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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 1 hour ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    The interviews interrupt once in a blue moon (granted with relevant questions that couldn't be asked at the end of the anecdote) but you hear these great actors or TV people talk and stories can go on for ten minutes without interruption and it is glorious.

    Yes!! Sometimes upwards of an hour.

  2. On 10/28/2021 at 1:57 PM, Soapsuds said:

    I have a feeling this is what Ana felt and thus ignoring her. She rubbed her the wrong way.

    Ana's also had a lot on her plate lately with the fallout of the false positive COVID-19 test, and her mother in Nicaragua has been seriously ill. Maybe she was having a bad day. I can only hope she wasn't rude on purpose.

  3. I noticed one day a couple of weeks ago that my cable has the GAC network. Among the shows they air reruns of isย Silver Spoons.ย I hadn't really watched it since I was a kid. It brought me right back to the 1980s, and yet it holds up very well because the cast has so much chemistry. There were THREE child actors on the show who went on to successful careers as adult actors: Ricky Schroder, Jason Bateman and a pre-Carlton, break-dancing Alfonso Ribeiro.ย 

    It's too bad Ricky Schroder grew up to go full-fledged MAGA, because he really was an engaging young performer. It's really been fun rediscovering this show. Who didn't love the train in the living room or the mallard duck phone that quacked for a ringtone?

  4. On 10/28/2021 at 3:47 PM, FrenchBug82 said:

    From the comment they feel very discouraged which I understand and probably wouldn't try a third time.

    It is a lot of time and work uploading those. I imagine getting it all wiped out in an instant and all that work for nothing can be pretty dispiriting and why such uploaders usually don't try again.


  5. 5 hours ago, SFK said:

    Lindaโ€™s decision to take Robin on was based on Robinโ€™s strong history with the show and the reputation of her talent.

    Yes, and a Lead Actress Emmy when they actually meant something.

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