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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 10 hours ago, TimWil said:

    I guess it was Charley Webb’s instinct for Debbie to punch Simon in the chest in that scene in the truck on last night’s episode but it was ludicrous that he didn’t respond by slamming her head against the window. God knows she deserved it.

    While I don't normally condone violence, that would have been delicious....  ^_^


    9 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    They better not drop the ball with this story either. I need for Joesph and Ross to team up together eventually and reign hell on Debbie. She better not get off either. 

    What a lovely thought!   :wub::P

  2. 10 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    It was three, so even worse :P

    Peter Amory was so underrated as Chris. I can see why the show is trying to bring that type of personality back, even if it isn't quite the same with Joseph.


    You're right! I forgot about Shadrach (or at least I really tried to...  ^_^)


    Chris was such a complex, fascinating character. There's no way that they will be able to make Joseph anywhere near his father. The writing is so much more shallow now, like the characters.

    The Tates were such exceptional characters, all of them, that it's no wonder that no-one has been able to live up to their legacy at Home Farm. Which is why it's so sad that someone like Kim is mostly remembered as the super-bitch of Emmerdale. She was much more than that, and it's a shame that all the other aspects of her is overlooked.

  3. Ice Dancing has always been my favourite discipline in figure skating.   

    This is one of my all-time favourite programs, Gwendal Peizerat and Marina Anissina dancing to The Man in the Iron Mask. It still gives me chills. So beautiful. :wub:


  4. To be honest I don't really care if he goes down with a bang, a whimper or a marching band. As long as he goes down. He's a menace, and as long as he's in the White House the whole world is in peril. It may sound dramatic, but he's so volatile and unpredictable it genuinely scares me.

  5. That sounds simply awful.

    I don't know why these shows have become so full of nastiness and mean-spirited people. Is it supposed to be hip or trendy or something? Self-centered individuals without morals are being treated as heroes while qualities like kindness, honesty and decency are sneered upon and characters who have those qualities are being treated as losers.

  6. Absolutely wonderful.   :wub:

    Just like early Emmerdale Farm it depicts real people and presents realistic situations. I don't know what Coronation Street is like nowadays, but I suspect it mirrors what Emmerdale has become. A show that has strayed far away from its roots and is now filled with sensationalism and over-the-top storylines. It's very sad.    :(

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