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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. On 2018-06-11 at 9:44 PM, mikelyons said:

    Nope. He can't. Everything in that synopsis stems from the character, their drives, hopes, ambitions, and that's what makes just that synopsis compelling. Imagine seeing it on your screen six times a week!! Thrilling!


    Back then the show wasn't on six times a week though, only twice! And I think that's part of the problem with the show now. There's too many episodes to fill, and too many characters to write for. They should cut back on both episodes and cast and then maybe we could get a tighter and better show.

    Unfortunately that would probably mean that we would be left with a show consisting only of Dingles.....   <_<

  2. 1 hour ago, Juliajms said:

    I hate the way he calls the Canadian Prime Minister "Justin".  I know it's a small thing, but it's clearly meant to diminish.  The trade situation is completely off the rails and we all have damn good reason to be terrified about these talks with North Korea. Who among us thinks Trump has enough knowledge to conduct negotiations with NK? 


    Not me, that's for sure. I would almost be surprised if he could point out North Korea on a map......

  3. 2 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I always thought the men’s tournaments from 2008-14 were fantastic because there was a real tussle between the Big 4, all of them pushing each other to be better on the various surfaces. But the women’s game from 2000-2010 was fabulous with Serena and Venus, Capriati, Mauresmo, Henin and Clijsters, Davenport, and a few others all vying for titles and creating classic matches. Much more interesting than seeing Steffi steamroll everyone, especially after Seles got stabbed.


    I quite liked seeing Steffi steamroll everyone.   :P

    She was never a bore like Nadal is, and she wasn't quite as dominant as Federer/Nadal have been over the past decade. She had competition from Sanchez Vicario, Seles, Pierce, Sabatini etc

    And for some reason women's tennis has always been more interesting than men's. Probably because the women don't hit as hard or serve as hard as the men so there's more play in women's matches.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Yes, it sucked that Nadal ruined things once again this year. I have become numb to him winning every year. I am wondering more and more now if the rumors about him from that French reporter are true.


    What rumour is that?

  5. 11 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Aside from the surprise Cecchinato run, the men’s tournament has been far less interesting than the women’s. I think that’s been the case since last year’s French. century.


    There! Fixed it!   :P


    So now Nadal is tied with Margaret Court for most singles titles in one of the four majors. Court won 11 titles in Australia.

  6. So it's Nadal vs Thiem for the Men's Title.

    I'm not holding out much hope, but it would be absolutely delightful if Thiem were to win and finally put an end to the endless row of victories for Nadal in Paris. It's becoming quite tedious.

  7. 5 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I like Dan a lot, and I like Kerry, but I think their stories have reached a natural conclusion (unless they keep Kerry around to take her grandson Kyle). I'd write the family out and bring back more Merricks.


    Very much yes to that!  :D

    5 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I have to admit by Cain standards I thought he was fairly reasonable - in years past he would have dangled him off a ledge.



    I really shouldn't be laughing, but it's a perfect description of why Cain's actions were those of a massive hypocrite. He would have done exactly what Ross did if he had been in his shoes.

  8. Emmerdale won two awards at the British Soap Awards last night:

    Best young actor: Isobel Steele (Liv Flaherty)

    Greatest moment: Hotten bypass crash (2016)


    I don't really understand the Greatest moment category. Surely it can't be greatest moment in soap history since all the nominated moments were post-2000. Maybe it was greatest soap moment of the 2000s. But even that seems wrong since there must be bigger moments than the ones nominated.....  :huh:

    ETA: Ok, so I just read that the category was for Greatest moment during the 20 years that the British Soap Awards have existed.....


    All the winners can be found here: http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2018-06-02/british-soap-awards-2018-winners-in-full/


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