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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. The Barton family has definitely claimed the runner-up spot for most tragedy-struck family, behind the Sugdens. The show has now killed of John, Holly, James and Finn, and most probably Emma as well.

    And yet the Dingles live on and prosper.....  <_<


    23 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Shadrach died 7 years ago.


    Yes, I know that. He just slipped in by accident.  (Like he did in the river....  :P)

  2. 17 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:




    But I've told you before that I like Cain, Sam, Lisa, and at times Chas Dingle. The rest are the ones that unnerve me. I can deal with Marlon too when he's comical. 


    To be completely fair there have been times when I have tolerated some of the Dingles. I even liked Chas once upon a time and she's still the only Dingle I would let stay. I could stand Marlon when he was a friend to Kathy and when he was involved with Tricia, and I could tolerate Lisa early on, before she became too Dingle-fied. Butch and Tina I mostly disliked, even loathed on occasion, but they had tolerable moments.

    Zak, Nellie, Sam, Cain, Charity, Debbie, Belle, Del, Shadrach, Aaron, Faith and the rest however could drop dead this instant and all I would feel is jubilation.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    OMG. @DRW50 I can't believe our poor Finn is dead. :(


    I seem to recall that he predicted it a while back, and it turned out to be true. Just like his prediction that Moira would get pregnant, leading to a who's the daddy storyline.

    But frankly I don't think it's a who's the daddy storyline at all. I would be completely shocked if Cain isn't revealed as the baby's father. After all, he's a Dingle, and there can never be enough Dingles, right?   <_<

  4. I'm stunned! How can he be so completely clueless?   :blink:


    On another note, right at this very moment there's complete chaos in Gothenburg here in Sweden. The nazi march taking place today has, as expected, deteriorated into violence. Police reinforcements have been called in from all over the country, and the Norwegian border police have been alerted as well. The nazis number around 500, but according to sources more than 10000 people have gathered to protest against them.


  5. 17 hours ago, ReddFoxx said:

    I'm honestly surprised that anyone besides Jaleel White would want a revival. The show completely marginalized the rest of the cast and became a total circus in the last few seasons with Urkel and all of his double roles.



    Wasn't the almost complete focus on Urkel also at least one reason why JoMarie Payton left the show before the end?

  6. It was almost a waste of time if they were building up Tina since she left the show the following year and hasn't returned. (Not that I'm complaining!   :P)


    It's really a bit odd to see Butch in these early appearances and compare that to how he was just before his death. It's like he's a different character altogether. He was a really nasty character in the beginning and almost portrayed as a cuddly teddy-bear at the end. Not that it made any real difference to me. I didn't mourn his death at all. One less Dingle = happy me!

  7. ^^

    I think it's more than disturbing. It's horrifying. World War II isn't that far away, there are still people around who lived through it, and still this is happening.

    Here in Sweden the nazis have, inexplicably, been granted permission to have a demonstration in Gothenburg. They will march right past a synagogue, and all this will take place on Yom Kippur! I mean, seriously?!  The person who authorized this should be ashamed of himself/herself.

  8. I'm almost past the point of not caring anymore what happens to this show. It's sad, because I have such an emotional bond to it. It was the first "grown-up" show I ever watched back in the late 70s when I was very young. My mother watched it, and I got to stay up to watch it with her before going to bed.

  9. 14 hours ago, TimWil said:

    Gawd, that second episode tonight was ENDLESS. Should we really give a f**k about Daz? He's just Paddy with hair. 




    It's such a waste of Mark Jordon. I liked him as Phil Bellamy on "Heartbeat", and I don't want to begrudge him employment, but his character here is so useless.

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