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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. More than even Dallas or Dynasty, the mini-series based on books by the likes of Jackie Collins or Sidney Sheldon, have, for me at least, become the symbol of the 1980s. And one of the most iconic of these shows is Lace. ("Incidentally, which one of you bitches is my mother?")

    And Lace's theme song is one of the best.


  2. 4 minutes ago, hsfolk said:

    the Jewish people were in Israel long before the Arabs took over


    That argument is completely ridiculous!

    No-one uses that when talking about other countries in the world, so why is that always used when talking about Israel?

  3. 6 minutes ago, hsfolk said:

    how do you figure that Tel Aviv is the capital then?


    I don't think you can compare Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The latter was founded by Jews early in the 20th century, whereas the former has a long complicated history and is an important place for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, hsfolk said:

    but Jerusalem is Israel's rightful capital


    According to who?

    Last time I checked Jerusalem's status is a major issue between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel has occupied the eastern part of the city since 1967 and the Six-Day-War.

  5. I remember when Frank Tate tried to evict the Dingles back in 1995. It was one of the few times I wholeheartedly supported something he did.  :P

    Too bad that most of the villagers supported the Dingles....  <_<

    But I think that many did it more to oppose Frank than to support the Dingles. Stupid, stupid people! They could have opposed Frank some other way, after the Dingles had been thrown out!

  6. Are we supposed to feel sorry for the Dingles over the possibility that they might be homeless? Because I'm not! I'm absolutely ecstatic!   :P

    I realize of course that they will probably find a way to keep their home (<_<), but in the meanwhile I will take great delight in the knowledge that they suffer.

  7. 17 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Apparently his middle name is Jack but the scene mentioning that was deleted. I have a feeling he won't be Robert's in the end.


    17 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I hope this pans out to be true and Rebecca takes her baby and leaves the village along with the rest of the Whites. 


    No, I want the baby to be Robert's! We need more Sugdens, and the baby will help keep Robert and Aaron apart! 

  8. If this project get off the ground I hope they fix a few things that bothered me about the movies. New Zealand is a beautiful place, but some of the locations were wrong in my opinion. Especially Rohan. It was much too rocky and harsh. It's supposed to be a giant grassy plain, stretching from horizon to horizon, without a hill in sight.

    And the landscape surrounding Minas Tirith was also wrong. It's supposed to be dotted with farms and fields, and the distance to Mordor should be greater. You're only supposed to see a hint of the Mountains of Shadow surrounding Mordor from the citadel.


    I'm obviously being nit-picky here, but unless they improve on the movies, and that will be tough, then what's the point of re-making it?

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