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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. ^^

    You're not alone in your thinking. I'm also really struggling with the show right now.

    My hatred for all things Dingle is hardly a secret here and right now I feel that they are monopolizing the show again. Joseph has, as expected, fallen victim to the Debbie Dingle curse. I feared that this would happen and now it has. A promising return completely ruined.   :angry:

    I'm sure this will mean that Debbie's involvement in the acid attack on Ross will remain hidden, just like Cain's brutish behaviour towards Simon, and it makes me sick.

    And Liv must surely rank as one of the most useless characters ever created for this show. Her only purpose is to give Aaron more screentime and angst, as if he needed that.


    I know that it was Gillian Kearney's decision to leave, but I so wish she could have stayed. Emma was such a fascinating character and her absence is more noticeable than even Ashley's.

    Speaking of that I'm not all impressed with this Laurel/Bob/Brenda story. I guess I should be glad that Laurel isn't backburnered, but couldn't they have come up with a better story for her than this?


    Victoria seems to have been reduced to sporadic appearances again after Adam's departure. Why is it so hard for this show to write for her, but they can give Debbie story after story after story.....


    I can't completely let this show go, but it's now more of a chore to keep up with it at the moment.

    Thank god for Youtube and old episodes......  

  2. And so the whitewashing of Debbie has begun....  :rolleyes:

    With Joseph now blackmailing her over her involvement in the acid attack on Ross everyone's anger will almost certainly be directed towards him when, or if, the truth comes out. All while Debbie (and Cain) will get off for what they've done.


    In other news:

    As expected Robert and Aaron have taken Sebastian away from Rebecca.....

    Yet another Dingle-brat is on it's way, and this time with Paddy as the father! O joy....  <_<


    Sometimes I just hate this show so much!   :angry:

  3. I don't know how accurate it is but when they discussed Tillerson's dismissal on radio here in Sweden someone said that 43% of the staff in Trump's administration has left/been replaced during these first 13 months of his time in office.  If it's true it's an astonishing number.

  4. 20 hours ago, Huntress said:


    Don't we say that about every year? :D


    Yes probably, but that doesn't make it untrue.   :P


    I do think that many of the songs would improve if they chose to sing in their own native language. When they sing in English you realize how cringeworthy many of the lyrics are and how uncomfortable many of the artists are with singing in English. I think it was a mistake to allow everyone to sing in the language of their choice. I know many, if not most, would disagree with that, but it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

  5. 7 minutes ago, MichaelGL said:

    In my off and on viewing, I will say that I like where they are taking Rebecca's character these days and that the car crash that took the lives of Lawrence and Chrissy is being shown to have a lasting impact. I just hate that I have this tiny feeling that the TPTB will use Rebecca's mental instability to make sure Robron will have Sebastian. 


    I've been thinking the exact same thing.

    It's been my gut feeling since the start of this story that Aaron will somehow be turned into a hero and "save" Sebastian when Rebecca does something. I'm hoping that I will be wrong though.

  6. So many incredibly bad songs!!

    I do think some of them would improve if the artists didn't sing in English, because then you wouldn't cringe at the horribly bad lyrics.


    For me there are two songs that stand out from the rest: Australia and Greece. In third place, but not quite in the same league I have France.

    If the remaining countries don't come up with something extraordinary then surely Australia must be the favourite to win. They have the best song by a mile, and the most professional singer.

  7. Who cares about the Oscars. The real winners were announced yesterday....   ^_^


    2018 Razzie Award Winners:


    Worst Picture: "The Emoji Movie"

    Worst Director: Tony Leondis - "The Emoji Movie"

    Worst Actress: Tyler Perry - "BOO! 2: A Madea Halloween"

    Worst Actor: Tom Cruise - "The Mummy"

    Worst Supporting Actress: Kim Basinger - "Fifty Shades Darker"

    Worst Supporting Actor: Mel Gibson - "Daddy's Home 2"

    Worst Screen Combo: Any Two Obnoxious Emojis - "The Emoji Movie"

    Worst Screenplay: "The Emoji Movie"

    Worst Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel: "Fifty Shades Darker"


  8. 19 minutes ago, Roman said:

    a TEACHER was arrested at a school 90 miles north of Atlanta, who had barricaded himself in a classroom and was armed. the classroom was empty, but the teacher tried to kill himself. 

    and WHO was that who thought it would be a good idea to arm teachers?



  9. Why is it that people are so extremely rude and hostile to each other when commenting on Youtube? And it doesn't even have to be a particularly controversial subject.

    Someone can make a list of favourite Broadway stars for instance, and sure enough comments start flying about why this person or that person has been left out or why person X is placed above person Y, and how f**king stupid the person who made the list is, how he/she is a c*nt or an a**hole or too ugly to live etc


    How can you write things like that to a perfect stranger simply because you disagree with their opinion on something? Can someone please enlighten me, because I have no idea.

    Why not simply move on and not watch the video? People seem to take it as a personal insult when someone disagrees with them, and their response is to be even more insulting and rude. It's baffling.



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