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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. ^^

    You're absolutely right. The Sugdens will never again be featured prominently on this show. It's sad but it's a fact that we all have to face.

    It shouldn't be hard at all to come up with stories for Victoria and/or Robert. Both of them have been through enough turmoil over the years to provide stories for years. But for some inexplicable reason no writer or producer seem to be interested in giving them that kind of attention. Especially Victoria has been sidelined for years and years, when she should be a centerpiece on the show.


    On to the current show: I know I shouldn't have been, but I was still surprised over Cain's behaviour towards Ross. He's pure and utter filth, just like his demon seed Debbie. They're both loathsome creatures and the mere sight of them is making me sick. I now wish that Joe had never come back instead of this. I feared it would end this way with him another victim of the Debbie Dingle curse.

    If the little psycho Lachlan could bump off Cain and/or Debbie before his inevitable downfall then I would forgive him everything!

  2. 13 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    The stuff with George Soros and Chelsea Clinton was bizarre too.  :blink: It's amazing to me the way the right has managed to brainwash so many people into believing these outlandish stories.


    I think it's frightening.

    It's a perfect demonstration of how the nazis were able to fool so many for so long before WWII.

  3. I'm pleasantly surprised that ABC was so quick with their response.

    After everything that's happened since Trump moved into the White House and the direction society in general seems to have taken I have to admit I wasn't completely sure they would actually cancel her show. For once sanity and decency got the upper hand.


  4. 15 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    To me Isobel Steele is a very strong actor so if we're going to get rid of actors based on talent I wouldn't write her out. I also think Danny Miller is a good actor - Aaron just has no purpose as a character and hasn't since Kate Oates destroyed him.


    I don't really feel like the Dingles have as heavy a presence at the moment as they have in past years. There are still tons of them around, but most of them are in supporting roles. Even the bigger Dingles are mostly in supporting roles while Lachlan's story wraps up. You have the Debbie mess, and Charity's story (which for me is the best on the show), and Liv's story, and Chas and her baby, but the last two are mostly B-plots. There are, which is rare by Emmerdale standards of the last 5-10 years, multiple stories that don't involve the Dingles at all (Brenda/Bob/Laurel, the Spencers, Megan/Graham), although those stories aren't exactly great shakes.


    Whether Isobel Steele is a strong actor doesn't really matter to me. What does matter however is that Liv, a very recent character, gets story after story while legacy character Victoria Sugden languishes in the background. Same with Belle, she gets story after story after story. But at least she's more of a core character than Liv.

    Liv's alcoholism story for instance could easily have been given to Victoria. After everything she's been through in her life it wouldn't have been at all unthinkable for her to turn to alcohol after she suffered yet another blow when Adam left the village. But no, let's give another story to Liv instead. I have no proof of course that her being related to a Dingle is the reason for that, but that's my belief.


    And the Dingle's may not be as dominating as they have been, but they still get the major storylines on the show. If not all then at least the vast majority of the big stories on the show the last decade or so have involved a Dingle, usually Cain, Charity, Debbie or Aaron.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:



    No doubt, her supporters/defenders will argue that she has apologized and that the rest of us should just "move on."


    Unfortunately, it seems as if no one believes anymore in the concept that "saying you're sorry doesn't always make everything all better" and that there have to be consequences (no matter how severe) for one's words and actions.


    I'm not even sure I believe her apology. After all, this isn't the first time she has said something like this. An apology ceases to work eventually if you keep repeating the same "mistakes".

    If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's a duck.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Frankly, I would take the risk, too.  Just shut down the revival, eat the costs, and move on.  Otherwise, how is it going to look to have someone on your network who compared an AA woman to an ape?  Viewers just might try to boycott.


    The sad thing is that there are probably a lot of people for whom this might be an incentive to start watching.....  <_<

  7. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Debbie now that she's been shot? Because I don't.   <_<

    It's just a pathetic attempt to make us pity her before she owned up to her part in the acid attack on Ross. I can't say that I'm surprised though.

    I wonder what sorry stunt they will use to make Cain look better before his involvement is revealed.

    And will Ross find out that Moira knew the truth and failed to tell him.....

  8. 2 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    But I think they can find a good balance. I really don't think the show is very political at all. I like it broaching real topics and making us laugh about them and talk about them. We're so worried about offending each other that we don't talk about things we should be talking about. (Just in general, not saying here, of course, lol, but everyone is so quick to be offended or take something the wrong way, etc.)


    That is so true!

    It feels like this has escalated over the years. I don't think it used to be this way, but nowadays people get offended too easily.

  9. The show is definitely going through a rough patch right now. I'm just glad that Ross has seemingly not given up looking for the person who threw acid at him. That gives me hope that Debbie's (and Cain's) involvement will come out eventually.

    The whole Spencer family drama feels like a waste of time. I don't really care about anyone of them. I really liked Mark Jordon on "Heartbeat" but here he's a waste of space.

    Laurel and Bob.... the less said about that pairing the better.


    I have to admit though that they managed to surprise me with Lachlan and Gerry. I did not see that coming. So I guess that Lachlan is the new Cameron and Belle is going to be his Debbie....

  10. Not a particularly surprising outcome. Israel has been among the favourites all along. It's not a personal favourite, but neither was it among the worst songs last night.

    I don't usually watch the voting anymore (it's too boring) but last night I caught the end. Is it usual nowadays that there is such a discrepancy between the jury votes and the public votes? So many songs at the top of the scoreboard after the jury votes received very little points from the public and vice versa. I found it astonishing for instance that Australia only got 9 points from the public vote. I thought Jessica did a much better job in the final than in the semi-final and the song was worth much more than that. I don't know how true it is but I have read that there is some discontent that Australia is allowed to compete since it's not a European country, and judging by what happened last night I'm more inclined to believe that than I was before. It's a bit ironic though, since the public gave Israel the highest score and they're not in Europe either.


    Of course the big talking point was the idiot who jumped up on stage during SuRie's performance for the UK and grabbed her microphone. How about some security? He could have had more sinister intentions than simply interrupting a performance.


  11. I still think that Australia has the best song this year. But Jessica Mauboy sounded quite nervous though, and she has to step up in the final.

    The second semi-final was clearly weaker than the first and I had trouble choosing 10 songs that I felt deserved to progress to the final.

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