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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 4 hours ago, ChitHappens said:

     Super happy for Petra and I just love that she knocked out Mugu!  Petra is possibly the best lefty I've ever seen.  Her power, serve and shot selection are a sight! 



    What about Martina Navratilova?

  2. I can't believe I didn't think of Alan!   :ph34r:


    I am happy that Eric has a story again. I didn't think that would happen after Val's death, but did it really have to involve a Dingle? (Silly question I know. Practically everything on this show has to involve a Dingle..... <_<)


    I wonder how long Sandy and Pearl will be kept on. Pearl especially has been increasingly isolated after Betty's and Edna's departures. I'm sure there are some distant Dingle relatives standing in the wings, ready to join the rest of the pack.   :angry:

  3. For me the show feels hollow and empty. There are no real friendships and there's no sense of community anymore. It's just a bunch of, mostly immoral and selfish, people interacting. I do miss Ashley, but there are other characters who left in recent years that also left a void which seems hard to fill: Betty, Val and Edna.

    I miss Val more than I thought I would.

  4. Oh, dear God no to the above conversation. I don't even want to think that they would go there. That would be too awful. It's clear that the show is going through a rough patch right now. But then again, when I really think about it it hasn't been good for a very long time. The Ashley story was the exception, and because it was so good and especially John and Charlotte gave such phenomenal performances I at least tended to overlook the multiple flaws that the show had. But with that story over, and with Gillian Kearney leaving, the sad state of the rest of the show has become glaringly obvious.

  5. 17 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    With the Whites leaving, can we please get a family at Home Farm that this as wealthy, fabulous, & scandalous as the Wyldes, Kings, or Tates? 


    16 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    A part of me still thinks they should get rid of Home Farm, although obviously they won't. 


    15 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Why do you want Home Farm gone?


    Frankly I don't think anyone can live up to Tates, but the problem is they will keep trying. It has become almost like an obsession on this show, just like the plane crash has become this iconic incident which they try to replicate on a regular basis. For that reason I wouldn't be completely heartbroken if they, at the very least, rested Home Farm for a while. I don't think I would want them to get rid of it completely, since it is, together with the Woolpack, the only place left from the beginning.

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