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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. I've never watched Guiding Light, and I'm not even sure it has aired here in Sweden, but if these Shaynes you talk about were only half as annoying as the Dingles then I pity long-time viewers who had to put up with that.

    My history with Emmerdale stretches back to the late 1970s, and I have such a strong emotional attachment to this show that I can't let it go completely even though my viewing has been a bit off-and-on on occasion. But the presence, and prominence, of the Dingles has been a nuisance more or less constantly ever since they first turned up in 1994. I took an immediate dislike to them and that dislike has over the years turned into full-blown hate. For all I care TPTB could write them all out tomorrow and never even bother to explain where they've gone. They have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

    I guess they must be popular with the audience though, since they have been kept on the show while other characters have been written out left and right. But for me they are all a waste of space.

    The fact that two of them, Chas and Charity, have taken ownership of The Woolpack is enough to almost make me weep with frustration. To think that the legacy of Amos and Mr. Wilks is defiled by those two is infuriating.

    Joseph Tate's return has given me a glimmer of hope that someone will finally be able to really inflict some pain to this horrible family, but knowing how TPTB seem to love the Dingles I fear that it's only a matter of time before they have him panting after Debbie. I pray to every deity that has ever existed that that day will never come.....

  2. 12 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The Dingles are so disparate that I don't have the revulsion toward them that many do. I do when they all gang up on people, and act entitled, but otherwise I tend to see them as being different groups. 


    I do dislike when Cain, Chas and Aaron go around harassing people. Of course they barely interact now...


    Meaning me!   :P


    For me the mere fact that they exist is enough. I've always disliked them intensely. Sometimes a few of them have been tolerable, but as a whole I feel they have almost ruined this show, and I deeply resent the fact that they get to multiply and have new family members pop up on a regular basis while longstanding families like the Sugdens, the Bates family, the Windsors etc have been more or less wiped out.

  3. Oh my god, did Charity really do what I think she did in the house?!  :blink:

    What a disgusting bitch she is!


    7 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Does everyone think this might led to the Tates finally returning to the canvas? Most likely, Kim, Jean, Zoe, and James? I'm all for the Tates reclaiming their home, Home Farm, if Joseph's return is what this leads to.


    Even though it would be great to see them again, I think that Kim should stay away. Her run was iconic and she had a perfect ending. Any return would only diminish her and I prefer to remember her the way she was.

  4. 1 hour ago, TimWil said:

    Bracknell was on Lorraine Kelly’s morning show last week and looked terrific. That was a lovely thing to see. Of course she’s being realistic and knows she can become very ill very quickly but she’s certainly a fighter.


    That's wonderful news, and I certainly wouldn't object to seeing Zoe again.   :wub:


    If Joseph stays around and continues torturing and humiliating Dingles it would be a wonderful incentive for me to start watching regularly again. But I know that this show has a raging hard-on for all things Dingle so I'm fearful of what the future will bring. I'm not sure I could stand for Joseph falling for Debbie, or the Dingles in any way getting the upper hand on him. The mere thought of that makes me want to throw up.

  5. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    It's become painstakingly clear that we really can no longer be surprised by the breadth of this sexual misconduct epidemic anymore.


    I think it has been so common and so widespread that it has become the norm, and it's not until this #metoo movement that many have realized what they have been subjected to, or what they have subjected others to. This is not meant as an excuse, but I think that some of the perpetrators really haven't realized that what they've been doing is wrong, simply because it's been so common. At least I hope that is the case, because I'd hate to think that there are so incredibly many sleaze-bags out there.

  6. Hmm, I don't know how I feel about that. On one hand I'm impressed that they actually remembered he exists, but on the other hand I'm terrified of what they will do to him. I'm sure he'll be a Dingle cheerleader in no time, just as soon as he falls in love with Debbie for real. Please, please, please show, prove me wrong on that!!

  7. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

     I mean, she could reveal (with pictures) that Trump likes to ride through the WH in a toy car, firing off crazy rounds with a shotgun, while screaming, "Death to all the coons and kikes," and I still would not care.



  8. I do hope that the rumour about a new twist is true, because right now that story is going from bad to worse. Cain emotionally blackmailing Adam into taking the blame for Emma's death is really disgusting. And you have to wonder if he's really thought it through. If Moira is having this much trouble coping with the fact that she caused Emma's death, I doubt that she will find it any easier to cope with the knowledge that her own son is being blamed for something she's done. It will eat away at her mind all the time.

    If they had to go this way it would have been better to have Moira turn up and try to stop Emma from killing herself, Emma insisting and during a struggle between them Emma losing her footing, falling to her death. Then have Adam turn up and take Moira away from the scene while trying to remove any evidence she was ever there.



  9. 13 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    I do wonder. They did this repeatedly with interracial pairings (Thomasina and Ben were another) but I guess viewers complained or execs got scared.


    12 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Oh wow. I didn't know they were entertaining Thomasina and Ben too. 


    A lot of the old school writers were so progressive and ahead of the curve in their storytelling, but it sucks that the audience and sponsors were not. 


    7 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:


    Probably a little of both, but most likely it was more of the latter.


    I have a feeling that the viewers would have been more accepting than expected. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but I feel that if the writing was good enough the majority would go along with much more than anticipated. The networks and the sponsors were probably more nervous than what was necessary, and most likely pulled the plug on a lot of stories too soon.

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