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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 1 hour ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    I side with the people who say that the people running social media accounts are PR people whose job it is to actually pay attention to these things.

    We are not talking about Jane Schmoe liking random Insta-posts without reading the commentary because the guy on it is hot.
    We are talking someone being PAID to make the show look good on social media. Absent-mindedly - in the best telling - "liking" a post like this, widely read on social media as meaning an endorsement, whatever the intent actually is - is exactly what they are NOT supposed to do.

    Exactly. It just looks bad and irresponsible.

  2. 14 hours ago, Max said:

    I very much applaud the work of the January 6 committee, but I've sort of resigned myself to the fact that Trump will never be brought to justice for his criminal behavior that day or for anything else. I really, really had high hopes that Trump would get his comeuppance when the Muller report was released, yet Trump emerged unscathed. Yes, that was the fault of cowardly Republicans, but it still doesn't erase my anger at Trump's perceived ability to seemingly get away with anything (and my pessimism about things going forward).

    This may be an absurd belief, but I do think that apart from his GOP sycophants, Trump won't be brought to justice because it would be too "traumatic" (for a good deal of Americans) to have a former president go to prison. Having a former president face that kind of punishment is a far different matter than if we were talking about former vice presidents, governors, or members of Congress.

    Obviously, I hope that I am wrong in what I just wrote, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

    Yeah, I feel much the same way. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Believe me I'm disgusted my home state is now fully red. I couldn't go anywhere last year without seeing TRUMP signs everywhere. My state is a dumpster fire

    We STILL can't go anywhere without seeing T**** signs and flags. Sickening. 😡😡😡😡😡

  4. 2 hours ago, Neil Johnson said:

    I assume Connie Ford was the only member of the cast who had worked with Judith when she played Lenore on AW.  And if Connie wasn't in the studio that day, they probably didn't even cross paths.   Plus by 1989, none of the sets from Judith's era were still in use. So it must have been a bizarre experience for Judith.  Lenore had been an extremely important character until 1975, even though Susan Sullivan began playing the character in 1971.  

    Just incredible.

  5. 39 minutes ago, marceline said:

    During the primary here in OH-11, progressives swooped in and called me and every other non-Bernie voter "corporate Democrats." That label is offensive bullshit and it's part of why Nina Turner lost.

    And why Bernie never was elected president, but I digress.

    @marceline and @dragonflies,  my fellow Ohioans, I don't know if you have seen this yet. 


  6. The very idea that these arrogant and ignorant men in government think they know women's bodies better than women do would be hilarious if it weren't so infuriating. That they would incentivize vigilantes who have absolutely nothing to do with the case at hand just shows how low they are willing to sink. 😡😡😡😡😡

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