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Posts posted by amybrickwallace

  1. 3 hours ago, John said:

    I remember many wondering why they picked Kay, who had to leave NY & ATWT for GH over LL 


    i wonder if since she didnt get Lois, ABC just gave her the Part on OLTL

    Tonya Crowe (Olivia, Knots Landing) was a finalist for Lois when GH cast Rena Sofer in 1993

    I thought LK had already moved to LA. Didn't know Tonya Crowe had auditioned for Lois the first time.

  2. 15 minutes ago, dc11786 said:

    There are four phases to the Dante story. 

    The first phase (May - September 1993), Tess joins Buck in Corinth where they are suppose to conitnue their scheme to bilk Trucker out of Trisha's inheritance. By the time Tess has arrived in Corinth, Buck has already softened and doesn't want to continue with the plan. This is when we get the details about what happened in Kuwait: Tess was married Dante and had met Curtis and Buck, who helped her escape from Dante. On the airstrip, Dante caught up with Tess leaving Curtis to shoot and (presumably) kill Dante, while Tess and Buck fled the country leaving Curtis behind. At this point, Dante is presented as dead. Ronald Guttman appears in one sequence in June 1993 as Dante in a vision Jeremy Hunter has of Dante and Tess together in Monte Carlo, or somewhere else where they are gambling together. Tess uses the gun to blackmail Curtis into keeping quiet about why she is in Corinth. 

    During this stage, both Michael Lord and Patrick Johnson play Curtis. By the time Lord leaves, the Dante stuff isn't getting much play (as I recall) however Curtis has already started to unravel mentally due to his father Clay lusting after his very new bride, Dinalee. 

    In the second stage (about November - December 1993), you have the big Dante arc. This is where he is harassing the Aldens putting them all in danger. Dante first arrives in Corinth pretending to be Joe Young, some man who comes to live above the bowling alley. I don't remember when we learn Dante is Joe, but I know the clue was that Dante had a spider tattoo on his hand. Anyway, Joe kidnaps Tyler for a hot minute, is toying with Dinahlee, and has his mystery guest locked in his apartment. Soon, we learn it is Curtis just as Dinahlee has accepted that Curtis has abandoned her and decided to reunite with Trucker. Meanwhile, Alex is revealed to be on the case and agrees to impersonate Clay for a meeting with Dante, but things don't work out in Alex's favor and he gets caught in his own trap. 

    I think the canvas finally realizes it is Dante in December when the spider shows up at the fashion show and Tess realizes it has been Dante all along. Then, there is the whole Dinahlee kidnapping showdown where Tess offers herself up to Dante in order to end all this with Dante being shot in the process and left (again) presumably dead. 

    This sets the scene for the next stage, stage 3, where Dante is faking a coma and manipulating things behind the scenes. Dante has a series of accomplices (his guard, a doctor at the hospital who is in debt due to malpractice, and Egypt). The bulk of this stage is Dante helping Egypt with her plan to fake her own death in order to frame Ava. Egypt realizes she is in too deep when Dante threatens to hurt Alexis if Egypt is to say anything about him being alive. 

    In the meantime, Curtis is convinced that Dante is awake; he is. Curtis tries to convince others of the case but cannot. Eventually, Dante is shipped off to surgery in a case of a wrong patient receiving the wrong surgery. I think he has his jaw wired shut or something. Anyway, Dante dies again shortly there after. Dante was pronounced dead by the doctor on his payroll so it was left vague whether or not he was actually dead. This would be late March / early April 1994. 

    Finally, Dante appears again in the fall of 1994 as visions to Curtis. I think Curtis sees Dante when he shoots Gwyn. Thom Christopher reprises the role. 

    The story got some heat in the press because of Dante being presented as a villain. Speculating here, but I think Nixon was hoping to revive the character once things quieted down. With that said, I didn't see much long term potential in Dante. He was a poor man's Stefano Dimera.

    Wow, thanks. I don't see long-term potential in a character who entraps people in cages and feeds them cat food! 😂

  3. 2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    About the letter- am I remembering correctly that Genie does not do a voice over for it?  Tony says the words in the letter.  I don’t remember where I saw it, but I recall Genie at some point saying she refused to do the voiceover of the letter because it glosses over the rape.

