of the North. 😡😡😡😡😡

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