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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. Wow, I cannot believe Trump actually had the nerve to say something like that in such a forumas the U.N. I know that his supporters inside the U.S believe everything he says, but surely he can't be so deluded to think that the rest of the world does that? I've never met or spoken to a single person here who has any respect at all for him or his presidency. He's a laughing-stock here, nothing more and nothing less.

  2. 52 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Let's assume for the moment that individuals have indeed threatened harm against Kavanaugh and his family.  Do you mean to tell me that Kavanaugh, the "carpool dad" who coaches his daughter's basketball team, would stay the course, even if it meant subjecting his wife and children to further threats and humiliation?


    Forgive me if I'm not feeling much sympathy for him, when his accusers (and so many other women over the years) have been subjected to all this and worse without actually being guilty of anything.

    Yes, I can feel sympathy for his wife and children, but for him?  No way!

  3. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Yet, for ages, people have touted him as this sensitive, enlightened type.  A "thinking women's sex symbol," if you will.


    Your job, Mr. Redford, WAS to do something about it.  Not just as a celebrity with enormous clout and box office symbol, but as a basic, decent human being.  It doesn't matter if it didn't "hit close to home," you still should have done something about it (besides "create an alternative," whatever the hell that means).  


    But you were obviously more concerned with your own damn career than you were with protecting women who were being debased by men you were working with, and for.


    IOW, Mr. Redford, you were complicit; and so, too, was every other man and woman in H'wood who KNEW what was happening, yet merely looked away.


    RR doesn't get a pass from me, and he hasn't gotten a pass from me ever since I read about the BTS shenanigans on "The Way We Were" that proved he was just as much the preening diva as Streisand.  He's trash, and I hope his retirement after this latest film will be permanent.


    Bravo seems insufficient, but I'll say it anyway. BRAVO!! 

    And on a sidenote, who's been labeled difficult and an egomaniac --- Streisand, not Redford.......because she's a woman and he's a man.   <_<

  4. 5 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I think Obadiah is probably only going to make a few appearances. I have to admit I'm interested to see Charity's father, as we never have in all these years. I can see why others would not, don't get me wrong. 


    Marlon is supposed to be one of the "good" Dingles (whether he is or not is in the eye of the beholder), so she is probably more wary. 


    One can only hope! But the way this show operates I'm going to remain wary.

  5. A rather low-key exit for Lachlan.....


    And the new addition to the cast is instead a...wait for it...... Dingle! What else?   :rolleyes:

    Charity's father Obadiah is next in line of the Dingle hoard to grace our tv-screens.....  Isn't it exciting?!   :ph34r:


    And another thing. I wonder why Jessie was so reluctant to tell Marlon she had a son in prison? He's a Dingle for heaven's sake. That little tidbit of information would only make him more interested. There's no better way to a Dingle's heart than through criminal activities.

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