    You mean in 1980? She did do a voiceover.

  4. 2 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    There's that oft-discussed episode in which Rachel marches over to Alice's house, berates her, and snaps, "Where's the child YOU'VE ever given him (Steve)?"

    Aunt Liz just sat there meekly. The most she did throughout the entire abusive encounter was murmer, "Rachel, you had better go."

    She should have showed some real rage, and at least tried to drag Rachel out of there physically.

    From the audio clips I've heard, Audra Lindley's Liz would have mopped the floor with Rachel.

  5. 17 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    My one recurring question is, why didn't one of these companies formulate the COVID-19 vaccine in a similar fashion to the flu vaccine, which can quickly be adjusted to variants and different strains?  I guess they figured that they wouldn't have to deal with this many variants?

    They probably were in such a hurry to get the vaccines out asap that maybe they didn't have time to do that.

  6. 4 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    Six months ago, I had my choice of Moderna or Pfizer.  I chose Moderna because of Dolly and the fact that a university was helping with the research, so I figured that Moderna would be more ethical than Pfizer.

    and yeah I hope Dolly lets them have it.

    I didn't get a choice, but I got Pfizer when it was my turn. Everyone else I know outside of work got Moderna.

  7. 7 minutes ago, TVFAN1144 said:

    I forget.  Was there any special event or storyline done on the first hour long episode in 1975?

    Per the Another World Homepage:

    JANUARY 6, 1975 (EP. #2649) (First ongoing 60-minute episode)
    Dave agreed to transfer Alice to the children's ward. Liz told Alice it was all over between her and Mac thanks to Rachel. Lenore was pleased when Robert told her Carol wouldn't accompany him to New York. Neil aggravated Carol by bringing up her repeated efforts to accompany Robert. Dennis asked Mac to talk to Rachel about Jamie's visits with Steve. Iris promised Mac to do everything she could to make Rachel feel comfortable. Rachel dropped Jamie off, told Mac she'd miss him when he was in NY, then exchanged "pleasantries" with Iris. Iris and Russ worried about an unhappy Liz. Louise agreed to help Iris only after Iris assured her the plan, unlike the last one, wasn't illegal. Iris wanted to contact Cynthia Whitefield to inquire how she broke up her son Reggie's engagement. Alice, Mary, and Jim tried to console Liz. Rachel agreed to let Mac handle Jamie's visits with Steve. Robert and Lenore spied on them from across the restaurant as Mac told Rachel that after many lonely years he had found in her something to look forward to.

  8. 1 hour ago, marceline said:

    Elie Mystal is also a grifter and a liar. He understands how subpoenas work. He knows that the midnight deadline was for documents and no way is the DOJ going to fan agents out across the country at 12:01. That's not how law enforcement works. Mystal spreads disinformation because he wants to get on TV.

    People like Wilson and Mystal hate Democrats. They are not our allies.

    Fair enough. Do you think any of these people will ever serve any time?

  9. 1 hour ago, Dion said:

    It is! Here are the scenes

    First part from 2:42 - Peter Hansen does some great facial acting here, showing Lee's contempt for the Webbers and Laura.

    Second part of the dinner party starts at the beginning of the clip. As an added bonus, Rick and Lesley later have an intimate conversation at Kelly's - with Monica seated at a nearby table!


    Awwww, thanks!!

  10. 29 minutes ago, Chris 2 said:

    They should have been stiffly cordial at best, which is how they played it during the 25 anniversary episodes.

    They did that brilliantly in the 25th anniversary scenes. I wish Alice had stuck around afterwards.

  11. 8 hours ago, Dion said:

    @j swift yes it's what Franko says above and also there was the incident where Lee fell off the wagon and burned the divorce papers, which Lee was very apologetic for.


    One thing that is also interesting is that Lee and Gail weren't on speaking terms with Rick and Lesley for the best part of a year and at one point Steve and Audrey tried to intervene by luring both couples (well Rick and Lesley weren't actually back together yet) to a dinner party that didn;t go down to well lol.

    That dinner party scene isn't on YouTube, is it? It sounds awesome!

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