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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. On 2018-04-19 at 4:18 AM, alphanguy74 said:

    Anything would be better than the Children's marching songs that dominated decades ago. I hated so many of those songs.


    So you don't like what I once saw described as the "Boom-bang-a-puppet-in-a-box" type of songs?    :P

    On 2018-04-19 at 4:18 AM, alphanguy74 said:

    I agree with this to an extent. I feel that the song is best sung in the language it was composed in, and yes, many times singers do NOT feel comfortable singing in English just to appease the larger concept of "English is always better". 


    It's not just that the singers feel uncomfortable, the lyrics in these songs often border on the ridiculous when written by someone for whom English is not the first language. Of course there are exceptions, but more often than not the lyrics in Eurovision songs make me cringe. That is if you can hear them through the singer's fractured English.


  2. On 2018-04-17 at 4:44 AM, TimWil said:

    Of course re Ashley/Laurel/Arthur. This wouldn’t quite be the same situation, though. I can see Chris Tate having bought a baby (he hadn’t even met Charity yet) after his and Rachel’s died. He passed him off as a Tate and never told anyone, especially Rachel.


    I realize it's a soap and stories stretch credibility, but I do think that Rachel would have noticed if her baby had died. Unless Chris had a baby waiting in the wings in case something happened it would have taken him a little time to find a suitable infant as replacement.

  3. 5 hours ago, TimWil said:

    He doesn’t look a few years younger than Debbie, though, does he? At first I thought it could be Gerry but he’s definitely too young. This could be a real long shot but could it actually be...Joe? Has Emmerdale done a baby switch story yet? Joe does appear to be the right age to fit the storyline. But then again Joe and Debbie have had sex so...ewww. But...I don’t know...

    Edited by TimWil, One minute ago.



    Yes, they did a baby switch story with Ashley/Laurel and Greg and Melanie Doland in 2007-08.

    And absolutely NO to Joe being Charity's son! That would be the last straw for me. But I don't think they would go there because as you said Joe and Debbie have had sex. Of course they would both be Dingles so...

  4. I guess I must face the fact that the Dingles are popular. But when you hate a group of characters as much as I have come to hate them it makes it difficult to continue watching when the show just keeps on adding to  that group.

    Furhermore, Charity already has three children. I realize it's not exactly the same since her child is going to be grown up, but why not give Victoria a child instead? You know, a member of the show's founding family, the daughter of Jack Sugden and the grand-daughter of Annie Sugden. The destruction the Sugden's have been subjected to makes it even more infuriating to think about the multiplying Dingles.

    Peggy was killed off, just like her two children were. Honorary Sugden Matt lost two further children with Dolly. Jack's son Jackie was killed off, and Kathy lost his unborn child. Joe never even got to have biological children, and even his two step-children were killed off....

    I think the only reason Andy and Robert were allowed to have children was because it involved Dingles. Andy had his children with Debbie and Robert is married to Aaron.

  5. I've always found the first episodes a little bit stiff, and the acting a bit wobbly in places. But despite that it's miles better than what we're getting nowadays.

    I think Gail Harrison as Marian Wilks is the best thing about those early episodes. She has a bit more spirit and energy than the Sugden family members. I wonder how things would have progressed if she had remained on the show. She did visit on two occasions during the seventies and I think she fit right in both times. I wasn't impressed with the recast Marian in the late 80s though. Too bad that Gail either wasn't available or interested in reprising her role.




  6. Ms Show-Business herself here in Sweden, Barbro "Lill-Babs" Svensson, has passed away aged 80. A star since 1954 there's nothing she hasn't done. She's been a popstar, acted in films, on tv and on stage. In the early sixties she even got to write autographs to a then unknown British pop group when they first visited Sweden, The Beatles. At that time she was a bigger star here than they were.

    RIP and thanks for the memories....  :(:wub:


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