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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 3 hours ago, zanereed said:

    I've always wondered by Stewart and Fee were unpopular with their castmates. I think from this very thread I've gleamed that Stewart came not knowing his lines very well, and from Fee it was basically personality. @Nicholas Blair, does that seem right?

    I don't know all the ins and outs, but Elissa Leeds once said on FB that those were the only two castmates she didn't care for on GL.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Lukewarm(?) Take: Manchin is drawing Infrastructure Decade out as long as humanly possible because he knows that once he does, he faces renewed pressure re: the filibuster and voting rights which McConnell has already feared will buckle him and Sinema, specifically re: a bill Manchin put his own name on. Biden said last(?) week, on television, that he can't force anyone's hand on the filibuster until infrastructure is complete. When this bill fracas is over it becomes a game Manchin is not wholly prepared for.

    That does make sense.

  3. 1 minute ago, Liberty City said:

    But, between the Dobsons, NBC & New World, they just built this soap to fail.

    I don't know if you listened to Alan Locher's chat with the people fromย Generations, but they had the same problem with NBC not playing hardball with its affiliates that SB did. Both shows may have lasted longer if NBC had been a more soap-friendly network.

  4. On 10/19/2021 at 9:09 PM, Nicholas Blair said:

    I agree with danfling that Dan Kincaid was really Bernard Barrow's signature role. Would you rather play opposite Marla Adams' Belle or Helen Gallagher's Maeve? Johnny Ryan didn't have many story lines of his own, and Maeve seemed to wear the pants in the Ryan family. As Dan Kincaid, Bernard Barrow was right at the center of the action.

    Again, I wish his work on TSS was available!!!

  5. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Some of it he's since indicated he's malleable on. He just loves puffing his chest out for West Virginia. There's going to be cuts, but I think folks who follow every one of his grand declamations only make themselves crazy at this point. Manchin is above all noxious performance art.

    You may be right, but I still don't trust him. I won't believe any of this until the President actually signs it - if it ever happens.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Yes. It should've been driving conflict for years. Hell, even a romance between C.C. & Augusta would've been insane.

    CC and Augusta could have been so jealous of Sophia and Lionel bonding with - and over - Brick that they decided to pretend to have a fling to make their respective loves jealous. Then they fell for each other for real. That could have been a great story - if it ever happened.

  7. On 10/25/2021 at 12:27 AM, Nicholas Blair said:

    I notice that several people mentioned wishing they had seen the storyline that led to Kit Vested (Nanci Addison) killing her "friend" Charlotte Bauer (Melinda Fee). The first half of this story is one of my favorites, something which was so true psychologically but never, as far as I can recall, imitated. Charlotte had become a pariah in Springfield. When Mike Bauer sued her for divorce, she suddenly blurted out in court that she was pregnant, although she wasn't, so Mike eventually got his divorce.

    Charlotte began volunteering at Cedars Hospital to try to build back some cred with the community, where she became the confidante of shy, socially awkward Kit Vested. Kit had a huge crush on the very married Dr. Joe Werner (Anthony Call). Charlotte encouraged Kit to tell her what appealed to her about Joe and how he made her feel. Although Charlotte had never had any interest in Joe, seeing him through Kit's eyes suddenly made him attractive to her. Because Charlotte knew how to manipulate a man, she seduced him, mainly because she could.

    Joe felt terribly guilty about this affair, but that was nothing compared to the cold fury Kit felt when she found out about it. When Charlotte went into the hospital for some routine surgery, Kit saw to it that Charlotte didn't come out alive. Everyone else thought Joe had made a mistake during surgery, and Joe felt so guilty that he began drinking.

    From here the story went downhill, or rather on and on, as stories tended to do in those days. Joe left the hospital and his wife, the warm and understanding Dr. Sara McIntyre (Millette Alexander). Kit took him to a remote cabin and looked after him. I don't believe it was clear if Joe ever slept with Kit. I thought not, but one magazine had an article which suggested that Joe would have to be killed off because he was "living in sin with a murderess."

    The eventual resolution was rather predictable: Sara eventually finds out where Joe is; Kit tries to shoot Sara; and Joe steps in front, taking the bullet. He did survive, but (I believe) suffered a fatal heart attack not long after his recovery from the shooting. This led to the introduction of Dr. Justin Marler (Thomas O'Rourke) as a new love interest for Sara.

    I was not a huge fan of O'Rourke, especially in comparison with Anthony Call, but two resulting stories were terrific: 1) Sara goes off on a cruise, falls for, and marries Dean Blackford (Gordon Rigsby), a lawyer who is far from the sterling character Sara imagines. It was a treat to see Gordon Rigsby, who had played the wise and kindly psychiatrist Dr. Ian Northcote on TSS, as a villain. 2) O'Rourke worked much better as part of the Marler/Spaulding/Mike Bauer interlocking story that would unfold, an all-time favorite. GL was great in those days.

    A side note: If you've always wondered why Nancy Addison was auditioning for the shy, socially awkward Faith Coleridge on RH, it's undoubtedly because she had played the shy, socially awkward Kit Vested on GL. Fortunately, someone realized she should read for Jillian, and that worked out brilliantly.

    I only saw NA as feminist lawyer Jillian Coleridge Beaulac Ryan on RH, and I would have loved to see her play Kit - a role that seems miles away from Jill. This was an actress who always did phenomenal work but always seemed underrated.

  8. 16 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    How heartless can you be, you and your big money backers, to step off your damn yacht long enough to demand that poor people not even have dental care?????

    Carl, I couldn't have said it better myself. It's infuriating. He can just sail away on his yacht and never come back to DC for all the good he does. ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

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